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Author Topic: Nidual's Lab Notes  (Read 623 times)


Nidual's Lab Notes
« on: November 23, 2005, 01:38:00 am »
*torn peices of parchment and other various things written in the drow script lie in a pile here*

I have begun recorded my accession of information and realizations here, hopefully in time I can learn more of what happen to my beloved Dhe'zhal or myself for that matter. This new town I have been brought to will be a much better place for my research than where I was before, I should owe the dragon my thanks enough for this wonderful crypt to find specimens. Enough to owe her aligance verse Blood, well I will try to do what I can for now however no promises on this. I shall use this first page to remind myself to understand not undergo the transformation Dhe'zhal once made, I will never allow myself to be consumed or tormenteded by the perfectly maliable magical forces.


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2005, 01:48:00 am »
Tools - Morakens equipment, nearly everything I can imagine for testing however not enough books for research
Subjects - Ghoul flesh, Zombie muscle, skeleton knuckles, Darksoul Essence.

Ghoul Flesh - Tested for magical potency, seems low however if properly used we could find use of it envocative necromancy, perhaps an improved version of an energy ray.

Zombie Muscle - This substance proved worthy for use in weakening or dampening power, if the substance was highly potent it could weaken one for a long period of time, perhaps in a way such as the enfeeblment ray however towards the defense of disease instead of physical strength.

Skeleton Knuckles - Holds much power in being resistant to physical attacks, could possibly be used to craft a magical means of protections or maybe if simply used in large amounts, a garment to protect from attacks, further research into this will not be nessecary.

Darksoul Essence - Fairly non-potent however offered much potential in all of the above feilds as well as reistance to magical forces. This is the most desired specimen for further interest however getting more samples will prove difficult.

Moraken spoke of the Great Library holding many things for research, I shall seek this out and confer more information instead of researching further into Hlint Crypts. He also mentioned Crypts, Storan and Krandor as well as the Broken forest for further samples.


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2005, 11:29:00 pm »
*here are various copied pages from books in the Great Library some colored differnt to show interest*

*first notation*

Through the process of mortification a mortal can gain near immortality while still holding their ability to think and use the weave. This involves containing their essence in a phylanctrephy while using their old bone body simple to help act out somatic spells. This is a highly offensive way of using necromancy and Lucindites often try to remove the knowledge of how to do this from the grasp of those on our primal plane.

*second notation*

With the effort of our spells and close watch we have kept the knowledge of Lich power from spreading. Us within the temples of Lucinda keep a close eye on the necromantic powers however, there have been reports of Necromancers slipping past us unnoticed by not fully becoming a Lich. They use the powers of the undead on themselves and do not become Lichs. Until we find a suitable or effective way of tracking them we will not do them harm.

*final notation*

My understanding of the Pale is that they do not think of themselves as targets to the Lucindites because they do not abuse or harm the source of magic with their enourmus reliance on the weave, the way Liches do to keep themselves alive. By using a limited amount of Necromantic and various other schools they change parts of themselves to best suit their needs. Every one of the Pale use a combination of Necromancy and Abjuration, Enchantment and Transmutation to change themselves into more like the undead, this often builds a link to the Necromantic magics themselves and they tend to easily call upon the dead for services. A basic use is strengthening the outter layer of skin with reinforced bone, this protects the caster at all times if applied correctly. Such constant spells is what makes Lich and the Pale so well known and so easily feared by normal weavers.

I have begun using the samples of skeleton knuckles to alter my body the way described on this page. With good luck I may become steps closer to my understanding of Dhe'zhal. If I fail I will seek other means to understanding.


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2007, 09:15:38 am »
*scrawled hastily*
  Dhe'Zhal was amazing indeed, the effects of the spell were temporary but I could feel the strengthening of my bones. I believe that I accidentaly set off a necromancy spell of the second circle, this specific spell is very attuned to not be used on flesh beings. Perhaps with this knowledge I can further my understanding and find a way to make permanence of the effects. Also I plan to question the weavers who have my like interest, there must be some one out there who can assist my search without the will to destroy me. Though I must be stealthy in my subterfuge while seeking such a weaver, for fear of true death on myself.


