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Author Topic: Musings over lunch  (Read 482 times)

Fian Bearsark

Musings over lunch
« on: June 27, 2006, 05:26:18 pm »
Drawna sat in a window booth in the Scamp's Mug Inn, watching the leaden clouds roll by over Hampshire. Before her sat the lunch special, picked over, and an empty glass of cheap wine. She had grown accustomed to the weak drink in her poverty. Thoughts tumbled about in her head with such violence she felt compelled for once to do something to quiet them. Digging through a pouch at her waist, she produced a stylus and a folded bundle of blank paper.

" I saw it. Pranzis. I did it with the help of Armolas. A dear man who was willing to help me sneak in and take a look around. I know we can get it back. We just need the time to be right. Oh, the trees there! They are all burnt....

Devastating and deeply saddening. But its there! The house is ok too. I couldn't see the garden but I think it's ok too. Armolas had some stuff to work through too I think. He was pretty broken up. (*note to self- sometimes sexy when men cry*)

I have met many people lately who are just great. This war has bonded. galvanized. A movement is already afoot to take back Pranzis:

Balazar - Paladin and all-around good guy, and actually has a sense of humor unlike most Tin Men. Even got a rose off him ! *smiley face drawn*
Thomas (didn't catch his last name) - another Tin Man, committed to leading a force to re-take Dregar. He seems serious to this end. Keep in touch with him

Elgon Merric (or is it Merrick?-can't remember) - he seems at peace in nature and probably alone, but seems to be a thinker.

Marainna! - oh, I realize now how I missed her! She was one of the first people I met and never forget she saved me from gobbies! I may give her some of my dresses I can't carry anymore.

Lark - a very ambitious cleric who is young but eager to see everything. Gotta stick with her for loot. Her magic is nice for combat *draws a devil face*

Marvis- a halfing ( I think-can't tell some of those shorties apart)- young but willing to travel and lay down a few spells. He may be of use down the road

Fian Bearsark

RE: Musings over lunch
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2006, 07:37:26 pm »
A young blonde woman wanders among the trees of Lake Palden. Pausing briefly to choose a suitable seat in the grass, she produces a bundle of paper and begins jotting down some notes:

I have heard from mom! Bless Xeen, she is alright. And so is Alaric, though he was hurt in the leg somehow. Its not clear how bad the wound is, but with mom's connections he should get the help he needs. They are North of Pranzis right now and may move again to a safer location. If I could I would go visit them, but I don't see a way over there right now.

I need to hear about Tal. I don't know what to think at this point

Crafting has occupied all my time, as well as sneaking about gathering sticks and roots and all kinds of junk for other craftsmen. I am soooo sick of it! But I finally have some coin to my name, which is great. I need to unload some old equipment because I have no room for it anymore. We'll see how that goes. I gues I am getting better at tinkering and tailoring, hoepfully so I can start making a decent living from selling things. Picking garlic is making me smell like a serving girl. (Which I'm not, right? right?) *scowling face drawn with x's for eyes*

I need to get out and talk to people. I'm going stir crazy.

Fian Bearsark

RE: Musings over lunch
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 06:54:45 pm »
"Aye Miss, the wedding soup is me foinest on the menu! " The old barkeep grinned, showing two silver teeth as well as his desperation to get rid of yesterday's soup. Drawna responded with a pained smile and a curt nod and placed her order. As the barkeep ambled away, the blonde woman continued jotting down notes in her journal:

Aralin wanted me to help him with a lock in Storan's tomb. Tough tumblers on that box, I'll say! I almost had it but needed his magics to get the final turn. Darn! I learned a lot on that lock though. Much tougher than Old Man Dreer's Stables back in Haft Lake. Anyway, Storan's was the usual shambling I-want-to-eat-your-head Undead experience. I did really well, even without being able to stick 'em where it really hurts. I held my own right alongside Aralin. My use of shield and rapier has improved.

OH! Aralin was kind enough to relieve me of most of my coin in exchange for some wicked rods for my weapons. These things are potent, and he had to apply them to my blades. Oooo, the fire one licks across my shortsowrd blade now! It helps alot in battle, though the smell is pretty bad when I cut with it. I hadn't considered that. Oh well, easy come easy go. I still have to decide on which blade to put the other rod. It is crafted from lightning itself, which should look most dashing when I fight in the dark.    *smiley face drawn with arched eyebrows, not unlike her own well-maintained ones*

No gold, lots of promise for the future - - - I guess that's pretty much what made me climb out that window all those years ago. Except for the no gold part.

I have traveled alot lately, Aralin had to go to Hamp to get an amulet set. By Xeen's Endless Lovers that guy is set! He was having a green eye set in gold, which apparently give the wearer a greater perception on life, etc. I just had eyes for that necklace, nevermind the philosophies on life. I think he has one of Everything, but I 'm not sure. I'll have to ask. Maybe he'll let me have some of his throwaways.

After that, I met up with Balazar and Mandalorian, two most unstuffy Tin Cans if there ever were any to be found. We made tour through Ogres and Gnolls, then on to the Blood Desert to get sand in our shoes. I did pretty well there too, but some of that flash from the mages caught me unawares. I have to be more careful next time. We took some decent jingle from that trip, and I hope to fill up my bank account again real soon. Mommy needs some better gear!

