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Author Topic: A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shalynn)  (Read 297 times)


A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shalynn)
« on: September 28, 2007, 02:02:49 pm »
*As the sun sets eander sits at Stormcrest with a book and a pen in his hand. Several times it seems he wants to write something down but he pulls back his hand everytime before the pen reaches the book. After a while he takes a deep breath and starts to write slowly and a bit unsure*
Maybe I am not the guy to write diary, but thr recent happenings force me to write one. Well, I just dont know what else I could do to hdnle this mixture of good and bad things.
It all started sometime ago, maybe two month, when I sold my old bow to a woman called Saira, I never met before.

*smiles as he thinks of this moment*
Well, I never even met someone like her before. From the beginning on I was captivated by her, allthough I wasnt even ablr to see her embrace. Her hood was pulled very, very deep into her face, but I sensed there was something about her, something I never felt before. However, she told me she is hiding a big scar an so I did not questioned any further.

Next day I ran into her again and I was happy to accompany her, though I hided my feelings, not knowing what she felt and to be true I wasnt entirely sure about my own feeling either. I helped her with some trouble in the crypts of Vehl and we had some fun, really. Deep down in the crypt we found a woman caught in a web.Saira nearly buned her

 *laughs a bit*
Well, we were unable to cut her free and so Saira wanted the fire to burn away the web, what works really good but she forgot that the womans cloth are burnable, too. I poured all my canteens at her and it works, she is alive!
As we escorted her upwards we were ambushed by a horde of Skellettons, which were really tough, not as the one lingering around normally. After a hard fight we were able to defeat them and make our way to the exit, but the door was locked... and in the shadows I saw even more of these creatures.
To cut a long story short, we managed to defeat the horde aswell and made our way back out to the surface. The woman was thankfull and left after a short talk. I really hoped Saira would stay... and she did! After a rather long talk about nearly evrything and everyone she asked me what we would do next!
Because I had heared about some troubles in the gloomwoods we decided to go there and have a look at it. On our way we met Essel who decided to accompany us aswell. The halfling at the camp was indeed looking for someone to find a creature called Zamin and the three of us went out and after some heavy fights with more undead creatures we found the creture fitting to his description of the Zamin. We returned its head as the halfling requested and after another break we  decided to move on but suddenly Saira stopped an gestured me over into a dark corner of the wood, even darker than the rest of the forrest. She said she has something to tell me and that she has not told me the whole truth. Though I didnt know what she wanted to point out I felt... I dont know... paralysed and I knew something big would come. I am not able to explain it but it was somehow a mystic moment. I looked at her anxious to say or do just anything and than she started. It seemed to me as if years have past but it was probably only a break of an eye.
"Eander" she said "I have not been entirely honest"
And I closed my eyes briefly in order to prepare myself for that what would come,or atleast I tried.
As she removed her hood she told me "I am a drak elf" and her obsidan skin became visible. In this break of an eye all of the moments we spended together rushed through my head. It seemed to be as if aeons passed before I was able to catch myself and give an answer to her. I was so unsure what to say. I saw how she helped others, she never harmed anyone innocent or did anything bad, but she still is a dark-elf.
I chose to put her personality above her nature which she hopefully left behind. I have seen how bad humans can be and I had sworn to not harm anyone without a reason and to help others, regardless of their race. After some stuttering from myside I finally found some words and told her that I would keep her secret aslong as she does nothing... Well... dark-elf-like.
Those were not the words I told her. I said nothing bad I think. But at this moment I had so many thoughts in my head, I cant remeber the exact word anymore.
Somehow this moment even increased my feelings for her. Although she is an dark-elf and I know it, I feet somehow warm and safe everytime she is near to me.

*eander looks up to the nightsky and after he looked to the stars absent minded for some time he closes his journal with a single sigh and puts it away deep into his pack*


Re: A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shaly
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 06:23:47 am »
*Eander sits at stormcrest again and reads his journal as he starts to think how the story went on*

After Saira and I seperated I felt somehow empty. I  just could not think of anythink else but her. No need to say how happy I was as I ran into her again a few days later.

