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Author Topic: Letters from Taur'en  (Read 689 times)


Letters from Taur'en
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:10:57 am »
Sir Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O Temple of Rofirein
Fort Vehl, Co'rys Kingdom

Dear Sir,

I've arrived in Taur'en, and my caravan has reached Bydell Castle.  My orders here are fairly vague for now, as they have no real presence of our faith in any official capacity here.  Yesterday, there was a rather large crowd of people and a few military leaders.  They are sending a caravan from Bydell Castle to Hazen, and then on to Fort Angle.  Their military is stretched due to the border conflict with Sagewald, so they have taken to hire mercenaries to transport their goods.  I don't like the idea of hiring unknown people with unknown loyalties, but they seem to see me as just another mercenary as well.  Obviously, I am not, but they don't seem to know the difference.  I've refused pay for the mission just the same.  I will accept food and shelter, but I wasn't sent here to be a mercenary.  

Some of the people here I recognize, for good or ill.  The Toranite Commander Lance Stargazer is here, for one.  I don't know what his mission here is, but his reputation far precedes him.  He seems to be traveling with his wife, so perhaps they were on some sort of vacation and got pulled aside for a mission.  There is also an Ilsarian who owns an inn in Mariner's Hold in Sagewald.  One thing of concern is the criminal who was banished from Fort Vehl for murder and vigilantism, Tyra Dragonheart.  She seems to be taking on some sort of leadership role here, which makes me a bit nervous.  There are scatterings of humans, elves, and dwarves of seemingly all faiths or no faith at all.  I have an uneasy feeling about a couple of them whom Rofirein has let me know his feelings about their gods and that they are enemies.  I do feel that I should be here, not just because of my assignment and mission, but because I do hope that I can do some good here.

We leave for Hazen in the morning.  I pray that you are well.  I don't know where to instruct you to send word just yet.  Perhaps here at Bydell Castle, and hopefully I will be able to receive the letters somehow this way.  I will let you know as soon as I am able.

Yours in the Dragon,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2012, 10:27:55 pm »
Sir Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O Temple of Rofirein
Fort Vehl, Co'rys Kingdom

Dear Sir,

After what seems like an eternity of travel, I can say that we have reached Fort Angle.  I wish I could tell you that we were able to arrive without incident, but I would be lying if I were to tell you that.  Out of the original forty wagons of supplies that we were bringing with us, we only managed to securely deliver seven.  Some of the mercenaries that were hired that I mentioned in my previous letter turned out to be working for a group of bandits that have been running amok in the area.  The region is completely uncivilized and lawlessness runs rampant.  We were attacked twice, and not without casualty.  After the first attack, some of the group chased after the bandits to try to regain some of the wagons, but unfortunately it merely left us more vulnerable to the next attack.  I will spare you the details of that.  And please don't tell my mother about this if you see her, I don't want her to worry.

I think I know what my task will end up being here, and why Rofirein has sent me.  I'm going to try to gain an audience with Commander Moreau here at the fort and request his permission to ask the church for a frontier law enforcement patrol to secure the trade routes.  We know what we're doing, and they seem to simply be overwhelmed.  So far, he has seemed to be busy, and they are telling me I need to speak through the ranks of their other mercenary force that they use as their own private army it seems.  I don't like dealing with mercenaries.  I never feel like I know where their loyalties lie.  I have been informed that is the only way that I will be able to speak with the Commander, however, so I will follow protocol.  I suppose at least it is a structure, even if mercenary.  It's better than it was out on the frontier.

I hope you are well.  I look forward to hearing from you.  It seems that if you send the letter to Bydell Castle, hopefully it will not be something that the bandits feel they need to prey upon, and the letter will make its way here to me at Fort Angle if you direct them.  I do hope that we may be able to resolve the rampant banditry problem soon, though I expect it will take more of a long-term solution like our own patrols to make it safe.  I have heard rumors spreading amongst the group of adventuring types that took on the mission that they plan on seeking out these bandits to bring them to justice.  I'm not entirely certain that all of these types know what justice is, but I am trying to remain optimistic as much as I can.

I still worry about the criminal that seems to hold much sway here, Miss Dragonheart, as she has apparently taken offense to my distrust of mercenaries and, well, I suppose I don't need to worry you about that.  It will be well.  Oh!  I almost forgot to tell you, forgive me, but Sir Naldin is here with me as well.  I hope that sets your mind at ease somewhat.  He is from these lands originally, from the hills here.  It is good to have someone with me that I know.

I think of you often.

