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Author Topic: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood  (Read 107 times)


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    Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
    « on: June 27, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
    Week One:
    Aeridin as my witness, this has been a tough week,
    Having mixed up the directions given to me, I have made it into the township of Hlint. And have not been able to find the forester, the priests of Aeridin have sent me to train with. I have failed as a priest. Now I am failing as a forester. I guess the only bright side that remains is my ability to handle my staff. Unfortunately, it has improved at a staggered pace, leaving a lot more to desire, as I keep soulsearching after several unsuccessful forays into the goblin camp, located in a cave, just west of Hlint, having been tasked by a local merchant to attempt to relieve the constant attacks on travelers and caravans. Still I have accomplished a few things on the way, as far as hunting for the pelts, a local furs dealer tasked me with.. Bah.. I forget his name. It is difficult, with so much sole reflection and goblins on my mind, leaves little room for much else. I also assisted in the recovery of tax books, and was bidden to keep quet about it. Undertaker, has tasked me with recovering the essense of a lesser dark soul. For once I was able to follow Aeridin's tenants to a letter, and have dispatched a number of those whose life has been unnaturally extended beyond death. My quarterstaff proved to be a reliable weapon in that darkness. Still chills of vile hands of undeath pursue me... I may yet return to that place to insure that undead do not trouble Hlint.
    Of course I read, some scrolls on forging and woodcrafting, have caught my mind. By Aeridin, all living things should be of my concern, but I cannot help and wonder about other things I read. I see now the insight of the priests, sending me away, helped. However, still, I do not see forest as my calling, except I harvest honey some times, and dig clay, clearly not tasks behooving a good, well intentioned elf. It's just things've changed inside me, since I have seen us, elves banished from the land and Direwood. Something became unhinged... I still attempt to follow the tenets of Aeridin. All life is sacred, yet so much evil has befallen local lands. I attempt discretion, yet knocked on the ground, goblins do not flee. They stay and fight attempting to destory all those that they meet... I use my staff, defend myself... Still, kill and maim... Focusing on this skill with staff allows to forget, the raging darkness that envelops land, whose loud cries of help beset my mind, yet fall on the death ears of most others, who are to nature blind...
    Aevornii ul Direwood
    After being ambushed by Goblins, in an attempt to keep the roads safe.


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      RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
      « Reply #1 on: June 27, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
      Dark clouds are gathering around Hlint... Goblin warriors are become more fearless and their weapon mastery is fearsome, their tactics are annihilating anything that dares to enter their lair... I had to learn to run as well as I wield my quarterstaff, in an attempt to stretch out their pursuit of me. Victory is nowhere in sight... Forced to use hit and fade defensive tactics, much similar to those I heard about, used by the end of Human-Elf wars. And this is against mere goblins... Aeridin, help me. Truly our Elven hold on land is not what it used to be... Cold dark shadows everywhere. But this evil must be contained here, and not allowed to spill out on the surface... I found a goblin sacraficial altar, not far from cave entrance... Aeridin inspire me to battle this evil, unnatural its perseverance of destruction and death...


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        RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
        « Reply #2 on: June 28, 2005, 03:36:00 pm »
        Yesterday, when coming back from another raid into goblin caves, this time successful, thanks to the help of (illegibly written name) Ogre. I have spotted a group of adventurers camping outside western gate of Hlint. One of them, an elven female, I believe was attempting to convince the rest that "Mist and  Pyrtechon allied against Blood in an alliance of convenience". I fail to see what kind of convenient alliance can be made between Mist and utter evil bent on destroying all humanoids life... Alliance between Synthar and Pyrtechon is more likely from my perspective. Also a question has been raised, if Synthar was winning the war against dragons, how could some council, without humanoid support simply banish them? How do the losers banish the victor... Also all those wars that later followed, between elves and men and dwarves and men. From what I read Synthar Bloodstone was trying to end all wars, caused in part by dragon wars. Something smells fishy about the whole affair. Aeridin, please shed light on my not so humble self. I posted a reward notice at the inn in Hlint, hoping to glean at least some information into possible Alliance of Mist and Pyrthechon. If such a change occured, than the matters are more serious than I have previously believed... By Aeridin, if friends begin deserting and allying with dispeakable evil... Matters will certainly get grimmer as we go on. On a lighter note, a large party of travelers allowed me to journey with them and we temporarily alleviated the threat to Castle Haven, by slaying one of the leaders of the attack on that keep as well as a large number of Ogre troops, who were bent on murder and destruction perhaps buying a breather for Haven to reorganize.  I have also completed my first couple of business transactions. I have purchased some oak branches from Klugger, and have made a deposit of 1300 gold to Jacho, for an oak staff he mastered for me. I still owe him 700 gold pieces that I indend to return as soon as I am able. Deep in my heart I still believe Direwood can be reclaimed by elves and that some kind of compromise is possible for elves and humans to live together.
        from Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood


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          RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
          « Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 03:48:00 pm »
          Last morning. There was in incident in Hlint which led a whole group of adventurers on a chase through crypts and forests. To Karthy. There, a result of a plague like situation, of sleep. Was affecting a temple of Xeen, Karthy, and some towns. We did manage to somehow resolve a situation. But there happened to be a side effect. I forgot something extremely important. But I forgot what I forgot. I am sure it will come to me in time, and by Aeridin, I sincerely hope it's not too late, when I recover the memory.