Balazar bought me a bouquet of flowers in Hope. I think he was hoping. He-he! He gave me blue ones to match my clothes which was very thoughtful. Now I just need to get him to jump in front of arrows for me! *smiley face drawn*

*a series of doodles follows, of a sword, a necklace and a man holding a flower and smiling*

Fian Bearsark

RE: Musings over lunch
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 08:10:17 pm »
"You didn't!"

"I did."

"You didn't."

"I did!"

"You're kidding."


Drawna sighed and slumped back in the booth as Eylianna stared at her with a smirk on her face. "Stop that!"
She sullenly reached for her cup of coffee, glancing about the Wild Surge at the scattered patrons. None seemed interested in her outburst.

"So, is he at least a good-looking Tin Can?" Eylianna leaned forward, her dark eyes gleaming over her
half-finished plate of breaded fish.

"Oh, come on! Give me some credit! He's not a half-Orc if that's what you're thinking!" Drawna stared,
exasperated, then burst into a self-conscious giggle. "I guess its a bit crazy. He is sooo upright and courteous. I was amused I suppose while I was teasing him and flirting, but-"


"I--uh--well, after I climbed on him on the bench - you know, I was really playing up that I was obsessed with
him and his wonderfully affected manner of speech, "prithee this" and "besmirch that" -- I guess I was a bit
taken aback by his -uh- kiss. He actually kissed with feeling, you know?" Drawna slumped again, glancing once
more around the Inn. An old man with a wisp of hair on his head stared back at her, slowly smiling. Drawna stuck
her tongue out at him.

"Sooo, a good kisser then, huh? Who woulda thunk it..." Eylianna shook her head, reaching for a glass of wine.
"What's his name again?"

"Daniel. Daniel Poetr.....Well, it wasn't that it was so great, it was more like 'genuine'. Unlike most guys
I've met. He seemed caught up in something he didn't -well- he didn't understand. it was pretty obvious. I
didn't think he would actually kiss me. I figured he was too uptight to do it. But he did it. I'm afraid I broke
him or something. Like I dropped a piece of china in a ritzy store because I was playing with it."

"Oh, you are a vixen. A horrible, man-eating vixen." Eylianna grinned evilly over her wine glass.

"Shut-!" Drawna threw a pea at her. "-Up! " Followed by another pea. "Here's the really bad part. I guess his
mentor, I guess that's what he calls him, he was sitting right across from us! I had no idea I was getting him
in trouble! " Drawna sullenly grabbed her coffee again and sipped.

"That's a bit rough, yes." Eylianna gently put her wine glass down and glanced out the window. "Why men insist
on Codes and Oaths and "I Beseech Thees" I'll never understand." She turned and looked pointedly at Drawna.
"Well, I guess you need to decide what you want out of this, right? I mean, you can't let him steer the boat, that's for sure."

The sullen blonde glanced over, then dug in her bag and took out a small mirror. Opening it, she brushed at her
hair with a finger and stared critically at her eye paint, moving her head back and forth and up and down to get
different angles onher face. "you're right I suppose. But maybe..."

"maybe what?"

"Maybe this time I want to just see what happens. I've been deciding things with men for a long time now, based
on what they can do for me. Maybe I just need to let this horse trot a while..." She trailed off and snapped the
mirror shut, glancing around the room again. The old man had wandered off, and the waitress was heading over to
clear their plates.

"oh, boy. That sounds like a baaadd idea." Eylianna gave her a pained expression and threw a pea back at her.


Fian Bearsark

RE: Musings over lunch
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 01:38:49 pm »
Drawna approached the Hlint Bank along the pond, skirting her usual approach by the street. Glancing over her shoulder, she moved cautiously, looking around for Aralin. She just wanted to meet him and get on to Storan's to pick that blessed lock before she was seen. "Where is he?" She mumbled, biting her lower lip a bit in tension. There was a good chance Daniel Poetr was in town, he was usually meeting friends and she really didn't want to run into him - not yet anyway. More thinking was required.

Slipping into the long shadow of the smithy building, she could see Aralin loitering about near the Big Tree. Moving slowly, sliding from shadow to cover and back again, she was almost to him when she heard a voice. There was Daniel, speaking to someone on the street, at the base of the platform. Freezing, she hugged the tree and moved soundlessly over to the wall of the bank. Aralin was close now, and turned, spotting her somehow. Grrr! Clerics with their spells!

"Drawna?" Aralin smiled slightly, ignorant of her situation. Drawna's heart jumped in her chest and she spat to him "Shhhh!"

Daniel turned, glancing over. He had heard her name. Aralin was quick enough to assess the situation, thankfully. He stood quietly and pretended to be examining the leaves on the tree overhead. Drawna slid further into the shadow of the bank wall, watching as Daniel walked tenatively past, pausing to glance to Aralin before continuing around the Wild Surge.

"Lets get out of here." sighed the blonde, nudging a slightly amused Aralin toward the gate. Glancing behind, she saw Poetr slowing walking away, searching for something he couldn't find.

