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Author Topic: Lili Hrathen's adventures  (Read 1429 times)


Lili Hrathen's adventures
« on: October 19, 2009, 04:21:43 am »
Lili laid down over her new and soft bedroll. It was a complimentary gift from man named Caerwyn Ahrail’lan. She was so happy se had dared to enter that big city. She had learnt so much. Caerwyn seemed to be experienced man of the woods and Lil had imminently felt more relaxed with him than she had though it was possible. Caerwyn had made her a new bow and took her to short sightseeing around the city. He had also introduced her to tall and thought looking woman named Grendola Pigstrotter.
At first glance Lili had thought that Grendola was quote scary. She had carried quite nasty looking weapons like cleaver, fail and big two-handed axe. Grendola strong odor and unusually weaponry was soon explained by her occupation as butcher. She had also given Lili some really good tasting pork meat and that excellent bacon! Grendola obviously knew her trade. Lili had soon founded out that she liked Grendola frank and straight to the point attitude.    
Lilis head still felt a bit dizzy about all that had happened. All had gone so fast!
Caerwyn and Grendola introduced her few towns people that offered Lili some work. Lili was gland Grendola had offered to come along. All those nasty creatures in that smelly sewer. Even though of that smell made her rub her nose again. Grendola had made short work of those creatures wielding two-weapons at same time one each of her hands. That was something that Lili had never seen before. Lili had already decided that she would have to try practicing that with her daggers some time.
Lili and Grendola hand also made their way to the woods and town near by. Near that town they have met other travelers. One was a tall orc and other yellow-blue skinned elf. Lili had tried to hide but Grendola hand confronted them with out fear. As with the big humans all was not what hey seemed to be. Travelers where not hostile even though that scary orc in some reason would have liked to carry Lili to his pocket. That was weird because all thing she had heard about orcs told otherwise. It seemed she could not trusts in stories in this part and she just had to find with more about herself and for now on keep her head open minded.  Soon Lili had found herself travelling with orc called Erugor and elf named Elaviera. Lili did not understand what Elaviera talked. It sounded really strange language. Others said she was sea elf what would explain what skin color that Lili had never seen on other elves.
So what had happened next was something what Lili had not even dreamed a do. Together they have hunted down some goblins that had troubled near by villages. Erugor had taken point with Grendola and Elaviera and Lili had supported them, Lili with her arrows and Elaviera with her magic.
It had been fantastic! Lili had never felt so thrilled! She had never even though doing something like that in her wildest dreams. Even now it was had to believe it was true. She had been part of party with big people. Even that was still hard her to apprehend. Top of that they had successfully hunted down tribe of goblins. She shake her head in disbelieve. It would take time to really sink in to her excited mind.
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Lili Hrathen's adventures.
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 08:19:42 am »
Last couple of days had been quite lively.

She had met Grendola again and they had done in some crypt to fight against some dusty old mummy that had making a mess as it had wakened up some other undead bodies to serve him. She could not understand it all and all those skeletons still made her shiver. All those skeletons walking around with their bone crackling and unholy cold gleam glowing in their empty eye sockets. She would have never gone there alone. Never ever! But it had been Grendolas idea and Lili had just followed her in the crypt. Well she could not rally say no for Grendola, could she? And she liked Grendola way too much to disagree just for her own feeling of being scared. What had happened next made her grin. Grendola said outrageous things like making bone soup from human bones and she had laughed at Lili after Lili had turned all green and coughed. She had to admit that Grendola had catch her totally unprepared there. But it had made her fell better and less scared after she had realized that it just had been crude joke. She had even managed to smile weakly despite all those undead around that creepy crypt.
It was not that she could be much help with her bow. Grendola did almost all the work. In those dead bodies there was sweet pot where to hit with her tiny arrows. It was frustrating to her that she managed easily to sneak up on those bone heads but her arrows just bounced of from those dry bones and her dagger did not do any better. But Grendola had been amazing she had just swiped down all those undead. Crushing their bones can severing their limbs. She had studied Grendola movements in close combat. Lili could never acquire that much strength but maybe she could figure out some finesse. Thanks to Grendola they have managed to get that mummy and the tomb was peaceful now.
Her mind drifted for another adventure she had.
She had met lots of new people. She had found herself party of seasoned adventures. City guard had told them that number of ogres had attacked on merchant and his escort. So Lili, Micus Sunweaver, Ygraine Ursus and Annwyl Cadi had headed towards woods to hunt down to bloodthirsty ogres and to take back the goods ogres had stolen.
Her stalking and tracking skills had been really useful there. And she had soon found her place in the group as a scout. She warned others about the danger ahead and when it came on fighting she soon realized that it was best for the group that she sneaking behind the enemy hit them from behind, distracting them as her other party members attacked from other direction.
By herself she was not match for the huge ogres but she noticed soon ogres’ sweets spots and hit there where it hurts. She welt quite proud of that. She could still feel cold shiver on her spine as she remembered the werewolves they have encountered. Her arrows had been useless against those tough hides. And even her traps had not been as effective as she had hoped for. She had to figure out something more effective. Luckily others had been able to take down those beasts, but she still felt so powerless that she could not help more. Her most improved skill so far she seemed to be her ability moving around in shadows unnoticed. Tall creatures seemed to have hard time to notice some one as small as she. Or perhaps they just ignored everything as small as she and did not consider she could possess any thread on them.
Or perhaps the reason was that they did not consider she could possess any thread on them and just ignored her. Either way she was able contribute and help her group.

As she was dancing in the shadows like she liked to call her stalking, hiding and shooting maneuver. She had time to study how others fought. It seemed that every one had they own style. She had to try some of their moves with her with her daggers she had more time to practice. Maybe in time she could find her own way of fighting. Something that did not depend so much in strength.  

