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Author Topic: Klass Hrendhamar's Journal  (Read 323 times)


Klass Hrendhamar's Journal
« on: July 28, 2009, 01:03:16 pm »
*A few pages rolled together in a leather tube. Badly written obviously not  the hand of a scholar*

How can someone like sea and boat enough to be a sailor? Sailing is so long and boring, I won't do that often. At last the boat landed on Port Hempstead on Mistone, it's a big city. I'm now abroad far from home on a different continent.
 Got my first job in Hempstead, at a first glance wouldn't suit a warrior it was about sewer.  In fact a hunt for a strange creature leaving down there who sabotages the pipes. So many rats there. I met an elf named Dinear, together we went down the sewer and defeated some strange fish-like humanoids. Back to Martha; she gave us a reward in Trues to share for the job. Dinear left on his way and me for another job.

Leaving Hempstead I followed the path to right, the one leading east.


Re: Klass Hrendhamar's Journal
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2009, 03:12:51 am »
The path to the east goes to a port, Vehl. While I was fighting skeleton in a crypt by a temple I met  guess what? An other elf. Duchess the name; her accent is awful I could even say worst than mine. I did hesitate to teach her some dwarf as she asked but her common accent was so unusual, eventually while we continue down the crypt together I teach her a few dwarven words. I was amused that her dwarf prononciation is better than when she speaks human. According to her a deader at the bottom could scarry me, she's wrong I do not fear deaders and even that one didn't frighten me. A better challenge than the skeleton but Duchess killed it too easily. I resolved to come back and defeat it on my own.

It wasn't long before I get down in the crypt alone and charged the mummy in a raging temper. Again this fearsome opponent didn't scared me but my axe couldn't hurt it neither me hammer, they were of a too soft make. Eventually I got enough to buy a better axe from a guild of traders, the Angels. A sharp and strong weapon worthy of my kin. That day the mumy time got to its end, it couldn't escape my furious and sharp blows. Riar got what he asked for, who can have a need of that? Bah that's not my concern at least the crypt are safer now.

My next move is to the north to discover more of Mistone.

