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Author Topic: My book-A.F.  (Read 11776 times)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #120 on: October 08, 2007, 01:06:23 pm »
It was a bad night...I failed again in my duties as a scout. >:/ I led Eghaas right into a trap by some ogres. The worst part was a huge raiding party! :o I went right by them. I turned just in time to see one start to rush Eghaas. I tried to shout to warn him but it was too late. I just screamed and shot the ogre with my bow to try and save Eggi. Then things went black....O.o

I woke up under a dead tree awhile later..the ogres had moved on. I guess i was knocked under the tree by the force of the ogre hitting me. That or they tried to smash me with the tree. :(

After I found a safe place..I just curled up under a tree and hid under some bushes for awhile and cried. :(

Later I went to see if I could find Eggis body. I figured I would bury it, or try to drag it someplace safe. I didnt know what would happen after that. How could I face uncle Dalan or anyone else for that matter. It was all my fault. :(

I found some tracks that looked like someone leaving in a hurry...I followed them for abit and I saw they were heading to a temple in the woods. I found Eggi under a tree and he was alive!! He was pretty beat up, but he was alive!
I just ran up and gave him a huge hug! :D

After awhile I told Eggi I had to go an find that ogre horde. That I couldnt let them have their way in the forest and hurt someone. I knew I couldnt take them down myself, but I hoped I could figure out their plans and maybe warn whoever they are setting their sights on and ruin their plans. Eggi tried to talk me outof it, but I wouldnt listen. I told him he could stay but i had to this. :mad:

The ogres were gone, and as I followed their trail we came on a group fighting some demon creature! There were mages casting at the creature and lots of weird summoned creatures fighting the beast. Someone was lying on the ground dead, and the beast was moving faster than anythign I had ever seen before! I tried shooting it with my bow and eggi shot it wit some of his magic but we werent doing anything. One of the mages yelled at me to pull my sword out and he made it glow and flame up! I just ran intothe fight without thinking and attacked the creature, while trying to avoid getting pummelled by some giant golem thingy. All I remember was getting knocked around alot and doing my best to stay alive and try to hit the beast. O.o

After the fight was over, I saw that it was Khuren, the druid I just met the other day, who was dead. :(  Then he wasnt! :o I dont understand what happened..just that some woman was standing over him and he was waking up! He was weak, but he was alive. :D

Later we found out that was some kind of super werewolf and that they were  trying to help some woman. We parted company soon after the fight, uncle Dalan who showed up and went on a rampage I guess when he saw me in the fight was there. He was after some garlic like Eggi was when we left.

I was so glad to see him, it had been so long! I missed him alot. I guess he had been spending alot of time with Grenna. They are so cute together , but I think uncle Dalan is worried about her. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #121 on: October 09, 2007, 08:39:12 pm »
I think dad has heard word that I have decided to finally go travelling about on my own. O.o

I returned to Haven a day or so ago to check up on Miss Jenna and the  kids. Dad was there too!  :o It kinda surprised me, since I hadnt heard word from him in about 2 weeks. That being normal when hes on the job sometimes with the wyrm knights. ::rolleyes:

The funny thing is, he didnt seem shocked to see me at all. I guess he got wind that I was wandering around alot on my own nowadays. He greeted me with a hug, and we all ended up talking with each other for along time. All night actually. 8)

I told him about alot of the things I had seen. Good, bad, beautiful, ugly, wondrous and appalling. I told him about some of the people I had met up with, not everyone he sounded too keen on. The mistakes I had made, how I screwed up and nearly got people really hurt again. I also told him of some of the things I thought I had done right, helped save my friends when we got in over our heads. The good and the bad of it all. O.o

He told me that this was the time he feared most. Because I was still so young and inexperienced. That if I arent careful something horrible could happen because of my inexperience. That he hoped all the things I had learned from him, uncle Dalan, MR Rain, Mr Pandorn, and Eggi would see me thru and keep me safe. :)

I think this is probably the longest talk we have had in along time. It was a good talk. :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #122 on: October 10, 2007, 11:35:36 pm »
Im finding I am making friends left and right. Some are kinda flaky, some are really smart and wise, some are shady.