Yours in the Dragon,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 04:31:03 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Protector Samantha,

I have just arrived in Dragonsong having left Mistone from Port Hempstead. Thankfully a friend of mine at the Temple in Fort Vehl sent the letters you wrote onto the Cathedral in Westerngate for me to collect. Apparently they arrived several days ahead of me. My first day back here has been a very long day and presently I am finishing it in a small cell in the Cathedral by the light of a candle before I turn in for the night. The cells here are much larger than the ones in the Fort Vehl I can tell you. I have room to swing a cat! My apologies, its been a long day and I am quite tired, that was my attempt at humour. Your cat is actually here with me, she travelled well, catching a number of mice and even a rat aboard the ship I came on, much to the delight of the ships master. I think by the end of the voyage he was ready to adopt her.

I have delivered High Justicier Reus's missives he gave me and have booked a time to meet with several former mentors and friends in the cathedral itself. I am also planning to attend a mass being said by the Golden Voice himself later this week in honour of the victims of the war in Kuhl.

I am suprised to hear about the difficulties facing the Taur'en Kingdom, I am glad to hear that Sir Naldin is with you. If I get the chance I might try to meet the Divisional Commander here in Westergate and see if more resources can be sent to Taur'en to aid you. Otherwise I am planning to call upon your mother for you in a couple of days. My plans beyond that are to head out to Tyr-Song to see my own parents sometime next week.

I will write again at this weeks end before I leave for Tyr-Song.

May the Dragons wisdom flow through you and grant you clear sight and vision in your duty.


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 03:54:15 pm »
Sir Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

I know that I am likely writing too many letters before you've even received my own, but I feel like you are one of the few people I can speak to of the events that are unfolding here.  I hope that I am doing right in sending this letter to the Citadel for you rather than to Fort Vehl.  I know you had intended to travel there.

I was able to speak with the commander of the Legion of the Everlasting Guard and we are currently headed back to Bydell Castle again.  I have a message from Commander Moreau to deliver to King Thomas Bydell regarding my request to send for troops from Rofirein to man the trade routes and set up military checkpoints with our forces to keep things regulated.  The King would have to agree to this before I can send the request so that they don't think they are being invaded.  We've had another couple hiccups, which seems to be because we are transporting the king's taxes.  We are guarding them as well as we can, and so far they are intact.

I feel more confident regarding the mercenary force of the Legion of the Everlasting Guard.  They seem to above all hold to the principles very similar to our own, and they are very well trained and honorable men from all that I have witnessed.  Dan Partello, our unit leader for this mission, runs his men with utmost efficiency and structure, and I have full faith that he will be able to see us all safely to Bydell Castle.  I've decided to stay with the Guard rather than with the mercenary adventurer force, even in spite of Commander Lance Stargazer leading them as well, simply because so many of them are unpredictable.  My mission is to deliver this message to King Thomas, and I do not need to interfere with their mission that they have seen fit to choose of hunting down the bandits.  If my mission succeeds with King Thomas, then I will be able to help that in my own way.

Please give Josephine a good scratching for me.  I miss her softness.

Yours in the Dragon,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 11:04:27 pm »
*Months go by with no word*


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2012, 06:27:20 pm »
Protector Samantha Merritt
 c/o Bydell Castle
 Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor
Protector Samantha,

My apologies for not having written sooner, I have only just returned from providing escort duty for several Protectors being transfered to Yalian. It was fairly mundane work as Dragonsong is fairly safe these days to move about in, a few bandit groups and demi humans cause difficulty now and then but lawfullness is the tendency as you well know. I was one of ten knights chosen to escort the Protectors, we were under the command of a Knight Captain Millison who as it turns out fought in the war in Hilm defending HIlm Castle with a unit of Rofireinite heavy Cavalry. She helped pass the time on the trip by telling us about the battles. All of the Knights were fairly young and we learnt quite a bit from her so while what we were doing was fairly mundane it turned out to be quite beneficial in that regard.

I am now back in Westerngate writing you once again from my room at the Cathedral. Apparently my rank now provides me access to a room of 4 instead of the general barracks. I am housed now with two Guardians from the temple and a Principium Warden visiting from Belinara. They seem fairly affable although we rarely have time to talk since all of us have had long days of duty. The Cathedral is a constantly busy, newcomers must be totally overwhelmed by the sheer size and presence the place has in the city.

I must apologise that I have not as yet been able to get to see your mother but I have a day of duty release coming up which I am planning to use for this very purpose. I have been rehearsing in my mind just what I am going to say to her. I hope I don't mess it up.

