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Author Topic: Glognar's Journal  (Read 61 times)


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    Glognar's Journal
    « on: December 29, 2005, 05:59:00 am »
    Newly arrived to Hlint I slowly make my around what I'm guessing is the town center.  After checking out the local inn named Wild Surge Inn, I immedialty did not see much going on.  I then walked around a little bit more and checked out the blacksmith shop.  It felt like home when I walked through those doors, seeing the forges and anvils, ahh the day's of smithing weapons.  Next I walked down the road and found a bank.  I thought this was pretty nice since there are no banks like this where I came from.  But seeing I have so few gold pieces I just turn around and leave.

    I have noticed a few people or things walking around here while I'm out but haven't met any new town folk yet.  On the way back from the bank I see 3 people sitting on these 2 benches.  I decided to have a seat and listen in on the town stories.  I started to notice this other brother of mine a dwarf.  He mentions his name and I go intoduce myself.  We talked about mining and what some mines might be so I can get started.  His name was Bjorn something.  I never did catch his last name.  He also had some little traveling companion with him who seemed to just smile and nod.

    After talking about mining Bjorn then showed me where I can get some mining tools and some general goods.  He and his companion took me to the East part of Hlint and showed me the 2 merchants buildings.  I gladly thanked him.  His companion gave me a nice pie to eat, which was good as I was hungry.  She introduced her self as Jennara.  I thanked both Bjorn and Jennara for the help this night and wished them well.  Hopefully we will meet up again soon in town and I can help Bjorn with his mining and smithing.