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Author Topic: Letters to Harred and Valtara  (Read 220 times)


Letters to Harred and Valtara
« on: August 28, 2006, 04:03:01 am »
Dear Mother and Father,

I trust this letter finds you both in good health and good cheer. It has been almost a month since I arrived in the township of Hlint here on Mistone. I am ashamed that I have not had time to put quill to paper until now to let you know that I am safe and hale. I beg your forgiveness. As Father says, don’t make excuses, make good. Mindful of this wise advice, please accept this tardy letter.

It is quite an amazing place in which I find myself. Never have you seen such a wonderful array of people. Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Brownies, Halflings, humans from the length and breadth of all the known lands! And everyone has been so welcoming. As a fledgling priest of Aeridin, I have been treated with the utmost respect and tolerance. It seems my God is well revered in these parts, something that pleases me greatly.

Amidst the terrible suffering that plagues the world at the moment, here I see an opportunity to do great good. Surely in the darkest of nights, the light of Aeridin is needed to shine more brightly than ever before? Amidst the darkness, here I see the spark of individuals in their struggle against the shadows. My travels confirm my decision to come light a spark of my own to lessen the darkness for those that cannot do so for themselves.

I shall not tell you of all my adventures, I fear Mother would lie awake at night for worry if I was to include detailed narratives in my letter. Please know that I am safe. It seems Aeridin rewards those that seek to spread his will in a more active manner and he has greatly blessed me since I have been here. In just a few short weeks, I am already able to be a far more effective conduit for his power compared to when I left you in Krashin. I can draw his power into my body, making me stronger, healthier. I can now even summon lightning - my God’s own - to smite those of evil inclination. I believe, well I hope anyway, that Aeridin looks upon my activities with favour and I can continue to perform deeds of good and right in his holy name.

One point of ... irritation? disappointment? Not irritation, that is too strong a word. Really I am mostly amused at how many people make assumptions about my intellect based upon my larger than average size. I do find it funny how otherwise accepting, educated and worldly adventurers  just assume I will conform to their body image stereotypes. Not all skinny people are cunning and wily. Yet it is widely presumed that all big, strong people are invariably lacking in reason and intellect.

I promise to write more and soon. I am told that the letter delivery service in these parts is reputable and I hope you shall receive my letters promptly.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 05:31:59 am »
Dear Mother and Father,

Firstly, may Aeridin bless you, and all your deeds, with his loving hand. As promised, here is another letter from the prodigal son!

I am well, both in terms of spiritual fortitude and physical health, and my decision to travel to these parts I still believe was the right one. I grow in . . . what is the right word? Power? No, not power, that implies a great pride and a lack of humility. Aeridin each day blesses me more and more. I am afforded the opportunity to do great deeds in his name and I am more than amply rewarded with his continued favour.

Again, I shall not go into great detail of these deeds in which I am involved. Suffice to say, I, along with some great companions that I now happily count as friends, have had opportunity to perform quests of merit and value for the community.

So many new friends -
Cherry, a vivacious and clever young lady monk;
Finola, a ranger of good heart and caring manner;
Jacob, an earnest, tolerant and thoughtful young man, willing to speak up for the right cause, even if it makes him the target for criticism;
Tarradon, a paladin of Rofirien whose piety is matched only by his martial skill;
Mizu, another monk, mysterious in garb and manner but I believe one who also is possessed of a fundamental goodness and desire to do the right thing;
Owenn, a fledgling wizard and warrior whom I believe can make a difference in this time of darkness;
Plus, many, many others. Daniel, Amillia, Pendar, Drogo, Yardislan, Gabby, Nixx, Missy, Balazar, Ireth, Elladan, Jaleel, Roy, Arkolio, Angus, Bog, Gribble, Haugrim, many are the people who rail against the tide.