But everything had not gone as planned. Micus got hit down hard. She could not have prevented it. She did not no how the help as she did not even know hove to bandage wound so big. All she could do was keep watch as Ygraine and Cadi had helped Micus. She had felt so powerless and really guilty as just few minutes away she had been trilled with excitement. Lucky enough others where skilled with healing and they where able to help Micus. Micus seemed to recover fully.
But she could to shake away stab of guilt in her heath. Others were fighting hand to hand with their enemies. And what she had done? She had been dancing in the shadows and shooting enemies in the safe distance. She had to be able to do more and help others. It shouldn’t be that others had to put their life in line to shield her and keep her skin intact. If they did she should be able to return a favor. She had to push harder herself, train more and demand more from herself. She had to make sure she could assure others that she could keep her own. Out running the enemy seemed not be enough, big people seemed really protective when some as tiny as her was running around big beefy ogre after her and they all rushed to her aid even that she was sure she could out run her enemy.
She hoped she could have helped more. She wiped her misty green eyes. It was clear she could not out fight any of those big enemies in melee. Even if she could no one would believe her and still would rush to her aid. If she just would be able to hide out off sight when the enemy rushed on her. When it would be easy to persuade others she did not need help. She could just show them by hiding right under their noses.
That brought up another memory.
She still remembered how she had tried to get a way from hungry looking werewolf. As the scary looking beast had came closer all she could think was how to try hide as she arrows has bounced of its hard skin. She had been concentrated hard and strained her abilities to hide to stay away from harms way. Lucky for her others where there and their sharp iron weapons biting its hide had got its immediate attention. But now all she could think how she had felt when the werewolf had came closer. Definitely fear, quite bit excited in some unknown reason and something else. Yes, yes, know she remembered it. She had felt her inborn magical abilities tingling faintly. She was sure there had been something there. She felt excited again. She decided try tried again right away. She frowned as she concentrated hard. No, she could not feel it this time. She pushed even harder and she could feel her face was starting to glow red. All the concentration and the day’s excitement taxing her mind was only making her head felt dizzy. There! She felt it again. She was crouching behind near by tree and felt so dizzy she had to stop. Well it definitely was not her ability to cast confusion over some weak minded enemy. It was something else that made her feel safe. She pondered it a while. Something like how she felt when she was hiding. She rubbed her temples and sighted. This was not leading her anywhere.
She shook her head to get rid of the dizziness. Immediately she relished it was a bad idea as she tumbled and almost fall down and she just regain her balance by steadying herself against the tree. “Ups.. I better not to do that again.” she whispered. But she was determined that after she get some rest she would try it again and see what it all was about.


Lili Hrathen's adventures..
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 11:37:31 am »
Her hard practicing had already showed some results. Stalking seemed more natural to her than ever and most enemies seemed to have hard time to notice her in combat. She had even dared to use her dagger against goblins few times. She felt quite proud about that. Goblins seemed so big and strong. Her hand had shaken under the few of blows goblins had thrown at her. Her current accomplishments were hardly enough, but she was getting there. One step at the time. She just had to keep practicing. That reminded her about her last adventure with Ygraine Ursus and Xanya Enya'Failm. It was so amazing how Xanya fought only using her fists and feet. Xanya either dodged the blows completely or moved so close to her enemies that she had parried enemies swings by hitting or grabbing the enemies’ arms so their weapons never reached her. Now Lili had seen the advantage of Xanyas fighting style. As her own reach was so short and she could never even dream to parry some of the huge enemy’s swings. So now she had decided to invent and practice ways how she could use her tiny size on her own advantage. She just had to get so close her enemies that they could not efficiently use their weapons against her. Just like Xanya Enya'Failm had done it as she had moved so close to her enemies that she had eliminated enemies’ advantage of greater weapon reach and changed situation to her own advantage. Maybe, just maybe Lili could move so close to her enemy’s skin where she could still swing her dagger with ease and forcing enemy constantly out of balance to so awkward position they would be danger even to hit themselves if they tried to encounter. She bit her lower lip thoughtfully. Maybe it would work. She should start practicing that right away.


Lili Hrathen's adventures...
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2009, 07:27:13 am »
It had been great week hunting down goblins in Goblin Wastelands near Hlint. Once she had sneaked in one of the goblin cave together with Annwy. Just two of them had managed to clear whole cave. It had been so exciting. Lili had lured enemies and just when the smelly goblins had though they had got her cornered Annwy had stepped out behind the corner slashed surprised goblins in the tiny bits with her mighty greatsword. Once their plan had worked so great that one goblin had been so eager in its charge that it had not have time to stop and it had run itself trough by Annwys greatsword. Even as that had been grotesque sight it just had been somewhat hilarious as the goblins ugly face had changed bloodthirsty glee to surprised gaze as it had died still wondering what had happened.
As her dancing in the shadows maneuvers were getting better and better. So were her inborn magical abilities. And she could still feel that soft tingling, it was getting stronger and stronger and she felt it was somehow connected in her shadow dancing maneuvers. Her bow aim was better but it was not that. Tingling was strongest when she tried to stay unseen in the middle of the combat. She had already learned not to try to push it that would only give her blistering headache. Lili involuntarily winced on that particular memory. Over all her combat skills were advancing. Even better, both Annwy and Ygraine had volunteered to teach Lili how to use her dagger more efficiently. She could hardly wait when they would get time for that.