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            RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
            « Reply #4 on: June 30, 2005, 03:49:00 pm »
            On they way back from Karthy, I perished in the lost ruins.. I am now busy reflecting my loss, as I cannot possibly get back there to pray at my grave.


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              RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
              « Reply #5 on: July 05, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
              Recent exploits: Delivered a letter to Llast. On the way back stumbled upon a grave, by a crypt in Grey Mountains. Headed back to  Hlint and stumbled upon the unfortunate soul, who perished in the mountains. Headed back with him and helped him reflect on his passing. When returning to Hlint encountered a crossbowman chased by a mob of goblins. Fought the goblins off. When I came out of the bank, there was a mob of bandits attacking the travelers right outside. Between me and Captain of Hlint Guard, we have dispatched the miscreants. Have recieved a request and have delivered a self made dagger to the leutenant of the Llast guard, as well as 20 skeleton knuckles to the witch in the Lizard Swamps. After multiple forays into sielwood, managed to find a boar and deliver his pelt to the crafter in the crafting house. I have found a ranger vale in Sielwood, unfotunately no forester to train me. Deliverd a will'o' wisp essence to a mage in Llast. Recieved a quest to find the oil of Vukas, but unfortunately travel in Grey Peak mountains is still dangerous. Need to forge me a plate armor, since this bronze chain provides for rather inadequate protection. Hopefully, I can buy some armor before forging it, since tin is really hard to come by to smelt bronze. I think I shall need to make a few forays into the caves near haven... Iron there should make for good weapons. But I shall need to perfect my weapon crafting skills with copper from goblin caves.
              from the Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood


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                RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
                « Reply #6 on: July 07, 2005, 11:51:00 am »
                Finally, saved enough to make a deal with Bruenor, for that armor he forged. He seems a trustworthy fellow, albeit a bit temperamental. Of course it did not happen without adventure.
                It started with turmoil... After reflecting on my soul, by the grave, to which Gunther and a stranger were gratious enough to help me return, and finishing of the bandits that started the misadventure, I hath tried to decide my luck in the east. It started well battling in Lizard swamps, stumbling on bandits and some such, then some kind of roguish looking birdmen, who seemed to be after my purse. T'is good I keep gold in the bank. Wounded I ran into a hawk or griffon or some such in the rolling plains and that's who finished me, with my Greed and thirst for adventure being the real killers. Aeridin help me.
                A man/bear picked my trail up in Hlint, and together we recovered my grave. After that joined by a brave few others we went to Sielwood, Lost Ruins, Broken Forest, Fort Hope and even Port Hampshire, where I hath promptly entrusted more of my funds to a banker. On the way through broken forest, we  encountered a peculiar dwarf with a glowing stick. I sold him all the moldings I happened to have been carrying. the dwarf blessed us on our way and while blessed, we seemed to have been untouchable. Overconfidence kills. On our way back to Hlint we managed to get through broken forest and lost ruins unscathed. However in Sielwood we were beset by a huge army of spiders and bugs, who wiped out a big chunk of our party. I saw the man-bear fall as well as Giant looking stranger, who travelled with us. The wizardress was cunning enough to depart our company at fort hope. The priestess and the archer with the pet wolf, were retreating as I stayed to guard the back... Now, I am reflecting on things past.


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                  RE: Journals of Aevornii ul Direwood
                  « Reply #7 on: July 14, 2005, 12:00:00 am »
                  Today. A strange thing happened. As if my shaded memories refreshed themselves. I and a group of adventureres were tasked to complete certain tasks, gathering some individuals with whom I had a past connection. Unfortunately not all of them  listened to my reasoning thus I have failed, one was captured and murdered by forces unknown. Many unnaturals, undead barred our way, on our way. We fought through their hordes. From Velensk to fort Hampshire, from Hampshire to fort Hope. From fort Hope to Broken Forest, to Sielwood and Ranger's vale... There an undead leader, promising to spare my companions, if I win, challenged me to a duel, we both wielded staffs. I defeated him, but he backed on his word and ordered his minions to attack. Tough battle was fought... We won, but the cost was great. A secret was lost, yet not entirely revealed. Word of secrecy has been given and accepted. Thus, my journey continues. I have been tasked in seekeng my mastery of the staff, becoming one with that weapon of mine. I shall do my best in this task. May Aeridin shed light on what I am to do, or how I can best follow the path I have selected.

