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Author Topic: Dogboy's Ramblings  (Read 198 times)


Dogboy's Ramblings
« on: January 14, 2008, 12:59:47 am »
This was overheard at the 'One-Eyed Harpy' by someone who probably doesn't need to be named...

So er.. how are ya mate? Pass us an ale.. top shelf's been a long day!
*Brandin looks at the innkeep with a twinkle in his eye as he reaches for the foaming glass brimming with yellow liquid, with a smell that would make a dwarf's nasel hair stand on end.  He takes a long drink, pausing briefly to wipe the foam from his chin.*  
Ahh thats better.  Me nerves are shot ya know.  I aint seen nuthin like it... *the innkeep leans in ready for a tale*  
It all started when I was mindin me own business down in the... *coughs* sewers in Port Hempstead.  I know, I know I shouldn't 'ave been down there.  I know I said I'd give up the rat slaughterin.. but I don't know sometimes I can't control me urgers.... if ya know what I mean.  
*he winks at the halflings starting to gather around him.*  
Anyways while I was down there I ran into this lady right... *winks again* and well I had te save the lass didnt I?  She was cut up bad.. by them rats.  She reckon's she was some Paladin of Toran.  I reckon she 'as a lot to learn.  So I bandaged her up... not that I'm complainin mind you... her legs go all the way up... if ya know what I mean.  *chuckles deeply and nudges the halfling sitting next to him.* So after we finished with them rats I escorted the lady out of the sewers.. cause ya know I am a gentleman an' all and then she asked me if I would come along with her to find some magic stick the kobolds had at the camp nearby.  Well of course I couldnt say no to her... not a pretty thing like that. And to tell ya the truth she idolised me she did.  She even said so!  
*the patrons grin and rolled their eyes as if they heard this kind of story before.*
Nar Nar it's true I swear!  So we go and find this stick and geez I had to be on me toes.. the lass... Reckon her name was Tormara.... nearly died on me at least 4 times. But I was there fer her an saved her each time.. I'm like one of em heros I is!
*his chest puffs out as he sits taller on the stool.  He takes another long drink and settles back to continue the tale*  
After she had found the bleedin stick and returned it to the Captain *lowers his eyes as he mentions the Captain's name* we spent some time under the tree in the outskirts of Hempstead.  Must 'ave talked all night.  ya know about this an that.  
*this time the halfling next to Brandin nudged him as if to say 'come on lad tell us the real story'.*  
Nar Mate it was nuttin like that... I swear... Ya know I would be the first te say if we had.. well you know.. but we didnt right!  She's a lady afterall.  *he sighs and continues* Anyhow in the wee hours of the morning she tells me she 'as te go to some crypt in Vehl.. ya know them ones on the other side of town, near the temple.  Well I couldn't just let her go alone now could I? So bein' the gentleman that I am I escorted her there by ship, no less.  We got there without any troubles and find this other lass standin' outside them crypts as if she was about to go in alone.  She surprised me she did, braver than most of em women we see round.  *chuckles arise from the gathered crowd* She said her name was Lyn.. strange lass... wouldnt take her helm from 'ere head.  She reckoned it was some family tradition and until she was married she 'ad te leave it on.  Sounds real strange te me... but well what ya goin te do? rip it off her head? So anyways I thought it best she comes with Tormara and meself ya know in case the skellies got her... be a shame fer her te die before gettin married *he chuckles softly and drains his glass*

Oi Barkeep, give us another round mate.  
*the barkeep moves back over and refills his glass as well as the others around him.  He pauses wiping the bar with his cloth to listen on as the tale continued.*  
So we enter the crypt.. nice an' slow like and make our way into the first hall.  Few of em skellies met us in there... but they was no trouble!  Them skellies were no match for me blades - fire an ice.  *he lovingly strokes the blades that are strapped to his belt, until one of the halflings nearby gives him a nudge to keep the tale going.*
Alright mate... keep ya hair on.  Right well anyways we had no trouble me and the two girls until after we had made a camp in the darkness an rested up before movin further into them crypts.  I had te hold one of em girls tight like cause she was thinkin there was a ghost about.  
*One of the halflings next to Brandin looked at him with his eyebrows raised.*
But I knew there was no ghost in there... It took awhile but the reason fer the gates openin an closin by emselves was this fella who had been followin us!
*a smile spreads accross one of the faces of the halflings nearby*  
Now come on... its not friendly like te just follow along.. hidin while ya watch others killin them skellies... he almost scared the pants off the girls, let me tell ya.  
*Brandin pauses waitin for the others to settle down around him as they discuss hiding tactics and such, taking a drink from his ale.*  Wouldn't trust this fella as far as I could throw 'im!  He wouldnt give us his name or nuttin.  Reckon he is bad news... will 'ave te watch out fer him... he also wouldnt take his helm off.  Reckon the girls weren't impressed with 'im... they stayed close te me side... like glue they were *chuckles and flicks his hair back with hand* yep they loved me they did.  
Anyways this fella... wouldnt leave us alone kept up with us when we tried to leave them crypts.  We moved down one of em halls and all of a sudden *paused to build the tension* it all went dark. I mean darker then them crypts are s'posed te be.  So dark ya couldn't see ye hand in front of yer face.  Them girls were almost hysterical so I kept them with me... real colse like... fer comfort ye understand? *the other halflings in the room nod and grin their eyes wide and mouths slightly open eager to hear more.*  

When the dark lifted a bit there was this glowin spirit bein there in front of us.  Right there he was... all black, an' glowin and ugly... real ugly... ya aint seen ugly until ye seen this creature.  The girls were all screamin and hidin behind me they was.  Me blades were out and I had te defend em.. That other fella... he was quiverin in fear just starin like a daft bugger.  Anyway the 'thing' it wasnt attackin or nuttin it was just moanin... an' driftin round an round the hall sayin stuff like *pauses and contorts his face mimicing the shade's voice* H..E...L.P    M...E..E    I mean God Blimey!  Well we looked at the creature an I knew it was wantin te kill us all... I could tell!  I knew I 'ad te get them girls out of there so I backed em out.  But then the bloody other fella was so scared his feet was frozen to the bloody floor!  *the other halflings lean in further taking in every word*  
I couldnt leave the bastard there... so with the girls under one arm I lifted the sod off the ground an carried the three of em right out of them crypts to the daylight!  
*they all lean back and gasp in awe of Brandin's bravery*  
I know! I know! but *sighs* someone 'ad te do it! *they all pat him on the back and cheer*

So Anyways that.. that thing... reckon it's gone now.... not that I want te go back in te find out mind you!  Well them girls are safe an are in me debt.... *looks at the back of hand and takes the final drink from his glass* Reckon me work was done... I'll meet up with them girls soon... They had a few errands te run an then one of em... er.. Tormara's gettin a room with me... *they grin and continue to pat Brandin on the back* yep reckon it was a long day!

