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Author Topic: Contents of the Treehouse Library  (Read 373 times)


Contents of the Treehouse Library
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:43:17 pm »
I decided to note books on the shelves as I add them. Any additional requests can either be PMed to me or added directly in a reply. Inherited wizard books need be written prior to the 1390s and may be in elven, dwarven, common, or infernal, at least. Books picked up by the halfling have no particular restrictions, date, language, or otherwise, but she may or may not have read them or be all that interested in them. Nothing is written by her, as she doesn't write down any stories or songs of her own. (Accidentally halfling traditional, there.) The first post will be the up to date index for me to keep track of, and I will just link the index entries to subsequent posts containing the actual parchment descriptions where necessary.PublicOn the Shelves:10 issues of the Dragon's Whisper
2 issues of the Voice
Theories on Time by Anagrammaticus
The Runes of Four (Elven)
Journal of Araleth Mistsoarer (Elven)
Grains of the Al'Noth - Spellgard, City of Magic (circa 1390)
Collection of Old Notices PT 1 PT 2 PT 3(in several volumes mechanically, technically all one book)
Book found in a sarcophagus - Great Dungeon
Journal of General Khain
Crimson Lance - Truth or Fiction?
City of Ashes and Broken Dreams - Port Hempstead, 1370s
Battle of Prantz
The North Wind Bow and the Fletcher (As Told by Katrien Hommel)
Traveler's Guide to Tilmar (Glossary of Terms)
Journey to T'oleflor
Freldo's Account of the Fall of Prantz
Hirtus Frogmouth's Reports on the Wolfswood
Fold and Hammer
An Enka Fable
Saquan's Song
Battle of the Bloody Wave
Remnants of Draislar's Journal
The First and the Redeemer
Menace of the Deep
To Absent Friends (As Sung by Andrew Reid)
The Ballad of Baron Blacklung (As told by Ozymandias Llewellyn)
The Song of Corash (As Sung by Ayla Bineau)
Dusty Old Tome
Quenton's Story
A Myth of Ilsare and Corath
Tales from Sedera (Child's Bedtime Story)
A Set of Scrolls
Organizations past and present 3/25
End of an Era
The Ballad of Finneas McPhee
 To be finished/added:Runic Anvil, where the heck is that?
Book of Riddles
Rohden's Navy
Servants of the Al'Noth
Analysis and Postulations on Lesser Contrasted Enunciations In Regional Influential Patterns, Fourth Edition (Brac's WL, Keep of the Tome)
Books stolen from the Shadow Temple, what are they even
Would like a couple books in dwarven, not sure of content yet...
An account on the cursing/uncursing of Ovdear
Something about how the Dark Ages ended, maybe by the elf with L's permission
Jennara's court logs
Maybe find something on Storold's rapier
Maybe a collection of conflicting human unicorn myths
The Lay of the Last Harper (Elven and Common)
Peoples and Cultures of the Spirit Dunes 1/5
Plen's Eon & Katia, Blackford maybe?
Fenrir & LosthammersIn the LabOn the Shelves: All those charged spellbooks. Epic traps. Sigh.To Be Written/Added:Need some things written in some pit tongue (infernal equivalent) for Aleister's collection. Content undecided
Need books on technical implementations of necromantic practices for Aleister's collection.
Rituals... Etc... meh. Anything which isn't public.OtherHanging on the Wall:Very old and worn notice framed by the entrance - Room for Rent. In a tree.


Collection of Old Notices Pt 1
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 03:09:52 am »
Sitting randomly on a shelf surrounded by a few dusty tomes of dry magical knowledge that deal mostly with superficial knowledge of certain rituals without actually giving technical specifics, a threaded sheaf of parchments contains old notices and flyers from days gone by. Some are older than others, cracking with age or their time spent exposed to the elements, while others seem to have been written later and rescued earlier.


Riots! Riots in the Golden Port!!
During election day the citizens of Port Hempstead decided to take up arms and set to a chaotic display of rage and anger for the continuous oppression the Guild has had on the city. Hundreds were injured. The local authorities were thinned with the recent attacks at High Seas, and the small squads around the city were easily overwhelmed by the locals. Rumours of help received by a local rebel group were running wild around the alleys.
After the mobs set the Guild building on fire, the governing locals feared the city would soon be in its old age devastation. Fortunately from the dense crowds came a caring woman, an emissary of peace, an angel of sympathy, a Lady Eskereth. Raised on a platform she caught the attention of the entire city and with firm words she beckoned the populace to dwell not on the anger of the past but instead work together for a better future. With a voice few will forget she asked them to express their feelings on the ballot and see justice made through rightful representatives.
Seeing the wisdom in her words thousands headed for the voting stands to make their feelings felt, no longer afraid to vote for those who really will make a change in this marvelous city. The golden haired angel was then lost to the crowds but our gratitude as citizens will never be forgotten. As a city we are in your debt and we hope that while you are amongst us your wisdom remains with us.

