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Author Topic: Journal of Dwar  (Read 177 times)


Journal of Dwar
« on: March 01, 2006, 11:21:09 am »
My impressions of Hlint
  I came to Hlint new and relatively untested, expecting to find grand heroes to help. I find what I think to be a mage and a cleric, touched both of them were. One was hard of hearing and didn't understand me name. On a good note I did meet a fellow cousing, Geddrin, I think his name was. He showed me some people who need help and sent me on me way.
  First I went to the sewer and there were many rats. They swarmed me from all sides and I kept squishing them with my feet and me axe until I found some stairs. And more rats too. Many more rats, battling through them all until I saw some sort of cursed rat man. He was a viscious killer and nearly killed me. Vorax granted me to live that day and I struck the killing blow but was near dead myself. I quickly searched the body then retreated to a corner and tried to bandage the many bites and slashes from the rats and the rat man. Then I worked me way up and out and gave the book I found to the lass that asked for it and she was grateful.
  Now I got a fair amount of work left. This man named Vale needs me to deliver a letter to someone on Rilara. The strange looking half orc has asked me to find some sort of essence in the crypts. Another human named Talon has asked for Gobby ears, something that will be a pleasure to get. Some human in the craft hall asked me to get some pelts and now I need a boar pelt. Who would need all these pelts and for what? I tried to talk to another Dwarf named Ronus but he told me to go away until I got a little older.
  Geddrin said the mage and the cleric I saw were odd but good people, I'm not sure how but he is a cousin so will give these two a try. These two were making all sorts of spell trouble in town. One made the ground as grease and another made it darker than a deep cave. Oh how I distrust this magic, no good can come of it. Vorax help me be strong here!


Re: Journal of Dwar
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 09:17:15 pm »
While I were looking fer that darksoul thing fer that 'laf orc Erag I met Allean in the crypts.  Once we knew who we were he agreed to 'elp me.  We fought our way to tha low level an dispatched many zombies 'n ghouls till we met tha darksoul.  He was a a 'andful but the will 'o Vorax prevailed an he lay dead onna ground.  I took that essence thingy to Erag who were happy fer it.

I met me another cousin that day as well. Thrain be 'is name.  He be of Shoufal as well, good ta see kin ere in Hlint.

I took tha sucess an let it get to me head.  I went deep inta that red gobby cave an killed many o them gobbys til I met a strong one tha near felled me.  I was forced to return ta tha surface ta rest.  Mabbe I can find some strong ones inna Hlint ta help me rid tha cave of these gobbys.

Bought meself a set o 'alf plate, mabbe that be 'elping me wit riddin them gobbys in tha cave.  I be needin ta find some ones ta help me wit tha cave an mebbe wit a necklace some bard lost...


Re: Journal of Dwar
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 08:40:02 pm »
Well I made more contact with the locals 'ere in Hlint.  One of em helped me ta get a farmer on Rilara outta bad mess he had wit some scarecrows.  That was nae a good time, the durned things made me afraid like I ne'er had since I were a boy.  If I were alone they would have got me.

I be asked by a guard in Point Harbor ta look fer a bugbear somethin or other.  I will ask aroun where somethin like that might be.  And then there be that oil of somebody that lass in Ft Llast be lookin fer as well as some ashes fer that little girl.  I need ta find other ta help me in these tasks.

I be growin inna tha eyes o' Vorax, gettin tougher an learnin from me mistakes.  I be needin ta make the pilgramage to tha temple of Vorax an pledge meself ta tha temple when I get ta be strong enough ta take onna tha giants outside a tha temple.  Till then I need ta work on me smelting ability.

