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Author Topic: Mysterious Origins  (Read 182 times)

whispers at nothing

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    Mysterious Origins
    « on: February 17, 2005, 12:37:00 pm »
    Name: Cyndiara Bladestorm
    Class: Rogue 7/ Fighter 7/ Weaponmaster 6
    Race: Human
    Alignment: Choatic Good
    Diety: Mist / Shindaleria
    Ehh ye want to know about Bladestorm, what's it worth to ye..... Alright 'ave a seat. Cyndiara ye could say found us, ye see we was landing on dis' island in the western sea's. No I won't tell ye where it is.... 'Cause we be haven treasure burried and hidden 'der that's why. So ye see we be comin' ashore with the longboats and one of the men he goes up near the trees. 'E yells back that their be a child 'ere. Well scare it off we sayz, next thing we know is he be falling over backwards clutching a spear in 'is chest. WHAT? .... Sheesh no sense of story tellin' in ye .... kay so i tried to give 'im a dignified death sheesh... But considerin' the child we figure was maybe 5 winters or so old and okay maybe it wasn't also a spear... *Chuckles*... not that it matters to to 'im it killed 'im just the same. it was more a sharp stick. And No the kid didn't throw it at 'im I never said that.... did I .... more like tilted the stickand the moron went an impaled 'imself on it.
    Now the captain 'E comes up to see the comotionand stops 'afway between us and the kid. 'E stands there for a good 10 mins before 'E tells us to load up. We walks most of the day throughz the jungle, always with this feelin's of eyes on yer back, each time we's stops for a rest the childs shadow is seen in the shadows, we never seen whether it was male or female.. or even if it was 'uman or elf. Finally we gets to where we are goingand goes and puts our treasure away. When we comez out the captain is sitting there with the child. I ain't seen one like 'er ever, what with 'em horns on top of 'er head. Understand at this point we don't know she is a she ... with all the dirt and clothe she was wearin'.
    The Captain says were taking 'er with us, 'E sayz 'E wants to check on 'er village, so we's walks the rest of the evein' and comes to this clearing near the water and all we findz is nothing but burnt huts and skeletal remains. Now like I saids if we knew the child was a woman we would have protested a little more... surely ye know that woman and ships is bad luck..*chuckles* we where out to sea before she 'as 'er bath and puts on normal clothes. We was all expectin mist to show us 'er worst side, but the weeks travel was the best possible weather. during this time she spends her time in the captains cabin, until'z we hit the island where the captain 'as a wife, 'E leave the child with 'ere for a season and a 'alf 'efore we sets sail again.
    Now the cook he be an old rogue but he takes a liken to 'er and she 'elps 'im in the galley and he also teaches her how to acquire items she might need, Mist 'elp us we been traveling with her for 5 seasons nowwhen the captain he be 'aven 'er to acquire a few things for him if'n ye know what i mean. After 5 seasons there ain't one of us that could detect 'er when she be set on takin' yer gold... 8chuckles* or yer belt. Now see we had a strong young lad that came onboard and said 'e could catch 'er if'n she was to filtch 'is gold... he was built like a fighter and handsome .. but Cyn accepted 'is challenge but it was not 'is gold she took. He was leaning against the rail looking out at the fish when she snuck up on 'im and removed is belt then step back and held up 'is gold for all to see...Now had not one of the others broke out in loud snickers Dar would not have been the wiser, and so he stands up and turns around and mind ye i much preferred the look on cyn's face and how red she got when Dar's leggin's feel down around 'is ankles... ye see Dar was not one to where undergarments and Cyn not one to see a man's parts below 'is belt before... but she smirked and waved 'is belt and gold in front of 'er ... Dar went for his belt and came crashin' to the deck.