- The City of Port Hempstead -


Coming Soon

Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern

Welcome to the Leringard Arms

The Leringard Arms is located in the thriving port city of Leringard along the northern coast of Mistone. Leringard Arms is an Inn and Tavern like no other and includes the following amenities:

The Inn: There are many types of rooms available at the Leringard Arms.

- Single or double occupancy "Common" rooms on the ground floor. They are simple yet comfortable with ample storage.
- Single "Luxury" rooms located on the second floor. Comfortably decorated with polished wooden floors. Quiet and charming. Located directly across from the bath.
- "The Luxury Suite" There is only one of these available. Spacious and luxurious. Ample storage space and room for one or a couple to live. Located on the second floor between the owner's suite and the bath.

The Tavern: Welcome to the heart of Leringard Arms

- The largest selection of Ale in all the land.
- Large tables and comfortable couches to plan your next quest or relate tales of high adventure.
- The largest bar in all the Land.

Entertainment: All the world's a stage.

- Hear tall tales, songs, comedy and tragedy on the stage at the Leringard Arms. Watch for posts of upcoming events!

The Store: Shop till you drop. Just as you enter the Tavern you will see a merchant area. Browse the wares being hawked by merchants. Items from the simple to the sublime.

Finally, the Leringard Arms is in an excellent location to launch adventures. The Port of Leringard has ships sailing to Port Hempstead, which is a jumping point to Rilara, Mysterious Barbarian Islands and Hurm on Dregar.


By the order of the Pranzis Criminal And Prosecutions Office, The Mistone Alliance, The Order of The Shining Hand, The Order of the Bloody Axe, and the Common Congregation of the Port Hempstead Port Authority.
Shar Shadowfang, halfling, female. Description unknown. Reported by the High Clergy of the Rofirein as of the current date. Known for numerous crimes, her charges including but not limited to: Assassination, Blackmailing, Slavery, Extortion, Arson, Robbery.
Wanted dead or alive. This individual is extremely armed and dangerous and known to have many resources at bay. Rumoured to have a powerful guild of unlawful individuals at her calling.
Extreme caution is forewarned. Current Reward at 132,893.12 (One Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine Three with 12 Copper) of the King's Currency.

 - High Clergy of Rofirein and Affiliates.
"Justice be Served"


Citizens of Mistone and Dregar, it is with a sad heart that we must inform you that the Kingdom of Rohden has fallen to the forces of Blood. To travel to Rohden is certain death, so be wise. All military forces are hereby mobilized to serve on active duty. Blood now controls sixty five percent of the world and with the harbor of Westgate controls a strategic location to strike out at both Mistone and Dregar with little to no notice. It is time for everyone to work together and defeat this fiend. More equipment is needed in order to outfit troops of all types, therefore all blacksmiths and indeed, crafters of all types, are now drafted to serve military needs. We also need to increase our monetary depository and as such will not turn down any donation. The Mistone Alliance is in charge of gathering these items and delivering them to Blackford Castle and Pranzis accordingly. Stand up and meet this challenge - stand up and defeat this beast.

Queen Allurial, King Waylend


It is a great day in the History of Layonara, Bloodstone has been defeated in a military confrontation for the first time ever! A year or so ago, the Heroes of the Dragon began donating their blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and the fruits of their labor to the forces of Mistone and Dregar. At the same the militaries of these great nations began training with these very items. A few weeks ago an attack force set out from the docks on military ships with the single minded goal to release the islands of Rohden from the murderers, tyrants, and killers that held them hostage. A mighty force of well trained and equipped military landed at the docks of Rohden. But these forces had a secret weapon - many secret weapons - the mighty forces of the Heroes of the Dragon. These Heroes turned the tide of the battle and won the day all across Rohdem! After many difficult battles, over days of success after success along with death, Bloodstone and his forces feel. Bloodstone has been defeated in a military confrontation for the first time in the history of Layonara! Without the donations and shameless sacrifices of the Heroes themselves, this would not have been accomplished! The tide is turning and we are on our way to victory!

Queen Allurial of Mistone and King Waylend of Dregar


For the People of Rohden

For the Survivors of the Occupation of the Kingdom of Rohden, little has been done. The time for looking away has passed. Now, All People of Good Conscience are asked to help the Survivors recover their Pride, Confidence, and Hope. The Survivors have Basic Needs, which Citizens of Mistone and Dregar take for granted. Clothing, Food, and Medical Supplies are Sorely Needed. If the People of Rohden can be Well Fed and Clothed, and kept in Good Health, they can begin to Rebuild their Homes and their Cities. With the Aid of their Neighbors, the Survivors will once again have Hope for the Future. With their Basic Needs covered, they will have the Confidence to begin Rebuilding their Homes and Cities, and return to Tending their Fields. With a Firm Grasp on their Own Destinies, the People of Rohden will stand Proud and Independent.

