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Author Topic: Letters Home  (Read 94 times)


Letters Home
« on: December 28, 2006, 10:59:48 am »
Jack is fairly small for a halfing with muddy brown hair and brown eyes to match , he's not the cleanest of halfing either . Not that doesnt bath , but in the way he doesnt mind to get his hands dirty . One defining feature on Jack is a scare that runs down the side of his face that he has had for many years.

For the very early stages of Jacks life he lived with his mother and father . Both farmers from the continent of Rhilar , close to fort himlad his parents worked the land . They were hard working people , sewing crops and tending to them all year round .

Jack used to help his parents where ever he could as it was a hard life , Physical work that never seemed to end as there was always somthing that need to be done around the farm .

Every moring without fail Jack parents would wake him up nice and early. Once dressed and they had all eaten breakfast , they would pray to prunilla . They would Pray for there crop to grow tall and there harvest to be fruitful .

There were many jobs that needed doing around , Jack's Father often used to set traps around the edeges of his fields to protect what was growing from roaming animals . Every morning Jack's first job was to check them . On many occasions Jack used to find animals in his fathers traps . After shouting his father to move the corpse back to the house not letting it go to waste Jack would reset the trap like his father had taught him .

Throughout the day Jack would often wander off into the nearby fields , hills and woods .
Being small for a Halfing he often needed to hide making sure nothing would see him , on many occasions this would work fine for Jack .
There was one time that Jack remembers and was a defining moment in his childhood , whilst wandering off alone , keeping in the trees bushes whatever would give jack the most cover and protection . Jack came to a small clearing in the woods and peered off into the distance , three sturdy well built tents were pitch around some dieing embers of a fire .
Jack was detirmined to go closer .
He wanted to know more , curriously Jack crept closer to the tents looking to if anyone was around. As Jack took anouther step forward his right foot come down "Crack" .
The branch lay snapped on the ground a clean break in half , wearly Jack moved back slightly and from nowhere a dog came at him . A large Black scruffy dog leaping at Jack with tremedious speed . Jack turned and started to run as fast as his little legs could go , not even turning his head to look over his shoulder .
Before he knew it Jack was back into the trees , leaves brushing aside as he ran . Suddenly from know a branch scraped his face cutting into his cheek , but he kept going through adrenaline . Jack knew if the dog was still on his tail he was done for .

Jack had been running what seemed to be an hour , but in reality it hadnt been half that time . Jack reached his parents farm where he could see his father getting closer and closer , blood gushing down his face and over his clothes . Finally he was home and safe .

Over the next few days Jack didnt go far , most of this time he stayed in his room threating about what happened . Jack decided that he had to learn to take care of himself incase anything like that happened again . So the next morning Jack woke up at the crack of dawn his parents still fast asleep and he started to head for the front door . Jack Slowly unbolting the door and headed to his father tool shed , as he started to rumage though a few boxes he came across a small rusty short sword . Jack made his way back outside to the outside holding his fathers rusty sword , trying to get to grips with it .                                                                       Every morning before his Parents woke Jack started to do the same thing , he started with simple stuff to begin with like , Like thrusting the short sword forward and trying to put all his strength behind it and swiping the blade from left to right as he move in a barkwards motion . As Jack spent many mornings training he started to get better , even enough so that he started to use the oppersite hand .  

After a few more months had passed Jack came to realise that he could teach himself any more fightiing skills to defend himself . Jack new his father couldn't help him knore his mother . The next morning Jack woke at the usual time and set off for the local town to look for a teacher , as he entered the main gates he noticed a few guards doing there morning drills and there sergeant calling out timings . For a couple of hours Jack sat and watched the guards , studing there every move And seeing where he was going wrong . For many weeks jack studied the guards , there foot work , how they held the weapons and how they generally moved as the spared at the end of every drill session . Jack was determined to learn and once he arrived back home he used his farther scarecrow as a dummy to spar with .

Jack's skills increased as he spent months watching the guards and putting what he saw into practise at home , Jack started to feel more sure of himself like he could finally protect himself from what hed have to face in life .

After a restless few nights Jack decided that he would head to hlint , maybe there he could put his skills to a good use and learn more ...


Re: Letters Home
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 11:06:13 am »
1st      Ma and Pa

Well i have arrived in hlint , im relitivly well and ready to see what challanges life will bring me . I hope il meet some new people and get to know the area too ...
At the moment i feel a little lost im here alone , no where to live as yet .. Maybe il try the inn tonight if there prices arnt to high as Trues  brought with me havent gone to far ....
Il write again soon



Re: Letters Home
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2007, 04:47:41 am »
ma and pa

much has changed , ive found myself moving around a lot as work has dried up in hlint , at the moment i find myself staying in a large city called hempstead , youve probally heard of it well im there . Theres so many people , everywhere i turn theres someone new ..

 When i travel with people they seem to want me to go in front and see what lies ahead ... the more time i spend doing this the better i seem to be getting at blending in with whats around me , be it trees , bushes or even the shadows of a tall building . Being unseen has it advantages to , no one knows your listening and people talk a lot when they think no one is around .. I could tell you some stories Ma , Pa but they can wait till anouther day .