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Author Topic: Mitchel's Notes  (Read 356 times)


Mitchel's Notes
« on: April 02, 2007, 03:21:35 am »
OOC -  I've been keeping my journal records and personal notes but I decided to post them here as i wrote them with date and time.    

                     03-13-07  -  19:34 hs
"There is little room in this world for outsiders. The world demands comformity, docile sheep following a handful of leaders.
Individuality is wrong. Self-expression is flawed and stops people from achieving unity. As a result, there is violence against the unique.
Different races are assaulted out of fear and outrage, religious minorities are persecuted as heathens, free-thinkers are punished for their eccentricity and necromancers are frowned upon at the slight mention of the art of the dead.
The philosophy is simple enough: If you act of believe differently than the masses, there must be something wrong with you. If you do not conform,
you risk a life of grief and pain. The question arises: Is disagreeing with the majority rule worth all the trouble it causes?
Surely it is easier to simply agree with your race brethren, to run with your class/profission mates or even join the City Guard, without the need to struggle alone.
Is individuality worth the stigma of being outcast? Are the values you hold precious worth the cost of security and conform tossed to the wind?
Isn't it easier to hide your shame and be one with the flock? Wouldn't your life be easier if you tossed away your foolish convictions and became
another faceless member of the "in" crowd?
No, not at all. I am Mitchel and I am an outcast. I am used to it, and by no means this is a complaint. Most don't choose such title, the title itself chooses you. And it follows wherever you go.
Karthy, Haven, Prantz, Hlint, Vhel, Wayfare, Llast, Lor anywhere I go I obfuscate my face from all. When you lead this kind of mercenary life you may not wander freely anywhere. You have to keep your eyes open and your ears up. The feeling is: Lone freedom."


Re: Mitchel's Notes
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2007, 03:32:31 am »
28-03-07 -- 23:14 hs
I've been learning much since I left Karthy. The usage of my blade has really become a imesurable pleasure. Each time, each strike at my foe I feel it connecting even more with me. It's nearly an extention to my arm. Such a light blade may not be taken seriously by some but when used well it's deadly.
My travels brought me to Port Hempstead. Not my kind of city, but there's much movement, and merchants. And profit, if you know where to look. I've met some folks that live/wander around Hemp. They're all good folk but they must remain blind, I may not reveal myself.

Such nice girs I've met. But i must keep my body pure.. No Alcoohol, sexual activity, alucinogens or drugs in general.. I live off of my training and drive. Must remain clean as my master taught me... And try to think of something else other than girls...

There have been several small jobs, and most payed miserably, but I've been able to survive. There is nearly no chance for a inexperienced warrior in these lands but I ouldn't expect less. Must train...


Re: Mitchel's Notes
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2007, 03:39:49 am »
As I meet new people and watch their tactics, I decide what's goingg to be mine. I am leaning torwards the tactical fighting. Learning lethal moves with the rapier and perfecting my ability wth it each second of the day. I have specialized in using only this weapon thus, giving me a long time to study it's secrets. Everytime I am about to enter battle, I pray for the foes to perish before I get to them. This weapon allows me to perfurate lungs, throat with precise and quick attacks, and each time I feel more comfortable using it.. there has be someone to teach me how to unlock this weapon's secrets.

My training in stealth, on the other hand, isn't going that well. I seem to have a lack of dexterity to sneak aound, plus my Half Plate doesn't help at all. I'm not a great dodger so I have to rely on  a consistent armor.. I am in grief doubt but I think it may be too late to turn back. I shall ponder about this for some more time.


Re: Mitchel's Notes
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2007, 05:17:09 am »
I have found some people willing to have me with them in their travels, so I'm getting the chance to train as much as possible. It's hard to remember every one of them, but I've travelled with many people..
I have worked hard completing missions and jobs from  folks around the land, until there was only one left.. I gathered enough trues to buy myself a better shield. And enchantments for my weapons. I've met some distinct ladies that are merchants. They were very helpful and quick. My blade is more powerful now, and the shield allows me to learn a different kind of fighting..
I find myself bashing many of the foes with the shield, sometimes in the throat or face, others in the chest.. Soon I think i'll be able to start knocking my foes down.
The training continues and each time i feel more comfortable with the rapier. It's definatly my weapon of choice. i wonder if I'd be any good wielding an off-hand rapier as well? I may think of praticing that technique once I'm more seasoned.. I'm gettng more critical blows at my foes, it seems that they are just too easy to hit with such a light and lethal blade. So I make a mess most of the times.. The blows are of such strength that I can thrust the blade through the entire body of an ogre, perfurating it's lungs, stomach and sometimes the heart itself, in three atacks, even before it hts me..

Must keep body clean, Must train..


Re: Mitchel's Notes
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 01:22:21 pm »
The last weeks have been real hard. In an expedition to the Great Desert I have seen scorpions of the size of buildings, giants hurling huge rocks at the group, ogres so strong they can crush a Iron Helmet with their hands, and giants of some clan or tribe. I collected a few of their heads, cause of a tip that someone is paying for those.

I still haven't shown my face to anyone, and my body is still clean. I cant seem to grow trust in anyone but two people. Wich will not be mentioned incase I perish and someone gets a hold of this journal. So far I've made some of what I call friends. I, obviously do not trust them my life, nor I put my hand on the fire for anyone, but these people have gained my friendship, wether they like it or not.

While at the Ore Hills, I could finally decide how I am going to continue my training. I did good in a front/flank position, I kept moving a lot, though, and that caused several attacks of opportunity on me, but I'll learn to dodge those  eventually. As much as it bothers me, for I always wished I'd become one with my weapon of choice, I am almost certain I will follow the shadows path. I have someone willing to teach me if I decide to go that way and, as the world proves more dangerous each day, I need to have skills to rely on. What will happen if in the middle of a expedition to the Great Desert I get left behind, or I need to turn back to help someone, basically I am thinking, what will I do if i'm left alone in some terribly dangerous place? I'll fight to my death that's for sure, but only cause I can't stealth out of the mess. So.. Attacks or Defense?
ShallI train to becom one with my weapon of choice, or a dancer of shadows?
This decision is proving a hard one, and I should choose carefully. There are points of training that you can not go back.

I hope I choose wisely...