I spent some time chatting with one of the shadier ones. Uncle Dalan knows him and doesn't trust him. I trust uncle Dalans wisdom alot so Im keeping my guard up with him. He seems nice enough, albeit a bit rude to some and he tries to be intimidating...which he does well by the way.

I ended up travelling with the guy alot lately. He seems to always be around for some reason. I hope hes not stalking me. Anyway, we ended up fishing one day and talked alot about alot of stuff.

Hes been thru alot and he said hes searching for his dad. Not the good kind of search either! :o He has alot of hatred for the guy I guess, and from the story he told me, I can see why. Seems his dad wiped out his entire family and killed a few hundred people leading a barbarian horde. :o The way he spoke when he told me his desire kinda scared me..:(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #123 on: October 11, 2007, 12:30:34 am »
I think I have just had the worst day of my life today! :mad:

I met a toranite cleric who was really nice named Rose. She was about to enter this crypt near Fort Llast when she came upon my group of friends. We had heard that some undead were wandering around the foothills of the mountains near Llast and we thought we would go and take care of them, or if we deemed it too dangerous, at least scout out what they were doing.

Anyway, we took care of the undead easy enough. I think it helped that it was daytime. That was really odd to my mind. :\\

Rose needed some Bodak teeth. I had no idea what that was at the time. We all entered and fought lots of deaders adn did pretty well. Then as we went deeper we came upon a horde of mummies...O.o

My arrows werent having any effect, so I drew my sword, put a flame on it, and charged in...At first I was okay, then I was overcome with this fear. I have never felt anything so horrible in my life. :o  It was as if my worst fears were realized before my eyes. That I had to run as far and fast as I could but it didnt matter...The darkest things I feared were happening to me and those i cared about. :o

After we escaped, I found myself on the ground shaking and crying like i was 12 years old again. I dont know...I was so terrified...the images were still swirling in my mind for along time after. :o

I was told its what happens when someone gets the mummy fear. Its something that they just do. It takes time to master your fear so it doesnt effect you, and some never are able to. :(  


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #124 on: October 11, 2007, 12:49:23 am »
Im writing this down cause I think its important and i dont wanna forget anything.

There was a person who Rose met in the valley outside of the crypt. Whoever it was didnt smell right. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Looking at the seemed as if Rose was a glowing light in a growing darkness that was coming from the strange person. O.o

Rose said to run...So I ran :o

After awhile..I got worried and snuck back into the valley to see if she was alright. She wasnt there. As I snuck around, I was trying to see if there was any sign of a struggle. Luckily there wasnt..just tracks leading back into the crypt. :\\

Thinking the worse..I snuck back in and I heard voices. I couldnt make out what was said, but Rose came walking back towards me. The weird person just swept by me and left the crypt.

Turns out Brian, had followed weird guy and saw him take out a silver urn from one of the tombs. We all decided to investigate. We found the tomb and saw it was empty.  O.o
As we looked at it we saw a design on it. A man with wigns carrying a big sword who looked like he was flying. There was also a name. La'farron.

None of us knew anything about that particular person so we figured the best person to ask was that mordaken fellow. Hes always sending people into the crypt for him.

He told us that La'farron was an exceptionally evil man who lived about 150 years ago. He made a deal with the devil. exchange for something (cant remember what) he was going ot become a devil himself! :o

In the end he was defeated and his ashes were separated into 3 urns so he could never be resurrected. It seems the silver urn was one of the 3. Mordaken said the urns must never be reunited, otherwise that La'farran could be resurrected and that would be really really bad! :o

I  sent a letter to dad first chance i got. Im hoping since he is wyrm knight he can do more than i can at this moment.

I was with Rose when she went to the Toranite temple and reported what happened. Later she told me she got the impression that the weirdo was a corathite. A follower of the mad god.

I suppose I ought to go to the Rofi temple and talk to someone about it. Im not too keen on that idea. But i think i have a responsibility to do it. Im just not sure about going there. Last time...well..I remember what happened last time. ;)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #125 on: October 11, 2007, 09:26:36 pm »
Im so proud of myself.I was wandering around the forests near Fort Homestead in Alindor. Mostly I was out to pick apples for uncle Dalan to make pie with.