Though a few simple items will help return Hope to the Survivors, there is a Segment of that Population who need more aid. These are the Orphans, those Children who lost their Families and are too young to Recover on their own. To assist these young Survivors, an Orphanage will be constructed to House and School them.

The following Items are Requested as Donations:

- Clothing of any Type or Style, including Cloaks, Robes, Belts, and Boots
- Foods, including Breads, Juices, and Milk - Medical Supplies, including Bandages
- Construction Materials, including Wooden Planks and Various Tools
- Weapons and Armor, especially those Types that can be Easily Handled by newly recruited Militia
- Raw Materials that could be used to produce Any of the Items listed above, though Finished Goods are prefered
- Coins, for the Construction of the Orphanage

The following Persons are Collectors for Donations:

- Jennara Creekskipper
- Yardislan Echron
- Klaugraquene Dragonbane
- Acacea Thistletongue
- Cole Norseman
- Pig
- Enyaill
- Tyrian


An image of three eyes and five stars within a circle marks another as an official response of the Mistone Alliance:

Official Mistone Alliance Notice:

After reviewing the participants involved through the Ministry of Intelligence, the Office of the Triumvirate has designated this activity as a Mistone Alliance sponsored event. Jennara Creekskipper is now the assigned temporary Coordinating Materials Officer for this task. All citizens of Mistone are urged to help in achieving their goals.

Triumvir Lorn
Triumvir Genma
Triumvir Maru
Tashin Goldenlead, Minister of Commonwealth


As of late evening on the eve of Dream Dance, Spring Rain 18, 1395. The Caller of Forms, Elbereth Ancilamon, has been placed under arrest and given to custody of Blackford Authority.
An investigation is taking place upon which evidence of fraudulent charges is being analyzed. Until court and final disclosure takes place, all requests and dealings with the office of the Caller are to be redirected to any Great Caller of the Tower who in turn will make the best efforts to see the issues or requests, resolved as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your understanding.

- A Message from Blackford Authority -


Grains of the Al'Noth - City of Magic
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 03:15:56 am »
Another scripture with elaborate illustrations on some pages and twining into the margins; this one seems a collection of experiences and information regarding the city of Spellgard by a visiting mage seeking confirmation in the faith. There are various observations in different chapters from his stay and his experience at the Rites, such as:

[INDENT]"...and though it sprawls shining within the borders of the desert, wasteland stretching behind it, the city itself looks not into the sands to ward itself from what may emerge from the barren and dangerous landscape, but outwards, as though its turning avenues of spell-light and hanging gardens are poised to protect what is within the desert from what is without, instead of itself from what is within..."

"...from the grounds of the great Laileriên ill'Arcana is the unparalleled sight of the Tksósóh Motat, as the local tribes of halflings and indeed Spellgard itself refer to the desert - the Dunes of Spirit. That one must stand beside or behind the outward-facing Tower itself - sensing but the slightest fraction of the immensity of its complex and changing wards - to even look out into that expanse of desert, only reinforces the odd feeling that it protects this area of Mistone from you, and not you from it... It was a disconcerting thought, and yet I can neither put it aside nor begrudge its truth, if truth it is. Seeing it through Spellgard's eyes is to watch a harsh and deadly thing transform into a landscape that lives and breathes magic of a kind I have never seen before...I no longer wonder what dark elves wanted from such a bright and at times unbearably warm site - only that they left again."

"... indeed many of my peers, even within the fabled Tower itself, still hold firmly to the old ways of teaching only one apprentice at a time - with as many years as it takes to master the merest glimpse of the Art, there are those who will only ever have one, if that. Three I have taught now in my own lifetime, two now with apprentices of their own. Though having never made the journey to the City of Magic to be Affirmed in the faith, well had I adhered to its principles and passed them to my students.

So I thought, when first exploring my reasons for devotion with a girl that could have easily been the daughter of my grand daughter if I had any, and not even an Affirmed mage, but one of the clergy. I admit now to perhaps some measure of conceit, which she was unphased by. I confessed some amount of confusion of why the church recommended a mere child of new years in the clergy to an old and greying wizard with decades of magical practices under his belt. The young Strandborn merely smiled in the manner most of Her priestesses have - suggesting much yet saying little - and offered that perhaps I need be reminded that while a child learns knowledge from the elder, the elder may learn wisdom from the child, should he keep both eyes and heart open...”

