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Author Topic: Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint  (Read 368 times)


Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint
« on: October 09, 2004, 06:40:00 pm »
To all those of sound mind and soul, of stout heart and strength of character.

The Legion of the Dragon is coming.

A unique force dedicated to the service of the good people of this world who seek to unshackle themselves from the ever present threat of Sinthar and his allies. A force that will swear to uphold the code of chivalry and protection of the weak. All under the banner of an Ancient Golden Dragon.

This notice is simply to let you know and bring to your attention that time is close for the Legion to be born.

Tarradon Duvall


RE: Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2004, 07:42:00 pm »
Is this going to be like the Knights of the Wyrm that serve Rofirein?


RE: Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2004, 07:55:00 pm »
  Please make sure everybody reads that link. Also, guilds/clans/organizations must be approved by me by click on Register (above) and Register a guild.  Once I receive that request we will go from there.
  The leader must be at least 12th level and there must be at least 5 (including the leader) to be formed.  There are more things but those are the main requirements (after I have approved the organization).

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RE: Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2004, 08:10:00 pm »
// Legion of the Dragon, it's something from RJ's Wheel of Time, atleast soemthing i've seen of on servers that were spin off's of WoT, like WoT the third age... so i doubt it would be like the knights.  Not sure, could be another Legion of the Dragon.


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RE: Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2004, 10:06:00 pm »
now L,
  I didn't see where it said anything about level of the leader, or am I blind?  that's puts a little damper on my plans.  Getting to twelve will take LONG time, is there anyway we can add some boolean ORs to that statement:  like special L approval, been playin on Layo or more than 6 months, etc....



RE: Notice posted at the Hall of Justice in Hlint
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2004, 02:03:00 am »
// Okay Sorry folks if its level 12 for the leader I am a bit premature here. I almost have the cash for it but am only level 11. And I have just realised thanks to the prior post that yes it is similar to Jordans Wheel of Time and thus I will have to change the name. I have already done most of the background work, ie tenants, codes, member rules, hierarchy etc, etc and was hoping to post for approval after I have moved house and set everything else up again (in RL) in a few weeks but looks like a little bit more work and time is going to be involved here.
Essentially I am hoping it will be a Militaristic style order aligned loosely with the temples of Rofirein and Vorax and ultimately serve the King Wayland but have its own codes and rules it abides by.
IE defending all dragons from destruction, protecting the weak and innocent while being honourable and chivalrous and all that. Stay Tuned though I have put a bit of work into this and will see it happen one day as soon as I can manage it (oh and if L approves it of course ) :)