I happened upon the body of a dead wolf. After examining the body, I could tell it wasnt the fault of another animal or some freak accident. It had been brutally hacked apart and left for the scavengers. It wasnt killed for the meat, or the was just killed for sport. >:/  I found several other smaller animals killed the same way and cast off to the side. >:/

Worse..the murderers weren't even trying to cover their tracks. So i followed them. I caught up to them as they were taking a break and made a fire. I just watched them from a distance for awhile. I wanted to make sure it was them, and what their problem was. Seems they were just some stupid men out from Lans Port causing trouble and getting drunk. They were out hunting deer to take back to sell at market. But they didnt care what they killed if it got in their path.

Once I knew it was them, I decided they needed to be driven back to their city and taught a harsh lesson for the meaningless slaughter. Hunting is fine, but killing innocent creatures for sport is wrong. >:/

I backed off and found what I was looking for. Wolf markings. I knew i was in the right place. As I listened..I could here them calling to each other. I needed to find them and convince them to help. I found a young she wolf nearby, and had a nice chat with her. I had to earn her trust, that I wasnt like other hunters. :)

I told her what i found, about her fallen pack brother. She told me he had been missing and everyone thought he had gone off to find another pack. I told her I found him butchered by a group of humans. Senselessly murdered and hacked apart. they didnt even take his pelt or his meat...they just hurt him. This got her really mad. She said she would take me to her pack.

She took me to her pack after I showed her where i had found the body. She wanted to be sure I was telling the truth. After she saw the wolf, she took me to her pack.

I stood before the pack circle, told them what had happened. I described to them what i desired and that I needed their help. It took em awhile to say agree but in the end they did.  :D I will say..they pack leader came down and sniffed me..and the strangest old scar started to itch and burn. It was after he came to me that they agreed. :\\

It was almost dawn and we set our plan in motion. I snuck in as they slept and as quietly as I could took their weapons and hid them. As the group started to wake up and get around, I had Mica go and give them a morning surprise. She has this neat trick where she can set someones pants on fire and she did. She dive bombed them and harassed them until they were all good and confused. Then the wolfs moved in...they had them all encircled and trapped. The stupid hunters were terrified! It was great! :D

I stepped out from my hiding place behind a small copse of trees, my head covered with my hood, and my sword out. Which was really scary to them because it was on fire, and I was glowing. I told them to leave the forest and never to kill innocent animals for sport again. If they did, I would be there to make sure they never left. This was their only warning...I tried to sound ominous and stuff, and I think i did. Then the wolfs started howling and barking and my last words to the hunters

I convinced the wolfs the night before not to kill the hunters, that it would only cause them more grief and pain down the road. The locals might want to take revenge on the pack if they discovered they had killed a whole bunch of humans. This was more satisfying anyway. :p

The hunters were screaming like the madness had taken them. It was great! The pack leader and the shewolf met me and we made sure none of the hunters were severely hurt on their run back to Lans Port. Afterwards I said goodbye and we went our separate ways.

My dad would be proud I think. Justice was served and no one was hurt too severely ;) ...except that poor wolf. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #126 on: October 15, 2007, 07:23:19 pm »
I have been travelling around alot. I have been exploring the paths of Mistone to learn the ways and see what I can see.

I have made new friends and also gotten in way over my head! Lucky for me, I got out alive with just a few scratches and some new scars! O.o

Ive been travelling around with Brian alot lately too. He alwasy seems to turn up whenever I am out and about. At first it was kind of annoying. Uncle Dalan told me to keep my eye on him cause he was a trouble maker and be careful around him. I was inclined to agree with uncle Dalans wisdom.

Now,,Im not so sure. I actually like travelling with him now. Sure he can be a rude and irritable and moody and a bit of a jerk sometimes. But who isnt. I think he likes me too. I mean really really likes me. He keeps bringing me fruit and berries which he sees me eating all the time. :) He says he trusts me and has told me alot about himself too. He even showed me his face, which he keeps hidden all the time. I guess he is on the run from something he calls the syndicate. :\\

I also saw Sarah today! I was so happy! Turns out she has been back for a few days. She has been looking for me but I havent been around town much. Turns out she even knows brian! Anyways, I cant wait to see her again! :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #127 on: October 16, 2007, 10:32:48 pm »
Well...Brians made a choice it seems. He told me he wanted to finish his business with the Syndicate. I guess they are a huge criminal organization that he had dealings with, and not necessarily good things either! :(

I told him if this is what he wanted, then we should talk to my dad. He has connections and may be able to help.

