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Author Topic: Birdlords, Striders that go Far and other oddities  (Read 64 times)


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Birdlords, Striders that go Far and other oddities
« on: April 17, 2006, 09:18:27 am »
As the fires swept through my village a piece of my soul fled and burned with those fires of ...ation. I vowed on the Katana I had won at the Rogues Fare that I would exact my revenge and let none stand in my path! I appeared before the mighty Dragon Spirit and vowed to stop Blood and his schemes. Upon arriving in Hlint I met the most curious man, although more then a man, a Birdman so to speak The Bird lord Plenarius Ashaley. We spoke and I payed homage to him although I didn’t quite understand who he was and what he was about, I told him I followed Katia and through her wisdom I hoped to achieve peace of spirit. He gave me a gift I will treasure always a Flag of Katia’s. I suddenly thought more about what it meant to follow the Great Mother and vowed only to use animals for food and then to either make use of myself or give to someone to make use of there skins and to the earth return there carcasses. I broke this vow because of another I made, to make training paramount. I did not care for the Noble spirit of the ancient Tree spirit who defends its grove nor the animal marking its territory. Even the plants I held no respect for.
All I cared about was burning revenge. I helped a lot of people out, I found a bard her necklace, an accountant her tax records, a weird looking half Orc his essence and many other things, I delivered mail and packages, I mined ore from the earth. None of these things made me feel clear of spirit, the burn for revenge still ate at me like a gut fly eating away at its host.

 I have met new and wondrous people, like Serahlin the troubled young Girl with a heart of pure snow but a knack for violence that almost scares me and all the while she is as innocent as a new born and as sweet as honey. Gabby the tough Lady Warrior, with nerves of steel and a heart of gold. Anna Lee an extravagant beauty with long flowing red hair and an exotic smile, yet behind those smiles lays wisdom and intelligence, she also tells a good tale. Of greater interest is a group I have recently come to know as the ‘Farstriders’. From what I can tell they consist of Armolas a fine gentleman and a Ranger, from him I learnt logical tactics for fighting Jellies and a few things about mining. Jin Lun Lee, Master Lee is a Priest of Aeriden from what I can tell and he has many talents but from the little I know of him he is a good man and very friendly. Xandrian, Saved my hide down in the red Light caves and turned out to be a great companion even helping a young lass Sak’ura reunite her spirit. He reminded me that Honour and Duty  are more then just words. Tegan, a lady of mystery to me thus far but a stout companion in battle and no doubt also socially from the way she commands respect. Renji. A fierce warrior yet with an  almost roguish sense of humour, a man who is a stout companion in and out of battle.
There could be more members but I am at this point unsure. It is my hope that I can join there group and help them bring great good to the land. There are so many more good people I have met and some bad and most are great trail and battle companions.
 A curious Dwarf named Grympint Bloodbeard had an  engaging conversation with me and I have asked him if he could make a Bronzed Katana for me although I am reluctant to give up my prized one. He showed me and others his home in Lelion, a very quaint place too. Speaking of dwarves the more I seem to meet the more I like the stout folk, Ketilbjorn and Hilda are yet two more examples of the quality of the race.
Master Pang was right this world is full of mystery and it really is waiting for me and others like me, for we are the adventurers or fools, but I guess that all depends on your point of view.


