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Author Topic: The Tales and Rants by Dyness  (Read 171 times)


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    The Tales and Rants by Dyness
    « on: April 08, 2005, 01:37:00 pm »
    *written in an old dirty book with fresh hide surrounding it*   It never occurred to me to record my travels but after stumbling upon this book what other choice do I have. I guess whomever had this book didn't intend on keeping it, only two pages full of text... about some girl, a few potions.. Doesn’t seem important to me, there loss.I guess I should title this appropriately because I can only see many tales being written down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                               The Tales and Rants of Dyness.. Druid of Katia…  The Topaz Run!  Yah that sounds about right… I wish I knew where to start, so much has happened already but I’m going to keep it short... it has been a long dreadful day. The other day I was in the wood caves with Path, Trip and Fian… we thought it would be an easy day.. go in, excuse a few ogres, let em know we’re just here for some topaz. So the few were quite rude and we tried our best to reason with them but it turned into a funeral for many. Then as we made a corner and proceeded to the furthest deposit at least! At least! Six mages popped out and sprayed us with that infernal cone blast! Of course we could not communicate, so of us turned back, Illa went in like a trooper and took down a few, but then the bloody berserkers appeared and scared here off. Path and I turned back and delivered a few blows but clearly we were outnumbered and powered and began retreating. It was so funny because as we ran it looked like we were going to make it out but then Path turned back to fight, so I fought to but he yelled out so we left.. Then more ogres and mages popped out outside and literally surrounded us in a circle… I was scared but no matter what I was fighting till the end…. I summoned a few things and a boar near came to help.UGH, SPEAKING OF BOARS… I love boars, I hate when people kill them in front of me for food, I know everyone loves to eat boars but at least give me warning so I can look away, oh well.Back to this attack.. Fian had run off to rest which I understood I wish I had the chance to. So as the blood sprayed and swords flung I thought we were going to make it, then all of a sudden Trip fell right beside me. Poor guy… with all the beatings I was taking I didn’t think I could heal him, I looked at the berserker attacking me and spit in it’s face buying me enough time to cast a critical heal on him bringing Trip to his feet. He promptly ran off and Path and I continued to fight.. what a guy. Then the mercenaries for whatever damn reason thought they join the party.. and that point it was too much for me and I fell. My mind was lost but Katia kept my soul strong and I would later regain my strength. The ordeal was over and I think we ended up with four minerals of topaz, BLAH. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Spell Tactics  So today I told Gulnyr I was thinking of changing my casting abilities to ensure the lives of others. He said he felt that there was no need for me to do anything like that and I fight very well and I appreciated it. But it is always good to test my abilities and see what kinds of tricks are appropriate in a certain area. So with my topaz run weighing on my conscience I thought I’d find a more efficient way in mining and bracing myself for such an ambush. I experimented with stonehold.. it is a cloud that will paralyze any that cannot breath within it and ultimately encase them in stone… At first I used it outside with Illa and watched her struggle and couldn’t stop laughing. To make sure she wasn’t hurt I ran in but couldn’t move.. Dumb move on my part because I was in high forest and I guess the black bear thought I was trying to hurt her so it came over and got caught in it also. Smartly with my next chance free we got out there, hopefully the bear is moving and okay now. So with the first phase in experimenting done I used freedom of movement to prevent myself from getting caught within it’s grasp, unfortunately the twisted leather strip is necessary and costs a lot of coins. So with the strip of leather in hand  headed out and tested on a few zombies who walked right through it easily, of course I underestimated them and was a little overwhelmed by there attack but with Gulnyr and Weston watching on we took them out quite easy…. Geez it’s getting really late I should wrap this up….. so with my new found skills I choose to go back to the cave with topaz and began casting near the deposit, the ogres came in and everyone got frozen, I tried to take them all down but I had to make a few calls to Katia and did a flame strike, it amazes me everyone time how I can do a strike like that in a cave. Either way they died and I got my topaz quite quickly, I’m thrilled! It’s late maybe I’ll write around this time again tomorrow... hopefully I won’t be as tired.


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      RE: The Tales and Rants by Dyness
      « Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost... As wonderful as my times have been in Hlint I wonder why I reside there. At times I feel smothered and then abused, maybe I am seeing this is a little too extreme but I cannot argue with what I feel inside. When I rest my eyes I see pain, hundreds, and thousands dying… I can’t make out the figure but it is a woman, a light emits from her but not a dark light... her sword makes its way left to right cutting through multiple bodies releasing enormous amounts of blood onto the ground. This vision does not faze me when I awake. But sometimes when I enter combat it reappears and my head begins to ache, if I tryand suppress the vision and disregard it as nothing the pain increases but when I accept it my anger increases and I feel the need to kill and kill. I knowthis dream is linked to me somehow but I cannot find the answer and neither can anyone around me so I’ve set off. Many times I always found myself lost,whether it was geographical or personally I could not just find the circle of companionship I need necessary. To be found you must be lost… and now I am lost, but one day will be found. I pray to Katia for guidance because without her strength I could not endure the things I have seen so far. Giants, MANY giants, nothing like the ones in Silent Hill Mountains, these ones are very aggressive and do not waste time throwing rocks, they come full on out swinging there axe at me, thankfully I can knock them down but I dare not take on more than one ata time. I also encountered some bugbear, or a creature similar in appearance…but these ones wield an axe with acid dripping from the tip. One of them had the flesh burn slightly off their feet but it did not faze them, stupidly they just beat there chest waiting… well I ended there wait, it was bloody but it felt… good. I know that if I continue to press on and encounter the creatures that I do my days will come to an end but am I one not to argue with it… no, I will continue to give into my bloodlust and maybe on the way Katia will answer me or my powers will just increase until I’ve wiped out everything possible. Aterrible thought but at my pace I see it being the only result.....     my head is throbbing, it is time for me to rest.... also I must remember the fellow named Rurik and how he helped me find my way to Karthy Docks.. what most impressed me was his ability to calm the Griffon.. he mentioned that it was a pleasure for him to see another woodland friend, I found that most puzzling because I would have not seen him as one by his appearance, but it is never good to judge a book by it's cover and a grave mistake on my part.