Other even more delightful memories came to her mind.
More important thing was she was not alone anymore. Her heart leaped in joy every time she saw one of her friends. One time in camp her yaw had dropped open when Ygraine had return back their camp in the form of mighty bear. Before she had knew Annwyl had lifted her behind Ygraine furry head and she had got her fist experience of riding. It had been astonishing experiment. Her riding with fierce Ygraine bear. Lili knew she would always treasure that moment. It had been definitely one of the best and thrilling moments in her life. She could not suppress her giggles as she now pictured in her mind how her parents would have reacted if they had saw that wild ride. Riding like that through her home village would ban her forever from returning back there. All she could do was laugh as she imagined her village’s elders stunning faces stuck forever on that dumbfound position. If anything like that would ever happen they would never ever recover. She realized that she was laughing so hard that her vision was all misty. She wiped away her tears of joy.
Now she had realized what she really wanted. She wanted to be part of the group of these wonderful friends she had. She wanted to share all the experiences with them. She wanted the valuable member, contributing and aiding their efforts in their travels. She needed not to push herself to train so hard. Sheer thought of her new friends make her training feeling something totally different.
She demanded no less from herself than before, but there was now great joy replacing her steel hard determination. Training was not laborious anymore it was pure joy! She actually felt that she was training even more than before. And thinking back all the things she had learned..
How much she had learned from others? More than she had thought it was possible and even more of the things where outside her self determined training. Wide range of different things. From things that seemed common place (not that it would make them any less valuable) to the fantastic things she had not even though were possible. It still felt so complex that wondered if she ever could put them in the straight order even in her own mind. But she knew how she felt inside her hearth even if her head felt totally scrambled. “I’m getting silly.” she thought. Standing alone in the woods her face still beaming she shouted as aloud she could “I’m a Loony-Lil”. And she felt so happy she could burst.


Lili Hrathen's adventures....
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2009, 12:02:14 am »
Her skills had progressed lately. It was nice that her friends had noticed it too. Lili had been hunting ogres with Annwy, Ygraine and Xanya. When they where getting close ogre camp, others have suggested that Lili should lure them out. She felt quite proud that as she was able to fill so vital role in their hunt. Everything had gone just fine and she had managed lure ogres one by one to the ambush place where Annwy, Ygraine and Xanya where waiting their weapons ready. Sneaking and hiding felt so natural and effortless way to move. Even smallest shadows gave enough cover to her tiny frame and she had managed to master proper way moving silently even over challenging terrains. In the shadows she felt she was the one in control. The feeling in her inborn magical abilities had changed from soft tingling to warm pulsing. It was definitely getting stronger and more demanding. There was still something more on it. She just could not figure it out. After  their successful hunt others had praised her abilities. It was new to her. It made her feel warm in side but also a little embarrassed. It felt so weird, maybe it was because she had been outcast so many years of in her own village. It still was a bit confusing. All had changed so fast.

Annwy had taught her how to use dagger. There were so many things in close combat she needed practice more. Annwy had corrected her dagger grip, swing and trust and angles. How she should keep her body posture, leg position and movement and so much more. Lili understood different combat situations needed different tactics and they have just covered the basics. She had to learn how to read her enemies, how to anticipate their movement and strikes. From her already quite vast sneaking and sniper experience she already know how to read her enemies but in melee combat she did not have time or luxury to take her time and aim. She had to think faster, react faster, move faster and teach her body to get to fighter instinct so she would ever start reacting before she even really thought to make any moves. And it did not help that melee seemed to require quite different perspective than her shadow dancing maneuvers did. Lili let out her a deep sigh. She had not even relished she had been holding her breath.

Annwy had watched Lili’s back as she had her first one on one melee fight against goblin. First one had been quite disappointment. Even as she had deep cut to goblin side it had charged right towards Annwy ignoring Lili completely. She had a bit mixed feeling about that particular moment. In a one side it was satisfying that goblins did not seem even notice her but other side it quite frustrating that there was always possibility that maybe goblin did have notice her but did not consider her to be threat so it had decided to attack instead to Annwy. Annwy easily had cut the foolish goblin down with one devastating blow.
Another fight had been gone much better. She bit her lip. Or maybe it was worse?
Her blood had been burning hot after attacking the first goblin. She had grasped the grooving fighting frenzy letting it cloud her head and taking away any uncertainty she had felt and making hr arms feeling much stronger. She had heard second goblin moving close by and she had decided that against that goblin she would not take any changes. Well that did not sound right. She could feel even now as her cheeks grow hotter.
Well, against next goblin she did not take changes except all the foolish ones. That sounded more truthful. She nodded to herself. What had happened next was really foolish from her. In that clouded state of mind it had somehow made sense. As she had decided that next goblin would not ignore her so instead of sneaking she had just ran forward and yelling and insulting the goblin. Yes, she had got its immediate attention. Goblin would have got her if Annwy had not intervened. But she did have had time to fight and quickly learned what did not work for her. That is why she still insisted that the second fight had gone better, at least if you though it about as a learning experience. She grimaced for the memory. No more foolish changes. That would put everyone in jeopardy. Not to mention it would not help if she ended up dead.  She rubbed softly a large bruise in her right side. She should be more patient. She should take her time, not make hot headed decisions and never, ever feed that fighting frenzy she had felt, that did not lead anything good. She had to remind herself that she had already decided before. She had to make find her own melee style. She had to keep same calm and calculating state of mind as she was when she was dancing in the shadows. She could not fight like her friends that where much bigger and stronger than she was. She had to focus much more evading blows and she had to make every of her attacks count and strike her dagger there where it hurts fast and precisely. That is where she should concentrate in her practice sessions.

That reminded her about Xanya. Xanya fighting with her fists and feet, using every part of her body as a weapon. Not that Lili ever dared to even think to do something like that. But there was a key element to her own fighting style. She was sure of it. That reminded her for their last conversation. Xanya was able to talk few common words already, not only those weird animal language or elven language that Lili did not understand. Xanya had told something about inner bear. But Xanya did not mean the bear form Ygraine was able to take. Lili had not understood it but finally Annwy had explained her it was something like Xanyas inner bear meant state of mind in combat. She shook her head. It must have to be something that big people did. Maybe something like that frenzy she had felt taking her fear away and making her arms feel stronger, but like bear strength an toughness? She could not even dream in her wildest dreams to do something like that. As she had pointed it out others said Lili could be like a cat, like Tiger. She pondered it a while and she could picture herself stalking around like a cat, but only as a house cat and not like a tiger. She shook her head again as she whole idea really did not sink in her head. Then she remembered what Annwy had said. She could not remember what exactly Annwy had said but the idea was something like.. like.. She had to phrase it carefully in her mind until she got it right. It was not about the size, strength skill or other physical ability it was like will, determination and other mental abilities. That made sense! She body size and physical abilities might be more like house cat but her will and determination should be like tiger!