There is one issue of concern dear parents that troubles me and make me wish for your presence so that I may hear your words of wisdom.
The world is beset by darkness.
These are evil times.
I have been raised and firmly believe the truth in my heart that any man or woman has the ability to do good and make a difference to the lives of others. It would be my preference that the difference that I might make in this world not solely be through skills of war and prowess with hammer and sword.

It troubles me that, in these times however, that combat is the path that must first be taken before the rebuilding can begin. Many are the times that I have approached orc, goblin, kobold, drow with my hands raised in peaceful intent only to be forced into defending myself against unprovoked attack. It brings me no joy to be the instrument of Aeridin’s will in such a manner.

It seems at this point in the world’s history that it is now a time for fighters . . . I can only hope that the time for priests is not far away.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 06:23:55 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I spend much of my time in the dark crypts of Hlint. The undead that infest the place spawn faster than flies and it is a never ending job to keep them from spilling into the public area of Hlint. I have taken it upon myself to cleanse the crypts on a daily basis, I can only hope that Aeridin approves of my undertakings.

Dark rumours of Drow are abundant. I have encountered this race in the wilderness just the once but it seems as if they are, generally speaking, proficient fighters and cunning sorcerors. I can only hope my daily housekeeping in the crypts of Hlint and other tasks I can perform go some way towards maintaining a beacon of light against the encroaching darkness.



Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 08:59:40 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

As always, may Aeridin bless you, and all your deeds, with his loving hand.

I pray that this letter finds its way to you, I hear frightening stories of innocent messengers and merchants beset by bamdits and thieves in ever increasing numbers during these troubled times.

I am happy enough in this little township of Hlint where I have based myself. I have made firm friends and had the opportunity to do good things.

Good things ...

I believe that although I have on occasion had need to take up my maul and shield in defence of my person and the defence of my travelling companions, please know I do so with no pleasure at all. This is not the way of life that you taught me and not the way of life I willingly choose. I believe Aeridin can look deep into an individual’s heart and I hope he sees that it brings me profound sadness whenever this necessity is upon me.  And I do believe it is a necessity. My teachings in the ways of Aeridin were always to respect the sanctity of life and only ever should one take up arms against another living entity in the most dire of times. Mother and Father, I know with an ultimate truth that these are dire times indeed. I spend a great deal of time making potions that heal wounds. Even this activity, once an activity of peace, reflection and communion with Aeridin, now breeds an element of doubt and confusion. Making potions that heal others so they can continue to fight doesn’t result in the foe ending up any less dead. I feel as if I must trust in my own individual interpretations of my faith’s edicts.

With this letter I have included a parcel of salves and a small bag of coin. Please if you could ensure that this is put to good use. I hear Krashin has not escaped the darkness that has descended upon the other lands.

// 1,000 gold trues and 20 potions of cure light wounds donated to Temple of Aeridin to simulate this exchange.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2006, 07:07:59 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

The longer I spend in Hlint, the greater my internal conflict grows.

Please indulge me with a retelling of a dream that plagued me last night;


As I came near, the priests gathered around me silently, leaving a path to the tent at the centre of the circle. When I approached, an elderly man stepped from the tent and bowed deeply. I fell to my knees before the elderly priest and bowed my head.

"Welcome, Brother Valdemar," said the old man softly.

"Thank you, Brother"

"Will you remove the garments of war and rejoin your brethren?"

"It is with regret that I must refuse."

"Then you are no longer a priest and should not kneel before me. Stand as a man, freed of your vows."

"I do not wish to be free of my vows."

"The eagle does not pull a plow, Valdemar, and Aeridin accepts no halfway priests."

The old man reached down and gently pulled me to my feet. I looked into his eyes, seeking righteous anger but finding only sadness. This Brother was very old, his face webbed with the weight of his life. Yet his eyes were bright, alive with intelligence.

"I do not wish to be free. I wish to follow a different path to holy Aeridin."

"All paths lead to Aeridin, whether for judgment or for joy."

