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Author Topic: Elinmire's Notes  (Read 182 times)


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Elinmire's Notes
« on: April 09, 2005, 07:29:00 pm »
It is dark outside and late in the evening.  The sun had gone down hours ago, and the white bearded wizard was busy at his desk scribbling notes furiously.  On the mantle of the fireplace nearby, a pixie is snoring.  A bottle of Willow Wisp Ale opened, and a thimble in her hand.  She cuddles in a comfortable scarf and clutches her thimble.

The wizard--an archmagus due to his age, knowledge and teaching experience--stops writing and cleans his quill and rubs his eyes.  He looks over the scroll in front of him.  It is the scribing of the spell "Wall of Fire".  He made some notes on the bottom for the mage it was destined to teach.

Due to the stasis of the wall, it must be used wisely.  Either to lure enemies across or as a barrier from being followed.  Its power increases in relation to the mage's power.  Be careful and warn your companions

He blows off the dust of the gems on the scroll and empties the last of the evocation ink he used.  He nods, job completed, blows out a candle and goes to bed--knees creaking.


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RE: Elinmire's Notes
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2005, 08:39:00 pm »
*Elinmire is walking back from an ecounter with a large pack of dwarf-eating leeches*

He enters his study after making a couple rings for a young piestess and collecting some scrolls from a friend of his.  He sits at his desk and takes out a pad of partchments and begins to write.

Lately, I have seen an opportunity to spread knowledge beyong any other.  I have met with a young elven sorcerer--lovely young lady--who I was able to donate many rough cut minor gems to that I need for infusing research.  She cut many ofthe for me, and in the process she learned much.  Garnets are a god stone to learn much of the angling of refraction most often used in topaz.

*he sighs and rubbs a sore spot on his arm, healed by Yashilla during the battle*

My mind has often returned to the mages of old, and their orders.  The Mages of Spellgard are silent, most of the time, and there must be a mechanism to train the adventuring sorcerers and mages who are now rising all around me.  My main gift is teaching spell through scribing and example.  I remember dueling with Shiva so she could demonstrate the merits of counterspelling.  What an interested difference and new aspect of magic.  Meta-Magic is an important factor in magic mages need to learn much about also.

In my travels and trading and purchasing, I have amassed many minor spells.  I have descided to use them to teach mages who will come and actually learn.  Not only to fill their tiny spellbooks, but to actually take somet time and learn the magic they are blessed with accessing.  Sorcerers may only benifit from knowledge, but I intend to teach them tactics and wise movement in the Weave.  It has been my expierence they they are able to function well, even with their limitations, when they choose the propoer course.

Tonight, I will draw up the measures of an organization, and submit it to many of my colleagues.  Perhaps one will take the lead, and we will be able to make something of an group who can benifit from magical studies.