Of Josephine, she has become quite the mascot for the people here, I left her in the care of an old Paladin when I went to Yalian and I had feared when I returned that he wanted to adopt her for his own. She generally comes now when called by name and constantly keeps escaping my chambers. She returns each evening however and I've been told by one of the Acolytes that she regularly turns up in the gardens outside the temple where acolytes often gather and spends the day being patted by one person then another. What a life!

It's sounds like things are working out so far for you in Taur'en, I dont have to tell you to be careful but i do so anyway.

May the Dragons wisdom flow through you and grant you clear sight and vision in your duty.


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2012, 11:38:06 pm »
Sir Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

I have arrived once again at Bydell Castle, and I have now received your letters.  I apologize that so much time has gone between my last letter.  Things have been, well, not perfect.  We've had some difficulties on the road that seem to have only increased.  We were tasked with escorting a collection of taxes to the Castle, and we were attacked by bandits on the road.  I am sad to say that we lost many a good man in the fighting that could not even be brought back with divine influence and aid.  I do not want to worry you, so I will not tell you too many details of what transpired unless you absolutely feel it is necessary for me to do so.  I am doing my best to be careful and also to do my duty.  I was relieved to find that in spite of all that had transpired, the letter which I am to deliver here for the King was still intact and I am writing to you now as I sit and wait for word as to whom I am to deliver this letter so that it reach the intended recipient.  

I hope that King Thomas is receptive to the idea of bringing in some of the Knights of the Wyrm to start the patrols and regulations of the roads here and that Taur'en may soon see a beginning of the end of the lawless chaos that reigns here.

I do enjoy hearing about your travels and I am very proud of you and your rank.  I'm sure that it is only the beginning of a truly prestigious career.  I envy you of your room with only the three others, though, I admit as I have been sharing the road in makeshift campsites with soldiers for weeks now.  Simply being inside this castle makes me feel more at ease.  A roof over my head and solid floors under my feet.  Not to mention a place to sit other than a stone, a broken and crudely repaired wagon, or a patch of grass.  I do not intend to sound as if I'm complaining of course, but I do thank the Gold for civilization at last.

I know that by now you have likely spoken with my mother, and I do hope that even though my letter is far delayed due to travel, that you have expressed to her my love and that I miss her dearly.  I have faith in you that things went perfectly well with her and that you have nothing to fear.  Nonetheless, I do hope you'll let me know what happened.

I'm thrilled that Josephine is making a good impression on those there.  Perhaps if in her escapes from your quarters she ends up with kittens you will dole out the litter rather than bringing them home with you.  Hopefully, in spite of her being so well cared for, she is not creating a disturbance or distraction.  I never wanted her to be a nuisance to you or the temple, but I am glad to hear that she is so content.

I look forward to your letters.  Please write soon and I will endeavor to do the same.

Yours in the Gold,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2012, 10:21:24 am »
Sir Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

It seems that my work here in Taur'en is only beginning.  I have delivered the letter to the King, and he says that he has considered my proposal, but has not made a full decision on the matter at this time.  He is not against my requesting for more troops to come in and aid the country in the patrols of their trade routes within the kingdom, and yet, he is not fully convinced enough at this time to make a formal request himself.

We were invited to a ceremony where he bestowed a special coin to each of us, signifying that we have favor with the Kingdom.  He has requested something further of those of us present, but I am sworn to not mention the details of that mission.  Otherwise, I hope you know I would gladly share with you what I will be doing.  Perhaps some day after the mission is completed I may share it with you, provided the king releases us from our oath of secrecy.

I was also awarded with a Commander's Clasp of the Legion of the Everlasting Guard for my actions on the battlefield when we were under attack.  It makes me an honorary commander of the mercenary force, and gives me the ability to command troops.  To say that I am honored is without question, but I'm not entirely sure of my own ability to command troops.  Normally I leave that sort of thing up to, well, you.  Unfortunately, the Section Commander Dan Partello, has decided that he likes to call me "Sam."  I only hope that I can convince him to please not do so.  I truly do not understand why everyone feels the need to call me by a man's name.  Perhaps it's just that I've spent too much time on the battlefield as of late.  I believe that we will be remaining at Bydell Castle for the time being until we are ready to deploy on our next mission.  I will let you know if things change as far as where to send letters, but for now, I believe that Bydell Castle remains the best place for both assurances as well as security reasons.

I hope all is still well with you and Josephine back home.  I know that your duties there are not supposed to be as dangerous, but I still worry.

May Rofirein give you strength, courage, and wisdom.