"Do not play word games with me, Brother. I am no child. But I have seen great evil in the land, and I will not sit by and watch it triumph."

"Who is to say where triumph lies? What is life but a search for Aeridin? A battleground, a cess pit, a paradise? I see the pain you see, and it saddens me. And where I find pain I bring comfort, and where I find sorrow I bring promises of future joy. I exist to heal, Valdemar. There is no victory in the sword."


This dream again raises the question of the morality of violence, or perhaps better said, what part good plays in restraining and destroying evil in the world.

I must not water down either side of this question. Every day I wrestle with the profound implications of my partaking in bloodshed. It corrupts me, it adds to the pain and death in the world, but I simply cannot bring myself to stand by and watch others killed by the spread of evil power in the world. It is not that I fear death, in fact, I would perhaps prefer to be a martyr, but I will not. I believe it is weakness and selfishness to become one, since to die would be to rid myself of the moral dilemma and to leave alone those whom I would protect.

Then, what role am I to play in a world rife with corruption, death, plague, hunger, and war?

Your loving son,

// "I make little distinction between those who commit evil and those who stand by and do nothing."
-"White Wolf," David Gemmell


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2006, 05:58:26 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

My dear and sorely missed parents, may Aeridin bless you, and all your deeds, with his loving hand.

Earlier today I saw a notice posted at the local chapter house to Aeridin in the Sielwood Forest. It was penned by a paladin by the name of Laereth and I have transcribed it here;


As a newly initiated paladin of the Life Giver, some preliminary questions have come to mind during my time of study and experience. It is my understanding that all coming adventurers sent forth to aid the world in this time of need have their souls bound to these wizard created magical centers called Bindstones. It is my understanding that a soul close to death is instead brought back to the location of which their soul was last bound to protect against death and allow them to live to see another day. But is this right??

The teachings of Aeridin state that life should be preserved and protected at all costs. However, the faith also states that death is also a part of the cycle and therefore life should not be artificially prolonged. Does this hold true for the bind stones themselves? Are we going against our teachings and forsaking our god simply by binding ourselves to these stones of power?

Before casting my own opinion or , forgive the pun, writing my opinion in stone, I would like to know what my fellow clergy and followers think of such. I am aware that I have much to learn and would appreciate any words of wisdom from those more experienced.


To read such a note from another who has heeded the call from the Light, so similar to my own questioning of the edicts of our faith, was ... interesting. Heartening. Welcome.

It was welcome because it made me realise something. I t made me realise something I think I had been overlooking since my arrival here. My response to this paladin's notice was;


 I cannot make any grand claims to wisdom or great knowledge of the Life Giver over and above what you more than likely already possess. I can only offer you my humble opinion on your concerns, whether my opinion comes from a vantage of experience and wisdom or ignorance and lack of enlightenment - who can say?

All I can say, after battling with similar issues of faith myself, is that, to my mind, there are very few absolutes of right and wrong. Wrestling with questions such as you have posed, and questions of my own, often make me lose sight of why I was chosen by Aeridin to be his instrument in the first place. Maybe we should make use of the bindstones and maybe we should not? I would like to think that He is more than capable of seeing our motivations for choosing either course and He would then approve our choice with His blessing, or, forgive our choice, again with His blessing.

I believe you asking such a question means that your intention to do the will of Aeridin is pure and, in my opinion, it is THAT intention which is by far the more important thing.


I hope my answer, in some way, helped with the question.

I know that pondering the question helped me realise it is not 'wrong' to question the correct path to take to Aeridin. All paths lead to Aeridin. To question one's self ensures that we do not grow proud and always strive to better ourselves and further the message of the Light Bringer.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2006, 07:56:54 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

How I miss you both. Every day away from home I realise how much I had been blessed during my childhood. I was never hungry, always loved, always safe, surrounded by family and friends and a community of good people. I miss home more than you can believe and yet, it is not time for me to return. Not yet.