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2007, 01:27:18 am »
*From this part of the chronologically sorted pile is a dark purple, well-bound book*
  This search should be tiring and as of yet other willing adventure seekers have proved of little to no use to me in acquiring understanding. Further experimentation should be held off without a proper personal lab or the assistance of a mentor. I should feel an entire phalanx of weavers appropriate for this task, however, my lips rise in joy to the impossibility of such a notion. I have not the resources that my master had, he and his pets helped me in research but not as friends only associates. Perhaps you, my purple ally, are the only associate I have left. Here you can help me pick at this task in the manner of a true investigator of the weave. For that is what I am as of yet. I am no fool dabbling in dark patterns but an investigator of such strange and powerful castings.
  *the following pages have meticulous lists, figures and visual representations of data*


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2007, 01:31:57 am »
*The next page has a hand traced map of Mistone and on the opposing page is an alphabetical list with headers and recorded information evenly laid out with perfect straight lines*
  [TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]                          Towns of Mistone|          Informant Leads|          Notes|       
                 Adara|          None. |           |       
                 Alber|          None. |           |       
                 Ashford|          None. |           |       
                 Bairum|          None. |           |       
                 Blackford Castle|          The library. Lucindite Temple. |          Fearful knowledge here, the uses are limited. |       
                 Center |          None. |           |       
                 Daugreen|          None. |           |       
                 Drake|          None. |           |       
                 Echo |          None. |           |       
                 Edal|          None. |           |       
                 Far Reach|          Strangly, none. |           |       
                 Forewarn, Fort |          None. |           |       
                 Gradny |          None. |           |       
                 Gunburg|          None. |           |       
                 Gunwald|          None. |           |       
                 Hap |          None. |           |       
                 Harmony Grove*|          Lagodia, Rhizome. |          The caretaker seems to know little of life after death, perhaps her leader can assist me instead. |       
                 Haven|          None. |           |       
                 Hlint|          Moraken. |          He seems to know more than he lets on. |       
                 Holstad|          None. |           |       
                 Hope, Fort|           |           |       
                 Huron, Fort|           |           |       
                 Kheldell|          None. |           |       
                 Krag|          None. |           |       
                 Krandor|           |           |       
                 Kronar|          None. |           |       
                 Lamia|          None. |           |       
                 Lar|           |           |       
                 Leilon|          Temple of Mist. |          Their guidance helped me little. |       
                 Liken|          None. |           |       
                 List|          None. |           |       
                 Llast, Fort|           |           |       
                 Luck|          None. |           |       
                 Melnon|          None. |           |       
                 Min|          None. |           |       
                 Nogar|          None. |           |       
                 Nurida|          None. |           |       
                 Orlbar|          None. |           |       
                 Pasel|          None. |           |       
                 Raxwell|           |           |       
                 Reach|          None. |           |       
                 Saarman|          None. |           |       
                 Salore|          None. |           |       
                 Sar|          None. |           |       
                 Shoufal|           |           |       
                 Spellgard|           |           |       
                 Timoshex|          None. |           |       
                 Trie|          None. |           |       
                 Ulgrids, Fortress*|           |           |       
                 Velensk, Fort|           |           |       