Yours in the Gold,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2012, 09:48:37 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Protector Samantha,

It is comforting to hear from you and know that your wisdom and reflection of Rofireins divine will is being recognised by those around you. I never had any doubt that this would be the case. You ceaseless dedication does you proud.

I met with your mother the other day and she promised to write to you the moment I left the house so I imagine by now you already know what we discussed and what her response was. I must admit I was more nervous than when I went into my first duty as a raw army recruit in Try Song. You mother wasnt too hard on me I dont think in hindsight. Its good to know its finally out in the open. I look forward to seeing you again in person, I know both I amd Josephine miss you although I suspect the latter has become fairly content with the distractions around the Cathedral.

Written a week later on the same letter:
I am sorry I didnt get to send the letter sooner. I was granted some leave and went to visit my parents so I finished the letter there.

I have finally travelled to see my parents. They were both very excited to see me again, mother even invited half the neighbourhood to dinner to meet her son. It was a bit overwhelming I must say but on the other hand I am fortunate to have such loving parents. I told them of your mothers response to my request and mother cried. She wanted to go straight to Westerngate and speak with your mother, it was very embarrasing. Father wants to meet you as soon as possible too. He wanted to know all about your family, your father, your brothers, everything. No doubt he will want to ask you these things directly, he is very understanding usually about these things and I have no doubt he will care for you as I do once he meets you.

No doubt within a few days of my return to Westerngate half of Try Song will be waiting on your arrival if my mother has anything to do with it.

Be safe in the Dragons gaze,

May the Dragons wisdom flow through you and grant you clear sight and vision in your duty.


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2012, 11:57:01 am »
Samantha Merritt
C/O Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom

My dearest daughter,

I received your Sir Maxamillian De'Lourney here yesterday.  I have given him my blessing to court you with the intent of marriage.  I am very pleased with your choice, Samantha.  He is a fine upstanding man with the honor and traditions of our homeland as well as the Lord Protector, and I can hardly wait until you are finally married.  I can scarcely say that I could not have chosen a better man for you myself.  I know that I had met him previously, but I am pleased with the way that this has progressed between the two of you.  Please do not stay away from him so long that he changes his mind, Samantha.  I know that you have your duties, but a man needs his woman near him as well.  Find a way to make things work, if not for your own sake, for mine.  I want to know that you are taken care of before I die.

I am hoping to meet with his family soon as well, as I am sure that once he has informed them of my consent I will need to get with his mother to start with wedding preparations.  These things take time, and we should get started now so that when he does finally propose we will be ready.  Oh, I am simply beside myself!  Please be safe where you are, and please do not wait too long.  I miss you, my dear child.  I don't know what I will do once you are finally married except spend the rest of my days spoiling my grandchildren!

All my love and pride,



Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2012, 11:13:15 pm »
Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

I am having difficulty writing this letter.  I have received your letter as well as the letter from my mother, and I admit I am without words.  There is nothing that I can pen to you that would express how happy I am at hearing the news.  My mother is indeed hoping to meet with your mother, and she states that she does not think she could find someone better than you if she had chosen herself.  To be honest, though, as I have mentioned before, my mother liked you from the moment she met you.  I knew that you would do fine when you met with her.

I've been spending a good deal of time here among the vast amount of knowledge that the Aragenites have compiled.  I had to take a few days when I developed a sneezing fit from some of the more dusty sections of the books, but I am quite better now and will redouble my studies.  I think the more I can learn about these lands, the better.  I do admit I am more comfortable here in the castle grounds than I was while we were out on the frontier and I am not looking forward to future travel through the area, but I do know my duties.  There is simply something to be said for the order of civilization.  Not to mention not being rained on at night or having to wake up in the middle of the night to take a turn at the watch.  I pray each night that I might know what it is that Rofirein has in mind for me.  I know what I am working on here, but I don't know if this is what I am meant for, or if this is simply a starting point.  Perhaps I will learn as I go.  That seems to be the way of life anyways, I suppose.  I must finish this letter to you now, as I have just been notified that dinner is soon to be served in the grand hall, and I am expected to attend.  

I think of you often.  I miss the sound of your voice.

Perhaps if the church sends Knights to aid Taur'en they will see fit to send you as well.

