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Author Topic: Letters to Spellgard  (Read 148 times)


Letters to Spellgard
« on: May 23, 2010, 11:00:14 am »
Dear Sarrah,

I hope that things are still holding up well with you and Mylidan. I have finally arrived in Hempstead, not my original destination. My father was right though, joining up with the Rofireinite church isn't something to be taken lightly. Right now I am staying at an inn, but hopefully I will find cheaper and more permanent housing soon.
Angela and Alantha offered me a place to stay, but I shouldn't ask more of them after all they have already done for our family. They offered me a job digging sand, but I am not confident with the sword yet, and I heard bad things about the desert.
Furthermore I have gotten an order from a mrs. Lana, who needs mushrooms, and her mother mrs. Ferrit, who needs salt. Both things which should be easy to aquire. Or the salt is, mushrooms might be a problem according to the story Lana told me.
However I hope that I can send some true to Mylidan and you soon enough, but right now I have nothing left after my journey here. Please bring my regards to my niece, father and brothers.

*Signed*Therhcha Doesscha


Re: Letters to Spellgard
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 10:52:15 am »

We are glad you made it safely to your destination. Myli misses you terribly but is relieved to know you are well. It sounds like you are making progress, or at least friends.

Our brothers take this letter down for me but I am learning my letters and phonics and I hope soon to write you myself. Myli is learning too and she is very excited about sending you this little picture.

Stay safe,

*A small bit of parchment is included with a juvenile sketching of a man (probably) standing out on some kind of brownish field (that might actually be more a structure, it's hard to say). He stands out on his own but the sky is blue and the sun hangs over head cheerfully*


Re: Letters to Spellgard
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 05:56:58 pm »
Dear Sarrah,

Thank you for the letter and thank Mylidan for the nice drawing. I have included it in a book I have bought to record my journeys in.
Speaking of journeys, I traveled to the east coast of Mistone not too long ago. I passed closeby Spellgard, however I wasn't in a possition to go visit you there as I was escorting a priest of Rofirein there.
Sadly I saw the true nature of the lands around here. While the cities such as Spellgard are safe for everyone, the countryside is overrun with bandits and people out to cause harm to others. Thankfully with the guidance of Rofirein and Edron, the rofireinite priest I was traveling with, and a halfling with a bow we were able to dispatch all the bandits we met.
I was able to find some equipment as well, so for now I wont have any problems with true for a while I believe. So next time I visit Spellgard I will bring some true for your education and your stay there.
Please say hello to Mylidan, my brothers and my father from me, and let them know that I am safe, working my way to a more stable situation.

*Signed*Therhcha Doesscha


Re: Letters to Spellgard
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2010, 04:38:07 am »
Dear Sarrah,

I am sorry that I haven't written to you in a while, but I have been fairly busy with my work and meeting new friends. Quite a few of them rofireinites, many seem impressed with my dedication to preserving order and my skill in battle. One even spoke of letting me join a branch of the church eventually. So hopefully I will be able to write you with more good news soon.
Other than that I am still working for the Angels Guild to earn more credit towards gear that will help me survive in the wilds. Sadly my travels haven't brought me near Spellgard lately so it will probably be a while before I can come by to visit you.
Please say hello to Mylidan and my brothers for me, I hope that you are all doing very well in Spellgard. Speaking of life in Spellgard I am sending you a banknote for 500 true to help you out with your expenses.

*Signed*Therhcha Doesshca


Re: Letters to Spellgard
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2010, 11:34:14 am »

Thank you for the letter and for the note. I gave a healthy portion of it to our brothers to help ease the cost of our living expenses. Johnathan tried to refuse it but I insisted. He said what I'd given him would cover many weeks to come but that he refused to track money between family. The rest I have saved for now but I am thinking how to best put it to use. I think too I am saving it because of the novelty of having it.

Mylidan and I are both making progress on our marks and letters, perhaps I will be able to write my own letter to you when I send the next.

At father's advice I have taken a job at the gardens. It's hard to find a balance between slave and simple employee. I'm finding it hard not to bow and scrape as we were required to before. One day at a time I suppose. I am earning a little at this job as well, but it isn't much for now. I find I am still adapting to things here and so I cannot work every day. Our brothers say it will come with time and as my strength returns.

I hope you are well. Your letter sounds as though you are but I'm not sure you would tell me if you weren't. Please be careful. Mylidan asks about you often. She misses you terribly at times. Come home to visit soon.

Stay safe,

*At the bottom is another little note written in very messy hand with lots of ink blotches and scratches.*





Letters to Spellgard
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 07:27:00 am »
Dear Sarrah,

I am proud to announce that I have been accepted as a knight of the wyrm in the recent initiation in Vehl. I have been studying hard at the library there and have therefore not had time to write you before now. Surely my challenges doesn't end with this initiation. They are but beginning, as I will not be one of the few who has to live up to the standarts set forth by the Lord Protector himself.

I hope that things are going well for you and that Spellgard is proving a more peaceful home for both yourself and Mylidan. I believe that while my responsibilities have increased, I will still be able to travel past Spellgard every now and then. So hopefully my shedule will leave time for a visit really soon, I miss everyone in my family but especially you sister and my niece Mylidan.

Please say hello to my brothers from me and notify my father about the results of the initiation.

*Signed*Therhcha Doesscha, Knight of the Wyrm

