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Author Topic: Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such  (Read 109 times)


Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such
« on: December 02, 2008, 08:28:01 pm »
*The little brownie pants as he runs, package over high over head.*

Oh boy! I've been doing lots recently! why is this grass so darn tall? I wonder If I'll ever see that creepy dwarf again.... all dark and shadowy... he said something about killing... icky. and there was this Elf man. he was scary too, but he can make his face like a tree... cool! and there was a nice lady who talks real quiet like. her name is Rose. and a big guy who growls a lot! he has magical eyeballs! Rose told me so. *Nods sagely* And then, way before that, there was this big guy who is covered in metal! He's really nice! He said he wouldn't let the creepy dwarves eat me. His name is Brandon. Another not-so-creepy Dwarf with a funny beard was with him last time I saw him. We went looking for something in the icky swamps... wonder why it smells so yuckie... it must be eggs. lots of rotten eggs. *Nods again, quite satisfied with that explanation* I also met the largest brownie ever! His name was Mor, and he wore metal too! I wanna wear some! At least I have a fancy suit! but I lost my hat... *Frowns* The wind blew it away off a cliff! and goblins ate it! Those goblins are extra mean. They tried to poke Brandon, but I poked them first! *Nods sagely* and this one guy told me about how People weren't trying to eat me, and they meant the other kind of brownies when they referred to eating... I'm not sure I believe him. some lady told me Brownies were delicacies where she's from. *Nods sagely* Yup! They won't bake me! wait... Mor is too big to be a Brownie! Ooo... soup sounds nice. I think I'll have some!

 *The little Brownie got carried away, thus leading him head first into a small tree. After collecting up the little package, he stops at the Inn to deliver it and grab some soup*


Re: Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 10:48:32 am »
*Richard scurries around inside the Hempstead stables, cleaning up this and that. He goes through a series of routines of cleaning*

Man! Everything has been interesting. I met this big fuzzy cat-woman called Raska, and a strange elven lady, and another brownie! I was scared Raska was gonna eat me... She has a scary grin... And Then there was Annie! she gather's eggs, and that makes her extra fast when she runs... *nods sagely* I don't get how that works, but I think I'll try it too! ooo, that looks cool, what is that? ohh.... Just a broken plow... I thought it was a strange contraption. Guess not... And then there was this big scary Orc-man who came by. uh-huh, he was extra creepy. He had a big, green, glowy axe. I almost fainted. And there was this other creepy dwarf, and I learned it was a she! I didn't know there were really female dwarves!... But she had this big metal suit on... I don't get why they need those, cause they look stiff. Yup! They should be quick like Richie! Hey! That's me! Then I left, cause there was this thing I saw, so I chased it... but it was just a really big bug... It almost squished me. *Shudders* Later, there was this woman who was coming out of the woods, and she almost saw me... I don't like it when too many people see me, cause I'm a secret! but she looked like she sat in a tanner's tub... looked icky. And then Mr. knee-hair scared me. and then he gave me this "magic-potion-that-really-wasn't a-magic-potion-'cause-it-was-actually-really-strong-ale"... So I got really woozy and couldn't see straight for days! I swear I had tons of fingers! Yup, I counted all one hundred and fifty of them! *nods sagely* and Everything hurt the next day, like the door opening, or the sun, or the bottle breaking in the trash barrel. yup! no more being Tricked by Mr. Knee-hair. I smacked him extra hard with that bottle to make sure he didn't do it again... and then Later, I meet this other creepy dwarf... he was extra ugly with the big metal suit and that creepy helmet. yup, I almost poked him with my kitchen knife! good thins Mr. Knee-hair told me he was a friend, 'cause He was really frightening. I think he is called Unther... oooo! that looks like it would be fun to practice on! *He scurries off to the barn door, and begins inspecting the rather large lock by promptly sticking his head inside of it and looking around. He got his head out about an hour later with some struggle.*


Re: Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2008, 08:43:15 pm »
*Richie runs around, jumping and tumbling in the grass, and enjoying things as is.... a thousand thoughts fly through his mind*

