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Author Topic: The Pearl emerges....  (Read 151 times)


The Pearl emerges....
« on: May 06, 2006, 08:36:33 pm » I leave the meeting I am still somewhat shocked of what I am asked to do. Not at what I am to do but the fact that they believe in me and that I can do this for them. I will keep my faith as they have in me...many depond on my mission to be successful.

To start, I must have a new that is that no link to any organization can be made... hmm

                                       ...The Black Pearl...

Perfect, not only will it hide my identity, but it will leave confusion in the minds of those that hear the name. I will put away my fancy garments and armor and step into the darkness to complete the tasks set before me.

Others have been assigned to report to me, the one to be our spy in the woods I feel we can depend on. The other..seemed confused on what was asked. Will she be able to hold up under pressure and keep the mascerade? I hope so for all our sakes, she has the capability but little faith in herself.

To prioritize what must be done...

    1... Scout out the city of Karthy, look deep into what the population is really like...look for those allies you can build. Seek possible sources for information.

    2... Find assests...those that will provide the needed sabotage when called upon..hehe...i would love to see orders get misplaced... or even a ship of resources get misrouted to the wrong dock.

    3... Next... recruit spies...insurgents as they were a team that will perform subterfuge and sabotage when ordered...whatever the target.

    4... Then... Build a team of strong arms..bashers...they will be my strength of force when needed.

Yes..indeed... with this support not only can I find the information we need to be successful but we will also have the means to follow through with future plans deemed from the information gathered. As long as all those involved remain trustworthy and faithful...we shall be guided.

*...thoughts remain on the one individual with doubt...*


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 08:44:19 pm »
I must seek out the others and speak to them....

While under my normal identity, I was approached by a powerful wizard...he said he wanted to have a few words with me, that it was very concerning for my fellow members...we must speak in private.

He took me to a private house and once inside started with a barage of questions...I was intimidated...even scared. Here I was in private home of a powerful wizard and at anytime he could probably change me into a toad and drop me off in a pond. I have seen his prowess with magic...I needed to tread carefully.

I was able to avoid giving straight answers, I think leaving more confused than he was before....yet I can see where the questions came from.. you an tell he had genuine concern for one...concern may not be the word..more like strong feelings/emotions.

My spirit was not was quite shaken and I needed a strong ale afterwords..but my resolve held and he went on his way.

... but his emotions can cause interference...and we don't need a powerful wizard messing things up when they are going smooth..


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 02:56:18 pm »
Research has proven my wonderings looking for recruits, I have spotted a few that might be a good fit.

But I can't approach them identity must remain a secret. I will set up meetings and have the others meet with them for recruiting purposes.

Besides, they are a good judge of characters and I value there opinions. If we are to succeed they must have strength and know who will be reporting to them.



RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2006, 08:53:09 am »
I recently met an investigator, silly me...I didn't get his name but he said he is also known as the Arc of the Circle.
Strange titles, but he was asking of a hermit that lives in the Belgaer Hills. I have never ventured near him since I am unsure of this hermit and I hear of powerful creatures that dwell in the hills, but this investigator has brought intrigue and interest...It might be wise to check out this hermit...perhaps he has some knowledge of the land he can share. I will need to get this information to others to check on.

Since he was an investigator and traveler of Rilaria, I ask of the city that I have adapted as my new home. All he could relay was that the city is controlled by those of power and something of a knit to be pulled from the weave. The conversation became more confusing as I tried to pry into the meaning....hopefuly it was a good omen....he did seem to be quite the wizard...saved me from giant fungi.


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2006, 09:06:27 am »
I sail into Karthy and step into shadow and move about in silence to keep hidden from the guards. I move around the docks and sit in darkness listening to the grumblings of the workers...extra hours...little pay...taxed on what little they make....guards bullying them...but must keep going to provide good for their families...what little there is.

Hearing all this moves me...I continue on reconaisance...receiving details of the docks and workers...who they report to.

My job was made easy due to a friend helping out. The giant Pig agreed to help create distraction by selling his whiskeys in the area. Though I think he only received buyers from the guards and those that can afford such drink...wealthy merchants traveling through the area. Took note of some of these...what product were they pushing through Karthy...where were they bound to...I listened in to discover what I could with the banter Kopig was having.

Time was running thin...I gathered musch information but will need to return... I give Pig the signal to leave..."Do you have any mushroom whiskey for sell sir..." was the key, but bore leaving I made sure the dock workers got there fair share of whiskey drink...compliments of "The Black Pearl".

That should start a stir among the commons...perhaps interest....maybe soon some hope...we'll see.

As we pass through the town to exit the gates...I do notice quite a few urchins/children running about..some at play...some gathering food...begging for what they could not purchase...I think its time to send in Lee...she could easily charm these street urchins with stories...and more with passing out food and sweets...again with compliments from "The Black Pearl".

If questions of these actions....I will provide notes of requests that these personas have received and each will contain a small black pearl...this way they can declare they do not nor have they met this Pearl...except he pays well to carry out his requests for the poor citizens.

Now...I must go collect more pearls...more work to be done.


