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Author Topic: Life in a shadow - Myrddyn Reynolt  (Read 68 times)

Guardian 452

Life in a shadow - Myrddyn Reynolt
« on: August 18, 2010, 12:17:27 pm »
*After a recent trip to a cafe of spiders with Rory, Argos, and Sehky Myr rests at a campfire in Folians Vale. He looks over the fire towards his fathers (Enzo) house. A small mouse skitters past his feet and Myr crumbles up some bread for it. He watches the mouse slowly aproach and nibble at the pieces*

So what am I supposed to do? *he looks down at the mouse* It doesnt matter really, whatever choice I make won't be the right one. *he looks up and glares towards Enzos house then looks back to the mouse happily munching down the crumbs* I know when I was a kid I wanted to be just like him. But everywhere I go now... its Enzo this.. Enzo that. Oh that isnt how Enzo was... yeah well I aint him. I never will be and the more I hear it the less I want to be! *he mouse jumps a bit as he raises his voice*.... sorry *looks down at the mouse and tosses him some more crumbs* Watching Rory and Argos tear thru that spider cave was something else. I remember a few years ago when I ran with those two on Dregar. I thought I wasnt far behind Rory, skill wise then. But she obviously has stuck with her training and look how its payed off. I asked her if she would teach me some of the tricks to using a Rapier she has mastered... cause I sure need it. I couldnt even puncture the outer shell onsome of those stupid spiders. And when they were distracted by Argos... gods... she tore them up! I wonder if she can teach me how to do that too. I should go see if that Feh guy is still around to he said he's teach me about mastering a rapier. I wonder how that kid of his is doing? Still cant beleive how he manipulated that situation to take that kid for his own.... *tosses the remaining crumbs to the mouse*

Ok little guy. I guess its time I go see what the Old man is up to. *he reaches down and with a finger pets the mouse gently. He gets up and walks over to Enzo's house*

// Myr is trying to decide his path.. rogue, or WM(rapier)

Guardian 452

Life in a shadow - Myrddyn Reynolt
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 02:14:40 am »
*Myrddyn is seen practicing his fighting stance in Enzos' combat training area of his shop. The Storekeep Thomas glancing Myrddyns' way from time to time as he goes over some inventory*

... be more on the balls of your feet... that's what Rory said. Dont stand there like you're digging in and won't budge.

*he attemps to shift his weight so he is standing more on the balls of his feet and he practices blocks and thrusts at the combat dummy. He imagines the dummy swinging back at him and he dodges to the side of the strike and returns a thrust quickly into his straw stuffed opponent*

Hey...!  Not bad!! *his new found stance quickly goes to his head and he dances around striking the series of combat dummies* You like that! *thrust* ... how about this *thrusts again*....

*Thomas looks up from his papers and shakes his head grinning a bit before going back to his inventory*

Guardian 452

Re: Life in a shadow - Myrddyn Reynolt
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 04:17:00 pm »
Myrddyn stops by Enzo's house in Folians Vale. After the usual pleasantries.....

My swordsmanship has continued to improve. Myr states to his father. Most things that I face I can handle well enough on my own. I'm spending more time trying to focus on weaknesses in their attacks and exploiting them when I see them (he is speaking of using Parry)

Enzo nods, Aye... sounds like a good plan son. Tell me hows you're skills with the bow comming along? Enzo gets a familiar half grin as he asks knowing full well that Myr never showed the same interest as he had with a bow.

Oh.. its fine... Myr shrugs a bit. I use my bow when I need to and I have no problems. I think even you'd be surprised *hegives a half grin that almost matches his fathers perfectly*

I posted that I was looking for more training with the rapier. I feel I am very close to a breakthrough with this *he pats the rapier at his side* I got a somewhat odd reply from fellows called the Dumas brothers. I have yet to track them down and see what they can offer me in the way of more training. I was thinking about entering some tournaments in the Vehl arena. But seems most happen when I am not around.

*myr continues on about this and that for several minutes then after a few customers come into the store and Enzo is called away he makes his way out of the house*

Well.... I'll see ya ole man. *he waves to Enzo and leaves*


Guardian 452

Re: Life in a shadow - Myrddyn Reynolt
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2012, 08:18:05 pm »
*Myrddyn leaves a note at Enzos house*

My new path has begun. I will not forget the ways of my former path. I am still a woodsman at heart... but now I will continue to focus all my abilities into truly mastering the rapier. I am thankful for all that I've learned from you Father, and all that I still learn from you.

I will be back to visit again soon.