We spended some time on a walk and it was so good to talk to her again, it is simply undescribable. I wanted her closer to me but I didnt knew what she would say, if she feels the same or not, so I decided to just dont do anything but simply go on and enjoy the time with her.

After a while we met someothers around the campfire near Hlint. A fighter called Baer, Shale a priest of Mist, a mage and Kuhren, the druid a friend of mine. We sat down in the round and after a little talk, I have to admitt I didnt pay to much attention to the discussion but to Saira, they decided to go into the red lights. I think someone needed greenstone.... as I said...

*he grins widely before he goes on with his writing*
...I didnt pay too much attention so I got only half of the content. It just feels so good to be next to her. Never have I had such a feeling before.

*the happines fades fron his face slowly and the expression gets firm abd even a bit sad again*
 How ever, it should turn out that it was one of the worst ideas ever to go into this caves...

*he sighs deeply and goes on to write something down but crosses it quickly and closes the book instead*


Re: A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shaly
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2007, 04:57:26 am »
*as he returns to the crossroads it takes sometime before he tooks out his journal and flips through the pages grumbling* "where have I stoped.... ah... the cave" *before he starts to writ he frowns abit*
At first I the group worked together quite well and nothing unusual happened. But as we got deeper a strange goblin appeared out of nowhere, hit one of us and vanished as fast as he showed up. Fortunaetly the hit killed noone but we went on more carefull and sticked together closely. Next time this creature showed up we were able to hit it and follow it abit but then it vanished again after it led us into an ambush.
We tried to find a track but had no luck and so we went on in the direction it probably left and indeed, it showed up again, but this time we were able to kill it, saira shot it down as it tried to escape. Good shot, really.

We went on abit relieved but that did not last too long. Another one showed up and the same fight followed...
Maybe it was a sign to turn around, but if it was we were good at ignoring it and moved on deeeper and deeper into that cave.
We ran straight into an ambush. It was horrible. I didnot know where to fire my arrows, they came from averywhere. I tried to heal my friends, but they went down. I saw them lying on the ground, bleeding I was able to aid some but not for long. Saira and I were able to run away but several goblins followed us. I am nut sure but I think Shale was behind us and Kuhren too. I did all I could to aid thems o they could run aswell but I am not entirely sure if they made it or not. Well, seemingly Shale made it, but I will come to that later.

On our way up I tried to heal her several times and told her to run as I draw the attention to me but she did not leave me. In the end both of us went down. They got me while I was trying to heal her lying on the ground. Only due to the magic of the bindstones we are allive. In Hlint, at the bindstone, I met her and Bear, but Shale and kuhren were missing. We decided to go back into that cave to see what happened, but we did not even reached the gates of Hlint as Shale approached. He told us that he got free passage
*he pauses before he goes on taking a deep breath and frowns*

if he returns with Saira. And he agreed. He really agreed. How can one agree to such deals?
Anyway I will not waste time and fume about that. So aggainst my advice Saira ran into that cave and all of us followed her.
And this was a moment I hated to be right. A dark figure armed woth two acid blades awaited us, or Saira. He was a dark-elv himself and he talked in their language to Saira so noone sles got a word of what they were talking but Saira seemed very afrain and asked us several times to leave saying he would kill us otherwise. I refused but Shale wanted to go, incredible, he starts the whole trouble and then wants to run away...

*the angry look on his face even gets worse as he goes on*
Well, to shorten it up this guy went down with Saira and noone wanted to follow them. After I tried to convience them I was on my way down when Saira came back. She was uninjured but I saw this look in her eyes and I knew her long enough to tell that something was wrong.

*he looks to the sky and stretches*
Maybe I ahould continue tommorow. Its time for a rest.