There is much to be done. I have answered my questions of what part good plays in restraining and destroying evil in the world. The light must be taken to the dark places. Aeridin teaches his children not to judge, yet what can I do when I see orcs pillage and destroy and it is my ability to stop them? What is the right thing to do? I do not know but one thing I do know is that I can no longer stand aside and witness such brutality without attempting to prevent it.

I pray Aeridin, and you too Mother and Father, forgive me.

Your loving son,



Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2006, 02:45:01 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

By Aeridin’s grace and light, I pray you are both well and happy in these dark times. I am healthy and well, cast aside any concerns you have my wellbeing. Aeridin continues to bless his servant.

I must apologise that I continue to plague you with my fears and doubts but I trust you understand that it helps me . . . wrestle ? grapple ? interpret the questions that I face as I decide how best to continue the Lightbringer’s work in the world.

Earlier today, I encountered a group of adventurers that were headed to a foul den named Storan’s Crypt - a dungeon known and feared for the powerful undead that infest it’s unhallowed halls. I took up my hammer and shield and joined the group in cleansing this place and doing my best to return those caught between death and life to their rightful place in the great circle. I believe we did a good thing. Aeridin’s will.

As we journeyed back to Hlint, one of the party said to the rest of us that he knew the location of a bandit camp nearby and suggested we ‘deal with the villains’ as we headed back. The others were in agreement and promptly fell upon the bandits and slew them all.

My immediate question was one of, who were we, who was I to judge the actions of these bandits?

Aeridin says do not judge others.

When the moral sense of people has, in effect, been blunted or sapped by the Godless masses and by rebels against Aeridinite doctrinal and moral teachings, the result is moral intimidation leading to the silencing of all too many Aeridinites. There is silence with respect to the most outrageous sacrilege, blasphemy, violence and perversion which no longer receive public censure from too maany within my church. There is no longer moral outrage that is proper to offenses committed against Aeridin and Aeridin's law. The sayings of our divine Lord are even twisted and perverted in the interests of such moral intimidation. I am told "Do not judge," for this is Aeridin’s word.

The fear of rendering any more judgment regarding a sinful act (clearly condemned by Aeridin's saving teachings) can be truly inhibiting and paralyzing. It really means, of course, an abandonment of the intellect Aeridin gave us. It means sin does not matter. Either it does not exist or exists only to be excused by that oozing love and compassion typifying a "feel-good" religiosity.

I grieve over others' sins and how they mislead others to similarly break the Commandments of Aeridin. I must not lack sorrow and compassion toward sinners, I am and must be even willing to die for them, but I would not explain away the awfulness of sin or deny the connection between sin and punishment, in this world and in the next. The hard stance concerning sin, judgment are more relevant today than ever. The inane "I'm okay, you're okay, Aeridin's okay" philosophy dear to some is not that of the intent of Aeridin. It obliterates the essential difference between good and evil.

The judgment Aeridinites are to refrain from is judgment concerning the eternal fate of anyone. Leave intentions, motives, and final worth to Aeridin. We are not to confuse the judgment of the actions of people with sitting in judgment over them as to their eternal fate. But reluctance to make judgments concerning sinful acts is to produce that type of paralysis and inactivity that has brought both the general community and, more specifically, many Aeridinites to their present plight.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2006, 02:06:14 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

Greetings and loving best wishes from your son, now in crossroads of the world, Hlint.

Yet another letter where I wrestle with questions of faith. Mother and Father, the human character contains both a light and a dark side, good and evil if you prefer, individually manifested. Deeply rooted is a dark-sided element - violence. In happy surroundings, it is hardly visible, easily managed. The security of a ‘good’ childhood. Behind tall castle walls where law and order reign. In less happy surroundings - either of a physical, psychological, environmental, ideological, economic or political nature - it is nearly automatically a kind of survival strategy with all the known consequences we see manifested in conflicts on a small or large scale. Violence is present anywhere, hidden or sleeping, hesitating, waiting or in action, starting from simple and reaching to a scale with no end.

