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Author Topic: Corrinne's Diary  (Read 73 times)


Corrinne's Diary
« on: August 20, 2010, 03:52:33 pm »
/it's a ratty book, the cover merely cardboard with pages stitched in.  This one is new, pristine.  She handles it gently, smiling, before she settles down to write in it./

I remember my first miracle.  It seems so simple, now.  I need light, I call for light.  I did it today as I went through that disgusting crypt again, putting the people back to sleep.  (I need to do something about that crypt.  How can the Dragon have something like that next to His temple and do nothing?)

There was nothing to it.  But that first time - ah, that was a miracle.

I'd been locked in my room, yet again, for some transgression or other against the laws of the temple.  Something minor.  Probably not doing a chore, or something else that struck me as silly.  There were a lot of things that were done not because they did anything useful, at least that I could see, but because they kept people busy.

Busy people don't have time to think.  They just follow rules to get it done.  I wonder if that's why so many Toranites are so rigid.  No time to think.

But I was in my room, to think about what I had done.  And it was dark, and I was scared.  And I prayed.  And light just filled me and bubbled forth with gleeful laughter.  The matron that checked up on me was appalled.  A gift of Toran shouldn't be greeted with laughter!  But with humility!  Respect!  Dignity!  A proper way to be, and to do, and everything else!

But the light still makes me laugh.  I cannot believe Toran is as rigid as he is made out to be.  Why would a god that rigid accept me?  No - there is much to be done, and people to aid.  The world can be dark and gloomy.  But - there is also laughter, and love.  And light.

The light of Toran laughs.


Corrinne's Diary
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 05:50:55 pm »
Too much going on.  Too much.  I don't know how to think about it.

I think I didn't write because I didn't want to think about it.  Of course, that never works anyway, and just leaves me feeling like an idiot, so I should probably find a better way to handle stress.

I really need to find a set of pells to work out against.  Or go fishing more.  Something.

I really don't do well with humility.  And I think the constant focus on honor is - well - stupid.  For that matter, I'm not thrilled with the constant harping on blind obedience.

Why on earth would blind obedience be better than knowing what's going on and trying to get as much information as possible?  Why would it be better to shut up and just take it?  It seems like every time I go looking for more information, for more understanding, I get a lecture about shutting up and obeying.

If Toran wanted someone that just shut up and obeyed, why on earth would He have chosen me?  It doesn't make any sense.

Then there was the Dragon priest's reaction when I admitted to compassion for the bandits we were fighting.  Really - yes, I know they've made their own decisions.  I know they could have found a way to do the right thing instead of the wrong thing, and that it's their fault, all of that.  But they were children once.  Something happened that made them go bad.  Somewhere, maybe, there was a chance at intervention.  A chance when things could have gone right.

I'm very glad the Dragon's not the one that found me.  The idea of compassion being weak .... it makes me ill.  Compassion and strength.  Those are the virtues that matter to me.

And honor?  It makes people blind.  Honor is no more a quality of good than it is a quality of evil - and it can be used to hide great evil.  Shut up and obey .. hold to your honor .. both strike me as an invitation to disaster.

If I have to choose between what is right and what Toran wants, gods help me, I will choose what is right.  Though I would have to believe what was asked of me was unquestionably evil to make that decision.  But I fear people that would chose obedience over what is right.  Maybe that makes me a lousy priestess.  But it's the only way I can live with myself.

This morning I went for a wander through that crypt in Vehl, smacking the undead around.  It is so much easier than everything else.  No questions of right or wrong, or guilt or innocence.  It's just undead.  I wish more things were that simple.

Maybe I'll go to Krandor and try myself against some of the undead there.  It's service without question, since it needs doing.  Or maybe the ones outside Vehl in the forest.  Or even both - there's never a shortage of undead.

And it's a lot easier than thinking.