Yours in the Gold,

*Enclosed is a lock of light blond hair tied with a thin golden ribbon.*



Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2012, 11:38:55 pm »
Knight Captain Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

Things have been a lot less hectic these days while we have stayed and rested within the walls and safety of Bydell Castle.  I do believe I have made a friend in Commander Dan Partello as well as a few of the other soldiers of the Legion of the Everlasting Guard, which I mentioned before.  Commander Partello reminds me a bit of you in some ways.  He is very military minded, and it is nice to not have to spend my meals always alone.  Sir Naldin is still here, but he is so quiet sometimes, and in his own thoughts and affairs, I admit I have missed having someone to talk to.  The other adventurers that have signed on this mercenary venture are still about the castle as well, but I find that on the whole we don't have a lot to speak of.  

The library here is amazing.  There is something that is so peaceful about sitting in a room of such antiquities and knowledge.  The smell of the parchments and the leather of the bound books, and just the rarity of such a collection in and of itself is purely miraculous.  I've heard stories of the Elven library of Voltrex but I have yet to see it.  I wonder at times if they will open their borders once more that I may be able to see it before I die.  If not, then I will surely still be content I know, but it would be something amazing.  I never was able to venture to the Elven Isle before they closed their borders again, but I can picture it from the stories that I've heard.

Taur'en doesn't seem nearly so wild here at the castle.  It's really not a bad place in truth here in this country.  I hope I don't sound like I complain too much when I am out on the road.  I do know what I am here to do is important.  The utmost importance, really.  I sometimes wonder, if things were to settle down here, and these border skirmishes were to resolve, and the banditry problem could be fixed and perhaps some more civilized towns were constructed, if this would be somewhere that I might consider living some day.  If there was a need, of course.  I do miss the seaside, though, and the sounds of the gulls that I could hear in Westerngate.  I miss the smell of the ocean breezes that used to waft in through my windows at night when all was quiet and the light of the moons would create soft shadows on the far wall.  Even in the hottest summers, I remember those breezes bringing a feeling of peace and tranquility.  Here there is no ocean on the horizon.  There is still a breeze at times, but the smell is different.  I would like to tell you that when we were traveling I could smell the sweet grasses on the breezes at night.  I could, yes, but all that remains in my memory right now is the scent of burning and blood and the loss of so many of our soldiers.  They were good men.

There has been some recent developments that lead me to believe that I will be very soon venturing out on the road once more.  Please believe me when I say that I wish I could tell you where I am going, but I cannot.  Please continue to send your letters here and I'll be able to collect them when I return.  Please pray for us.

I will continue to think of you often.

I remain, ever yours,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2012, 09:46:08 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Dear Samantha,
I must admit this letter is being written somewhat hastily. Some recent events here have drawn me into the midst of them and I am not yet sure what they will lead to. In a very short time I must leave my room here and journey into the city to the Mayor's office at his request. You are no doubt wondering what is happening and I can only say its been quite unexpected.

You might remember that my father asked me to deliver a letter to a friend of his working in the mayors office here. Upon my visit I discovered that this friend of my fathers was one of the Mayor's chief staffers in charge of amongst other things security for the Mayor and his family.

We chatted for a while after I had given him the letter. As it was late in the day many of the staff had gone home by the time the Mayor realised he was going to be caught up with business late into the evening.

My fathers friend was caught short at this time requiring guards to escort the Mayors wife and daughter back home and asked me to join with the two other guards to see that they got home safely. Of course I said yes knowing also that Westerngate has a low crime record.

The mayors wife however proved to be a bit difficult upon leaving the offices demanding that we walk home instead of taking the carriage. By this stage darkness had fallen but once again I was not particularly concerned, nor were the guards that worked for the Mayors office and often did this.

Alas, on the way home there was an incident where a random and rare attack came from a small group of brazen bandits. One of the guards suffered several broken ribs and the other a serious blow to the head before we mananged to run them off. The mayor's wife and her daughter were shaken but unhurt by the attack. Local militia arrived within minutes of the attack and were well organised in setting up procedures to catch the bandits that escaped. I heard earlier that they had already caught two of the three that got away, the remaining three having been subdued by myself and another of the guards at the time.

After the attack I saw the Mayors wife and daughter home without further incident but was asked to remain at the house while word was sent to the mayors offices of the attack. Fortunately the efficient militia had already sent word and it was only an hour or so before the Mayor arrived with the head of the Militia and several more guards.

I must admit the mayors wife was overly descriptive of the event and my part in it, somewhat embarrasingly so to be truthful. The Mayor thanked me personally and has asked me to attend his office this morning for a more public thank you for looking after his family. I tried to tell him I had no need for such and it was reward enough to know that everyone was safe and no lasting effects and that the bandits had been caught but he would not have it.

So now I have to attend the Mayor's office once again. I will write again this evening to let you know what happened.