Lili Hrathen's adventures......
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2009, 03:06:30 am »
She was sneaking in the woods silently and unseen. Like a miniature ghost blended in the much larger shadows of the woods. She had been studying the creatures in the woods. Ogres, werewolves, cockatrices and many others that names she did not even know. She had spend days, even weeks just moving silently, sneaking around and looking different groups of creatures living in the forest.
Dump ogres where not challenge for her sneaking skills, but some creatures with finer have keener senses like werewolves offered more challenge. So far she had managed to been unseen even as she had been just feet away from some dangerous looking werewolves. Just like now. At first it had been thrilling experience being so close of those deadly beasts. Just knowing that if she made even one mistake those bloodthirsty werewolves would rip her apart in the seconds. Still, she felt safe of being in the shadows. So far no one had noticed her in her long lasting expedition. She could not suppress a small smile. Yes, she was honing the skills she was feeling she was good at. Shadows felt now even more than friend. It was like.. Like home. Yes, that was it. Entering in the shadows was like entering in her home. Safe and sound. Looking the world around her from the windows of her home. Staying out of sight and also searching vulnerable spots of all those different creatures.

She was getting better of reading those creatures. At lest she found those what she though was vulnerable spots much faster than before. She bit her lover lip. What she though was vulnerable spots.. She could not know for sure. All that she could do was to study. She would not dare to attack even to lonely creature. She had known that from the beginning of her expedition and she still though it was wise decision. No more foolhardy decisions as she had promised Annwyl and more importantly to for herself. What she had learnt could be always put in use later. Thoughts of Annwyl put wide smile on her face. She felt like she almost could not wait to see Annwyl, Ygraine and Xanya again. She shook her head slowly and looked werewolves standing close to her. She could not feel even tiny bit of excitement now. She shrugged. Well, there seemed to be a limit how many time you can be trilled of same thing. After first dozen on times it wears off and now standing so close of those bloodthirsty werewolves was not so exciting experience anymore.
Suddenly one of the werewolves raised its inhuman head and sniffed loudly it yellows eyes peering in the woods. Lili kept still in the shadows. This was not the first time werewolf noticed something. She was sure they did not smell her as she was under the winds and werewolf was looking the other direction, the direction where the wind was gently blowing. The other werewolf raised its ugly mug and now her keen pointed ears heard sounds too. Perhaps some deers or boars? Werewolves started to move towards the sound. Lili followed silently behind. Sounds where getting stronger and she was able to distinguish sounds like something metal hitting against other metals. Ah, perhaps it was some ogre party. Werewolves rarely attacked against ogres as ogres tend to be moving in big groups. And there was only two werewolves what she was following. Still werewolves crept closer the sounds and suddenly werewolves starting to run. Suddenly Lili relished that something was wrong.. She heard familiar voices talking. “Oh no!” she thought and run after the werewolves.
She just arrived in the clearing to see as the werewolves attacked adventure party. She had heard right. Despite the situation she could not suppress a wide smile. There was Annwyl, Ygraine and Xanya side by side ready to werewolves’ wild charge. Trusting that Annwyl, Ygraine and Xanya would be more than able to cut down wildly charging beasts she took her time to sneak behind one of the werewolf and took careful aim in unsuspecting werewolf back. Arrow hit where she had intended and the painful yelp from werewolf confirmed that had indeed been vulnerable spot. Silently thanking her brave companions providing here this rare opportunity she readied another arrow and had shoot it behind other werewolf back just before Annwyl, Ygraine and Xanya took them both down and copped them in the pieces. Grinning widely she ran towards others.


Lili Hrathen's adventures.......
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2009, 04:58:16 am »
She sitting comfortably in the shady spot near Lake Hurbinon. Warm evening wind blew gently on her face. It was refreshing to dip her foot in the calming water of the lake. It was nice, calm and silent evening and she was just about edge of the dream as nothing was going in her head. It was all just blissful emptiness and she felt like floating. Until now nothing had bothered her. And then it was there. Pulsing inside her. She let out deep sigh. Her blissful dreaminess was gone. Ruined by warm pulsing. She sighted again and got up more erect sitting position. Most of the time she forgot the strong pulsing inside her. It was weird what she could ignore then her mind was occupied. Well that was not quite true. It really did not bother her even in evenings when she tried sleep. She shook her head feeling a little bit annoyed. Or was it so that her mind was occupied even then? Full of past days events. She could only shrug. All it mattered was that pulsing did not annoy her as much it had before. Leaving it alone seemed to help. She smiled. She had felt so good lately. No more uncertain thoughts. No more fears or feeling incompetent. Not even when accompanying big people. Thought she still blushed a lot. That that really did not meant that much. She could work that out later. She grinned. It was so fun to startle big people. They really did had hard time to notice her even when she was not hiding. She felt like laughing. She have met soooo many new people. Startling them up by popping suddenly out of the shadows just few feet away from them. It was all to easy to sneak close to them.