    Now since the captain was makin' her part of the crew we tok to teachin' 'er ow to use a sword, mind you it was short sword. She keeps complain' how heavy it is after a few swings... Dar takes 'is turn to tease 'er and says ye need musscles and flexes his arms. Well again that little scamp takes up 'is challenge and next we see 'er more on the decks at first she is helpin cleans the deck or runnin' things up to the crows nest, then she's helping to load balistaes and catapults, and finally helpin with the riggins. Now this is takin place over time see not rights away. It's been 6 years for 'er with us and we's figure about 10 winters old, she eats like a boy her size and the sea agees with 'er she's grow up almost double when she came aboard. She starts after awhile helpin' row the long boats course we give her the spot closest to the boat where the oar is closest and lowest to the boat. Her lesson's in weapons look like she is going to be a while learnin' she's makin mistakes and gettin' knocked on her rear more times than she connects, but I've been at she 20 season's now and soon I catch on to her, she is intentionally making mistakes and learnin' to counter there moves. Now it's been another 2 years or so and one day with the captain and the old rogue on the deck to see her, Cyn drops the act and one by one she almost drops everyone on there arse in short order,
    She found her weapon of choice and wouldn't change fer yer life. All's iI got to say now being as it's been 13 winter's since she came to us. If'n she has her scimatars in hand and warmed up ye best be naming yer heir. But I don't know what she be doing right now, see it's been 4 years now that she has left us or them i am no longer a sailor thses old bones don't like the weather anymore, but more to the point it's been 4 years since she got caught. The captain see he wants this treasure that some adventurers had so he sends Cyndiara in to town to get it . This being one of his stupid moments, Cyn is 14 winters now and was a handspan short of 6 feet in height and weighin' like a gladiator all musscle on that girl but it was not bulky musscle. Ye can imagine the picture i think ye have a room of adventures and yer standard barmaids, and then in walks this well tanned Amazon with wild red hair and bright green eyes. she did not blend in well shoot she was over a foot taller than any woman present and half a head taller than almost half the men. Now yer wonderin' how do i know this... same reason I knew this was the Inn she was workin' at. I was there the captain and meself came with her and while the captain is pointing out her targets the inn keeper is treating her like shee was some kind of queen or Noble type lady. So we waits to almost high moon before sending her in to acquire the artifacts. And about a half hour later there be some guards arrive and of course the come after us. They say that Cyndiara has to stay and make restitution but us we have to optoins leave now or find ourselves under arrest for sending the child into steal.
    Like i said that was 4 years ago i came here to wish her well and she how she has been, now that i be just another old sailor.
    But like i said we be calling her Bladestorm for a reason and it ain't because she be a child of the seas, it's because when she gets her weapon's going ye are going to be seeing 20 scimitars instead of 2, but those 2 will cut ye like they where the 20 ye think you are seeing.