" a frenzied time for Spellgard, as the whole of the city prepared for the Rites with joy. Innkeeps hustled in casks of exotic drinks, Protectors smiled and turned their heads the other way when children clambered to be where they should not in order to see. Being well matured in years, I had heard before of the exuberance of Spellgard's Rites and shook my head to be young again, yet now having seen it I cannot help but believe the Warder to hold great wisdom behind her elven face of youth. There are places of prayer and reflection for those that wish it, but the people of the city, the ones that shelter in its desert grace and live out their days beside the faith, celebrate with enthusiasm the Rites of Affirmation and the Flares. Warder Altáriël does not remove herself from them, but smiles at their joy and encourages their own form of devotion, and they love her for it with a reckless abandon that borders on overly-familiar, yet listen with upturned faces as she speaks to them of Magic.”

“...for the Rites themselves were a grand affair, with none turned away that came in joy of magic. Commoners beside merchants beside strange creatures licked with the very elements themselves, for even the Weird of Melizaphei were in attendance. Spectators littered the glamoured streets and hung over balconies, all with clear vantage points to the Arc of Affirmation, strangely central despite the turning of the desert streets. Fortunate I was to have chosen this night for my own devotions, for I witnessed the devotions of Bard Ozymandias and his welcome to the church; I saw night-gifted priestess Eldarwen raised to Threadmistress of the Cerlyn Wethrina, and those who aided her given places of their own, from a Guardian being granted her moons, to a raven-haired halfling with eyes as deep as oceans take a Grandmaster’s place to become Pinnacle’s Sight, to young Connor who was granted a runestone from the Warder’s own hand – key to the Arcane Tower, a gift and responsibility without measure or price, that it might be worthy of his passion.

These eyes watched as the heritage of the Deep was overcome, and a dark elven sorceress sponsored by Eldarwen herself was welcomed with her devotions. Spirit of the Night Weave, the Warder greeted her, and I daresay none could gainsay it, with her obsidian skin as strikingly beautiful as it was terrifying. There was banter and play for many throughout the ceremony, from priests in the onlookers tossing a crimson robed mage a set of robes in shades of blue to tease him, to a belled halfling with too many names to record that was welcomed as fey and threw her arms around the Warder of the Loom in an unprecedented hug in laughter – to the sounds of a roared cheer from a many-scarred warrior who wielded his greatsword above his head and fair made the dignitaries beside him wet themselves before he walked away...”

“...though she was smiling, her elven face was solemn-eyed as she presented her own candidate, and again when she was named Threadbound Tia'Sar'ru before the whole of the city, for her wisdom and aid within the faith...”

“...attended will live forever in my memory even when other names and lives begin to fade in the fog of time. The Warder in her exuberance and play with the crowd which gave playful explosions of adoration to greet her, and Mistone’s own Queen and Lucinda’s Chosen, a quiet presence of dignity. She, more than any other that eve, I will treasure the memory of; the difference in the greeting she received when Warder Altariel asked her to open in prayer was not lost on my ears. There was an otherworldly grace on Allurial as many stood with her to give respectful applause, a sound that rippled quietly throughout the city in its affection for her, save the cheer of one over-excited fan that rang too loudly after all was quiet.

The sound earned only a gentle smile as she turned her head to regard her listeners, and then she carefully set her staff to one side, where it remained hovering beside her as she cupped her hands together before her. “Mother of Magic...” she began, and a collective sigh was felt through the onlookers. Though her voice was low, I have not yet found one soul that was in Spellgard that night who did not hear her prayer. It carried over the city as a whisper born on magic, twined with strands of the Mysteries that were almost palpable even to those ungifted in the Art.

“We pray to you this day for the gifts you have granted us freely and out of faith in us, and in turn we return such faith and give you our minds and bodies as your own.

We thank you, Lady of Spells, for your endless wisdom and knowledge; wisdom that shall stave off the darkness that looms around us, and instead bathes us in your light. Sunfire of magic; unstoppable, and ever blazing.

We pray to you, so that in the love we share for your body and spirit, you may find refuge, for in you we find refuge. But most important, we pray to you for being you. For being Magic. For being Joy. For being Mystery. For being Playful. For being Caring. For being Curious. We pray to you, for being You.”

And in her simple and heartfelt thanks, the strands of the Al’Noth enveloped the whole of the city in spell light and glamours; so were our spirits lifted, and so were we calmed by her presence and faith. Many, many years had I painstakingly studied every permutation of magic, striving to understand what cannot ever be fully understood, and never, never had I felt closer to reaching that understanding as I did that night. It is the greatest secret of the faith, and its least understood, the foundation upon which all are accepted or denied, and the reason for the tight friendship to faith of the Dreaming Archer of Harmonies. Love. Love is what drove me to the City of Magic to stand before the Warder, wrinkles and grey beard and all. Form is an illusion, my young sponsor had told me, and Lucinda sees the heart...”