Re: A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shaly
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2007, 04:58:05 am »
*Eander wakes up the other morning with a horrible pain in his back, because he spended the whole night leaning aggainst a tree. Tired due to a lack of proper sleep he looks at the book in his arm and opens it to continue*
So this guy wanted Saira to come with him back to the uner dark. Allthough Saira agreed atfirst I hold her and managed to pull her away from him. He got very angry and in the following trouble Saira managed to get away. She seems to be completey addled not knowing what to do.
The guy vanished and we foun her in the nearby Silkwood. Crying. She started to tell us the whole story as these dark-elf appeared again. This time he did not try to kidnapp her and after another short talk in this nasty language he disapperaed.
I looked puzzled not knowing what to say. She explained me that he gave her two days to make her descision. Follow him or I should die. Well, the exact word were "bath in his blood".

He must have sensed the bound betweeen the two ofus, or maybe he observed us.  i told her not to go with him anyway. This kind of deals never goes well if you agree to them, it will not last long and they come to you with the next claim and the next and so on. Saira did not want to listen to me she said she has no choice. On our way back to hempstead she cried nearly all the time. Telling me she has to go and that I should stop talking about this but enjoy the time we have.

Finally I saw that it was senseless to speak to her further and she atleast promised me to think about this and if she goes she promised to return unchange. I have to admitt I doubt that. However, we seperated, needing some time to think and for ourselves.

The next day I met Ron, Ronan, another Ranger and a wizzard lady. Besides the tension between her and ron who has a great dislike towards wizzards in general the trip went quite well. Till we reached Fort Llast. I felt someone behind me, pouchin a dagger in my back and I een heared a whisper in my ear
"Where is the girl?"

I was paralysed. Noone seemingly notice anything, only the fear in my face, but noone saw a figure behind me,nor heared anyone the voice. Ron asked me immideatley what the matter was but I said I was daydreaming and that it was nothing serious. It seems he bought it... more or less. So we went on and I prayed this was a daydream though I knew it was nothing but reality. This dark figure was not kidding as he told Saira that she would bathe inmy blood if she resists. But we continued our trip to the Goblin wastelands. Near that cave....
*he puts the pen away for amoment and takes a deep breath then continues*
the red lights... This guy appeared. I had no chance to keep this secret anymore, he asked for the girl, showed his skin, dark as the night. I had to bluff to draw him away from the others, saying I was going to meet a girl now.

But they folowed immideately and this guy vanished into the shadows again, but I knew he was following too. I tried to explain it in a hurry to them as I suddenly felt horrible pain.
My vack was scratched open and I went down. I hardly managed to stand up again. Full of fear I presssed myself aggainst a cliff and the wizzard put invisibility on me.

This was the moment I took a descission. I could not go on like this hoping for a wonder to happen. I had to fin Alantha. She is a dark-elf herself but escaped from the underdark aswell and managed somehow not only to stay but also to establish a great reputation. And so I travelled across Mistone talkling to everyone I met if he may have seen her or might even know how I could find her. She was my only hope.


Re: A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shaly
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2007, 03:20:01 pm »
I told Saira about Alantha and tried to convince her to give me atleast some time before she makes a final descision and in the end she agreed. Although we had no time to be honest, we spended some together. I was not ablw to leave her, it just felt too good to have her close to me. And she was so sad, I could not leave her behind. It hurted my heart that she was crying but I did my best to comfort her and tried to hide my own fear and sadness.
Afterwards we had a wonderfull time at the little fire near Hlint just looking to the sky and the stars above us. It was wonderfull and we even shared a room for the night. This is something I will never forget, these warmth and the feeling of security.

But the next morning I had to continue my search for Alantha and I had a bit of success even. I found a woman who was able to tell me that she is member of the reaven trade and that she lives in Hempstaed. One of the guards was kind enought to show me  her house and I left a note aswell as at the guild.

The final evening appraoched. I had continued my search for Alantha without any further results and so I was going to meet Saira. It was hard to tell her that I was not able to locate her and with every moment I spended with her the hope faded abit that she would come. Saira said I should leave but I tried so hard to delay my leaving so that Alantha could find us.