    whispers at nothing

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      RE: Mysterious Origins
      « Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 12:51:00 pm »
      Thus I have tried to find out just who or what I might be...  The scribe that made this tome for me when i approached him to ask the old pirate found it an intrigueing challenge. I am somewhat disappointed that I seem to be the last of my people, and my past is lost to me .... more so now then ever now. I left the inn and travelled for at least two days before i found myself waking up in the pressence of a great wyrm, I have been selected by him to try and save this world.... He bid me to enter the cave in front of him and leave him be. I then found myself alone within a forest, this forest trail lead me to the town of Hlint.
        Thus I guess my new life begins

      whispers at nothing

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        RE: Mysterious Origins
        « Reply #2 on: February 19, 2005, 08:31:00 am »
        Febra 8 1380
         I arrived in hlint about midday today and have spent a good part of it running around and getting settled. haveing my armor customized and fitted. My  first task was to deliver a letter to a woman in town.

        whispers at nothing

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          RE: Mysterious Origins
          « Reply #3 on: February 19, 2005, 08:37:00 am »
          Febra 9 1380
           It is now just after high moon and the start of a new day, I talked to a woman by the court house and she asked me if i could recover her taxes papers for her. I said i would look into it, but my question is where did the dragon drop me? I see no sea around here and walked for what feels like an hour or two just to get here.
           First stop was to go and destroy some skeletons in the town crypts, and help myself to some of the gold lying around here. I will need more if i am to survive
            It is now late evening and i have finally found enough to by my own scimitar and not this stupid short short.. bah.

          whispers at nothing

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            RE: Mysterious Origins
            « Reply #4 on: February 19, 2005, 08:51:00 am »
            Febra 10 1380
              Well after talking to some of the citizens of this town I find that i don't have to worry about work there are several things i can do. I also found a use for all those Knuckles i found with my gold there is a woman in the swamps named Jasmine. She wants 20 knuckles and is willing to pay for them... *grin.*
              But after traveling into the High Moor swamps in can see why she doesn't come to town. They call me an Amazon because I stand as tall as a man. She stands over a head taller than me and is a sickly green color. Now just to sneak out of the forest the way I came in, at least that was the plan. Instead once i stepped out of the grove there was a lizard standing there looking at me. The poor lizard never saw it coming, I got to demonstrate a new technique that I had finally mastered in Jasmines grove.
              Another thing that I am still getting used to is sleeping on the ground, it is so much different than the hammocks on the ship. Even stranger now is the fact that all around me is the smell of nature not the tang of the sea. The other nice thing is there is a lot more room here, one can actually go to place where nobody else is, but the one thing I could do with out is the experience of the sewers *pheww* I had to leave the first time.

            whispers at nothing

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              RE: Mysterious Origins
              « Reply #5 on: February 20, 2005, 06:22:00 am »
              Febra 13 ,1380

                I feel much better after a couple days rest, but I think I will try to find the coast sometime within the near future and see if I can find a temple for the Lady Mist.
                While I was out Hunting down the goblins of the Red Light that where causing problems for Quartermaster Talon, i recieved some aid from a gentleman named Na~Hani he helped kill the last of the goblins near me. He took me to the campsite so that I may rest and tend my wounds, we talked for a bit and then he wished me luck and went on his way to conclude bussiness in town.
               I tended to my wounds and took a little rest and then was off again for I still needed to collect 3 more ears. I should have rested longer, for I believe that such a stupid mistake would not have happened if I had my full wits about me *chuckle* have I ever had my full wits? I attacked the goblin sentry but couldn't kill him quick enough and so next thing I am aware of is that I have been shot with an arrow, I looked at my new attacker and found not one archer but 2 *sigh* I dispacted my first opponent and quickly moved to the second . I manage to severly injure him before the archer hit me with an arrow that If not treated soon would be my death and so I fled towards town.
               So running down the hill and coming around the bend I happened to notice a gathering of people at the gates, My plan became simple one cannot just run past people and let the little buggers attack them, but I would run close enough that if I cannot finnish of the little bugger at least I would be close and someone might render me some help. So at less than five feet from them I turned and faced my purser and he dropped me I was weak from blood loss but thankfully *chuckle* there seemed to be a paladin in the group for he placed his hands on me and healed my wounds enough to stopp the bleeding and they dipatched my followers. They advised me to be more carefull and I told them that I was doing this as a favor for the quartermaster.
               One of the gentlemen named Brand said that he happened to have 2 ears on him as he had taken some extra, he offered them to me and I thanked all of them for their help, I am thankfull for the time I spent at the inn, for otherwise I think that the holy fighter would have ignored me, I mean life on board a pirate ship is not about respect for thy fellow man. But afterwards Brand offered his services to me, always willing to help a pretty lady *laughs* I have not ever been called pretty before, usually demon this or demon that.... We then travelled for a bit and hunted and are still hunting as of this writing.

              whispers at nothing

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                RE: Mysterious Origins
                « Reply #6 on: February 20, 2005, 06:28:00 am »
                Febra 13 1380