“...journeyed to Spellgard in books and rumors, without walking the walls myself, I would not have seen lectures by starlight and desert blooms left in offering beside fountains that twined water and colorful strands of magic. Words from a prayer would have lost their meaning when not spoken from one Chosen by a goddess to speak for Her, and I would not have felt for myself the blanket of mysteries and faith settle down over the city in her blessing. Most certainly, I would not have found that this old heart still beats in my chest; while it does, it belongs to the pursuit of the mysteries, the same rhythm that sounded throughout the city, whether it be within testy mage, smiling priestess, or whistling innkeeper. It is heard in the soft sound of the fountains and the chanting of the potentiates, and it is whispered in the desert night-wind. May magic always flourish in Spellgard, and may I live long enough to Discover a tenth of its secrets...”[/INDENT]


City of Ashes and Broken Dreams - Unfinished
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 03:36:17 am »
The binding and some of the pages of this book are crumbling in a few places, and marked by scorching in others; a few pages have been entirely ripped out. It looks to have been pulled from fire at some point in its life, and though the name of the author is not written anywhere legibly, it would seem to have been written around the 1370's about the author's disillusionment with Port Hempstead and his urgings for the people to throw off the yoke on their shoulders and not turn their face away from tyranny and cruelty. On further careful inspection it would seem that many passages may actually have been verbal lectures that were written down and collected.

[INDENT]"...famous City of Gold rises to prominence once more from its dilapidated and forgotten state, yet at what cost? At what cost! The streets are again paved with gold, and coin flows through the trade routes, but the stench of the alleys, the moans of the hungry, the deadened, vacant stares of those whose loved ones have been taken from them, all put the lie to this glittering farce..."

"...this the legacy left by the knights of old, this, the city rising again from the ashes to glory? Fat nobles hanging from the teats of a fanged, black-eyed beast? A cowering populace that turns its face from the bloodied cobbles lest they be the next to paint them?"

"...orial grows filthy with scorn and neglect, and at least thrice has the Tree's small guardian protected it from fires and those seeking to bring its towering branches down; per... midated by its age, for it was here before the walls, it survived the sacking of the city, it will survive the grasping Guild, and as its tender says, it will be here long after us. Small wonder that their lackeys and bribed protestors seek to burn it down - while it stands, it is shade, and life, and a reach that the Guild itself cannot grasp... ot let them destroy one of the few things that defies them with its very existence - "I was here before, and I will always be!" ..."

"...a point where to live in fear becomes a choice, where nothing is gained from closing our eyes to corruption and murder except more of the same. The coffers of the city are bought in blood, our blood and that of our children - those who speak alone are silenced, and those who speak together are terrorized..."

"...kidnapped by raiders, we are to believe, yet is it not so that many have whispered that children strikingly similar to those lost have been glimpsed as the playthings of those favored by the Guild, or even its elusive mistress? Does this not fill us with rage? Do we not tremble to shout out our anger, to rip the building apart brick by tainted brick? Others cannot buy us freedom from fear, it is something we must take reins of ourselves! Yet we bow our heads, we weep for our children, and for those who dared to speak, and we go on as always - no one man, no one family can wrestle this many-headed beast back to the underworld, and so we are fragmented until we can speak with one voice..."

"...think to save yourselves by being meek; would you be remembered as beaten dogs, or men? Did Jared's aqcuiescence save him? Did his wife's? You are fed lies and half-truths to keep you silent, to keep you afraid... But I have seen the hand behind the shadows, and it is pale as the moon with eyes as black as night! Those tha..."

Here another few pages seem to have been ripped out by hand before the rest were damaged.

"... shining church of the All-Watching sees all, but remains nothing more than a gilded shrine to bribery. The tem...he Black Sun is a poorly kept secret, and what city could contain the struggle of dark and light within its walls and not explode from conflict? Yet it does not. It smolders, and both profit - does that not say all that need be said? Religious dogma remains but another means of control within the city that travelers once dreamt of entering, that any sailor could hope to make port at..."

"...did not fall when the dar... ...urst from the Deep, nor ... roar of dragons. Though the walls collapsed and the city was sieged,  our allies across the continent remembered the City of Gold and came to its aid, and our own knights made bright the light of Morning. What friends have we now, that anyone should want beside them? Who, that was not bought or blackmailed? Our knights are assassins and armored mercenaries that brutishly keep the peace of death..."

"...member the phoenix, for these years of the divide between undeservedly wealthy riding the backs of the slums shall be the ashes that we will rise the broken dreams that we will weave anew... not forget the ...eedoms won by... erations past..."

An unmarked but worn note is included at the back of the book, stating only how the book came to be in its current condition and what became of the author.

[INDENT]""Written and spoken first by old friend Daerus; gone but not forgotten. Though his life was lost in the fire announced as originating 'from a tipped candle in his home,' his inspiration we have salvaged. His passion will not be silenced with him, and we will hold it safe until it may find root in a better city, a free city... Someday it will be read again.