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2006, 02:19:09 pm »
Today I set in motion some mre reconaisance....

I visited the Freelancer Tavern as my normal persona...mingling amongst the patrons offering blessing and buying drinks as well as having drinks bought for me.

Lee...again was working hard behind bar...happy to tend to each customer...leaving them with her pleasant smile. I had a chance to speak to her awhile discussing different beliefs and getting to know her just a liitle more. I understand a little more about this girl and now what she would prove has given me more comfort in the tasks set before us.

Perfect time...the lads I found on the docks playing certainly earned their gold today...perfect timing for the delivery of multiple notes.
First young lad came into the Freelancer asking the patrons for a Starr Sapphire...of course being a regular he was quickly pointed out. The boy went up to Starr and pulled out a rolled parchment for delivery, then left after receiving a nice shiny coin. The note delivered was regarding a business matter in Hlint with a supplier...Starr quickly said his goodbyes letting everyone know he had to leave regarding supplies in Hlint...he headed for the teleporter in the kitchen to go to on que...
The second young lad comes intot the tavern asking the patrons for a lady named Lee...they alll know her as the bartender and server of fine meals so they quickly point to the bar. The boy heads to the bar and asks for the lady Lee, she responds looking oddly at the young lad and even more oddly when he pulls a bronze scroll tube from within his shirt and hands it to quickly as he hands it off he turns and walks out without saying a word.

Inside the scroll tube..Lee finds two pieces of parchment and a small black pearl.

      Letter 1: Lee,  the time for the first task is upon you...need you to head for Karthy for some reconaisance...use the seconf letter for your pretence to be there...speak with the community...find out what you can and make some friends. out the bard known as Sniverous...I believe he can be a worthy ally in gathering some information.  Be Safe.... The Black Pearl

     Letter 2: Dear Miss Lee,   I have heard word of your outstanding cooking. I ask if you would kindly bake and deliver sweetbreads to the children/street urchins of the city of Karthy. Their sad faces have moved me and I think they would receive great joy from the sweetbreads. If you could deliver that with my compliments it would be appreciated. Please leave word at the bar for the total amount of gold I owe for this order and it shall be paid.
Thank you so kindly for bringing some joy to a childs life.     The Black Pearl

The first letter she reads assigns her task...the second letter she can use if questioned by the bullying guards as to why she is doing this.

Hopefully this will add to the comotion created by the free drinks and have the citizens start thinking of the Black Pearl as a benefactor...


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2006, 07:06:05 pm »
I was once again approach by the wizard of great power..he just apppears from nowhere when you don't expect him.
I was told he was on our side so I was not as fearful this time...but still slighlty nervous and intimidated. You never know whats going through a wizard's mind.

Again with the multiple questions though...I think I was finally seeing beneath the crust of this grumpy wizard and he was starting to look like a puppy dog...particulary regarding the one he cared for.
Enough...we finally went and met with the one of concern and spoke out about all concerns until all of us were on the same page.

There are still some underlying nervous thoughts but I think as things roll...all will be well. It worked good in our favor too...we gained another set of eyes and ears for our mission...afterall a wizard can get into many places.

We shall see....


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2006, 04:37:47 pm »
I see Autumn has done her job well...she has emersed herself with the little ones of Karthy. She hardly understands the network of spies at her disposal now. Yet, careful she must be...her heart is strong for the young ones and that can stand in the way of our mission, but I am sure her watchful eyes from afar will keep things in order.

She will be remembered in Karthy and as the children are made happy so will the parents and when information or help in needed it will be available. I must remember to tell Autumn to keep up the great work.
She seems comforted knowing her watchful guardian is not far away.



RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2006, 04:41:45 pm »
I met an elf known as Toby, quite informative really. He had history with Karthy and was able to tell me a great deal of the town and of the repressed, guess his morals kept him from being a town guard. biggest concern is this elite guild that works for the city officials. He said they are used to take care of those that strive to help the citizens. We can;'t have that...need to get some spies in there and find out who these specilaized thugs are and if need be...removed. Might be good to find out the officials calling the shots as well.

hmmm...better get my letters out and get people to work.


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2006, 09:44:49 pm »
Talk about you hand cramps...never written so much before...oh well the letters have been sent...a small balck pearl in each. Now only if they come through, too much depends on success but secrecy is of importance.

Lets see here...

       Talan...check....he will be scouting the outer perimeter, working with the wolfswood rangers and meeting up with another recruit. Rodlin...hopefully they can trace the caravan routes and cause some troubles for the mercs. Yet be safe...It would sadden me to lose anyone on this.

      Rodlin...check...recruit offering assistance from the crimson sheild...his skills in the woods will be of great help and I think between him and Talen they can persuade some others to help them there.

      Silool...check...another recruit offering assistance from the crimson shield. Hopefully she will be successful in her task with the family of Roldem. I know there is history of feud between them and the cruel leaders of Karthy. If they can be persuaded to assist us with ships and could provide some good supplies to Rolem..hmm.

     Ireth...check...her name was passed to me by one who aids the cause...her talents should be able to get her into and under the city. Find this secret guild that the officials use to take down those that would assist the repressed.

