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Author Topic: Linkerut Oakarm's Letters Home  (Read 168 times)


Linkerut Oakarm's Letters Home
« on: November 14, 2005, 08:22:00 pm »
Dear Creegan Bookbrain,

I'm glad I could find a steady place to start my quest from father. It seems I am needed to help defend the lands around here from some sort of evil. Although we both agreed to try and interfear as little as possible with the outside I am sure doing a few favors won't be a big effect. In thea mean time I have been working on gaining strength to complete my quest. It seems people create and sell magical equipment that can increase my muscles, though it will be some time before I trust my body to meddle with the stronger sorts of magic. I also ran into some sort of shifting girl she seemed like the type of people who worship Katia near our homeland but she was very upfront about her powers transforming into all kinds of things! I can hardly express my wonder on paper when she transformed into a wolf, a bear, even a bird though birds aren't quite as strong they are something that can do what I cannot! I hope to learn more of her ways without having to try kissing bushes and worshipping all day, perhaps you could look into this for me father?

P.S. As a man I have decided to call you by your first name, but please rememebr you will always be father to me.

-With Two Caring Shoulder Slugs, Link


RE: Linkerut Oakarm's Letters Home
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 07:56:00 am »
Dear Son,

I am glad to hear from you please send more letters. Your mother can't seem to find her place in the house without you so she has started cooking, and hasent stopped. Pleas please send more letters I am too full from her twentieth cassarole this week and your letters set her at ease for at least a little while. As for that transformatiom buisiness you were asking about it shouldn't be possible unless one of these entities manages to give you there powers willingly. I heard of a Bear Spirit worshipping group in the isle north of Mistone, that is where you are staying at isn't it? I am sure you can find someone to give you more details but I imagine that if you imitate the animal you want and prove to them you are stronger, perhaps even by killing them and eating their body or maybe by making a shrine to them from their fur, you may be able to get some sort of spiritual energy or something of that sort from it. I will keep looking into it for you son in the mean time send more letters!

P.S. You will always be my son wether man or boy.

-With A Bonk On The Noggin Using "Kitchen House Delights" by Kathy Flemmings, Father.