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Author Topic: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)  (Read 79 times)


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    The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
    « on: April 09, 2006, 05:16:22 am »
    ((This is the journals of Etriel Tel'aeluil a young Wood Elf. He has a boyish outlook of life but still repects nature and it's laws. He lacked the healing powers his mother had and the strength his father had in combat at birth. This did change a bit shortly after the upheaval of his village from cuases unknown and the death of his mother. But dont be fooled he is very wise he just bathes in the natural traversty and fun over looked by others in life))

    I woke up near a big dragon the other day. I think that is what it is I only remember stories of such told in the village. Followed a path to a small town that goes by the name of Hlint and it seems many people of all kinds live here. I have seen many strnge things here and they speak a lanuage I dont knwo so well. I hope I can learn this cuase it's really hard trying comunicate with them. I wonder what hat dragon wants with me.


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      Re: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
      « Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 05:24:59 am »
      I havnt wrote in awhile, I have been really busy. I try to help as much as I can like I did in my village. Some people are very nice here. I met a female that goes by Lee. She took me to a forest they call the high forest, I think she lives here. I stay int he forest now cuase it's a lot better than sleeping behind the inn. I couldnt stand those rooms they smelt really bad and there were alot of drinking people there. I helped in cleansing the forest with some others the other day to, it was fun. I can do things I couldnt before. And I like the faces the people make after they see healing I can do now.


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        Re: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
        « Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 05:34:10 am »
        I met two males the other and we went down into somthign they call the crypts. It wasnt as fun as helping the people in the forest, it stinks down there. We went down there to help the undertaker man he wanted a type of essence. It was easier than I thought and he paid well for it, I guess I'm happy I helped. I think I'll return to the forest and see if i can find some rescourses to gather. I dont know how some of these people can just sit under that tree for so many hours.


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          Re: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
          « Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 05:47:15 am »
          It seems like these things I can do have gotten greater with use. I rember along time ago my mother took me to a different forest when I was young. Folian S'pae has a temple there. She met with alot of others that were like her and they talked about me. I remeber after that a few of the older villagers called me The wolf that waits. I'm not sure what this means but I think it has somthing to do with my new abilities. I miss my mother and my village. Its likley that most of the village is broken up and has scattered. I hope not cuase I want to return some day.


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            Re: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
            « Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 06:08:47 am »
            I saw Lee agian today and met a female elf by the name of Ileth. We went through mnay forests to some mountins and slayed some giants. They are really big I have never seen them before till now. It was pretty fun I got to see many things and many places. I am startign to wonder how my father is doing. Before the villagers decided to move he told me he was being called and had to travel to the Forest of Mist.


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              Re: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
              « Reply #5 on: April 09, 2006, 06:14:54 am »
              I have came across somthing really fun. I am able to take the shape of many of the creatures of the forest. I think Sila(Mae) likes this to. I have been forming into a wolf and playing with her. It's alot harder for her to catch me know! I think she enjoys the challenge and she really needs the exercsise to. I'm hoping this ability will grow with use like my others. I work on it all the time even in the town of Hlint. I hope the other people there dont mind they should try this it's really fun.


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                Re: The Wolf that Waits (Written in Elven)
                « Reply #6 on: April 09, 2006, 06:34:30 am »
                I saw Lee and Ileth today agian! Lee is going to try to learn elven and I'm going to learn this common language. I hope it's easier than it sounds.