-Harmony Vaeran"


Room for rent. In a tree.
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 04:32:44 am »
[INDENT]I have one furnished room available in the Whitehorn Forest for monthly rent for a trustworthy, considerate, respectful individual. There's adequate storage, comfortable bed, plenty of shelving, and a reliable teleporter. If interested in seeing more and discussing rates, look for me or the mephit here playing cards. -Aleister

These individuals need not apply: orcs, ogres, dark elves, paladins, thieves, very angry people, people shorter than me by more than 2 feet, clerics, giants, bards, druids, barbaric people, people with nervous ticks, people that fall down a lot, blue haired people, people that don't like that old people smell, Turor, the inquisitive type, the type would would ask "whats the strange noise" then barge into my lab, people with very large cats, people with bears, people with all other animals, animal people, drunks, fanatics, busy bodies, people that stare, people that like pie too much, friends of Turor, hippies. Thank you. -Al[/INDENT]

[INDENT][INDENT]I know you have been adventuring for quite a few years Aleister and you are set in your ways, but don't you think this might, possibly, be a rather restrictive list of restrictions? Perhaps a short note saying grouchy old fart seeking buxom young mage for room mate and light housekeeping would be more on target.Esimon

[INDENT]True. That would have been easier on the wrist and eye. But what if this buxom young mage that came calling was in fact a drow with blue hair accompanied by a cat that stared at my pies? I felt great need to avoid that encounter. Thank you for your concern, Esimon...

Written below the notice in neat print:
The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern will happily acccept applications from all those not eligible. Please see the Leringard Arms Flyer for more information. You may also send a message to Derrick or Kali.

*Written hastily below*

Only one exception...

There is a line drawn to where it says 'Turor' and 'Friends of Turor' in bold script, circled, underlined, all with arrows pointing to them.


Collection of Old Notices PT 2
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 10:01:29 am »
More in the same sheaf of parchments.


This is an invitation to all the freeblades, to all the mercenaries, to all the ex-soldiers, and to anyone else interested in search of a fitting occupation, steady pay, and excellent equipment.

My name is Cole Norseman. I am a well-known, well-traveled mercenary. I have military experience under Queen Allurial and am considered one of the best Greatsword wielders in all the lands. I have connections that span continents and the knowledge to prove it.

My aim is this: To form a mercenary army unit under my command. The army of the Norseman. The Dread Blade.

The pay will be per month, in gold, to be distributed at the monthly gathering.
300 for regulars
325 for file leaders
400 for lieutenants and seargents
500 for captains

In addition, all soldiers will be outfitted with Iron equipment and magical rings will be given for promotions or outstanding accomplishments.

Currently, every rank is available, to be determined by field drills. Experience does not necessarily give you preference. I will watch the drills and determine for myself who is best to lead each Cohort.

There will be four captains under me, at least for now. One captain over a Cohort of Archers, one captain over a Cohort of shieldmen, one captain over a Cohort of shocktroops, and one captain over a Cohort of support troops, which include battle mages and war priests. Each Captain will have two Lieutenants, and there will be a seargent for every three files. A file is no more than ten regulars.

Race, background, gender, and faith will have no impact on your enrollment or advancement. Your actions within the unit will determine your status, and, of course, I will always have final say.

As a mercenary unit, our work is on a contract basis. We will discuss each contract at the monthly meetings, and each Cohort will be assigned responsibilities according to the nature of the contracts. Most contracts will not be to fight in wars across the seas. Most contracts will involve protection, escort, and provision. On occasion the unit will be called upon to lay sieges.

Monthly meetings occur on Wedlars in the campgrounds outside Leringard. The first meeting is this coming Wedlar and will hold the trials for those interested in becoming an officer, as well as the issue of equipment and cohort assignments. It is assumed that all who show are enlisting.

The Color standard is Red and Black.

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*
Cole Norseman



Hear ye! Spellgard be fallen!

We travelled to Spellgard from a rumour tha the city be overrun by the dark elves. It be true. We got to the city gates and dark elves was everywhere, spiders jumpin from the trees.

Stay out o Spellgard iffen ye have ye life dear.

Hargranar Threeleg Craggenhilt



To all Faithful of the Al'noth,

Times of discontent and trouble walk among the faith, ages old allies seeming to become enemies overnight for little to no cause that we here at Vairvand can see. For what reason the hostility of the Ilsarian faith to our own? Our Lady and Ilsare have remained at peace for a time uncounted, love and magic standing steadfast through all times of trouble.

With the last blooming things changed abruptly; several attacks on Lucindite halls have been initiated by those of the Ilsarian faith. Small losses were incurred before Protectors were recalled to both Vairvand and Vairsaloh. Little reason was found for such asssualts, or the new hatred that exists in our own ranks for the Ilsarian faith.

It shames me to say that our own ranks have not been free from such unprovoked attacks upon the Houses of Ilsare. I make it more than clear here that any such action will not only considered unsanctioned by the Clerical orders but also deemed a crime against an Ally of Magic. The appropriate Wards have been notified of this edict and have full authority when pursuing any such crimes.

