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Author Topic: A battered hide book - This is Eric  (Read 111 times)


A battered hide book - This is Eric
« on: January 18, 2006, 03:12:56 pm »
Dear Ma, Da,

The caravan guard thing didn’t turn out as planned, so I headed south.  Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything wrong, but the caravan master did not need me services anymore.

Now I’m livin in this place called Hlint.  Not bad for a town, I have done some things for the local militia, but they don’t want any extra guards though, and met a couple of friendly people.  Although, some of the locals do appear to be a bit strange, must be all the warm weather.

Life here is much easier in some ways.  I don’t have to worry about fighting barbarians, but then again I have ended up smashing skeletons, hacking walking dead and fighting some other filthy beasts.  The local goblins also need to be kept in check, although once I thought I was a goner.  Got hit on the head ya see, and blacked out.  The stupid things though I was dead.  So I got meself patched up and taught them a real lesson.  There are also some orcs which I ran into, well ran through would be more appropriate.  They looked pretty tough, but I was tougher and didn’t even get a scratch.

I have met some lovely lasses in town, and I think that one has taken a real shining to me.  I hope ta see her again soon.

The best thing is I have made meslf some good money.  I even brought me some copper armour, made of plates and chain mail.  Better than the leathers I had before.  I also got me a copper long sword.  I feel like a nobleman, ha!

Well, best be off.  

I’ll write again soon.