These dark days, war, famine, plague, increasing wealth on one side and on the opposite increasing poverty are producing a state where violence has a fertile soil in which to grow unchecked. Security and safety of any kind is a mere illusion; not only the external, but also the internal enemy is present anywhere.

Priests, as the representative of the God of their people, are said to be the consciousness of a nation or society as they reflect the actual state of the psychological and physical environment. When this state is penetrated by violence, nobody should surprised that violence becomes a universal subject for reflection, the difference may only be the view on it and its perception depending on the respective cultural background.

Violence stems from that place beyond logic, the realm of the emotion. By it, we are simultaneously repelled and attracted, frightened and excited. To me, this question of how best to deal with it, has been wrought with complexity. As cultural violence in society increases, we are prevented by paranoia, censorship and ethical demands from asking, and sometimes even posing, some of the most important questions. How is violence best dealt with? What or how much of it do we need to resist the cultivation of fear and the encouragement of dependency? Is violence a tool, a process or a result? Is violence of any description justifiable? As intellectual exercise, ritual, or spiritual enhancement? Is violence an action, reaction, or reflection?

I am continuously forced to ask questions and give answers. There are changes to my perceptions. Are they good or bad?

I fear the son that left your embrace years ago is not the same man that, Aeridin willing, see you again soon. I hope and pray you can love this man too.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 03:46:04 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

I had a very interesting conversation with a wonderful friend of mine yesterday, Mr Eghaas. He too is a follower of Aeridin and a friend whom I have shared much time since I arrived here in Hlint.

I will try to recall our conversation to the best of my memory. I had just returned from a trip into the Grey Peak mountains with another friend of mine, Mr Tarradon, where we had cleansed the foul crypt inhabited by the lich Storan and I encountered Mr Eghaas just outside the gates into Hlint township as we travelled back.

Mr Eghaas had commented to Mr Tarradon, admiring his new steed, a noble animal named Justice. We stood as a group, enjoying the fellowship and company of friends.
My two friends told me a tale of a trip they made into the Broken Halls, a haunted place filled with more undead and their minions. Oozes, foul jellies and other acidic ‘creatures’ with no thoughts other than to feed on the flesh of the unwary.
I listened to their tale of battle - and their narrow escape with their lives - until we were interrupted by a newcomer to town, a Dwarven warrior by the name of Tormak. The fellow asked if we were interested in an excursion for the purposes of mining some ore from the caverns north of town. I knew such a trip would involve encounters with the fierce little goblins that inhabit the area.
I have fought the goblins previously when they erupted out of their caverns and were attacking merchant caravans on the road from Hlint. Fighting these creatures at that time to end this threat to me seemed very different than fighting them now again in order to obtain some ore. I asked this Tormak the purpose for which any mined ore would be used - would it be used in the creation of plows, farmer’s tools, horse shoes, etc. He replied that he believed the creation of these implements was of lesser import than the creation of axe and sword. I disagreed and commented that, to a farmer, they were of far greater relevance. His response was that without armour and weapons, a farmer would not be free to plow his fields free from fear of disturbance. I tried to explain that if there were no weapons . . no armour . .. would the farmer not be free anyway? We all had to try and do a our bit to not perpetuate the cycle of violence and retribution.
We agreed to disagree.

Moments later another appeared, a young man who introduced himself as Blake Patterson, who wandered along and asked if Eghaas or myself were interested in accompanying him into Haven Mines in order to mine for iron.
Why are so many eager to head off and stain their weapons red in order to mine some metal? To earn a few trues? It saddens me.