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 11:24:05 pm »
*The next page has a hand traced map of Rilrara and on the opposing page is an alphabetical list with headers and recorded information evenly laid out with perfect straight lines*
  [TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]                          Towns of Rilrara|          Information Leads|          Notes|       
                 Aeluin|           |           |       
                 Aglon, Fort|           |           |       
                 Amor|           |           |       
                 Arbur|           |           |       
                 Aros|           |           |       
                 Arryn|           |           |       
                 Balar|           |           |       
                 Bitterbridge|           |           |       
                 Bloody Gate|           |           |       
                 Caitlin|           |           |       
                 Casterly Castle|           |           |       
                 Dinnen|           |           |       
                 Dreadlot, Fort|           |           |       
                 Drengist|           |           |       
                 Ereb|           |           |       
                 Eyrie|           |           |       
                 Flint|           |           |       
                 Galen|           |           |       
                 Gill|           |           |       
                 Harren|           |           |       
                 Haven|           |           |       
                 Himlad, Fort|           |           |       
                 Karchy|           |           |       
                 Kings Landing|           |           |       
                 Kraken|           |           |       
                 Landros|           |           |       
                 Lann|           |           |       
                 Lannisport|           |           |       
                 Maidenpool|           |           |       
                 Mander|           |           |       
                 Narog|           |           |       
                 Oldcrown|           |           |       
                 Paroth|           |           |       
                 Points Harbor|           |           |       
                 Pyke|           |           |       
                 Randal, Fort|           |           |       
                 Rosewood|           |           |       
                 Scone|           |           |       
                 Scorn's End|           |           |       
                 Searfall, Fort|           |           |       
                 Sirion|           |           |       
                 Sunspear Castle|           |           |       
                 Talach, Fort|           |           |       
                 Tarth|           |           |       
                 Tarth|           |           |       
                 Thangellion|           |           |       
                 Torlen|           |           |       
                 White Harbour|           |           |       
                 Wyck|           |           |       


RE: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2007, 01:06:49 am »
*the lists stop for two pages of daily writings*
  The inn here is barely decent for me to sleep in, the food is barely only to the extent of choking it down. I miss you Dhe'Zhal, miss the tower, miss the library with so many books I may never get to read, miss the clean life we had. I even miss the servants. Here no one is a servant, how do they get anything done? Women do not hold all the power in the land and people tend to say whatever is on their minds. Of course my politeness is wasted at times but the way all these people talk, it is so straightforward. No chasing for the right answer is neccesary. Some of this land is not entirely useless.  
  However these commonfolk rarely have the information I seek but everytime I win the favor of one I feel the next will have what I need, or know some one who does or somewhere to read about it. Will I be searching forever, checking leads and following clues to quick dead ends. I've decided to help Ronus today, a caravan master, travelers are sure to know much of the people to speak with.
  *the writting ends and is continued on the oter side*
  Invariably odd life. While inside the Red Light Caverns, after I awoke from a safe sleep and took provisions, I headed to end the life of the goblin war master and just as I approached his chamber a rather muscular dwarf ventured into my presence. We quickly got to know each other and learned how each could be of use to the other. This master smith tought me some of smelting that I do believe will be useful to me in the future. However the most important word he said to me was... well "necromancer." Yes, can you believe it Dhe'Zhal, an advanced necromancer in the town not far, Leilon. Az-Ptol is his name and I must seek him for "tutoring" as Bjornigar put it. Maybe I will never be dubbed his apprentice and that is fine with me, for my only true teacher is you Dhe'Zhal. I will find you.
  *written below appears to be a memo*
  "Bjornigar Enterprises: 128 Leilon Way" - Czukay, Skabot, Az-Ptol. Bjorn sent me.


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2009, 11:08:50 pm »
*the stack of notes has turned into three piles, divided up into archives, current pursuits and a section labeled The Great Library*

*Top page of the current pursuits*

It has finally occurred, I have been banished from the Great Library and several parts of my research will be lost forever to the flames of my pursuers. I have make it a flavored point to evade the disgust these people around me seem to vibrant with, I am not one of them and I must remember my original goals.

It has been years since I left the Library and my research still has nothing to show for my time. I must have completely forgotten my determination, the research became my only interest and it was a fruitless for my hunger.