                Well those where some fun days we basically hunted and where working on improving our skills. Basically I think I am going to Take it easy today, but then who knows.
                I have decided that I am going to hunt bugs and destroy the undead in the crypts, Some how saying one is going to kill what is already dead doesn't sound right.

                whispers at nothing

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                  RE: Mysterious Origins
                  « Reply #7 on: February 20, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
                  Mar 2 1380

                   Well today I met up with brand again and we where going to see about recovering those lost tax papers when we where approached by a lady and a young man. It seems the gentleman was trying to find his way home and was ambushed when he stumbled upon Spellgaurd, the drow have taken it over and he was nearly killed. Thanks to the kindness of his diety he was brought back to the city, and of course he wanted to go back and retrive some personal belongings . Brand said I could be fun and he would try to protect me just stay back, I told them I did not posses any range weapons at the moment and Brand gave me a Hickory short bow... will continue to write this after I get some sleep, why I must always right this after the sun goes down I don't know.
                   Well our trip to Spellguard proved to be successfull at least as far as recoverig his spirit marker goes. But then we continued on into the Intrerior of the place and found a lot more drow and of course the first one to fall was the one who just recovered his marker and as we fled we lso lost Brand when he  tried to get the lost shot in. And so went back for the two spirit markers, I think that it was not a good day for this as I elieve poor Peto fell once more.
                  This is where we decided that it was time we continued on to our original goal and went down into the sewres and retrived the papers. We then went onto recover the Lesser darksoul essence from the lowest level of the crypts. The final trip was off to the broken woods where we destroyed more undead. We are continueing our journey as the sun sets.

                  whispers at nothing

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                    RE: Mysterious Origins
                    « Reply #8 on: February 21, 2005, 05:35:00 am »
                    Mar 5 1380

                    Well I am finally home from a bunch of great adventures, We went to places like the broken forest to destroy undead this is mention again because there where several trips here with different groups. With one group we went through the forest an then on to the hills outside Port Hampshire to exterminate a colony of large ants, then back through the woods and went off to kill some gnolls. Once home and after 4 days of adventure I am no richer than when I left, I have noticed that one does not have to be a rogue to steal. Many adventures will clean up the corpses and then leave a group with no thought of splitting the gold, I even had these same companions steal gold right out from under me. One of the leaders of the group said she had tough a gold piece and didn't expect any either, Although I also noted she had on some real nice armor and a shield... and a sword with some kinda enchantment on it  *mumbles* chances are she didn't need the gold because she already has lots. I mean over 3,000 gp for copper half plate armor it is the worst armor you can get here and yet far outside my reach. I am still uing the same leather armor I bought my first day here as well as the same shield and sword.
                    Otherwise it was a good experience, while looking around I was in a place called Haven when a saw a couple adventures just outside the haven mines, they asked what I was doing here and I told them looking for adventure, and some experience. I was invited to go with them into the mines, So off I went with my new friends. Dal'Venus or Venus is a cleric of Dorand, and Gabriel or Gabby is a fighter and weapons crafter. Once in the mines the first engagement with the Ogres didn't get off to a good start we all got chewed up pretty good. After a little healing from Venus we went onwards the next battle went better and then the next, but once we found a good supply of iron it was guarded by a bunch of ogres, I was sneaking in to see how many there where and then Gabby yells out lots as she is swamped by 8 or so ogres. We made quick work of them {right} but they chewed us up pretty good and Venus used up the last of her healing getting at least able to travel. We had an unexpected fight once we exited from the cave we had been mining in the tunnel it was over rather quickly but again we where hurting pretty good. Finally we had one more fight and went the rest of the way without incident. Was I glad to see sunlight, even tho it was early evening when we went in. We rested up and Venus made her prayers to her god, and I split the gold I had taken from there previous owners. We then off loaded the iron onto the oxes and then procced back into the mines for a second load. This second trip went over much better with us taking less damage I think it was cause I was new to the group and we had to mesh first [why can't this happen without all the pain and bloodshed]. After I split our loot a second time Gabby told me she would love to craft me a new weapon out of iron, I was extremly gratefull to her for this. Both left on there way to go work with there metals I headed back to town.
                    While I was coming back I ran into a Hafling who offered me a sammach made of fish, and we talked around his fire he was looking to get into some trouble and wanted to know if I knew of any, I mentioned that I could use some Will-o-wisp essence for a gentleman in Fort Last, we went onto town to see if we could get some more help, His name was Bandicoot or BB to his friends we managed to recruit two more people one was a female elven mage the other I am not sure I fighter I believe and so we went into the High Moors to take on the Lizards and find us a wisp. After we got the wisp we proceed a little further into the swamps, this was not so bad at first  a spell-caster threw a fireball into a bunch of lizards and the survivors came after us, once we took them out Bb ventured a little further into the swamp and almost got himself killed as well as our other fighter even I took a bit of damage from this encounter. We decided it was wiser to leave now. once every one was rested we left the swamp, again our other companions went on there way we headed into town. This is where I am now writeing from the comfort of the inn with a hot bath and then meal waiting for me.