    Sniverous...check...His assistance with the funding of the cause has been great...who ever thought we would have such funds to back our plans. His talents though will be key...he can immerse himself in Karthy...working taverns and building trusts with the locals....if he is successful...we will end up with quite a force in place.

   Ketibjorn...check...stout dwarf...knows the seas and the docks...he can get in friendly with the dock some trust...I will continue to provide the whiskey as long as he gains the allies...nice to get our hands on manifest and shipping routes...will make it easier to re-route to ports of choice..

All letters sealed with their bronze tubes with the pearls inside they go...falcons away.

I must speak with Lee and Mith though...see how there travels have been within Karthy...Lee has become close to the children and I can hear them troughout the streets always looking and watching for her return. She can build quite a spy network there. Then again..I think anyone will do anything for one of her sweetcakes and stories..oops...must remember her alias...Autumn.  Her husband will fry me if she is in jeopardy.

Hmmm...looking at all that has been done and yet needs to be I sit here and think I become worried.  The Black Pearl is going to become a wanted person before long..I just know the officials are going to have his name on a block. They don't like insurgents giving hope to the locals...ahhh...but the cause is worthy and perhaps this is what the Mother and elders have sent me here to do. I do remember the caves, what fun we use to have on the raiders that would come around.
Be strong Pearl....they don't truly know who you really are...just make sure to keep that third person persona and you should be safe. Ha...perhaps the Pearl will be a name in would surely laugh at that.

Back to work....need to make my rounds and check on the locals left out in the dark and cold of the night.


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2006, 10:29:32 pm »
Met a good hearted soul on my journeys through Hlint...I think he called himself a tiefer...hard to understand, goes by the name of Dur'Thak Shadowolf...I call him Dur.

I have seen his skills in action and thought he could be put to good use. Recruited him using the name of the Pearl...heh...little does ne know...but after explaining the cause he was quick to jump aboard to help the poor folk of Karthy...I said he has a good heart..doesn't matter that he looks dark.

He did some good reconaisance work me a map of the city and has been watching caravans come and go. He also make friends with some of the locals. He has given us some good information.

//ooc...see Dur'Thaks Thread


RE: The Black Pearl returns....
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 11:37:40 pm »
I should have known something bad was going on in Karthy, how can I be such a fool. I travel through there often lending my healing skills. I thought that pen and guards looked strange, but to think slavers are moving in and running an operation from Karthy. Eh, those poor good people have been through enough...

Well, its time for the Black pearl to come out of hiding and see what needs to be done. If I would fight against slavery in the underdark, why should I tolerate it here. These slavers are no better that the dark ones...*grumbles*

I think its time I go see what is happening in Karthy, perhaps find a few clues and make a few contacts. Then see what news others may have heard and look to recuiting again.... oh but I do need to keep a better eye out for assasins this was too close last time.

Hmmm...I wonder if there is still a price on my head....*laughs*

*steps into the portal sending him to Prantz* from here I will head to Lorindar and catch a ship to Karthy, I'll then slip off the boat and see what i can find out...yes...can't let any know of my ties here. Deep Mother be with me...


RE: The Pearl emerges....
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2006, 10:07:01 am »
Ugh...I thought it was bad when Milara was around but now...

The city has gained a stench about it, slave pens about with slavers selling their catch like cattle. Its horrible...reminds me of the underdark, I am suprised not to notice any drow involved...perhaps they are and they don't show themselves yet.

Of course...the temple of Xeen sits back and lets it happen...heaven forbid anything interupting their wine making or ceremonies though. I am sure they are making a few coin from this. Speaking of making coin...

I see that the dominating families are back in action again, annoucing a Lord commander of their united armies. Why can't they concentrate on bringing peace to their people instead of who owns and controls what... Plenarius meant well when making that treaty with Milara but I don't think he forsaw this...can't these people realize he diverted a great evil from here but yet they strive for destruction.

I am very happy that Autumn was able to get the children that live on the streets out of this chaos and into a good orpahnage. i should check with her on how that is working out. I believe it is in North Point. The inn was running a little wild there for awhile but you become attached to those young ones.

Stop reminiscing Pearl you'll be caught off guard...

I see nothing more that continued chaos and maybe looks like the Pearl neees to recruit some more help and get to work.

First I think we need to take care of those slavers...find out if they are the same we ran into before..I do remember that secret island we dropped anchor at I also remember the assasin that came after me..*shivers*...but if we are to help cleanse Karthy this is where we need to start.

I also need to get with the guild and get the financial backing to open the apothecary will be needed with the disease I am sure will close to the swamps ...who knows what can sneak its way in now.

Next we work on Karthy, build hope - courage - and faith....perhaps even assist in spreading it throughout that others may see that the light may still shine through the dark clouds that cover our heads.

Hmmm...and I thought working against the drow and illithid was a difficult seems these surfacers that lead their dismal lives can learn a lesson or two from the svirfneblin on survival. The gnomes have their squabbles as in all communities but when it comes to trouble we band together as one to keep our peace.