Investigations are underway, yet the source of the friction is elusive, until such time as resolution is reached we expect Lucindites and Ilsarians will work together to solve what appears to be a conflict of no origin or purpose.

The Weave embrace you all,
In Faith and Magic,
Altariel Nenharma, Warder of the Loom.


Official Mistone Alliance News

Office of the Triumvirate: Triumvir Elika Genma has officially announced her resignation from the Office of the Triumvirate. She has resigned in order to spend more time with her family in Luck, as well as returning to her duty as a priestess of Aeridin. Serving in the position for six years, Triumvir Genma has promoted for the welfare of the common people as well as leading many disaster relief operations aboard her ship M.A.S. Halcyon Promise. Her leave from her current post will be effective immediately once a suitable candidate has been found and approved by the current Triumvirate.


Leringard Arms Open for Business! Freas, Junar 13 1395
The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern is in scenic Leringard north of Blackford Castle
*Song, Dance, Entertainers and General Revelry*
*Special Event*
A Celebration of Heroes
Please join us as we raise our glasses to the heroes of Layonara.
The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern is proud to offer song, dance and general revelry in order to boost the morale of those who fight in the war.
In honor of tonight's special occasion, Layonara's own
Ozymandias Llewellyn
will tell the tale of how Xandrial left our world, and much more...


In the past week, much attention has been focused on our affairs. Much of that attention is based on false rumours, some on outright lies. To clarify a matter that many seem to think our primary goal I will tell you this! We do not seek to attack the Al'noth, Lucinda, the clergy of Lucinda or anything like that! We merely work towards a law against the use of necromancy in our lands. A law that we believe will result in less evil and more peacefulness.

To those that have threatened our members outright, and those who have betrayed our trust and revealed much to those that work against us, know this! An attack on one of our own a result of information that has been revealed by whom we thought to be our friends, will not be tolerated. Be assured that if you strike at us, we will strike back!

*The poster is signed with a Grey Circle, drawn with charcoal.*

Apreal 15, 1385 - 14:00

Near the bridge over the Zainge River, a large scorpion statue has appeared, leading to it a trail of blood. Also the ogres there are getting restless.

The trail of blood leads to the fog shrouded tower. We investigated as best we could, but do not know what it could mean.

Reef O'hagan + Mender Pengelly.



This is an official warning to those that pass through the Singing or Wildland Forests. Stay on the roads and paths while you pass through the woods. Avoid any confrontation with the guardians and creatures that are natives of these areas. Should you stray from the paths and come upon a Quetil or other defender of the forest and be attacked by said defender - flee back to the road and the nearest village or town. You will not be followed. Fight back at your own peril!

An agreement has been made between the dwarves of the Runic Anvil that call the halls beneath Mount Norand their home and the Fey of the Forests. Dwarven patrols will from this day onward patrol both the Singing and the Wildland Forests. These patrols will offer aid to those that have lost their ways in the wilderness and guide them back to the safe paths to enable them to travel safely through the Forests.

Should a patrol come upon travelers that refuse to use the paths shown to them they will be kindly escorted back to a road anyhow.

Should a patrol come upon travelers that have engaged the fey or other creatures in battle, the patrol will send for reinforcements and then step in between the warring factions. Should the need arise, the patrolling dwarves will raise arms to defend the natives of the forests. Be warned - if you refuse to lay down your arms you will be met by skilled warriors that know their mettle! They will not stand down until you stand down and agree to be lead back to the safe passages through the forests.

Kobal Bluntaxe, Steward of the Runic Anvil[/INDENT]


(Quenton's Mailed-In Story
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2015, 04:56:25 pm »

(Quenton's Mailed-In Story for Storyteller's Night)

So since I can't be there, I thought I'd send a bird to tell a story!

So... this one time I was hiking down a river playing with the fishes and skipping rocks, and all of a sudden a big ol' ogre jumped out of the bushes! He asked me if I knew where he left his club 'cause he was gonna use it to whack a deer for dinner. I'm not sure how he expected to sneak up on a deer, though... But I told him I hadn't seen his club, and then he got a bit mad at me and tried to grab me! But I was quick! I sprung off the rock and dove into a big pool but guess what?! The river was running into a waterfall! I floated closer to it while the ogre was throwing rocks at me. Fortunately, he was a bad aim. I can't expect him to ever hit a deer... So I wondered what he actually eats, but while I was thinking about that I got sucked into a cut of water and it was the best ride ever! I landed in a big pool at the bottom and found a cave behind the falls and turned out that's where the ogre lived! So I looked around and easily found his club in a pile of rat bones. I guess he really doesn't eat deer! I grabbed his club and swam out just in time to find him after he climbed down the side of the falls. I said, "HEY! I found your club!" He was happy then, so I gave him a roast I had wrapped up in my pack and was on my way. The End!