We headed back to Hempstead and instead of having to leave a message for my dad, we met him on the docks! I was so happy to see him! I gave him a big hug and a kiss and I was soo happy. I havent seen him in a few weeks cause he was off on a mission. Im glad he was back all safe and sound. :D

Anyways, we went back to the guild house nad Brian asked dad if he could help him with his problem. He said he would do what he could, but he needed all the information about the group Brian could give him before he could do anything.

He was so sweet, Brian was really worried for my safety from the thugs. I guess they have a penchant for hurting people close to those they are after. Kill the whole family, not just the mark. >:/ He even made a remark about how he feels for me too. :)

Although, that was kinda embarrassing in from of dad. Especially since we never have talked about anything regarding a relationship yet. Though i dont think im against it at all. He has been really sweet, giving me gifts of flowers, and always leaving berries that i love near me when im not looking. ;) I guess I do kinda like him. :p

Oh..and dad said he would make me a new sword that wont bend and hits a bit harder than my current one. I have to work it off to pay for it. Which is what i wanted anyways and i told him so. I dont want  to rely on the charity of my family and friends. I need to be able to do things for myself. Well..time to get to work! He has me doing alot! I know im gonna be sore by the time im done! :o O.o


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #128 on: October 19, 2007, 12:19:00 pm »
Ive been working my tail off! I guess i never understood how much work it was for dad to go mining and stuff. :(

He had me making molds and digging clay for days! And since Im trying to start making arrows, i decided to go and try mining copper. That is really hard work! I remember travelling with dad and being the one to gather the berries, corn, wahtever...that was easy. :\\

Im gonna be cleaning clay out of my boots for a week. O.o

Uncle Eghaas found me the other day too. He gave me another lesson in using the magic and eh also showed me how to make healing potions...well..sortof...I made an essence of healing. I think I got lucky on making that, but its good to know that i can actaulyl make them. Uncle Eggi was gonna have me make a few, or at least try to, healing potions. He was trying to show me how to do it, but he kept ruining the batches he was trying to make! Maybe I was too distracting for him. ;)

At least Im able to make arrowheads pretty consistently now. I think im gonna try and get some more copper. Maybe I can get a dwarf to mine some for me. THey are really good at that. :p


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #129 on: October 21, 2007, 07:01:07 pm »
Well.. I am kinda at a loss as to what to write...

I have so much running thru my head right now. :\\

I saw Mister Q again after along time.At first I was glad to see him. It was a great nite full of stories at the freelancers. Miss Anna told a good one about hte ruins in the white horn forest. I dont think she recognized me, but then has been long time since dad took me there on our way back from gathering. Then a green lady named Honora started telling us a story about a monastery, desert ruins and more. SHe did pretty well considering she was pretty didnt help that an imp named cricket kept irritating her. :)

Anyways, Mister Q showed up and at first i was really excited to see him, then i got a whiff of him...He smelled like a whiskey barrel was dumped all over him. He was happy to see me, and he gave me a hug. I was kinda nervous at first...I have never seen him drunk, and he was clearly depressed about something. I mean, I have seen him depressed before, but he always tried to hide it from me when i was around. I really never was told the reasons for it. Till the other nite...even now though. Im not completely sure of it all. He kept talking about his lost children, how miss serissa left him, how his first wife is gone...someone said she was a deader now, but im not so sure about that. :(

Alot of people that knew Mister Q came over too...he kept acting weird to miss Anna nad kept trying ot give her money to help some kids she had. She said she didnt have any children anymore. It was obviously really uncomfortable for her and i got really mad. I was mad at everyone, mister Q for being a jerk while drunk, all his friends who wouldnt tell me what the heck he was going on about and just ignoring me. >:/

I was really upset that night. Brian was nice though, he helped me get mister Q back to the orc bashers and we put him to bed.

