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Author Topic: Amanda "Kat" Spellsword - Little Light of Aeridin  (Read 168 times)


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    Amanda "Kat" Spellsword - Little Light of Aeridin
    « on: October 22, 2004, 12:50:00 pm »
    I traveled, far distant lands where the moons were closer to the earth. The stars shown differently but still brightly. And men held themselves differently, proudly, strongly. After the exorcism that destroyed the evil inside of me and cast it out into the physical form of the beast that proceeded to run away, I had to think of whom I was, what I was so I traveled north to the edge of my known world. I sailed from island to island spreading the word of Aeridin to those whom would listen and also listening to those whom spoke to me. Barbariens to the north, Warriors to the south. Yet there was little difference and they hated each other greatly. I traveled to the East where only the nobles were fighters and they were trained much differently. Almost in a monk like state, deligently and thoughtfully, they praised there swords like an ancestor long passed. There I found many answers that lay inside myself. Who was I? Why was the beast inside of me? I am a priestess of Aeridin, a preserver of life and keeper of the immortal light that shines down apon the living. Why did I have to take life so much? Was this truly what Aeridin wished of me? It numbed my mind and ached my heart with thoughts... I could feel Aeridin's Weakness and it hurt me badly, like a husband or wife dieing in the midst of a kiss... It pained me so and so for a long time I did not waste any of my spells in the efforts to not kill life and to search myself and Aeridin for the answers of my existance.

    -To Be Continued-


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      RE: Amanda "Kat" Spellsword - Little Light of Aeridin
      « Reply #1 on: October 22, 2004, 11:31:00 pm »
      I stayed in this land far far from my home in Hlint which I packed up, sold, and with all the positions on my back I began my long journey into myself. The journey leading here, to this place that I must admit has something mystical about it. It helped clear my mind and reduce my angers and fears... I began from the beginning as it is natural to do so rethinking the major points in my life so far. Starting only a lowly priestess of Aeridin, hardly noticed, yet still am hardly noticed indeed. Fame is not what this job is about though, it is the desire to see life blossom in all its forms. That I found out and have unclouded first. Then, Fisterion... Killing my only link to my past. Destroying my father and laughing at me as he flew off, I thought my life was in existance to destroy him. Indeed it is not, anger and revenge is not the correct path of my life and this I know now. Fisterion thought he could destroy me by killing my father. Instead I an renewed, I am free to risk everything because I have nothing to hold me back. this was my second lesson that I learned in my peace. Aeridin, blessed be he who protects life and gives light to the darkness... My third lesson was to appreciate every moment I am alive because Aeridin wills it so. Sometimes I feel lost, sometimes I feel the beast inside me lurking still underneath my skin but I remember whom leads me through the darkness of the never ending night. Aeridin, he who gives me hope and gives me another chance to live my life as I should. I have devoted myself fully to him, in my services I hope one day I may be remembered not as Amanda, not as Kat, but as a Hero of Aeridin. I wish to be remembered as a Light of Aeridin shining the path for others in the darkened world where Blood lurks, where evil is around every corner, where shadows dance where the light should be. My name is Amanda Spellsword, and everyone calls me Kat, but I hope one day I can be the one whom guides the lost as Aeridin has guided me.


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        RE: Amanda "Kat" Spellsword - Little Light of Aeridin
        « Reply #2 on: October 24, 2004, 03:27:00 pm »
        I came apon a village in my travels and found refuge in a school of magery. I slept there out of the snow and began to think to myself of where I was. I knew I must be north, but how far north? To what island? I wasn't sure, and still am not but I knew winter was on its way and the snow drifted in like a siloutte of mighty silence. The wind was howling and but it felt warm inside and so I sat by the fire in the commons and chatted with the apprentices young and old. There were wizards whom had been studying there for many many years and there were young sorcerers who had only begun understand they unique gifts. I was the only healer the town had seen in many years so they gave me the title of White Mage. I did all I could do to help out as Aeridin I'm sure would have wanted. Everything was going so well until the wanderer showed up. Dressed in robes of dark blue. He was coming through but I saw he had a sword at his belt and I could not see his hands at all. The hood over his face told me something was not right. I was watching over the children of the village when I heard a loud scream from the Inn. I told the children to go inside of the school and I went to investigate. I found a drunkered trying to attack the wanderer but he was doing no good. The wanderer was simply dodging the attacks with little effort. He was moving slowly and calmly while the drunk was swinging wildly.

        I told them to stop but the drunk paid me no mind and continued. I was forced to stop this and intercepted the drunk's blade. I then asked what was the matter, and he began to tell me that the wanderer had come to take his family away. I looked to the wanderer who had undone his hood and stood infront of me. His face was that of a saint and he had the aura of a paladin about him but something else underneath told me not to trust him. Trusting my gut I asked him to explain as I took the drunk's weapon away and sat him down. The man proceeded to say that the drunk was part of an organization conspiring against the emporer and king of this land. The drunk spattered out in a drunkin rage still that the man was lieing. I wasn't sure who to believe. but my choices would change my life forever...

        -To Be Continued-

