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Author Topic: The imaginary picture journal of Shulhug Torchsnapper  (Read 64 times)


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    The imaginary picture journal of Shulhug Torchsnapper
    « on: August 03, 2005, 11:59:00 pm »
    Me can't write so me is making pictures in head

    Day 1,

    Me found me brother Bok                                                       *makes a picture of Bok*
    We went fight goblins and get thier ears                                      *makes a picture of a goblin corpse and Shulhug cutting off ear*
    We had lots of fun meeting for first time                                     *makes a picture of Shulhug and Bok shaking hands*


    Day 2

    When me wakes up there was a scarey lady pionting curly sword at me                                                     *makes a picture of the lady pointing a scimitar at Shulhug who is cowering in corner*
    Then me made friends with her and she show me her friend named Orrin                                                    *makes a picture of Orrin Widtuckker shaking hands with Shulhug*
    When me was going in town me had argument with giant named Klugger who turned into bear                                 *pictures Klugger in bear form*

    Day 3

    Me finds out me has got bear blood in me dat why me is so strong                                          *makes a picture of Shulhug's outline with a bear inside it*
    Me is going be real strong bear warrior someday                                                           *makes a bear picture saying "Me is Shulhug"*

    Days 4-15

    Dwarfys were mean to me all these days

    Day 16

    Me is hoping be bear warrior soon                                                                        *pictures Shulhug hoping*
    Me buy axe from nice Kaizer man                                                                          *pictures Kaizer Thell handing Shulhug an iron greataxe saying "you owe me"*

    Day 17

    Me is getting strongers and strongers                                                                    *pictures Shulhug flexing mucsles*
    Me started teaching little halfling girl speak orc                                                       *pictures Amber and Shulhug sitting and conversing in orc*

    Day 18
    Me sees little halfling girl agian and wes get copper with Kai                                           *pictures three figures standing behind aa huge ound of copper*
    Me find out me is not strongest person...                                                                *pictures Shulhug struggling with a load of copper*

    Day 19
    Me went and hunted some bears, them is really strong *Pictures a bear's claws locked with Shulhug's axe*
    When we went into some tunnely place some rats cam and bit me to dieing.  *pictures Shulhug on the ground weasing*

    Day 20
    Me is gointo tunnel and fights ogres who no share iron *pictures Shulhug sprinting away from the ogres screaming*
    Me made friends with a dwarfy man!  Me thinks he is no mean 'cause he bald *pictures maelstrom and Shulhufighting off ogres*