She fight back the sudden urge to yawn. So many people. Some nice and some not so nice. That reminded her halfling named Gov and his friend. They where not so nice people. They have not done nothing that was bad but they had been rude. She snorted. Calling her as Loser. Well she had proved them wrong and finally even they have accepted her in their own rude way. Personally she did not care much to think about Gov and his friend but there had been something interesting that had happened. Gov had cast spell named invisibility upon her couple of times. That had been interesting experience. She had be come completely transparent. That was quite handy. Downside was the she had came visible in the second she made any sharp movement like hitting something or firing her bow. But still it was nice experiment walk calmly straight to the creatures view and still been unseen. Well not that it not happened all the time when she was with other big people as they did tend to see her. Still seeing trough her own body parts really was quite amazing. Still she preferred sneaking as she had her similarly enchanted Gov and his fried rushing trough the bushes napping every twig and making a racked that she though every one should be able to hear. Luckily all hostile creatures seemed make enough noise themselves to cover the unseen travelers noises. She rubbed her chin. Some much more nicer person was also able to cast same spell on her. She struggled to remember right name. this time she could not fight back the persistent yawn. Was it Chaynce Baldu'muur? So many new names. She could not be sure. She shook her head and moved more comfortable position. Leaning her back against the soft grass. Pictures about Annwyl and Ygraine came to her mind. She had been with them in the ship in the sea. Pirates.. Annwyl and Ygraine looked sad in some reason.. So much of noise.. Lots of people fighting.. She felt calmness come to her.. had she died there?..  Pulsing inside her had tuned down again and the dreaminess was drifting back.


Lili Hrathen's adventures........
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2009, 03:57:33 am »
Lili was standing high up on the hill of Goblin wastelands. Cold mountain wind pressing gently against her back. She had spend days scouting the area. Hill after hill, cave after the a cave. She had stayed in the shadows always looking, counting how many goblins there where and memorizing their positions. Like so many time before as she had been gathering and preparing intelligence any volunteering goblin hunters in Hlint. But this time she had come a cross another a man fighting alone in one of those goblins caves. She had stepped out from the shadows to aid him.

She felt so excited as she looked back of a slim, athletic man walking away down hill. They have just met half a day a go the could already tell she liked the man. She smiled broadly. It was so sudden but yes, she really liked the man named Alvus. Maybe it was as he seemed to use shadows same kind of the way she did? Or was it just because he was so nice.. or just so likable? Wind blow hair over her face and she idly stroked it away. No, it was not just that. At least big part was that Alvus used the shadows. Maybe not the same way as she did but she still felt connection there.
That reminded her how differently they used their sneaking skills. She laughed softly. Alvus cutting down goblins with his greatsword and Lili using her tiny bow. Still they both danced in the shadows that was clear enough.
She had time to study Alvus technique. And she was gland she had been courageous enough to ask Alvus show her how to use her tiny dagger and how to enter close combat most efficiently ways from the shadows. Where to place her dagger and how to trick her enemies to leave their weak spots open. And he had agreed. Maybe that is why she liked him so much. They have just met and still he had been kind enough to teach, her mere stranger. Maybe he had felt the same connection too? She managed to fight down up coming blush. She gave silent thanks to her dear friend Annwyl how had patiently taught her the melee basics and all her long days of practice had not come in vain as now she had been able concentrate complete what Alvus had showed her. Her cheeks still felt a bit rosy as Alvus has praised her as quick learner. She looked down the hill. Alvus had already disappeared from her sight. She would continue to practice what Alcus had show her. But she could never knock her enemies down like Alvus did. He was so strong. Sudden idea came up on her mind. Maybe she could trip her enemies.. maybe try to cut their feet ligaments? She welt so excited. That might be worth a try.


Lili Hrathen's adventures........
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2009, 05:54:03 am »
She took a long deep breath. It was mid-day and she was sitting on the small rock in the middle of the green valley. Sun still warmed nicely her back and she felt relaxed. She was pondering what had just happened a moment ago.
There had been lone goblin had on the small hill peering over the road near by. Looking for the travelers that for sure. She had spotted the goblin with ease and sneaked just front of it. It was way too easy now days. When she moved in the shadows creatures just did not see her unless she wanted it. Well, sometimes not even when she wanted to as she had noticed it time to time when had tried to lure them. She shook her head. It was still hard to believe, when she walked plain view of some creatures they did not see her as she had intended. She had to even jump or make some really loud noises the get their attention so she could lure them to ambush. Maybe she was getting too good of sneaking and hiding? Was that even a possible? She had looked to the goblin nearby just few feet away unaware Lilis presence. It had still watched the road behind Lilis back.
Oh no you don't. Not in my watch. Lili had decided. She was not hard to take down one small goblin.
Not taking any changes she had shot her first arrow right to the goblins chest. Goblin yelped from pain and surprise. Then it had noticed Lili standing straight front of him and charged wildly. Now you finally see me? Lili had snored. She had felt more relaxed than usually as she had reached inside her feeling determined. Suddenly she had relished what she was really doing was not what she had originally planned. Why she reached so calmly towards the warm pulsing feeling? That was not wise and not her intention at all. What she had been thinking? Not missing a heart beat she changed her focus back where she had originally intended reach. Back to her innate magical ability to confuse the weak minded charging goblin. Goblins fall to her trick and stumbled. Lili charged forward her keen dagger ready and with her amazing dexterity she had slit goblin throat with one precise strike. Goblin had died instantly.

She looked down to her own shadow. What secrets are you keeping from me or are you trying to get me killed? She whispered. Trying to make my head hurt middle of the fight? Now thinking back it had felt different. For a second that pulsing had not been the one of her inner magical ability. It had been something different. And in one second she had felt like she could just twist and turn little in the shadows and goblins would not see her any more. She shook her head. The memory was way too vague her to be sure. She must have coming way too cocky with her abilities. She tried to feel the pulsing inside her. Well it definitely was there, but it was still mingled up with her feelings. Mostly in the area where she felt her own racial magical abilities. She sighted looked back up in the green valley around her. Suddenly she glanced to her shadow. At that instant the fading pulsing just some how felt different, separated. The feeling had faded away in a flash. She frowned to her shadow.
What are you trying to tell me? Her frown melted in the wide smile she could not hold back. She was talking alone into the shadows. She had been training alone way too long. I better find more talkative company she whispered though her smiling lips. Something was going inside her head. Like little puzzle pieces finally finding they places. The puzzle was not completed yet, but she felt happy as she could feel she was progressing. What ever it was she would find out it soon enough. She was sure of it and jumped to her feet. She embraced the shadows moved towards the road silently and unseen.


