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Author Topic: Sab's important points  (Read 77 times)

Sab Kaylag

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    Sab's important points
    « on: December 02, 2006, 04:41:34 pm »
    Today was interesting so far.  I met three people whose names i remember Kin, Lora, and Freldo.  Kin and Lora actually traveled with me and we fought goblins ... not from the same group that killed Mom, those B------s, but a different group of goblins.  I got pretty good with this new sling i picked up and i even went and got myself a new sheild.  We killed alot of those goblins and i got 6 ears ... i turned in 5 to the sherrif guy whose name i forgot.  i got most of my ears with Kin then me and Lora went and killed a bunch of rats and found the cities tax records.  We also met a bard while there ... for some odd reason he wanted poison.  probably to help his throat since he sang off key.  then when we were going to get ears for Lora we stopped and talked to a couple of and one of them was named Freldo.  i don't know the girls name.  then i decided i was going to write down what was happening after getting Lora her ears and almost dieing and turning in mine so i wrote all this ... oh and before any of this i met some guy who healed me after fighting the rats on my own ... they hurt me alot.

    Big people are getting better and better i met a new person named Tali and as soon as i walked out of the crypts injured he just healed me ... then he disappeared.

    Sab Kaylag

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      Re: Sab's important points
      « Reply #1 on: December 03, 2006, 09:10:04 am »
      i don't really have time to write so im just going to list the names of the new people i met yesturday and so far today and say a little bit after that.  I met Blue, Byran, Kaeso, Cole, Bo, Berilu Emie and Quantum.  I went through this forest all the way to Krandor with Blue Kaeso Bo Emie and Kin.  Byran taught me that the Gods have laws they have to obey.  and thats about how the rest of my day went.  some guy helped me get my grave and make peace with myself when i died to a bunch of ogers.  I came back to Hlint.  I don't know why i did i ussually don't stay in one place this long but i did ... the people here seem nice maybe thats why.  anyway im ddone writing so bye

      Sab Kaylag

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        Re: Sab's important points
        « Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 02:24:42 pm »
        hello again it's been a while since i wrote anything in here ... Well i've met to many people now to name them all so I'll just say that i know alot more peoples than im going to mention.  Many things have happened to me.  I have a new sheild and sword.  I have my second ox.  and I feel like i lost a part of myself from a battle with kobolts, which are now the creatures i dislike the second most.  I also have a new helmet i was given most of it by Jursen for helping him get equipment for his troops but I added Deer antlers and reshaped it a bit.  

        The reason i added the antlers is to show my triumph over the creature.  You see a certain Deer killed me on an unlucky day while i was digging clay and sand.  Some elven lady ran past me while i was lying on the ground bleeding i came back up and saw her leave.  Then the deer attacked me again and finished me off.  If i ever see that elven lady again i will not travel with her.

        My new sheild was given to me for helping out a dwarf to get his grave back.  I didn't ask for anything but he gve it to me out of apreciation.  His name was Thorgist and he was from the clan Frostgrip.
        I got my new Iron short sword with an electric enchantment from another dwarf. I traded him 35 spider silk and 35 aloe for it.  I can't quite control the enchantment yet but i feel that by mastering my use in the sword i will eventually gain the full ability of using the electric power stored inside that dwarfs name is Grimnor and i forgot his clan (//its lev 9 required with the enchantment so i've added the visual affect and will add the enchantment when i reach level nine//)

        Also i now have a disciple or follower.  his name is Ivory and I'm teaching him the ways of trapping and scouting.  and a few other things. (//training him to be a ranger//)  He's working quite well and i think will soon grasp much of what i've taught him

        I've met with a Halfling name Uillium who is running a company.  The company is making items that few buy because of their expense.  but they're making them at cheap prices and selling them at low prices also.  perhaps their use will be more common in the world soon.  I have asked to join the group and think they have or will allow me.  I think, though im not sure, that Berilu is in the group also.  

        I have been traveling alot with Kaeso Kin and Blue i have also traveled with an elf named (//woops forgot Q's elven characters name//) and a wierdly black skinned elf Named Zergon.  Zergon has gotten chased out of hlint because of his skin so i helped him make clothes that wouldn't let people see it.  Also i helped out a monk named Logan.  It seems that the tax records were stolen again.  I tried to talk to the ratman and figure out what was happening, i think Berilu's suggestion that the Tax lady and the ratman have a deal that often goes sour may be correct indeed.  well thats all for now i've forgotten much and perhaps will write again when i remember.  Byes

        Sab Kaylag

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          Re: Sab's important points
          « Reply #3 on: December 10, 2006, 12:09:29 pm »
          Hwllo again its been a long long long time since i wrote in you.  well i met even more new people which is usually fun.  I met alot of people who are my size and we're thinking about getting together and going down to create a new home in the desert.

          I like the desert alot because of how open it is, and there is alot of sand there.  Everyone thinks it will be hard to do but i think it will be fun.  Uilliam mentioned making bricks and i that will be our foundation for our houses.  Maybe ill go and look that stuff up.  

          Anyway thats just one thing thats happened in this long time.  Others are things like pie hunting,  Going to Hurm with my great friend Mille, fighting a rust monster , which was the worst thing in the world.  going to the bottom of haven,  getting a lizards head to help captain gerant, getting a little girls grandpas ashes.  collecting silk aloe thisle scullcap leaves and eggs,  making Zergon another new identity this time he's Yargon the hunter.  going to rilliara.  and many other things which i probably won't get to.  

          I'll try to write in you later about all those things though especially about going to hurm, getting pie and fighting the rust monster.  Byes till next times.