Doo-dee-doo! Tra-la-la! Oooh! What's that? hmmm. that reminds me of the tree-spirit! and that snow-lady!.... and the grumpy Fehriel man! he has problems... Iris and me agree we should wear a lot more orange! then he'll be happy! orange is a funny color.... like bugs! I ate one cause it looked like a berry.... it was icky. wonder if fancy coats come in bug-orange color? then I can be one! it would have definitely scared those deader's! *nods sagely* there was a bad man that was stealing from dead people, and even though he was bad, I saved him 'cause it's the right thing to do! but he was kinda ugly... like that huge guy that was gonna eat me! uh-huh! I'm sure he was gonna eat me, 'cause I could fit in his belly! eww... that's like beetle guts... icky and orange! wowzers, There are a lot of orange things now that I think of it.... wonder if there are orange people? I'll be the first to find one! yeah! cornbread is kinda orange!... do I have any left? yup! EEK! horse! run away! *runs from a startled horse, and hides in a bush* That mean old lady ran me over! and now I'm scared of horses! I bet orange one's are nice. that pretty lady said orange was a nice color, so I'll stick with that! oohh... what's that?

*He chases a orange butterfly into the woods...  eventually he runs away with an ogre at his heels....*


Re: Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2008, 12:23:03 am »
*Richie sits at the top of a tall tree near Hlint, hugging the branch and looking around frantically*

Nope! not stepping on me now! You'll never step on me! *Shakes a fist* Nope. Not after what happened. After Getting squished by those trolls a bunch, I stayed far, far, far-far-far-far-far away! but then I had d a bad dream about it, but I already ran away and hid outside before realizing that! oo... this tree has no leaves.... wonder why? oh well.... but then, This troll lady came up and was gonna step on me! I ran away, then I ran from goblins! and every thing was soo blurry! I had trouble seeing straight! so I hid under a rock! and scooted along 'cause I saw Fehriel! but he spoke to some one, so I scooted away,a dn then a creepy man saw me! and then troll lady picked up the rock! and picked me up! I couldn't get away! I even chewed on my fancy shirt! and then I don't remember much..... Wowzers, it's cold up here! but better than being squished. yup. much better... mmmmhmmm.... nothin' better than not being squished. and then I woke up in the troll ladies arms! but she wasn't a troll lady, so everything was okay.... and there was a pool of sparkly water.... and then I climbed this tree.... and then I thought of my story....and then I started thinking about thinking! how does thinking work? why can I hear myself when I'm not really speaking.... cooollll..... echo! weeee!.....ding-dong! man.... creepy....

*The little brownie forgets his troubles, being preoccupied with a far more interesting subject, and then falls fast asleep in a nook in the tree, covered with his nice, fuzzy cloak.*


Re: Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 07:03:13 pm »
*A little head snores lightly in a small crate near the house of Farmer Joe, but it stops as lightning splits the skies, and thunder bellows at the world below.*


oh my! that was loud! time to leave maybe? the house might fall again.... poor farmer joe lost his house when silly man knock it down... must be a house of hay.... *nods sagely* Why am I in this box........ HELP!!!!! *bangs the inside of the crate with his fists for a moment* wait... oh yeah... I was sleeping here.... well, time to get up!

*the little man exits the small crate, and the small head, rosy cheeks and all, turn to the war torn skies. Lightning thrusts itself from a billowing cloud, like a forked tongue of a snake. A roar follows suit and the little man is quick to pull his hood over his head. light feet carry him through tall grasses, and a bright smile under a dark hood makes an odd sight out in the plains. The care free brownie walks with the purpose of a sloth, and watches sunlight filter though the angry clouds warring overhead.*

I wonder when I'll see Fluer and Feh again... or Knee-Hair! or that ugly man! or that icky bug... or Those pretty mushrooms! or that glowything! or a troll... icky...... or a Tiger! yup! I haven't seen a tiger in a while... they must not like strong brownies! or Anne! *Giggles* man it' gonna rain.... which reminds me, I feel like having soup... *Grins* Or a radish! a big, red, radish!... I wonder what those bigguns are up to... I bet they're still hunting big moles... what's that?