I expressed my sadness to Mr Eghaas and he told me that he had had thoughts along similar lines and the confrontation of which had reaffirmed his beliefs in Aeridin. From this Mr Eghaas revealed he had questions of faith that he wished to speak to me about. He asked about whether the spells of Raise Dead and Resurrection were contrary to the Aeridinte principles of not disturbing the Cycle of Life.
I could only express my view - I do not know if there is an answer of definite wrong or right. I explained that we are all flawed mortals, whether we be human, elf, giantkin, dwarf, all of us were imperfect mortals underneath the gaze of our Lord.
I said we WILL make mistakes Mr Eghaas.
I said we WILL not be perfect.
I said it was inevitable that we WILL fall short of the example set to us by Aeridin.
I believe with all my heart that Aeridin sees deep into our hearts at all times . . nothing is hidden . . what was the intent when such a spell was cast?
Would Aeridin grant the spell if it was against his will?
Who is to say what great deeds that person will go on to do to after they are raised?
Eghaas pressed and said that there were core fundamentals of worshipping Aeridin and he believed that must be an absolute right or wrong answer.

I explained that Mr Eghaas and I could probably debate this for years . . . Subtle interpretations of words from ancient texts and quoting the liturgy from different priests views throughout history. Regardless, how will we know the right or wrong until the day when we stand before the Lightbringer? Whilst we debate endlessly on this matter there remained important things left undone. The darkened sky above us was an ominous reminder.
I personally believe the intent is the answer here . . . The intent to do Aeridin's will as best one can.
Mr Eghaas told me this question had been plaguing him ever since he had spoken to an ex-0priest who had turned from the light and now embraced the worship of Katia and had given this question as an example of why.
I replied that if this was an issue that brought about a crisis of faith . . . then he, or she, were certainly missing the big picture. If an inability to definitively answer such a question contributes to someone leaving the service of the Lightbringer,I believe they are certainly focusing on the wrong things.
There are many questions that I will face . . . many of which I believe have no definite answer.

We were continuing to discuss this and other questions that Mr Eghaas had when Mr Jin wandered over to where we were conversing. He joined our conversation and asked what conclusions we had reached. Again I explained that I did not believe this was a concern that had a nice convenient conclusion. All we could do was continuously strive to do the right thing, in Aeridin’s name. If, or more accurately, when we make mistakes, it is our intent that I think by which we will be judged.
Jin offered to Eghaas that Aeridin knows his heart and to live as that.

In the end, that’s all any of us can really do.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2006, 09:45:21 pm »
A Nightmare

*Valdemar lies asleep upon his humble cot within the Temple of Aeridin at Rangers Vale - his huge body is bathed in sweat and low murmers may be heard by those nearby*

Mouth dry and head pounding, it took all my powers of concentration to navigate passage through the narrow doorway and stumble outside. A victim of too much ale the evening prior it was my third time that night I had needed to step outside the front door of my lodgings to relieve myself. I had not planned on drinking too much that evening as I knew it was to be an early rising this morning. However, gathered around a large bonfire with the other men, it had been toast after toast for the couple to be wedded tomorrow. Although Regnar had been absent, standing his post by the roadside, many a pitcher had been raised in his honour during the drunken celebrations. The few coins that we had liberated from the merchant travelling from Haven Castle was barely enough to feed our families for a couple of days. The people of our village needed the joy that the marriage ceremony would bring to brighten their bleak existence - if only for a few hours.

Swaying slightly in the cool night air I directed the stream away from the path and into the bushes, thus avoiding futher ire from my already sure to be ill-tempered wife. I was undecided what was going to be hardest to face in the morning, what was sure to be a splitting headache or my woman’s sharp tongue scolding me, at length. In the process of retying my breeches with the trailing length of plaited rope, I did not even manage to voice a cry of alarm as the giant shape hurtled out of the darkness.

The hammer clove deep into the junction between my neck and shoulder. The arterial spray of blood, black in the night, covered the partially opened door to my home behind were I had been standing. My slayer pulled the hammer from where it lodged deep in my chest with a vicious wrench and moved passed where I lay on the ground. I tried to scream my protest but my throat had choked with blood and no sound issued forth.