I am still angry ant mister Q for how he acted, but I will talk to him about it next time i see him. I left dad a letter about what happened and told him he needed to see to mister Q. THey are best friends after all.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #130 on: October 21, 2007, 07:26:10 pm »
Oh yeah...amongst other things, dad and mister Q keep asking me when i will be ready to help out with the orc bashers.

I dunno...I have always been leery of becoming a part of a group like that. I mean, dads company is a great company and they do alot of good for alot of people. But its alot of responsibility. ANd i think one of the main reasonms is too that i dont really have too much to offer them. Im not particularly good at any crafts or anything. :\\

I dont mind gathering and helping out with stuff...but i dunno. Kurgin said something once to me about how we all have responsibilities to our clan. Dad is my clan i guess.

I blathering on and i dont know what im supposed to do. Family responsibilities I guess is what boils down too. I think i will have to talk to dad about it again.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #131 on: October 22, 2007, 11:07:23 am »
*the paper is barely kept from ripping due to the heavy scrawl here. Its written as if extreme emotion is guiding her hand. Oh yeah...its also tear stained in a few places

I found Mister Q in the gloom woods. The one thing i though he would never do I finally saw with my own eyes...It broke my heart. :(

He was letting the deaders there attack him and try to utterly destroy him. He was just kneeling before them like he was praying for them to take him. :(

I didnt understand...I still dont understand completely. I doubt I ever will. His depression runs so deep...I screamed and yelled at him when I found him..Gods I even punched him in the head I was so upset!

After I calmed down abit we went to the merchant encampment...There he told me what happened. WHy he was so tired of living...why he was trying ot kill himself, giving himself to the deaders...:(

Sonya is friend, his daughter....she died. Worse...she was turned into a vampire and Mister Q had to do his duty and slay her. I cannot even begin to fathom how he must have felt. HE said she was drinking the blood of he her fallen comrades...other future undead hunters, and that she was standing by the side of the clan leader. :o  That when he slew the leader, she did not turn back...He said it was because she had already drank the blood of the living...that now her soul was tainted and Toran would not accept her. That she was trapped in Limbo. O.o
He blames himself...He says he is tired of the fight...Of losing all those he holds dear to him. He will give up his life...His soul to save Sonya and be trapped in Limbo forever himself. :(

I dont believe this! I cant let him do this. I need to find him! Miss Anna gave me a clue...she said he was going to lay beside Sonya forever. I need to find him and talk some sense into him. >:/

I tried to track him from Vehl, but the tracks were already muddled and gone from all the traffic and no one took notice of his passing. I need to help him, I couldnt live with myself, I could never look at dad again without feeling guilty if I dont do anything. :(  >:/

SOnya my friend is dead...I just sent her a letter too...but right now...I..I just feel numb...That if i let go right now..all I will do is break down and cry...I dont know how I am supposed to feel right now because so much is happening. I do know i cant stop, I have to do something...its the only thing keeping me together. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2007, 12:51:28 am »
I met with miss Clarissa at the toranite temple today. I went there seeking some answers to my mess with Mr Quantum.

She told me about the nature of vampires, how that when they are turned their bodies are corrupted but their souls are still least until they drink the blood of another. O.o

She said once that happened...the persons soul was basically destroyed and lost to Toran. Though she didnt know what happened to it, she said it more than likely went to one of the devil planes or something like that. Though even she was uncertain. :\\

I told her what Mr Quantum had told me about the students going off on their own to fight the undead. She wasnt really surprised at least until I told her that Sonya was with them...and who she was and what Mr Quantum had to do. She was even more shocked when she found out that he didnt completely destroy her body. :o

She said she would consult with her order on more details of vampires, and also on how we may help Mr Quantum. I hope they come up with something helpful. :\\

She asked me about places we could start our search..and I remembered about Mr Quantums house in haft lake, nad the one he had in Krandor. She said she would try to get word to miss serissa about gaining access to the homes to see if he left any clues as to where he may be going. If that didnt work, then she said the Toranites may have some pull with the local magistrates and be able to get us in. If that doesnt work....well...I will be more than happy to break in if I have to. >:/

So much...and still no word on his wherabouts. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #133 on: October 23, 2007, 03:03:11 pm »
I hate not doing anything...and I have been doing alot of that lately it seems.