As I leave here I must enter somewhere else, what could I possibly find out in this wilderness, this chaos of a surface worl-

*the last paragraph is written carelessly and ends abruptly*


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2009, 12:55:23 am »
*the page starts at the very tip of the page and holds no title to take or occurrence*

This is where I am left. The amulet has taken my thoughts away from my studies. No, not just from studies. From the world around me. The darkness is so fond my company. It pains my eyes to look even in the darkness now. It enjoys my pain. It gleefully grabs my fears and insecurities. How could this possibly have become of me. I am reduced to asking for assistance in dealing with this curse. Their is surely power kept inside of it but time alone will not unlock the power. I must not succumb to the same weakness that the old man had.

There are some naive upland dwellers who have agreed to help me, least naive of which is Ni'haer. His help will take me away from this curse. I must meet with my resources to disengage these visions. Sleeping is something I thought I could avoid, there is no need for sleep the way that human fool needed. But it is worse without sleep, in meditation I am stolen into trances of the most unpleasant moments. I need to harness this power for my research. If only I could contact more seekers of the Dark Arts. *there is a series of characters that have been blotted out* the viisioions, can't focus. must lo k th reough notes must.must.


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2009, 10:33:55 am »
*handily scrawled on a fair piece of parchment*

After many days of effort and personal research I have learned to deal with these terrors. While I believe there is a possibility that the pendant itself has become more oriented to my arcane resonance I believe that the connection between myself and this device is superficial. The dreams have subsided only enough for me to be gifted by enough piece of mind to gather confidence and speak with individuals of repute.

This as I the case, I have spoken with Moraken. When I approached him in his tower nearby Hlint, he was nonplussed by my appearance. It is difficult, if impossible to demand respect at my current state. He did not offer much help but his flush of words gave me some understanding of the pendant. The creation of an evil god and the damnation to all who disobey that gods will. I must seek out the individuals who worship each of the gods if I am to understand this pendant better. Perhaps some of my own resources will aid my search.

In the mean time, I feel a much stronger connection with this device and I have brought myself to wear around my own neck. It has taken to my current state and appreciates the use of its powers as a tool. There is much hope, though still I devour slumber sand each night.


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2009, 06:58:03 pm »
*well written on a piece of oak parchment*

Time has been good to me. My research has dwindled during my recovery of this Rune Covered Pendant but I have come out on top. The nightmares are kind to me if I am unkind to others. It is easy for me let me tongue loose at this point, the foolish uplanders deserve a sickened fate. The pain I have felt is nothing compared to what I will do to them once the outflow of power moves into my possession. Ni'haer has gifted me with an ancient slab of rock. Part of a necromantic rune and the letter M are scrawled onto it, if I can find the complimentary components I believe making use of this rune would be a simple process. *drawn here is a copy of the rune mentioned before*

Let true power reign,
Through nightmarish pain,
Once again I am sane.


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2009, 02:11:15 am »
*another parchment is added to the pile*

We've finally arrived off of that beautifully burned island! The head of that old man still swells in my memory. It felt so good to release his essence into the ocean, the life blood pouring out so beautifully. And that woman I mauled to death in the Polymorphed form of a Zombie, she tasted so innocent. Of course, knowing how many children and families probably burned after that fireball I let off into the merchant woman's house is the tip of it all. The nights on the boat where completely without restlessness too, the pendant seems at ease for days now. I am completely released and it feels so good. Perhaps even by writing this I am incriminating myself, but it was not against the laws to destroy those abominations that pretend to be decent.

My only regret is to have lost so many perfect subjects for my research... at least I left with several Hawthorn Spore infected apples and berries. If I can infect a subject I might be able to research the affect of the spores on the dying corpse. Or better, the tortured to life... best on a human I think. Those were the primary prey on the island.

Otherwise I hope to get this letter off to the Toranites for research onto the tablet. If Duches was right I might be at risk with it... better off sold or in exchange for magical scrolls and equipment to defend myself. Truly a good plan.