And suddenly out of nowhere a dark-elf woman stand behind me. At first I was unsure if she was it but a feeling deep inside of me told me that she meant no harm. The three of us had a long conversation and the outcome of it was the best. Saira decided not to go. She told us that she would stay and not follow any commands. God, was I happy to hear that. After some time, it must have been huors she had to leav and Saira and I had some time for eachother.

I still dont know why this guy didnt appear. The only thing I can imagine is that Alantha scared him away, but probably I will never know it definately.

*eander face shows a happy expression as he writes the last lines. Abit absent minded he draws a little heart at the bottom of the page before he closes the bool slowly and gets up to head towards Port Hempstead*


Re: A inconsiderable and unlabeled book (Journal of Eander Shaly
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2007, 11:43:55 am »
*the next time eander opens his book the sparkle in his eyes as vanished and he frowns as he writse on*
Saira and I stopped thinking of it for some time, though neither of us has been that naive to believe the figure would never return. It was just we tried to enjoy the day and I was incredibly glad that Alantha was able to change her mind and that she would not go down. So we just had a long walk and enjoyed talking and the warmth of each other, it was great.

*a deep sigh before he continues*
Well, unfortunately it was not the end and the next evening I met her at the fire near Hlint. Somehow she was afraid allthough I was not able to see anything around. She was completely different. She told me I should leave. I was just puzzled and confused, not knwing what to do or say.
When I was able to structure a small sentence I asked her what the matter was, but she was to anxious to explain it to me in a way I would understand it. Soon there was no need for any explanations anyway. This figure appeared out of the shadows and was rather angry that I was present and not only Saira.
"I told you to come alone!"
Even more puzzled than before it took me a moment to focus on him but Saira allready stated
"I wil not come with you"
He was not too lucky to hear that. He again threaten her that he would kill me but encouraged by the talk we had with Alantha we faced him with firmnes and she told him that she would kill herself if he would harm me. I have to admit he seemed not too impressed atall. I guess he simply didnt believe us. Anyway... He challenged her few times to do it and I on the otherside tried to stay calm but suddenly I heared a dull noise behind me.
As I turned around I saw Saira. Lying on the ground. Allover with blood coughing heavily. It was horrible and allthough I tried hard to stay calm a get a clear thought I just felt pain and panic.
This guy on the other hand was the calmness himself. Saira looked at me and stuttered to me to leave as he told me to. She said if I would love hear I do it and I...

*the pen falls out of his shivering hand and tears drop on the page. After a few moment Eander takes a deep breath goes to the next page and picks up the pen again, but as he beginns to write his hand is still shivering and his writing is heardly legible*

Well, to cut a long story short, I left her after I casted a healing spell to close atleast the biggest wounds. The moment after that seemed endless. I knew Saira lies there helpless on the ground with a drak-elf assasin and I was not able to help her. Trying to think I moved up and down. What was he doing? What happens if I go back? It probably would just become worse... but if I stay... Thoughts like that ran through my head.

 Finally I made the descision to look for her. My knees were trembling as I moved toward the trees that surrounded the campfire. Slowly but steady I appraoched. Suddenly I saw a shadow moving away from the fire. Immideately I stopped, holding my breath. The shade  moved closer, a hodded figure. I was too shocked to move and the darkness made it impossible to recognise the shape but as the moon broke through the clouds I saw her face. It was Saira.
All the burdens fell from my heart as I looked in her eyes, allthough they were filled with tears and her face was covered with blood allover. I ran towards her and hugged and kissed her. I was so thankfull she was allive and on the surface.

*he stops a moment to think and then goes on*
However, I still donr know what the reason for this happenings is. Last time she was told to be the matriach of her house now this guy told her he was send by her mother. Neither of us knows it for sure. The only think we know is, it will not be over probably. This guy knows now that we are in love with each other. A crime for a dark elf

*before Eander closes his book again a wipes away the tears he writes the last sentence*
Punished by death.