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Author Topic: Mog's journey  (Read 1084 times)


Mog's journey
« on: December 14, 2006, 11:53:19 am »

I was unimpressed with Hlint when I first arrived here. I expected it to be like many of the towns I have visited, no work for a halforc, especially not with so many farms failing across Dregar, any job within the townships are already spoken for by the hands left idle from the farmlands.

But, to my surprise I found that Hlint is a relatively bustling community, with a much broader range of acceptance for some of the mixed races. I credit both these things to the sheer number of adventurers and freeswords there are within the town. They bring much trade to the town, and also seem to have brought a certain level of diversity to the place that other towns have been lacking. I did have a slight problem with a pair of Dwarves, but I expected worse.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2006, 07:24:59 pm »

I've gotten much accomplished in my first week here. As smaller towns go there is a lot of work to be had here, again, I attribute this to the number of freeblades and general adventurers here. I was asked along on a trip to a goblin cave nearby, but declined. My leathers and copper axe were hardly adequate for the task, but that inspired me to gather as much true from odd jobs so that I could find better gear, after all... if these blokes can get out there and mix it up, I am confident I can too, and that seeks to be where the money is!

I've managed to get a suit of copper half-plate, and after some shrewd haggling picked up a slightly used bronze greataxe that I spent most of the next day sharpening. Soon after I felt confident that I could head a little further afield, and explore the lay of the land.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 07:04:04 am »

I met up with an Archer last night who helper me retrieve the proof Ronus requested. Now he is free to trade between Hlint and Fort Llast again, at least until the little beasts finish fighting amongst themselves and a new chieftain is declared. I also met a half-ogre witchdoctor named Koslov I think his name was, it was the first time I have experienced some of the emotion I imagine some people feel towards me. I at first glance thought him a savage, his great size and simple speech hid beneath it a sharp wit, and his command of the magical forces he wields demand respect.



Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2006, 07:11:05 am »

The axe is a wonderful tool for chopping wood, in but a few swings I can gather a large armload of material. The axe is a brutal weapon when employed against the soft flesh and bone of creatures. It is true, the axe does horrible things to once living creatures. I do not think it is possible for a reasonable creature to employ such an instrument against another being and see the carnage it wreaks, without becoming somewhat of a philosopher. It was impossible for me after my trip into the goblin caves to not spend some time afterward reflecting. At one point I stood in that cavern with the corpses of goblins piled up around me, easily to the height of my knees. The creatures kept flinging themselves at me, attempting to lay me low... heedless of the guts of their comrades under their feet.



Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2006, 02:01:48 pm »

I've met a halfling woman named Jennara and a man named Aeronn, both followers of Roferien, as was my mother. From them I've heard much which I was unable to learn before my mother could no longer teach me. It's good to get confirmation on your faith, even if you aren't an extremely devout person.

Also today I was introduced to a dwarf named Kobal, whom I have commissioned to create an iron greataxe for me. I hope the improved workmanship and materials will aid me in mastering the weapon for something other than splitting wood. I was told after the fact by a third party that Kobal is a master craftsman, and his weapons are in high demand, I look forward to seeing the results of his skill, I am sure it will be worth the high price he asked.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 03:05:06 pm »

I realized soon after arriving that the crypts here were a rather dangerous place. And that the finger bones of the walking dead seem to have a low level consumable spot among local merchants.... healing potions or some such. Regardless, they have proven to be a fairly steady source of income for me, as I need to amass some considerable sum still before I will be able to purchase the iron greataxe I commissioned from the dwarf Kobal.

Enough writing, I had best get to work.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2006, 11:30:00 am »
Fort Velensk-

The trip back towards Velensk was an interesting one, down through rangers vale and the broken wood to fort hope proved no problem, my axe cleaved any ogres who happened to see me, and I avoided the deadly vines that grow in the broken wood. In Fort Hope I took rest to tend my wounds at the inn, and found on opportunity to split some wood for the innkeeper in exchange for lodging, good thing I kept my wood axe, a greataxe is a poor tool, but a wonderful weapon. I've gotten used to the extra weight, and the balance of the weapon, and notice in my struggles that I often have flashes of brilliant adeptness, perhaps all the cords of wood I have chopped over the last eight years or so have something to do with it, but regardless, it seems that my body knows how to swing the axe and where to swing it with no thought from me at all.

I came here seeking word of the Roferein temple in Pranzis, or Prantz, regardless. The name seems to be sticking, after the long war with Bloodstone there seems to be little fight left in the west. Not enough to liberate the one-time capitol at any rate. Of the temple, there is no word, and it seemed as if I offended the clergy there with my questions, for their prices for potions and bandages were far in excess of other temples.



Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2006, 11:38:21 pm »
-Seilwood forest

I met a group of diverse people tonight. A cleric of Ilsare, named Regnus with an interest in Botany, a rather shady fellow named Sereth, and a brute of a man named Varghgot, who I think was a half-ogre. We soon discovered we worked fairly well as a team while exploring, and ventured to Rilara. We gathered a previous companion of mine, Tajucin along the way through Fort Hope and continued our trek. The archery of Tajucin and Sereth, combined with Varg and my own melee skills worked very well. Regnus was absolutely vital to our success, always seeming to be where he was needed most.

I spent much time concentrating on following through with my attacks while I had a party of allies to back me up, fighting defensively and then landing powerfull blows. My axe grows more comfortable in my hands with each day. Soon it will sing with a deadly hum I am sure. I wonder if the axe I commissioned is completed yet. I am sure have a weapon forged by a master craftsman such as Kobal can only help increase my prowess.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2006, 03:36:02 pm »

Well, the rumors I had heard about Bloody Gate were not quite accurate. It is still a very dangerous area to tread. I witnessed large demonic looking creatures and powerful undead, milling about the hillside, like constructs who have lost their master. Even though I have become quite skilled with my greataxe, I feared confrontation with them, no amount of determination would win through from a single blade on that hillside.

I have helped the people of Lannisport with the bandits and mongrelmen bandits that plague the area, the rewards have been considerable, as well as the dangers. I have nearly met the soul mother on more than one occasion, but each foray I make into the wood makes me a little stronger, a little more at ease with my axe, and slightly more confident. Soon perhaps I shall cleave a path to greatness, and my reputation shall grow.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2006, 05:52:27 pm »
-Fort Velensk

I met a gnome today named Starr Sapphire, rugged little fellow. We spoke a bit and he seemed a level, decent man, and asked if I'd be interested in aiding him while he dug up some topaz in a cave nearby. I had a feeling good things would come of our meeting, so I agreed and 'lo, there were hoards of Ogres in that cave, but with the aid of my gnomish freind all of them were vanquished, I gained some confidence in a new technique that I was working on with my axe, and Starr declined his share of the coin, so I walked away with a very heavy purse indeed!

Now if I could just track down Kobal, I received a note that the axe I had commissioned was completed, but he seems to be nowhere to be found.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2006, 08:05:58 am »

I was most fortunate today, having a chance to meet, and speak to Ozymandius Llewellyn, on of my mothers favorite authors. He seemed very forthright and I could detect a little twist of humor to his words when he spoke. I look forward to seeing him again and talking more on many subjects.

I also was able to help the halfling lady Jennara with a problem she had with time, conserving some of hers by gathering some greenstone from the red light caverns for her, she does so much for very many people, it makes me feel good to aid her when I see her. On a second trip into the caverns we rescued a fellow named Galen, a priest or paladin of Toran I believe, who had fallen to the goblin mob down on the second level.

Also today I met two other halflings, one names Triba, and one named Acacea, I think I recognized the former from a statue outside the great library on voltrex.

I need to find Kobal, my skill with the greataxe has improved considerably, and I fear my progress will be stalled if I continue to use the bronze one I have now. I am sure that an iron weapon will take slightly different techniques, and I am eager to begin their study.


Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2006, 11:19:46 pm »
-Dragon Isles

Today was full of events. I met a pair of wee folk, one a mage of some sort, and the other a Bard, she showed some talent as well, her songs were truen and very inspiring. I also met up with Regnus and Sereth, and together we set out to retrieve the oil of Vulkus from the mountains where it was lost. After much battle we were successful, my axe cleaved a path through the ogres and I feel more proficient every day.

Later we decided to follow up on a rumor I had heard about a cave full of minotaurs here on the dragon isles. Indeed, the rumors were true, after fighting our way past some horrid bird/bear hybrid creatures and some mushroom men we delved the cave and at first met much success. Then we encountered a stone-skinned bull who's breath froze us in our tracks! Those things nearly killed us! As we mined some gems from the cave another patrol of minotaurs caught us unaware and all of us were felled. I regained consciousness inside the cave and fled as fast as I could, escaping the cave and using a puch of dust to make myself invisible long enough to trek back to the sanctuary of the small port.

It shall be a distant day in my future before I return to that island....



Re: Mog's journey
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2006, 11:49:40 am »

I met Regnus, Sereth and Varg on their way through Fort Velensk today, they were heading out through the berhagan mountains to explore a bit. I had been just a short way into the foothills previously and encountered golems who I could not harm with my bronze axe. I ferventl hope Kobal makes an appearance soon, I could definitely use the axe I commissioned from him...

regardless, with the aid of Regnus' blessings we made our way through the hills to this town here, Shoufal it is called. From here we explored a short way further and found a great dwarven hall. The Ulgrid stronghold of the Berhagans. I was interested in their smithing of arms and armor, but I could not find a dwarf that would so much give me a 'fair thee well', let alone sell me one of their fine works.

A shame really, I honestly feel I've gotten as good as I am going to get with this bronze axe. It is a respectable weapon, far superior to copper in most all respects, but I feel it will pale to a weapon of Iron.