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The Call Of Katia
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2006, 07:08:28 pm »
As I have written in the previous entry I met this 'Bird Lord' and his peaceful and generous spirit almost washed over me and I long to feel that same peace. I thought harmony of spirit could be developed through dedication to the Blade and skill. I still think that dedication to the mastery of the Katana is a viable and desirable thing to strive for but perhaps it need not be the only thing in my life. For if I were to just soulessly go through life hell bent on revenge what would I become? At the very least nothing more then a sword, It takes a wielder to give a weapon life not vice versa. At worst I would become no better then Blood himself, a creature of hate and revenge and that is not my desire.
 I was wandering around near Fort Velensk one day when I came upon a group of people, some known to me some not. Serahlin was there as well as Hilda the Dwarf maiden (whom I called sir at first but one can never tell with dwarvern males and females they both proudly support beards!) A curious and dark man who never gave me his name accompanied them as well as Dulan, Priest of Toran, and the Brothers Loom, Voon and Boon. We decided to goto a place called the Dragon Isles, which to me didn't sound to appealing especially the Dragon part, but there was no Dragons there but in fact fantastic Tree Spirits, the Noble Grizzly bear, Owlbears, Forest Renderers, Strange mushroom men and a cave full of Minotaurs. I didn't care if the ancient Tree Spirits had to die nor any of the other creatures, Training is paramount I told myself. I tried to convince them not to slay the Noble Bear but alas they did so and seemed to have no compunction in doing so, except for dear, sweet Sera that is. She taught me one other time to hold the creatures of the forest more dear then as mere training. But on that occassion I spoke rudely to a Ranger named Jacchri because of my own guilt, and he turned out to be a compassionate man too offering me condolences for the fall of Roldem, he knew how nasty the attack was, maybe he was there? But that is merely conjecture.
The Bullmen I later learnt were called Minotaurs were routed from there homes, or so we thought, but reinforcements appeared and we all came close to losing our lives on numerous occasions, Thank Katia we didn't. When we came back to the surface the Forest came alive and was wroth with us, Tree Spirits, Vines, Animals and Plants all sort our demise. I tried to reason with the others but the Priest of Toran especially was overly bloodthirsty when it came to nature, he slaughtered anything that crossed his Path and later abandoned us to our Fate. But I guess that is for him and Toran to work out not I to judge. The Brothers Loom weren't as bloodthirsty as Dulan but they weren't going to allow anything to attack them without defending themselves either so even though there intentions may have been purer then the so called Priests the results were the same. I tried to not Upset Katia furhter and not attack natures furies, but also Honor dictated that I defend my companions as well.
 We finally made our way back to the docks only to be barred by three enormous Tree Spirits! Elder earth elementals also barred our way. A obviously powerful Druid eventually came along and spoke to us, she was furious at us and rightly so. I offered my head for quick, clean justice , but she wasn't letting me off that easily. However she did not have the same feelings towards the Brothers Loom whom she warned time and again but eventually slew them where they stood as a lesson for both them and us.
A task was given us to retrieve a unique flower from the sera fens, a fitting name i might add for the only one among that knew of there location was Serahlin. The Dark Robed man had deserted us to our fate back on the Isles but to his credit he returned to take upon the task with us, The cowardly Priest of Toran Ran out on us and left us to our fate.
 The party broke up the Brothers Loom going to a druids hut and the rest of us entering the Sera Fens. We did not have any luck extracting the Plant for the Druid and I killed one of the majestic flowers. After wandering lost for some time something happened that will stay with me for all my days! A sacred White Stag lead us to the druids hut! Upon arriving there we quickly learned the Druid, named Raven, Had set the Brothers Loom to a task in return for her help in extracting and transporting the Unique Plant. Unfortunately they incurred Ravens Wrath by slaying a White Stag right outside the Druids Home! I was terribly angry at them but also could not hate them for what they had done, they are simple men who live by simple rules, if it attacks you defend yourself. Never the less after trying to meditate I allowed my wroth to flow out of me at them. We returned to the Dragon Isle in defeat and put ourselves at the mercy of the Druid. She made a ward that marked the Brothers Loom as enemies of Nature and charged Sera and I to teach them to respect Nature, only after they have learnt respect then the wards would be lifted. I blessed Katia for this good fortune as I believed my life forfeited and now make a new vow!
 I WILL learn the ways of the forest, I WILL learn to be at harmony with nature I must strive every day to achieve this, I will not rest nor continue mastering my Katana until I do!

