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Author Topic: Life of the Little Light  (Read 124 times)


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    Life of the Little Light
    « on: November 07, 2004, 04:27:00 pm »
    //This is the entire legacy of Kat / Amanda Spellsword\\\\

    I was born far away in a paradise. My mother and father were merchants whom were good honest people. They lived a loving life in the house in the middle of no where. When my mother was with me they were attacked on the trade route by a vicious Lycanthrope and my mother was infected with the disease. The disease was passed to me and I was born prematurely due to this attack and the frantic excitement my mother had been through. Arriving at the temple my mother was cured of the disease but I however did not recieve the disease in a cureable form. The lycanthrope was a spiritual disease in me and it was tied with my very soul. So every full moon I turned into a beast. At first as a baby it was minor crying and whimpering as a beast. Soon I had to be chained up and all the while my father was trying to pay for the supplies to surpress my Lycanthropic disorder. One night my mother thought she finally found a mixture that would cure me and sure enough unbenownst to her it was a blue moon, one of the moons was a full moon that occured twice in a month's time... My father was out on a merchant journey and I remember it now from my nightmares through my life, I killed my mother as she through the salve on me locking the beast inside of me... A couple of well armored guards or mercenaries I'm not sure which came to the house as I became a girl again and seeing the horrid scene of blood and a little girl covered in it thinking that wild animal had come through the busted window where one of my shackles flew through. I had no memory after that. Only nightmares.

    I was taken to the temple of Toran in Fort Llast where I was raised and brought up in an orphanage. After I was tought how to read and write and such I headed out to the world. Unknowing that I had the demon beast inside me laying dorment waiting for the right chance to escape the prison. When I became a priestess of Aeridin I was on a path by myself, the healers and priests didn't believe I could even gain the favor from him to cast any kind of spell let alone fire storms and healing circles that I can now. Looking back on the duties and chores I performed at the temple, including keeping look over the animal sanctuary inside for abandoned and hurt animals. I think those were the greatest times in my life, when I was surrounded with no one but myself, caring only for the animals and being tought the ways jokingly by the priests and healers of the temple. Soon though, they found that I did hold favor with the Life Giver and not only could I bless them I could do many things that they were unaware were possible.

    During my adventuring I came across a lead to my past, my father was still alive and so I went to search for him, he was married again and he knew of me, he knew my memories were gone of my past life and so he did not want to bring up the guilt of killing my mother to me since I had become a rising member in the order of Aeridin. I was coming up on the merchant's when something came from the sky, fire and roaring, I turned the bend to find Fisterion the king of the dragons ripping apart the merchants in his own delight. Hiding unsure of what to do he soon flew off, I ran into the clearing to check for survivors there I found my father, he carried a sketch of me in his belongings and for many moons after I have grieved for his loss... I carried the bodies back to the temple for proper burial arrangements and to inform there loved ones of what had happened to them.

    I went on my way trying to live past this as I did so I came across many friends and adventured many places from the Depth's of Corath's Unholy sanctum to the very Undardark. The world was not as scary as I once saw it. Not after my father's death. The nightmare's began to get worse though, and soon I was making stupid decisions because of lack of sleep. I use to have the ability to speak to the dead because of the lycanthropic spirit inside me. On one specific venture into the underdark with the Rosewyns and Gotak and Ozymandias we came across many Drider and a high priestess whom nearly took Gotak from us but with a healing spell I had recently learned I brought him back and he finished her off. It was an epic battle and one of the toughest in my early days. After this I made a stupid choice that has changed my life... I took the soul of the high priestess inside me and began commune with it, she was savage and nearly killed me but I sustained as long as I could. Gaining information into the depth of what was happening and what was going on... I saw her memories and her thoughts. She hated us, all of us. A hatred that only grew as she was in me. I could not hold her anymore and she burst from me nearly killing me in the process... From that moment on I could read, speak, and write Drow and Underdark tongue. I did however gain arachnophobia from it... too many spiders in her mind... It was terrofying for a young mind as mine was... Even small spiders made me quiver in fear bringing memories up about the Webbed Thrown in the underdark... about the Driders and the Drow. I did however get over most of the fear of my spiders though I still get nervous around them indeed.

    Soon after this I couldn't sleep, nightmares hit me hard and I couldn't do anything about it... The beast was awake inside me and was trying to get out. An exorcism that would have killed me before had to be done to get the demon out of me. Through many a trial and effort from Liken to Luck where I was finally rid of the beast and was now a pure soul that I never had before. It was an experience that I will never forget but sadly.... The beast that came out of me was a demonic spirit in the guise of a wolf, it still is in the world though I have not seen it since.

    After that I was confronted by the Queen, Aeridin, and even the soul stealer. Ta'k's rock golem held me down as he did so... but I don't blame him I was acting on pure emotion during that time... Confronted by Nathan in his Unholy sanctum on several occassions. I was confused and I still hurt inside so I decided to leave for awhile. Take a holiday and so I did.

    Across the seas to distant lands I went, my life was free of guilt and there I studied of the beginnings of time, the wars in the heavens and hells. I studied much on how things worked. I loved, I lossed, and I lived and I died. I was someone completely different and it felt good to get away from things for awhile. Now I return and hear of Blood's coming, it was simple talk last time I was on Mistone and now he is so near I can feel his breath. Most of my friends have died, or have disappeared. I have not seen nor heard from any of the council which I did not approve of in the first place. Now what are the people to do in this world? I do not know but I hope and pray to Aeridin to let us find the way to free us from Blood's Reign.