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Author Topic: A Drow Necromancer's Journal  (Read 169 times)


A Drow Necromancer's Journal
« on: March 25, 2007, 02:05:48 pm »
*your basic book with a black cover and a picture of a white skull on it*
*written in primarily Drow, but a few other languages, written out with perfect penmanship*

The surface what a strange place. I've learned of it, but nothing can compare to actually being there. I have been taught some things about the surface, thou some things may not be the same as I was teached. The lands, the animals, and the plants are so different then those of the underdark. It's seems more peaceful, less hatred seems to cover these lands. I do have some trouble with the surface, for it seems there is a ball of fire, a thing that stings my eyes and makes my body weak. If I am to survive up here I must get use to it. I travel mostly when the ball of fire is gone, but I am starting to travel more and more when it is out...

Xer'inith Dea'theran


Re: A Drow Necromancer's Journal
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2007, 02:15:39 pm »
A few days I have traveled, that's when I found a town in which I might call home. I went searching for a shop for I knew surfacers would not enjoy the company of a Drow elf in thier city. So I bought a robe to cover my body and a helm for my head. Seems it was in the shape of a Skull and that is what appears to be what most of the people of the surface call me. I then went exploring around Fort Vehl and discovered anouther town close by. Seems this one was called Port Hempstead. It seemed my Necromaner appereance bothered a few of the resisdents there, thou it didn't bother me. While I explored the city I ran into a "half-giant" is what he called his race, and called himself Babaki. Seems this "half-giant" had a bit of temper. I left Port Hempstead and went traveling to anouther town called Krandor. A lady their ask If I would delvier a few packages for her. I agreed, and I delivered a few of the packages. After that I went back to Port Hempstead. When I ran into a dwarf named Beli. Seems he wanted to learn the language of the Darthir. So we agreed on an arrangment I would teach him Darthiren and he would teach me Dwarven. I then departed from him, I thought to myself, does he know I am a Drow? I didn't go back and tell him, for the less people know about me the better...

Xer'inith Dea'theran


Re: A Drow Necromancer's Journal
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2007, 02:22:58 pm »
Beli, the Dwarven monk of Vorax, his god. Beli someone who may become someone I could call friend. Beli and I met in some sort of tavern. That's where the teaching began. We taught egouther importants key words. "help", our names, our proffesions. We then traded books, with the opposite languages in them so that we might be able to study, when the other wasn't thier to teach. After a long time of teaching egouther we then sat and talked about several things. That's when I let my guard down. I knew If I was to ever going to be able to call this Dwarf friend, I needed to show him my true form. He didn't seem to surprised, he most have expected it. We then talked about our pasts and alittle of the future. After anouther long talk I left Beli, I needed to think about was it right to let my secret out...

Xer'inith Dea'theran


Re: A Drow Necromancer's Journal
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 06:51:43 pm »
Anouther day on the surface, a few more surfacers that seem to bother me. A women by the name of Kinai, and some stupid Goblin tried to harass me today. Playing little games with my head and that goblin casts some spells on me. If it wasn't for Beli I really dont know how much better these surfacers are then the fellow Drow of the Underdark. Well I did keep busy, after my encounter with the goblin and Kinai I went and studied the book Beli had given me. I seem to be picking it up very well. After I was done studing a ran into a few more untrustful people. Ben and Tariana, help me help the caption of Port Hempstead recover some koblods' magic stick. The Captain was most pleased. I then left to go study Beli's book some more....

Xer'inith Dea'theran


Re: A Drow Necromancer's Journal
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2007, 06:18:17 pm »
Anouther rise of the great fire ball. I went out when I ran into to a Darthir by the name of Beil. I didn't know if I should trust her, but it seems she wanted help killing some of the kobolds. So I decided, that I would help her, only because I could get some gold for the kobolds. When I ran into anouther Drow. It as been so long sense I have spoken with anouther of my kind. This Drow however reminded, that I was in the company of a Darthir. We spoke in our native tounge for a while. He then departed. I wasn't sure of everthing he said, he spoke of how I needed to kill the Darthir after she had fufilled her purpose. I wasn't sure, but as we continued fighting kolbolds, she ran a head and left me to die. When my soul brought me back to Fort Vehl I knew the what I learned about the Darthir was right. I had to find this Drow and have him teach me my lost path of my past...

Xer'inith Dea'thearan


Re: A Drow Necromancer's Journal
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2007, 02:14:52 pm »
I have been meeting with Beli on a regular basis now. He has taught me alot about is people and I have taught him much about the surfacer elfs. We have learned the languages very well. It seems its just the little things we need to work on. We have taught egouther about sentence structure and about learning how to treat and approach the other's race. Beli as earned my trust and respect. I trusted him so much that I was he was the first person of the surface that I gave my true name out to. Was it smart I am not sure, but if I am to survive on the surface, I think I'll need trust. I only hope it was'nt a mistake.