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Author Topic: The Adventures of Koltok  (Read 64 times)


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    The Adventures of Koltok
    « on: May 07, 2007, 05:04:37 pm »

         It was night time when Koltok got to Port Hempstead.  He didn't have much, so he decided to seek out the local shops.  Once he found them, he eyed the selection, deciding what he could make the best use of.  A nice, large sword grabbed his attention.  A human would need two hands to use it, but Koltok could easily use it in one, leaving his other hand free for a shield, or perhaps even another sword once he was more proficient.  So he bought the sword, and a large shield, then proceeded to the armor merchant.  Various armors he could neither afford, nor use yet.  Koltok wished he had more gold, nonetheless.  Those metal armors sure seemed tempting.  Well, they'd have to wait until another day.  Pointing to a suit of simple, studded leather, he took out his money pouch and handed a few gold coins to the merchant.

         "Sure is tough to make a living."  Koltok muttered to himself, feeling the weight of his newly lightened pouch.  He was sure he'd been overcharged, as usual.  He supposed it was just an inevitibility.  That merchants cheat people.  Koltoks thoughts turned to the general merchant he'd glanced on the way in.  He was sure he'd seen some healing kits.  Always a useful thing to have.  Only when he approached the merchant did he realize he didn't have enough gold.  "What a bother."  he though.  He'd just have to do the best he could.  He'd have to scrape some gold together.

         Koltok still had a few odds and ends laying around, and luckily there was a pawn broker outside.  He made his way there and started fiddling through his items.  The broker either offered an un-acceptably low price, or didn't want anything at all.  As Koltok tried to argue some extra gold, he was interrupted by  someone who seemed determined to harass him.  How rude a fellow.  Koltok was merely going about his business, when this man approached him, brandishing his weapon as if to try and frighten Koltok.

         "Get out of here.  You're kind isn't welcome.  You aren't wanted."  The ruffian said, pointing his weapon at Koltok.  This came as a tiny bit of a shock.  Koltok had been given trouble from time to time, but it was rare.  Usually, people didn't bother him.  Once in awhile, though, one of these types would try to threaten him.  As usual, Koltok didn't back down.  He demanded the man explain himself, and what right he had to demand that Koltok leave town.  The man never did give a real reason.  He just kept insulting poor Koltok, and threatening him with his sword.

         That's when another person showed up.  A lady who seemed more receptive to Koltoks presence.  She explained that she had a hard time being accepted as well, because of what she was.  She went on to explain that Koltok would have to prove himself by performing a service for the city if he was ever to be accepted.  Koltok boasted that he didn't need to prove himself to the ruffian who was threatening him, but the lady assured him that there would be others, some in the ranks of the law.  So Koltok agreed.  Taking odd jobs was nothing new to him, and he was confident he'd be able to handle whatever he'd have to do.

         His task would be set forth by the guard captain.  He looked pretty strong, but he hadn't questioned Koltok or given him any trouble.  So Koltok went over and spoke spoke with him.  "Walk with me."  The captain said.  He'd been doing rounds and couldn't stand around.  So Koltok walked along side him to get the story.  The captain explained how there was a group of kobolds outside of town who were causing trouble, and that he needed someone to exterminate them and bring back their magic stick.  Koltok quickly agreed to take the job, suited up and set out.  He was a bit concerned since he didn't know the area all that well and had no means to treat any wounds he might get.  Well, he couldn't afford anything else, and he wasn't about to resort to begging, so he'd just deal with it as best he could.

         It didn't take him long to find the kobolds.  Koltok knew to be careful.  He'd fought groups of enemies before.  He tried his best to pick them offone by one.  He killed one with a mighty swing of his sword.  Then another fell to his blade, being smashed under it's weight more than cut by its edge.  Then he spotted one a ways off that looked different.  He was pretty sure it was a magic user.  It was the only one left in the area, and approaching slowly would only give it time to cast spells on Koltok, so he charged in as fast as he could to try and finish it off before it could do too much damage.  But it afflicted him with some sort of magical stupor, then knocked him down with some sort of shockwave and summoned a bird to peck at him.  Koltok got up and tried to retreat, as he knew he was outmatched, but he had been ambushed.  Four kobold archers jumped out to cut off his retreat.  They turned him into a pincushion with their tiny bows and arrows, and everything went black as the strength left Koltok.

         Fortunately, Koltok had bound himself back in town, and it was a short walk back.  This time, he happened across a group of adventurers along the way, who offered to help, to which he accepted, and they set out.  They were much better prepared than Koltok.  A few magical enchantments, and Koltok felt like he could take on every Kobold at once.  So they headed into the kobolds encampment.  This time, things went smoothely.  Koltok charged in and caught two of them off guard, felling them with one strike.  His new friends had also taken the advantage.  They had already finished off all the rest of them.  It wasn't a battle so much as a slaughter.

         Amongst the dead, there was some kind of winged creature.  Koltok checked it out, and sure enough, it had the magic stick.  So Koltok collected it, thanked his companions, and started back.  Out of desperation, another kobold popped out of hiding and tried to ambush him.  No trouble at all.  He stormed right over it, and back toward town where he turned in the stick to Captain Trent.  Koltok then brought the news to the ruffian and the woman from earlier.  Being a man of his word, the ruffian was forced to bite his tongue and acknowledge Koltoks right to be there.  He promised not to bother him anymore.

    Satisfied, Koltok decided to relax for awhile.  In his battle with the kobolds, he'd tried out a technique that seemed to work well.  He charged in and knocked one of them down, then finished its friend before it could get up.  Effectively evening the odds.  He'd remember that technique, and incorperate it into his fighting style for future use.  He was growing stronger now.  Better able to handle his sword, and ward off attacks.  Only time would tell just how far his abilities would go.