My last thoughts were of my sharp-tongued, but, beyond my ability to put into adequate words, beautiful and loving wife. What had I done to be so blessed to share all these years with this woman? My wife, her visage so beautiful as to cause even the most spectacular sunset, the first blooms of spring, the snow-capped mountains to pale into mediocrity. Although we had not been blessed with children, I considered myself lucky for every year I had shared with my wife. I should have told her this every minute of every day of my life.

Who had this giant figure been to judge me so?

Before I could further ponder my fortune, Death claimed me with it’s cold embrace.

*Valdemar awakens with a shout, his laboured breathing a harsh sound against the stillness of the night*


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2006, 07:44:35 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I have had an idea. It is just beginning of the start of the kernel of the first inkling of an idea but it is one that brings me much excitement!

One thing that has troubled me since my arrival on Mistone has been the notable lack of facilities for children in the area. There are many children that I have seen but little in the way of formal, organised infrastructure to cater to their education al needs. It seems most children’s education is left to the capabilities and inclinations of their parents. With times as dark as they are now, this is an area that understandably gets pushed aside for most families as they battle to just keep their children warm and fed. I have accumulated close to 30,000 trues since I have left the warmth and comfort of your steading. I think this may be a worthy goal to work towards. One of my great joys before I left home was assisting the local Priest in his ministrations to the local children. I must find some people to speak to who might have an idea on what I would need to do next in order make this happen. I will keep you informed and would, as always, welcome your advice in this matter.

I had an argument the other day with a man who has become a dear friend, Mr Tarradon. Along with a few others, Mr Eghaas, Miss Serissa and Miss Hilda, we had travelled deep into the forests to cleanse an old dungeon of it’s reported undead taint. More troubling than our battles against the diseased rats, undead mummies, oozes and jellies (and worse) that infested the halls was the argument that took place afterwards. Sadly, minutes after we had left these Broken Halls, our party was ambushed by a tribe of fearsome orcs. Before we could repel the group, Mr Eghaas received a mortal wound from one of the orc archers. Thanks be to Aeridin that we had in our group a healer, held in sufficiently high regard by her God, who was able to raise poor Mr Eghaas from the darkness.

Enraged at the death of his companion, Mr Tarradon sighted more orcs off in the distance and ran off, slaying them all. I, too, was saddened at the death of my dear friend Mr Eghaas but I knew that more senseless killing would not undo what had already happened. I expressed my sadness to Mr Tarradon at the rashness and cold-bloodedness of his revenge taking. It was from there that our argument grew heated, Mr Tarradon defending his role in ending the orc threat and me growing frustrated that he had condemned all orcs to die for the actions of a few.

Mother and Father, I am no fool. I realise, sadly, that many of orcish blood are aggressive, warlike, cruel and without the smallest hope of redemption and salvation. However, as I tried to argue with Mr Tarradon, there might be some. There might be one. Who knows? If we blindly rush in and slay all of orcishkind we encounter with the same cruelty, aggression and violence that we expect from them, why should we expect them to act any differently? How are we then any different? I know many consider all folk of giant blood to be evil. I strive to be an exception. Surely there are orc blooded exceptions as well? Maybe Mr Tarradon slew an orc exception to their race’s general evil behaviour in his righteous rush to enact revenge for the death of Mr Eghaas?

I am ashamed that heated words were spoken between myself and Mr Tarradon. Now, days later I realise the vehemence of my denouncement of his deeds were not even really directed at Mr Tarradon at all. I realise now I was really arguing with myself. Part of me wanted to rush along right alongside Mr Tarradon and make the orc evil-doers pay for their evilness and their repeated attacks on all that is decent in this world. To swing my hammer and smash away their foulness. My heated words with Mr Tarradon were a reflection of the two arguing sides of my own soul.

