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Author Topic: The Journal of Wildbeard  (Read 79 times)


The Journal of Wildbeard
« on: January 05, 2006, 12:42:00 pm »
*This journal seems to begin in the middle of something. Perhaps there was a previous journal used by the dwarf.*

*Bruenor growls and begins to scribble away in his sloppy dwarvish text*
Bloody ungrateful people all of them except for a certain few. -I- bled for the safety of my friends and ones who I hardly even knew names of. -I- threw my life onto the line carelessly to buy my friends and others time to flee death while -I- look at death in the eye fearlessly and acceptingly. -I- was the mithril wall enemies had to penetrate to cause harm to my friends and others. Now that I have returned I have noticed many have become arrogant,forgetful, and ungrateful. The men and women that I and my other friends raised from whelp to a seasoned adventurer think they dont need me anymore. Ive even been threatened by a whelp traveler... Obviously I have lost my reputation. Men and women have forgotten Bruenor Wildbeard but I shall soon remind them. I will become better and stronger than before and I will become the pinacle of hope for the hopeless. People like Reventage crusade around with that damned smug look on their face but whenever they incur danger, who is the first to flee!! Inside the gates of doom I stand and I stand alone. I have lost my strength, my ability to hold my own and back up my words...but I WILL become Bruenor Wildbeard once again. I am now curious if Vorax has forgotten my name for I have not heard a word from the priest in Shoufal since my incident with the negative energy which has twisted and gnarled my shield hand almost useless and left me too appear a old dwarf on his dying breath. I...however am not the achient dwarf I look like. I dare anyone to ask to prove my youth. I, Bruenor Wildbeard will become the legendary dwarf I once was. My name will be feared among my enemies and will bring hope to my friends and comrades.