Organizations Past and
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2016, 02:59:00 pm »

Organizations Past and Present

The Blackwatch:

Here the author turns to a description of one of the more notable groups of guardsmen, that of Trelania's northern city of Leringard.

...a hardy people, accustomed to danger from within as well as without, and the evolution of their own guardsmen appears to reflect this. Said simply, they keep the peace. Less simple is the means with which one chooses to keep it, and how peaceful is peaceful enough. In calmer times, issues of alleged brutality or extreme methods seem to crop up against the Watch, with the city’s poor and nobility alike muttering for different reasons.

When dangers come from without or beneath, however, there appears to be in many quarters a perverse sort of pride in the Blackwatch, with a theme not unlike “they may be thugs, but they’re our thugs.” In a city that faces the sort of perils Leringard does, it seems that at least for some, a threateningly grim and black-clad force patrolling the streets is exactly what it requires...

The Many Faced:

In a section devoted to criminal alliances, the author spends a few pages describing one of the most infamous.

...a time when nearly everyone on Layonara knew the name of Sharina Shadowfang, infamous for commanding what seemed at the time to be the entire nefarious underground of Layonara across continents and into the Deep, the circumstances surrounding the decline of her power and eventual death are murky and less told. Less spoken still are the beliefs apparently held by no small number that she either never died, or ascended whether in her own right or as consort to the Black Hound.

Though dangerous to seek information about, rumors have over time trickled out of the Gloom Woods of a sort of cult that worships Sharina herself, holding sacred the narcotics that she used, marking their skin as she did with piercings, scars, and tattoos...

The Cerlyn Wethrina:

In a section devoted to church-based groups, the author describes a less loudly spoken of ward in Lucinda's church prior to its reorganization.

...unspoken shadow ward of the the church, an organization cloaked in secrecy and known mostly in rumor. The Guardians, as they were known in Common, were expected to be skilled in stealth, diplomacy, and all matters arcane, and are thought to have watched the church itself for signs of corruption or compromise.

It was once gossiped that there was strain between the Protectors and the Guardians, revolving around what each believed was necessary for the protection and championing of the Al’Noth. It is also speculated that several incidents within the Toranite church relating to the disappearance or destruction of arcane artifacts can be traced to this sect, but like the Guardians themselves, facts are hard to come by. Where did they go after the Reformation, and were they involved in it? No one knows…

Among others the to-do still consists of

Angels Guild
Brothers of Battle
Protectors of the Al'Noth
Black Wizards
Crimson Eagles
Love & Magic
Crimson Shield
Light Bringers
Mistone Alliance Scouts
The Naves
Al'Noth's Tempest
Sisters of Rebirth
Wolfswood Rangers
Heartsong Archers
The Ravens Guild
The Dread Blade




A Set of Scrolls"In times
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2015, 05:13:34 pm »

A Set of Scrolls

"In times long past, great beasts of wing and scale did wage war upon the world. The destruction wrought was beyond measure, and the tides of war waxed grim until one rose up in mighty opposition. He would lead the people in victory against the wyrms of old. Seeing only death and defeat on each side, the war ended in treaty rather than might. He who brought such victories against the wyrms was banished from the world, and the wyrms themselves retreated in every way that mattered. Such was the price of peace.

The world rebuilt, and the ashes of war sank into the earth. In their youth as gods, the Six did look down upon the world, their memories of mortal life still fresh in their minds. They knew should the treaty ever be broken, the world would fall into war again, and they would not see the people of the world subjected to such a fate. They wished to protect the world, but such was not for their direct involvement. In secret, the Six would plan. In secret, they brought another into their fold to maintain peace among them. In secret, the Seven set their plan to motion.

Acting through agents, mortal and Heavenly, the Work began with the skies above giving witness to this alliance. A Source would be empowered. A Conduit would be made. The Five would be gathered and given the Spark, divine of all and none, to endure unabated through the lives of their progeny to ensure peace in a future time of strife. Yet despite their power, the Seven did not know the Mystery of the mortal existence, as the breath of life even to them was given by another. Such came from the One, and only the One could bind Mystery and Spark.

To the Conduit came the Five, in numbers sufficient to ensure continuance. From the Conduit went the Five, their fates and those of their progeny forever changed by the Spark, to live unnoticed among the people of the world. Only through words passed from parent to child would the Work be known as the Spark itself. Yet there is weakness in all things mortal. Lines will falter, memories will fade, stories will be forgotten and death will claim its toll. In their wisdom, the Seven and the One saw a need for a contingency: Two pieces of the Conduit would form the Failsafe. Each would seek the other. Either would seek the Spark. Both would seek the Conduit.

In the Time of Need, the Seven will gather once more. In this time, the Spark will light in the Five. In this time, the Work will come to fruition. In this time, the Five will find their place. Long live the Five. May they never falter."