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        RE: The Tales and Rants by Dyness
        « Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Continued + Cursed Gloin  As I spent my time in the foreign contients I struggled finding the necessary components for my crafts so I headed back to the West seeking aloe where I knew it was growing in an abundant source. Arriving in Fort Hope I was greeted by Fian and Gulnyr who seemed quite tired, I asked him what was wrong and he said Gloin was trying to eat his brains.. and after that Gloin promptly appeared chasing Gulnyr around me in circles going on about who he needs brains. Eventually Gloin moved on and Fian, Gulnyr and I began talking almost disregarding what had happened. Something inside me said that we should look further into this situtation and make sure no harm is done. Arriving in Hlint it seemed the madness that took over Gloin was apparent to others, out of nowhere Gloin began raining a storm of fire on the town.. quickly the large group chased after him seeking to bring an end to it. Logn story short... Gloin attacked Gulnyr twice killing him in both incidents, but oddly raising him also. We were able to bind Gloin and look into his mind and apply psychoanalysis techninques and tapped into his memory and he was able to recall blood, red and a port. That did not do much for us so we examined his body and saw a bite on his neck which was identified to be a vampire bite. Sin summoned Lady D who casted a spell that allowed Gloin to function normally for the time being but it was necessary we make haste and seek some type of cure. Our journey brought us in the nameless cave in Haven and we battled Umber Hulk which went quite well then we came upon the vampires... I have never seen so much bloodshed before. It was so horrific, many fell and those who could fight were struck with straight terror.. it was amazing the very few who could fight did the defeat the rest. Somehow our minds went blank and I found myself back in Hlint.. birds were being sent all around and from what I heard all was well, whether Gloin is restored that has yet to be determined but for now the ordeal is over... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durgon Boy and his Parents...  This case I find most perculiar but much help is needed so I aid whomever wish it in this case. Right now we must find this boy, Durgon of Dorandities parents home.. so much has happened to the temple that we cannot be sure of the forces that attack it. Our search brought us to Arabel and once again and horrific day turned worse. For now we were trying to fight our way to the destination.. Druid Elders I believe, massive beasts casting various spells, such as earthquake dstroying anything in there sight. If those my fellow partners did not fight as bravely as they did I would have not made it through.    


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          RE: The Tales and Rants by Dyness
          « Reply #3 on: May 04, 2005, 11:42:00 pm »
          Random Thoughts  So much has happened since I’ve last written in this and theneglect has caught up with me. I’ve seen many others such as Klaug, and Buppireach a new plateau in their life. Klaug was dawned with the titled, veryfitting of him.. he’ll make a fine champion of Toran. Buppi on the other hand,choose another path, fulfilling her dream of knowing her origin was brought toa point where she was to choose between Lucinda or the Ghostwise. She ultimatelytook the path of the Ghostwise, preserving the heritage she will no more be ofLucinda and will incur the fate of what she has choosen. Buppi is not affectedby this and seemed quite content with her decision. I admire Buppi in herchoose, it has somewhat opened my eyes. At times I do question these powers Ihave given by Katia, she watches over me as I watch over all she has made butat times it drives me insane. I look around and I don’t feel sympathy for theland, this world is survival of the fittest. Pay attention to the economics,rarely do you see people aid others with fair prices or donation of old itemsthey have no use for, and I fit in the category also, I myself hang onto itemsothers can use but I wish to achieve and get ahead so I can buy items to bettermyself. I must be losing my mind…  
          Not too long ago I was apart of a group that had to travelto firesteep and speak with the mighty Fisterion, the Lord of Dragons. This wasmy first encounter with him, hated by all I did not know how or what to say inhis presence. Thankfully Triba conducted herself in front of him.. she was aninspiration, the smallest of us all was so brave and bold. She delivered newsto Fisterion which I could only assumed pleased him since he did not eatanybody. During the conversation I made a few steps to make sure I was alivebecause his presence I was simply in shock and he noticed and quickly focussedon me. He stated that I seek tremendous power and could give it to me, powersbeyond my imagination.  Of course I was intriguedby what he said.. but I looked around at the others and saw Plen, Ironheart,Triba and the others.. even if I accepted they would quickly slaughter me. ButI must say, as my conflicts arise with the other adventurers I encounter,sometimes I wish I had that power he spoke of.. I’d quickly put them in theirplace. Oh well, so much more still happens that occupies my mind.. the boyDurgon, and his mother Jasmine who is seem as the great preserver of nature, oflife and left the group on the other continent to be with the simplecraftsmen.. I can’t believe she left, she was looked at highly. I can think ofso much more to say but this is where I end it, bye journal.. 