*the flighty creature takes off through the grass, stumbling upon a small anthill, and proceeds to play with ants. The play soon stops as a large droplet of water pelts him in the back of the head. jumping in surprise, he turns a look up, and receives another in the face. He lets out a small "oop!", and runs through the grass back to the safety of the crate. he pauses, and looks for better shelter. he climbs on top of the crate, and looks for a small shed somewhere around the fields. With the dexterity of one so small, he hopes off the crate and scurries off gracefully to a small shed far in the distance. Rain soaks him and the grass around him, making travel harder, but in due time, he reaches his goal. the small shed, filled with various equipment used on the farmland. He wasn't quite sure whose' it was, but it mattered not. He needed a place to sleep, and this shed definitely needed cleaning... after a while tools are arranged neatly, and the small man wraps up in a cloak torn at the bottom, and using what seems to be the rest of it as a blanket.

Maybe tomorrow will be better...

*Snoring and sweet dreams follow, untouched by the tumult of the raging weather*


Re: Richard Windwhisp - thoughts and the such
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 10:44:55 pm »
*Richie rubs his little eyes, waking from a deep sleep. He took shelter in a crate left unattended on the side of the road after a storm passed through. Of course, much to his surprise, he woke to teh sight of two ogres contemplating weather he would be good roasted, or in a stew. much to the ogre's dismay, the flighty creature is fast... and shrill... "EEEEEEEKKKK!" the little man let out.*

Prunilla's pickled turnips on the hearth!

*He scrambles over the edge as the two blink at the shrill scream, and zig zags through the brush. He jumps over a branch, dives under a log, runs around a tree, and goes up a hill, among many other things as he scampers for his life. he pauses mid run, observing a small true on the ground, and goes to pick it up.*

Ohhhh... Lookie! I found a true! Wonder what I can save up for! well... unless I find the owner... I hope they don't eat me for finding thei- oh yeah! maybe it's Lily's true! or that silly man's true... Or that Smelly man's true! *Gulp* Or that big man's true... I swear he was gonna eat me... uh huh, yeah! he looked hungry and mean and scary and big and mean! But he wouldn't eat little ol' me would he? I hope no- Oohhhhhhhh... I should post a wanted sign for the tr-

*Suddenly realizing he was standing still, and the heart-crushing stomps of large feet became painfully obvious. he slowly turns around, squeaks, runs off again, yelling about "not wanting to be stepped on again". His short little legs didn't carry him far out in the open, so he took to the forest again, quicker than ever. After dashing left and right, and getting from sight, he dives into a small hole at the base of a tree, hiding before the ogres got closer and spot him*

Phew! Maybe I'll hide here for a bit... they're just as nasty as those skeletons in Krandor! *nods sagely to himself* I'm sure Lily or the grumpy dwarf wouldn't let them get me... would they? I should ask next time! Lily has a fancy dress... reallllly bright. I could see that miles away! *giggles* If I weren't so tiny! ooohhh! Fantastic! I should ask one of those odd gnomish inventors to make me stilts! with SPRINGS! Then I could jump high too! That might be a bit expen- ooohh..... *stomach grumbles* I want soup.... *something grumbles this time, behind him* Ohhh, yeah... I'mma hungry.... after tho-

*Kneeling in the hole, he looks down, betwixt his legs, and spots two green eyes glaring at him... Growling. It would be fitting to say the Brownie ran -faster- this time.*

Ohhh for Deliar's sake! Save me Prunilla! I'll plant more seeds! I promi- ohh... I should get some carrots next time I'm near a far- *A loud yip behind him provides more incentive to focus on the situation* Run run ru- oh, pret- Run! left! lookie! A cave! great place to hide!

*As the Brownie runs of to more danger, the badger growls again, giving up pursuit as the ogres near. The tiny creature, full of curiosity, and bound with ill fortune, would likely find his way to Hlint, though that would likely be after an encounter with mercenaries, or some other danger that marked Layonara's landscape.*