However, I suspect my so called adventures here pale somewhat in comparison to the important work you are undertaking over there in Taur'en. Know that as always I remain immensly proud of your efforts and sacrifices for the people of that nation.

May the Dragons wisdom flow through you and grant you clear sight and vision in your duty.


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2012, 11:35:00 pm »
Knight Captain Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

I received your letter and I have read it over several times now in my time that I've had to myself here.  I hate that I feel like I'm looking back into your past while I read this, as I'm sure that all is already resolved now with the Mayor and his family.  I do, however, have some questions that I simply must ask, though, mostly due to the nature of the crime you described.  I am very glad that no one seemed to be hurt from your description.

I suppose my first thought is, given the low crime rate, are you certain that this rare attack was simply a random act, or was there something more to it?  I admit that I felt a bit of suspicion at the fact that the Mayor's wife chose to walk home rather than taking a carriage at such a late hour.  I know that the Mayor is a friend of your father's, but the entire event, at least from where I sit reading your account, sounds a bit, well, convenient.  None of this, of course, has anything to do with your own heroics in the matter.  I'm very proud of you for your own actions.  I hope the Mayor's wife and daughter were not too shaken by the events.  Also, did anyone ever find the final bandit?  You said that three were subdued, and two of the three that got away were captured.  Did you catch the last one?  If my mother or sisters or my sisters' husbands are in any sort of danger of a criminal on the loose, please let them know to be on the watch.  Perhaps they can help you locate the man.

We had a meeting tonight, and I am mostly, apart for the above questions regarding your last letter, writing to tell you that we leave on our next assignment tomorrow.  I should be travelling for some time, and as I said in my previous letter, that you likely have not even received at the time that I'm currently writing this letter, I don't know if or when I'll next be able to write. If I have the chance, I absolutely will do so.  I'll leave a request here at the castle in case they are able to forward my mail to where I am going.

I feel a bit conflicted on the mission.  Or I did at first.  It's something that if asked what I am doing, I'm not at liberty to say.  I suppose that above all else, my duties here in Taur'en are a directive from the Church of Rofirein and that is no secret.  I understand both of the missions, but I'm finding that I am having to find how to follow all of my duties at the same time even when one may in some ways conflict with the others.  Though, after speaking with my associate, Commander Partello, I feel a bit better regarding the need to simply follow my orders to the best of my abilities, and I will pray that Rofirein offers me guidance while I do so.  I never thought I would say it, but I think I will miss the Legion.  Even if they are mercenaries, I still think many of them would make fine Knights of the Wyrm.

For tonight I think I will take special care to enjoy sleeping on a soft bed inside a solid structure.  I will do my best not to complain overmuch about the journey, or my companions, though the woman, Tyra Dragonheart, the ex-convict from Fort Vehl, I do not think I will ever like in any respect.  She simply grates on me.  Thankfully, the presence of Commander Stargazer seems to at least balance out her presence a little.  So far, anyways.

I hope all is well with you where you are.  May Rofirein's Golden Scales keep you from harm.

Ever yours in the Gold,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2012, 03:41:39 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Dear Samantha,
Time passes quickly here in Westergate. My work with the local Militia on behalf of the Mayors office has had an initial period of intense scrutiny and adjustment as I attempt to update the procudures they have to follow in the field for various incidents. From the very minor upto and including the more serious infractions of the law. I think for the most part the newer recruits appreciate my attempts to help them get along better with the people they are serving in the city. There are some of the older higher ranked militia that are more difficult and set in their ways however. I am slowly trying to win them over by enlisting them to use their expertise to also help the newer recruits. I feel its important that they feel their knowledge is not being overshadowed but a young upstarts employed by the mayors ideas. Thankfully it seems to be working slowly. I have very little time for anything else but work between the Cathedran records office and the Militia headquarters. I also have to have regular meetings with Council officials to advise them of my progress and to requisition funds as required.

I have managed however to call in on your mother regularly and see that she is well and properly cared for. I decided to turn down her offer of lodging feeling it innapropriate in some manner. I have allowed her though to take care of Josephine, I think she appreciated this and feels closer to you by looking after her.

I am afraid I only had time for a short response this time. I shall try and write sooner rather than later and aprise you of how things are going.

As always I trust the Dragon is watching over you where I cannot. I miss your wisdom and joy dearly.

May the Dragons scales protect you and shield you in your duty.
Yours in honour,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2012, 01:21:09 am »
Knight Captain Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear Sir,

My dear, I have something that has happened that I hope you will be accepting to.  I witnessed a mugging here in the city, and then I witnessed a young man, a boy really, come in and try to defend the victim, standing up to two full-grown men, until the city watch intervened.  I followed them to the courthouse to stand as a witness on behalf of the boy who I do believe was trying to help the man.

