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Author Topic: Omer's Private Journal  (Read 290 times)


Omer's Private Journal
« on: July 19, 2009, 11:42:32 am »
Satari, Jenra 28, 1452
 I survive yet another encounter with a dragon. We encountered the golden emerald, Yog'oldrania in the Golden Forest of Voltrex between the Tower of Nature and the Tower of Earth. Yog'oldrania agreed to assist us in finding the Jhemina and their headers in what Yog'oldrania termed as another realm. Yog'oldrania,'s magical mark on my left hand will grant me passage, but I suspect will allow Yog'oldrania to track my movements on this plane and elsewhere.


Omer's Private Journal - Wyvern Claw Tooth and Scale
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 11:46:30 am »
Threas, Febra 12, 1452, 18:41:45
 I am disappointed to discover no useful magical properties to the wyvern tooth, claw, or scale. Perhaps I will discover more with additional research but for now I will study the dragon scale as it is much more interesting.


Re: Omer's Private Journal
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 10:23:29 am »
Satari, Mai 7, 1452
 Darthirae reported that she learned that there is a Dragon "essense" being made, from the body of a great green dragon.  The "essense" is being used to make the Drachs. Darthirae plans to find out where where Drezneb, leutenent of Sinthar Bloodstone, killed the dragon. Darthirae is going to talk to Tegan Tempest about it.