-Nidual Shi'un

*the paper is folded into the shape of a star and tucked beneath the stack*


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2009, 02:02:08 am »
*Several pages have been bound together by interlocking tears at the top left side, the first scrawled in careful script*

Research has come across with great quantity and qualification. Erris' has made a perfect assistant in acquiring samples. His handy work inside the Fort Vehl labs is just as affective. It is hard to find workers that are not just slightly smarter than bag of caltrops.

Most recently I dreamed up an assignment for he and I both. The Fifth Circle of magic was nearly around the corner, feeling out the nuisances of the hand symbols has been easy but the breakthrough was in the components! Erris and the Bright One named Lilyvaen came to collect several recently deceased subjects. Particular of the third finger down for each of the creatures. Several animated dead were also accompanied in the spell practice. Along with goblin, ogre, dwarf and halfling finger bones. It was made fairly simple for me when I compared the two in terms of necromantic essence! What a break through! Using the Black Onyx as a conductor for the anima of the Krandor undead then applying it to the finger bones of the subjects I was able to understand the distinctions between the builds. When the Black Onyx released it's energies I noticed the power built into the form of it. The oval of ebony, pure Black Onyx, is often weld for necromancy but I never dreamed a creation like this could come so simply! When the stone was placed into the iris of the skeleton it was able to control the frame as if it was in it's previous existence. As if to magically refuse the decay of time, all entropy was reversed! All of the creatures actions were of my mind but completely of it's own volition! Animating Dead has been such as the ancient scrolls themselves dictated! Truly a work worthy of applause for my lab assistants.

*the second page is a detailed picture of a human form, denoting the muscular and nervous system. Several points of interest show bundles of nerves, joint releases with details of how to alter the position of the bones. All of the writing is separate in style from the previous page. A Dark Elven signature lay at the bottom*

*The page after is an attempt of recreation of the first body, possibly a trace. There are new points of interest denoting spots where the Al'Noth is most responsive and to which form of manipulation. Lines are drawn towards source points for the flow of blood and represent the location of pooling areas* *at the bottom more notes are scrawled finely such as the earliest page*

Erriis has offered much to the research of our project. This particular work serves for great interpretation. My own deductions of the humanoid form can be somewhat less refined since I'd prefer to raise the most powerful skeletons, the largest. This page decides that I will work my way from the lower end, humanoids and someday... perhaps I will recreate the ancients, perhaps the dragons! A bit overambitious. With some more research it might be possible to inherit the Necromantic alterations themselves. Erris said something that encouraged me to look into body modifications, such as the Karnaks and over savage tribes have invested themselves in. Belief in the strength of runic tattoos has mythical throughout ages, but it might actually be possible to create scars or tattoos that channel Al'Noth--Further research needed.

*the pages are placed in the pile, combined as one piece*


Re: Nidual's Lab Notes
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2009, 10:32:02 pm »
*combined notes appear in the next section once again except this time both are written in fine Dark Elven Script*

My associate and I have made some interesting deductions on the side project of some ancient lore. The powers locked inside this old slab of stone I have been given from the death sorcerer, Ni'haer, may finally be proving a research worthy of our time. Eriis, perhaps Mearden is more fitting for my personal notes, has offered a copy of a note which details a summoning ritual enabling us to bring back the Old Master. Legend tells of an ancient lich with the power over the masses of decay which fill our world. To hasten the decay of nature or to reverse it is a feat much beyond my own skills as of yet - Animating the Dead is much more like puppetry than resurrection.

Mearden spoke of the Shade's Eye or some other such named artifact. This legendary relic might be something worth pursuing in the eyes of this summoning ritual. The Old Master himself must become dominated by our power and three more individuals who study our arts. If we can find more associates in our field we would be truly lucky. My associates decoder and series of notes have been extremely useful, the addendum includes these notes.

*appropriately after are Mearden's Decoder and several other packets of notes detailing the Dark Elven names of the body parts, descriptions of possible interactions with a variety of them and how to manipulate the flow of blood throughout the typical humanoid. The final page is header with the Secret of Five and has some poetry found therein with a quick analysis written in the margins*