Well, the man who was mugged, there is a lot more to the story of course, but he was alright, but the circumstances are not necessarily in his favor unfortunately.  I admit I am still a bit frustrated at my lack of effect in the case, but I can't argue the reasoning at all.  Basically, the man had no defense counsel, and I could not stand in for him due to my involvement as a witness to the actual incident.  It makes sense, but the fact that there was no one else with the qualifications and experience to do him justice frustrated me to no end.  As I'm sure you can see, it still does.  There is no Rofireinite presence here.  People here often don't even know who Rofirein is.

But I realize that I've digressed, and I apologize for letting out some of my frustrations to you.  I hope you understand.  The boy in question, I asked the magistrate as to what would be done with him.  He has no parents that he knows of, and after listening to things in the court proceedings, I was worried for his well-being once he was returned to the streets.  I requested custody of him, and it was granted.  He is very rough and uncultured, but from what I can see so far, he is honest.  I've so far done what I can to get him cleaned up and properly clothed and fed, and I am doing what I can to start on his education which has been sorely neglected as I'm sure you can imagine.  I think he is approximately twelve or thirteen years of age based on his appearance, but he does not know how old he is, or when his birthday is, or anything about his parents.  He said he used to live with some cobblers, but according to him, they weren't very nice, so he left.

I wish to assure you that this is nothing more than a guardianship until I can see him safely in the care of the church.  I am writing to them as well as to my mother.  I can set aside the money to see to his education, but my hopes is that he will be accepted as a ward of the church until adulthood.  Oh, his name is Flip.  He has no family name of course since he doesn't know who his family is.

I hope you're not upset with my impetuousness.  I assure you it is quite unlike me, but the circumstances were just so compelling.  It all started with a prayer, actually.  I was feeling a bit lost as to which course to take while here, and when I awoke after a short slumber, that's when I witnessed the mugging from my window of my room here at the inn, and everything after that simply followed.  I knew where I was to go, and I do hope that this is what the Lord Protector had intended for me to do with what He showed me.

I'm not sure when I will be able to send Flip to you in Westerngate, but I will do all I can to keep him safe until then.  I know that I have brushed broad strokes over what has happened so far in these lands, but they truly are dangerous.  I didn't want to worry you.  I don't fear for my safety so much as I do for his.

I do hope this letter finds you well.  I suppose it's probably a bit unsettling.  I feel odd even writing it, and odder still that there is an impressionable young boy that I now must take care of.  I had done quite a bit of caring for children while growing up, of course, with my sisters, but this is different.  I cannot back out of his guardianship.  If he gets into any more trouble here in the city, it is my responsibility, and I will be the one to pay the penalty for any further mischief.  Of course, I didn't tell him that.  Instead, I believe we have come to an acceptable agreement between us two, and whilst I see to his needs of food, shelter, and clothing, he will not run from me or get into trouble.  His stipulation was that I do not touch him, but I think he fears that someone will hurt him again, as I suspect that is what happened to him with the cobblers.

I feel I have rambled on a bit more than I had intended.  I miss you.  I hope I can see you again soon, and not simply in my thoughts.  May the Lord Protector shield you and grant you wisdom and joy.

Yours always in the Gold,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2012, 07:23:36 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
 c/o Bydell Castle
 Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Dear Samantha,
In reading your letter I must say I was more concerned with the nature of Taur'en than the issue with the boy you have spoken about. In regards to Taur'en, the very lack of presence of Rofirein in the lands leads me to suspect the choice to send someone such as yourself makes clear sense. I have no doubt that Taur'en is a richer place for your presence and your influence. You need to remember that it takes but one spark to start a revolution in favour of Justice. Your clear and attentive dedication to your calling serves you well in such a place.

In relation to the boy I suspect I would have done much the same had I been in your situation and applaud you on your actions. We may not be able to save all but even if we save just one from a life of chaos then we can hold our heads up to the Lord Protector. Who is to know that this boy you save now might have changed the lives of hundreds in the future had he been allowed to follow a life of crime and chaos. Now it may reverse that potentiality. We will never know the first but I for one am glad never to find out. That he may be saved now and possibly change the lives of others in the future for the better must be our primary concern.

I will await further details from you should you decide to send the boy here if you cannot find appropriate lodgings and quarters for the boy there in Taur'en. if you like I will see if one of the Rofireinite sponsored places here in Corsain can take him or even the Mayors office may know of a suitable orphanage of other appropriate lodging if you deem such is acceptable.