I hope and pray that Mr Tarradon will forgive my words of argument with him on this day. I do not believe I was wrong, but I cannot force my opinions onto others as if my words are truth and their opinions are falsehoods. This is especially so when I know those I question in this manner, such as Mr Tarradon, are striving to do good and right by their own moral and religious code, even if it is different to my own.

I will keep you informed of the progress of my idea for a local school here in Hlint.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2006, 04:46:23 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

Over the last few days I have been able to help some friends of mine with a problen they had. There had been reports of a theft from the Temple of Rofirein in Velensk (//steverimmer’s quest).

I received a request for aid from Mr Tarradon, and keen to heal any rift that may have opened after our argument the other day, I agreed to lend my help in the investigations over the missing artifact. I shall not worry you with the details but suffice to say we eventually stopped a plot by the Church of Pyrtechon to sow seeds of evil and discord. Further complicating our investigations was the involvement of a group of Shadonites, a group of tricksters and pranksters that did more harm than help in ending this threat.

One positive that emerged from the whole experience was a re-affirming of my faith and the path that has been chosen for me by Aeridin. Throughout our investigations I was faced with differing priorities and goals than the gathered devotees of Rofirein. They seemed more concerned with the maintanence of law and order than the protection of life. Generally, these two goals, these two ideals, are synchronous however it was revealed to me, most pointedly, they are not always. This experience has confirmed for me the importance of adhering to one’s ideals rather than any set of codified laws. To me, it is important that it be substance over form.

Please know that I am well and happy and I pray the same for you both.

Your loving son,


Re: Letters to Harred and Valtara
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2006, 09:14:22 pm »

Dear Mother and Father,

Earlier today I spoke to another member of the Church of Aeridin at great length. Much time passed as we exchanged discourse and we spoke of many things. Topics of peace, love and understanding. How to further these ideals in our own hearts and those of the greater church community and the world as a whole.

I enjoyed our palaver and from it I believe I have gleaned some important truths. We spoke of violence, the corrupting nature of it and the place that it holds in the world today. As you know, these are concepts with which I have wrestled mightily in the last couple of years. My new friend said something to me that resonated within my soul. He said - “Violence? I believe in fighting ‘back’. You go as far as it takes to stop the aggression but you do not go beyond that. You go as far as required to get someone out of your home - but you don't attack him after he has left. You don't keep going on with it - only if you are attacked, only if there is an oppression applied to you. The idea is that justice prevails. You don't fight because you enjoy fighting, but because there is an oppression.”

My new friend went on to explain his personal view of the righteousness of violent struggle against oppression. He explained that he believed there were three levels of acceptable fighting. Of acceptable struggle.

First and foremost, there is the struggle of the soul. It is the intimate struggle to purify the soul of evil influences - both subtle and overt. It is the struggle to cleanse one's spirit of sin.

Secondly, there is the struggle of the verbal. It is the struggle of speaking the truth in the face of tyranny. My friend encouraged raising one's voice in the name of Aeridin on behalf of justice and right.

And then there is physical struggle. It is the combat waged in defense of the weak and the innocent against oppression and transgression by the enemies of all that is good and holy. We are commanded by Aeridin to lead peaceful lives and not transgress against anyone ... but there must be a defense against this oppression. By embracing the life of a Priest of Aeridin and making my commitment to making this world a safer place I realise I have undertaken a lifelong mission in which some level of violence is inevitable.

One thing that I must never forget however is though fighting and violence might sometimes be necessary, it is but a minor part of the whole struggle.  I must always remember that when I return from my travels I will always return from the little struggle to the greater struggle. I will return to the more difficult and crucial effort to conquer the forces of evil in oneself and and in one's own society in all the details of my daily life.

Please know that I am content and I pray that Lord Aeridin keeps you both safe.

Your loving son,

// There was no actual in-game discussion with another Priest of Aeridin. Anything stated above is purely Valdemar’s views/perspective. I just made up a two-way conversation as a context for these thoughts and ideas.