Lili Hrathen's adventures.........
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 05:56:38 am »
It had happened again. It was when that hulking giant had attacked. Before she had relished she had used warm pulsing inside her, this time it had happened so suddenly, so naturally that she had not realized what she had done until it had already taken place. And she had not that blistering head ache. She shook her her head in disbelief. Instead, for a one second that charging giant had seemed confused and then it had charged a different direction towards other adventures. She tried to focus and recall her memories. Had that pulsing been felt separate like a last time? Perhaps something different than her own racial ability? She frowned. It had occurred too fast she could not be sure. Now the pulsing was same as before, unsorted mess in her tiny head. Suddenly she rubbed her temple. When that pulsing did have started to fell so pleasant? Now to think of it, it had been a long while. She still though and called was warm pulsing but is really something else. She barely felt it anymore unless she really though of it. She had better think this trough. Warm pulsing was just.. She pondered.. It was her insight what she should be able to do. Something tickling her toying with her. She was just edge to gasp it, but something was holding her back. All she could feel was she was over analyzing it. What ever she had done she should have been naturally without thinking, like breathing. You could breathe naturally without though awake or sleep. But when you though of it you could hold your breath and if you really though about breathing it could come quite laborious to breath. Taking too much or too little oxygen make you dizzy too. It all made sense. She nodded to herself. Now she was getting somewhere.
And outside of that pulsing, what had she done or what she had been able to do? Somehow she had twisted, turned and stepped in the shadows. Had she have felt safe, covered by the shadows? And how about that giant? Had it just lost her in sight or just decided to attack some on else? Maybe it just had realized she was not worth of the time to squish her under it's huge foot? She shook her head again. She was over thinking it. For now, she had just take her time and keep her mind open. Others were waiting for her. She slipped out of the shadows and darted towards Annwyl and Ygraine.


Lili Hrathen's adventures..........
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2009, 05:59:19 am »
Her fighting skill were improving. She was just one of her many scouting trips as he had encountered party of some kobold clan. Instead of using her bow she had decided to use her dagger to hone her close combat skills. Kobolds offered no challenge to her and her dagger. They where indeed much weaker than goblins after all. When she had sneaked up and stabbed one kobold dead. Other attacked, but she had been able to fend them off and as she took her time, she was able to wear them down one by one. One nick here and other there. Finally one by one the kobolds dropped as the cumulative wounds left kobolds bleed to death. She felt quite proud of what she had been able to accomplish. Yes, the kobold where weak but she had to start some where. She felt she had progressed. She decided to find more kobold group and repeat the process.


Lili Hrathen's adventures..........
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 06:15:31 am »
She had been in spider caves. It had been a real challenge to her sneaking skills. Hundreds and hundreds of spider scrawling around. Small spiders moving every where and she had to be careful not to step on them. And the web, it had been every wall, ceiling and even in ground. If she touched even one web string spider what was controlling that web noticed it immediately. She had done that one time and dozens of spiders had started crawl on her way. She had been lucky there was more than enough shadows in that cave and had been able to escape that time. After the one mistake she had been more careful and had managed to stay hidden. She had never seen so many spiders. It had been enough for her whole life time. It had been long time since last time when she had felt so proud of her own sneaking skills. She smiled gratefully to the shadows.


Lili Hrathen's adventures...........
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2009, 07:16:45 am »
Lili sighted. After those spider caves there seemed not to be much challenge in her shadow dancing. Her natural movements and maneuvers where way too perfect to offer any kind of excitement even against keen eye and eared creatures living in Silkwood. She looked down the dead kobolds lying in her feet. She was in plains near lake Nox hunting down there ever persistent kobolds that troubled every traveler in the road between lake Nox and Hlint.
Well, her intentions all the long was practice close combat not her shadow dancing maneuvers, but she could not help it. It just was plain boring afters the dozen time to just jump up middle of the kobold crowd and yell: "BOO!" when there was not even slightest change that they might notice you otherwise. And it just rubbed her in the wrong way just to walk out plain and not tried to sneak. So she had sneaked kept sneaking. But now the lack of feeling of excitement nagged her little bit. She was getting better with her dagger handling, engaging larger and larger goblins bands. Still keeping in her mind the first rule not to take any changes.
//That is why she practices melee fighting with weak kobolds not goblins or other bigger enemies.

There was excitement there but it just was not the same. She absolutely loved embracing the shadows and feeling the tingle of challenge of keeping out of sight. She took another deep sigh. She still remembered those spider caves. But she had been really pushing it by sneaking down there.
//Now that she know what there was her own first rule (aka. not to take unnecessary changes) prevents here to go there alone just to practice.

She crouch down and inspected dead kobold pockets. Instead of few bronze coins she found small silvery looking bells. Quick inspection revealed those where not silver. More trash she though, taking one to her other hand. Then she idly waved her and make the bell ting faintly. Suddenly she got an idea. She looked to the small bells and smiled broadly as she took some copper wires from her belt pouch, choose four bells and to tied one to her each sleeve and one to her each shod.
She took a brisk step forward and each little bell give a faint but recognizable tingling voice. Well, this should make things more interesting she though and giggled. She took out a soft cloth and some bee wax. Then she carefully used wax to disable rest of the bells she had found and tied them carefully inside the cloth. She put that tidy pack to her belt pouch. She could use them later to add more challenge to her practice after got used all those four bells she had tied on her. She took few careful steps around. She nodded. There was not any tingling voice is she moved carefully enough. Faster movement would take much of practice. She felt great. Now she could again combine both of her exercises. Aloud she said: "I will promise to do this only with the kobolds. Any other enemies I will take these bells off." She darted ahead her bells tingling.
//Again kobold are the smalls and plentiful "humanoid" enemy that uses weapons. So Lili uses them as practice opening to gain some melee fighting skill. As hunter/scout (aka. rogue) she had only experience with traps and her short bow as you can seen her BIO and previous entries in CDT. All these and past melee fighting description are meant to prepare Lili actually take few fighter levels. That is why I have weight them out so much in CDT.