Our few brief chances to meet over the last few months give me hope to continue through till your duty is finished in Taur'en. For now I am working hard training many new and existing militia in Westerngate in public service etiquette and the like as well as some weapons drills which I am anjoying also. My one disappointement is that my long hours here have prevented me from being able to get in some fishing, although I did manage to catch up with my father a week ago and we spent a few hours on a lake near Tyr-Song. Neither of us had any success however and I am keen to try again as soon as I am free for longer than a few hours.

If you have not already heard from her your mother sends her best, I had to repair some of her roofs tiles a few days ago after a brick from the chimney broke away and cracked several of them but it was nothing serious and I was happy to do it for her.

I look forward to hearing from you again and wait for further instructions regarding the boy Flip.

As always,
May the Dragons scales protect you and shield you in your duty.
Yours in honour,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2012, 08:21:17 am »
Maxamillian De'Lourney
C/O The Citadel of Rofirein
Western Gate, Dragonsong Dominion

Dear sir,

I am still trying to work out the details of Flip's passage, but I will keep you notified as much as possible, but I did promise him that I would see that he is properly trained to fight, which I know the church can see to appropriately.

It seems that I am starting to build my experience as an interrogator, as I have several times now been called upon to do so.  Here as well I was called upon to question a man, and a couple of women with a much rougher edge to them seemed to think it odd that I do not need to harm those I interrogate to obtain information from them.  Nonetheless, I did bring Naldin with me as a reinforcement.  I think that we may be heading back to Bydell Castle soon, and I will need to confer with the church as to my continued missions here in Taur'en.  I know that my work is not finished, but I have several reports to submit before I know more.

As far as Rofirein's presence in Tau'ren, I do believe that I have helped somewhat, but I know there is likely more I could do.  At this point, other than simply speaking with many people on the subject, which I have not been able to do as much as I would have liked, I'm not entirely sure how to broaden the awareness here.  They do have a justice system, and the magistrate that oversaw the case that I sat in on did at least recognize who and what I was.  It's the general populace that seems ignorant of the Divine Law.  I still hope that the King will allow the church to patrol the roads, but I will simply have to wait and see if any of my efforts here will bear fruit.  Time will tell, I suppose.

In the meantime, I know that you are doing great things back home.  I'm very glad to know that you were able to spend time with your father, regardless of the success in fishing.  I haven't had much time for simple hobbies since I've been here, and I hope that once this task is finished perhaps I may sit down and breathe for a day without having to feel like I'm looking over my shoulder, not simply from the dangers or uncertainties of Taur'en, but even some of these mercenaries that I find myself working with.  If you would be so kind, could you look up the arrest records for a Ms. Tyra Dragonheart and also inquire if a woman by the name of Jetta has any prior criminal documentation?  I know that Ms. Jetta works as a bodyguard for Mr. Andrew Reid, a proprietor of an inn called the Silver Buckle in Mariner's Hold.  He's actually who gave me Josephine, but I digress.  The woman Jetta seems to favor brutality, so much that the man I interrogated was absolutely terrified that she might return, and offered me the information I sought simply so that he would not have to see her again.  It has made me curious that perhaps she may have a prior record.

Please let me know if you find anything.

Stay well, and may the Lord Protector's wisdom be with you.

Yours always in the Gold,


Re: Letters from Taur'en
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2012, 01:55:49 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Dear Samantha,

I apologise for the delay in writing to you and this letter will take some time getting to you due to where it has come from. You see while I was attending the Cathedral in Westerngate there was an attack on the precinct. It seems it was led by Pyrtechonite cultists in some mad suicidal rampage. Little harm was done, Praise the Gold, but myself and several others were seconded by the LoreKeeper himself, Gareth Lemont, to track down several vital implements that it seems the Pyrtechonites are seeking. The attack was apparently linked to this and to the plagues that have struck northern Boyer in recent months.

So you see this letter was written as I sit here sweltering beneath a desert palm just north of Audiria after over a month as sea. it may be some time before I return to Westerngate. There are several people travelling with us, we have already been attacked by several Pyrtechonite cultists trying to prevent us from moving forward in our mission with some nasty results.

For now we push on and pray to Rofirein to aid us in bringing these enemies of the Dragon to heel. My letters may be sporadic for a time but I wish you to know I will do everything in my power to see this threat ended and return to you in Westerngate when done.

As always,
May the Dragons scales protect you and shield you in your duty.
Yours in honour,