                    whispers at nothing

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                      RE: Mysterious Origins
                      « Reply #9 on: February 21, 2005, 05:59:00 am »
                      Mar 8 1380

                      Today is a good day I talked to Gabby today and she said that my Scimitar was ready and it was only going to cost a little under the regular price, because of the aid I gave them. She then asked if I wanted to go with them again into the mines, of course I said yes I was anxious to try out my new sword. Now all we have to do I get Venus away from the craft house... Gabby let out a sigh now that is a task. Venus is very dedicated to her God and she can usually be found running from the forge to the jewlers table of to the alchemists tower. Once ready to go we made Our way to the mine and Venus thanked me for coming along again, I told her it was my pleasure, and that I had manage to master some new technique's being as this was going to be our third trip into the mines and i had a new helmet I got for helping out Lt. Jurgsen in Fort Last we vetnured forth once Venus had time to pray. This trip went as smoothly as the last one with minimal damage, we took the path of least resitance and got our load of iron that does not mean it was easy it is never easy going into haven mines. Once out we rested and tended to our multiple wounds and I gave Venus somekind of mineral that I had found she liked that and said she believed she was close to master a procedure in her infusing experiments and needed only a few more Amethysts. So once we where rested we decided to go back in to look for some Amethysts, that proved to be as difficult as our first trip into the mines together. It was while they where mining I decided that I might try to learn the art of crafting weapons so that we all had something in common. Once out of the minds this time Gabby was off to go work her iron and Venus went with me to town telling me about how to start, first I need to learn to make molds.

                      whispers at nothing

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                        RE: Mysterious Origins
                        « Reply #10 on: February 21, 2005, 06:06:00 am »
                        Mar 10 1380

                        Well I arrived home from the Mines and it turns out we where gone for 2 days. I went to the craft vendor and bought myself some supplies from our venture into the mines an Ox a pick and a set of jewel picks also a shovel. I was going to mine some clay because Venus had some work to do [of course]. But she would send for me once she was ready to go into the red light caves so we may get some copper. I did get word from Venus , just not the word I was expecting. She was called away on some important bussiness and was sorry she had to cancel, I said it was okay I at least had some clay to play with and so here I am casting clay molds.

                        whispers at nothing

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                          RE: Mysterious Origins
                          « Reply #11 on: February 21, 2005, 06:10:00 am »
                          Mar 26 1380

                          Well I have been crafting but mostly taking it easy for a bit, today I went hunting some bugs in the forest and then destroyed some skeletons for some gold. I even hooked up with Brand again and he took me into the red light cave so that we could kill the leader of the tribe and bring back his head for the wagon master Ronan. I t was to bad I left my stuff with my Ox back in town. I think I am going to take it easy for a couple days now.