Lili Hrathen's adventures............
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2009, 02:35:27 pm »
She had bought more tiny iron bells and now she had over two dozen of those bell attached different places her clothes and body.
"Maybe I should buy even more those tiny iron bells.", she thought. There where so many already so she body could not unwittingly cheat. Meaning her body could not the stay in positions that keep the bell silent. Idea behind her training is to be well rounded. To hone her skills and agility to bring all her potential out.
//sneaking/hiding/tumbling maxed and correspond to Top-notch Brownies dex bonus

The bells where everywhere. She had even bought some wool thread and put some of the bell longer cords hanging freely instead leaning against her body. She had even bought and tried some glimmer dust but she had soon discarded it. Making her more visible did seem somehow wrong to her and she did not like the feeling. It had made her feel she had been glowing like a beacon. It did not serve her purpose as it pushed her away from the shadows.

Only problem was now that it was quite effort to remove them and put them on again. Before just thought of that would have make her sigh, but now she kept silent. She have learned to get rid of any every unnecessary external or internal distraction. Even tiny wrong move would make one of her bells tingle.
Now she was flowing from the shadows to the shadow. Her movement felt so effortless and serene. She breathed and lived in the shadows. Nothing bothered her, she was one with the shadows.
//Note: This had nothing to with actual shadowdancer special ability. Just how Lili feels.

Her shadow dancing maneuvers felt almost flawless. There was still something. She had already decided that would take all the time she would need. There was not hurry but still she was determined to get here.
//Note: Again Shadow dancing maneuvers are calling name to her own signature combat maneuvers not SD ability. I know it is a bit repeating to say this again but it is how Lili feels and determined she is to reach her goal and still not pushing it like she did before.

She tilted her head gratefully and listened. The night was beautiful and everything seemed so calm and peaceful. When was the last time she had heard even one of her bell tingle? She could not remember it for sure. It had been days that was sure. Long time being alone. All that time she had not talked even to herself. Well at last that had got rid of that habit to talk to her shadow. Again she face did not show any emotion and her smile stayed hidden like its owner.

She could control her movement more precisely that was sure. Her other movements where honed up too. She could feel that everything she did. Now she could even draw her bow faster and aim better. Maybe part of that regard belonged to her long hours of melee practice. It did not matter shat brought all those changes. She accepted them fully. Yet she was glad and grateful even as nothing of that showed in her normally lively face. She could feel it in her body. It was responding more quickly and more accurate. She felt disciplined. And the shadows.. How embracing them felt so good?


Lili Hrathen's adventures.............
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2009, 04:06:10 am »
Lili stopped suddenly and tilted her head. She was standing in the dark and deep shadows cast by great trees under the last light of evening sun.
Pulsing, it had gone now. In previous months it had became inconspicuous, maybe because she had got so used to it that she did not paid any more attention on it that her own hearth beat. But now it was simply gone. She frowned. Nothing had changed. She sighted a bit disappointed. Well what had she have been hoping for then? It was gone and that was it. Maybe she welt a bit revealed too. Overall she felt great and happy too. She embraced the shadows again. Taking light silent steps forward. A passing though came to her mind: ”How long had she been able to do that?”. She shrugged. Not too long she was sure, but it still felt so natural. No more worries. She smiled. "Well, finally its over." She whispered.


Lili Hrathen's adventures..............
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2009, 01:35:54 am »
She lied down to the soft green grass. Last few months had been exhilarating. She had traveled different islands. On her travels she had joined many different adventuring groups and they had hunted down giants, mercenaries, half-orcs, goblins and many other different creatures. She had been sooooo many places. Every island had been different in they own way. There always was something new in every forests, swamps, deserts and mountains. She felt really relaxed lying in the soft grass warm wind blowing gently, bringing the faint scent of wild flowers. She would never forget those mountains.
When she had been climbed on those Brech Mountains the view had been breathtaking. And there had been hordes of giants and some of those even got two heads. That was really weird. Who two head could control one body? Obviously those giants could. She shook her head idly in disbelief. She still wondered how those mountain settlements really could hold up. And there had also been that fresh but deadly icy mountain wind. She shook her head. Really brave people lived in those settlements that was all she could say. And the Hammerbound Peaks dwarven strong hold. Well, that had been something. All holed up inside mighty mountain. How could they build whole city inside it? It was hard to believe. She had heard the stories before, but I was completely different thing to hear something like that than experience it. It really was something, all those tunnels and great halls and no sky, no grass, no trees and no even horizon. She had really missed sky down there. She looked up to evening sky and snuggled in the grass to get more comfortable position. The stars where just starting to show up. She smiled.
What really warmed her hearth was that she had met her dear friends too. Their path of life had crossed more than once in these past months. And she felt happy that she had been so lucky. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. And last time when they where getting rid of those smelly goblins Annwyl had praised her skill with her dagger. That had made her really feel quite proud of herself. It had been particularly ugly goblin anyway and much stronger than kobold. And that was not the only one she had managed defeat and there was even more she had been able to fight off long enough until others party members had finished them off. She had been trained really hard ever since Annwyll had give her a basic instructions, and she had been studying other adventures trying to find out what she could pick up and maybe twist a little to her own use. Yes, all that studying had paid off and she had more tricks in her small pockets than it would seem outside her tiny frame. She would keep on training those. Her broad smile disappeared under a big yawn. She had known she had got better, but it was nice to know that it really showed especially under eyes of so skilled fighter as Annwyl. Annwyl had also given her a gift. It was a new dagger and it had been perfect to her tiny hand. Her other hand went to the dagger handle feeling it smooth surface. It was really hard to keep her eyes open. And she had asked if Annwyl could spare some more time to gives her some new tips and Annwyl had suggested the some day they would go in place that was called arena. Lili could hardy wait..


Lili Hrathen's adventures...............
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2009, 12:29:37 am »
Her new found discipline and control with her the shadow dancing maneuvers give her move focus with her direct full contact melee practice. Or was it other way around? She just stabbed dead the last goblin, embraced the shadows and moved quiet spot to think it over. She had been practicing her melee skill almost as long as her sneaking skills. Without any though or effort she instinctively suppressed her normally characteristic temple rubbing movement before it really even formed in anyway. Had her self-control come from her melee training? She had impression she was shaking her head but her head did not move as she peered in the tunnels ready to catch any movement. Did it really even matter which one granted her all her current progress? No, it did not. She did not believe they where separate things. Actually she really believed they were all where one and same thing. Why did it all need to be separated in different parts like.. like something in different sections. No, why make it so complicated? She was one person, one whole and simple person. Why did she feel like her skills needed to be separated? All her hard work and training. Maybe that was it she have had wrong perspective. She had been constantly thinking her shadow dancing maneuvers and melee skill as separate even when she had been practicing them both is same time. No more, she decided. For now on there was no separate things in her, it was all her. Again her head did not move as she felt like making agreeable nod. Finally she got in the conclusion and she could leave back that part of unnecessary pondering.

//Note: What I’m trying to accomplish here is to fasten together all those previous CDT entries that involve both SD and Fighter submission “story threads”. After all, in some of those past entries there is quite distinction between sneaking and melee fighting. Game mechanic require specific class specifications, but Lili is more like sum of all those classes rather than three separate classes. Despite the game mechanics and my own failings to express CDT more creative way, I felt like Lili deserves to be complete person so finally she had been grown in the point where she really can be. I hope it make sense what I wrote here. Because my past experience I felt like I needed to explain this as Lilis inner dialog probably did not make any sense any other than myself.  

And then there was that other matter. It did not really bother her but it was about to time to think it through. It only rose up when she was with the other people. When she was hunting alone it barely even existed.
She did not want to suppress too much what she really was. She still let herself babble and do lot of other “not so proper sneaky things” when there was safe way to do it. She would not compromise others or herself safety. Yet, she felt she was in balance with herself. Adventuring was really serious business. In matter of fact it was about life and death as it most of the time involved getting rid of some nasty creatures. She took her responsibility with all the seriously it needed, not taking any changes like own non-written rules said. She felt confident with her skills but not overconfident. That made her think it even more and she felt like she was frowning, yet she was not. If she defined it herself, how did she really know when she was over confident and when not? Her alert expression did not show any amusement she felt inside for her own silly inner dialog. “I’m just confident that I know what I’m doing”, she though then. Obviously she was not a philosopher. But her first expression was wrong. Actually that babbling side of her was way stronger inside her when she was alone. Much more that she honestly have realized. And there came the proof as there was a flash of warm and joyful giggle inside her that never touched her lips or lower her alertness.
Her keen ears heard faint noise. It was goblins, moving in the tunnel up and left. It was easy to pinpoint goblins they where so nosy even the sneaky ones. Those where still far a way. She would have plenty of time to prepare a nice and deadly ambush. Maybe this time she would dare to use both of her daggers.
It was good to clear her head. Now she was ready clear out all those goblin infested tunnels. Then all would be clear. That should be clear enough. She could feel her inner-self beaming with her own silly wordplay as she moved forward flowing from the shadows to the shadows.  

//Note: For now on Inner-self will mean “suppressed” emotion. Here in the Lilis case this word “suppressed” emotion and it only means that she do not show them or it does not affect her “demanding” or other heavily concentration requiring task even as she feels the emotion. Example: “Her Inner-self smiles”. Means she is smiling (aka. she is happy, unless sorrowful smile) but she won’t express it so it won’t effect all those “sneaky business” she is going. Same with a giggle, she won’t make a sound to reveal her position or otherwise hinder her. I prefer using inner-self over word “felt like” as then you just felt like something it means that in the end you really did not do it (aka. felt like smiling, but in truth you did not. Like you where too sad to smile so you did not as you really did not feel like it). What I’m trying to get here is Lili really express those feelings and she do not have two different personalities inside her.


Lili Hrathen's adventures.................
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2009, 02:59:23 am »
She looked her nicked left thumb and her inner-self sighed. That two handed-fighting was hard. Obviously she needed to relax more her left hand grip. Still, she though the would get it right eventually. But for the time being she would use only one dagger. That gave her an idea. How about she would try to her left hand only? Her inner-self grinned and she sneaked towards the kobolds flipping her dagger to her left hand..


Lili Hrathen's adventures.................
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2009, 08:26:08 am »
She felt exhausted. All of that past days fighting had taken its toll. Both of her hands felt numb. All that fighting.. In one point she had even wondered if her daggers had gone dull after so much poking and slashing. She was glad she was so good shape otherwise her muscles would be screaming in pain. But now the warm burning sensation it just felt good. She could get addicted this feeling. Her inner-self smiled broadly. Her arms where still really long way from working in perfect harmony, but now she could see it could be possible in some day in the future.


Lili Hrathen's adventures..................
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2009, 12:32:47 pm »
She had just med Annwyl and felt a bit worried about her. Annwyl had been ambushed and taken over by overwhelming force and was still feeling depressed. Lili had done her best to lift Annwyl spirit and she felt he had managed to lift some of Anwyll lost self confident at least some extent. Annwyl had given her more instructions how to use her blades.  When Annwyl suggested that Lili could try to use long sword with both oh her hands, but it had been soon became clear that light weapons fitted better in Lilis hectic combat style. Her inner-self smiled broadly as she preferred just call it just sneaky style. Too long blades just came in the way and hindered her combat movement. Also she could utilize her exceptional dexterous fingers with light and short weapons. Lili had even given few swings with short sword, but still she felt that she liked her own daggers best.  For now she would stick on those. Again she felt sting of worry in her hearth and her inner-self felt misty. Annwyl was strong. Much stronger than Lili. She would shake it off eventually.  Still, she found herself turning moving back towards the Hlint looking for her dear friend.