I need to move, to do anything to take my mind off of my worries about Mr Quantum. Everyone is really nice to me that knows whats going on, but it is driving me up the wall. I know everyone wants to help, to know whats going on, to lend a sympathetic ear...Im tired of it. And then i feel guilty if i dont tell them anything say idont want to talk about  it. Its not fair! :mad:

Are you okay ABi, everythign will be alright ABi, lets talk about it makes me want to scream right now! :mad:

I know they just want ot help, but...I just cant stand it. Everytime i start t o talk about it..I just lose it and start crying..I need to be stronger, but it so hard when all of my energy goes to talking about it all the time. They say it helps to get it all doesnt. Not right now. >:/

I just..I just want to be doing something..anything to take my mind off of things. To focus myself elsewhere...that way i can think on things more clearly when it does come time.  >:/

I got my wish....

Some enchantress named Saida who was ensorcerelling men showed up in hlint. She used her magics to stops us in our tracks and ensnare some young guy named lance. She got me and brian frozen...dumbfounded...and that just made me really mad and helped me be able to snap out of it. :p

I was pretty harsh with her. I decked her when she wouldnt stop wriggling when I was binding her hands. I jsut had so much on my mind, she became my focus for it. Brian ended up knocking her out after she kept trying to use her magics. I dont know her...I didnt care what she did..It just felt good to think on something else other than MR Quantum. :)

Brian still had the wobbly legs from her charm i I had to hoist her onto my shoulders after she was out cold. We took her to the Rofi temple in Vehl. The others didnt want to enter the it was just me alone.  There I turned her over to the authorities. I told them who I was nad who my dad was hoping it would give someone a jump in their step and not make them think i was nuts or some random bounty hunter. They thanked me, saying something along the lines of she has been wanted for along time blah blah blah...I  passed on the thanks to my friends. Too bad there wasnt a reward for her capture, i did try to weasel one out for my friends though. The Rofis just looked at me blankly, smiled, and said something about up holding the law if reward unto itself or something like that. :rolleyes:


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #134 on: October 24, 2007, 01:53:43 am »
Ive finally made my first trek into the mountains around Llast. Dad never took me there because he said it was filled with giants and was too dangerous. Plus he said there was nothing that he really ever had need to gather up there for the guild.

Dad was right. We went up and there were lots of giants. Lots and lots of giants!! The party I was with had some pretty tough guys in it and when they saw the ogres or giants..they just charged went nuts! Well...that was fine for awhile..then we got ambushed by a whole horde. They overran us after beating back the fighters who charged forward. It was not a good time. :o

At least it got my mind off of Mr Quantum. I havent talked to dad alot about it recently. I told him how Mr Quantum tried to commit suicide. I told him everything really. At least when it was still fresh. He said he would do his best to find Mr Quantum since they were best of friends. :)

He told me that Mr Quantum had a history of depression. Stemming from his past, and also being a undead slayer. Though he is really concerned about how far Mr Quantum has fallen. Dad has been concerned about him alot even before the suicide attempts. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #135 on: October 24, 2007, 06:57:25 pm »
I have left in search of Mr Q. After chatting with Miss Clarissa, I happened on the idea that he may have come from near Vehl when i saw him last.

It has been a week in the cold mountains. But uncle Dalan was a great teacher. Though it is hard up here, i am not worried. 8)

Brian was upset when i decided to go alone, so was uncle Eghaas. They tried to persuade me not too. But this is something I felt I must do on my own, though if dad was here..he would have come and i would have been glad for his company. This is for family I think.

I also know Brian...he is stubborn to fault sometimes, and I know he cares for me. So I made sure to cover my trail once i left Vehl. Just in case he decided to follow me. He is a first class rogue...but in the woods, he is no match for me. ;)

Though I am hunting Mr Q on my own, I left word at the Bashers for dad. I hope he comes up here searching also. Maybe we will find him together. :)

I also happened to remember dad telling me story about Mr Q and the dwarfs of the mountains. SO I am searching. I just left Brenuth and the dwarfs there were not very helpful at all, in fact they made it clear that they would not help me in my search for Mr Q. I guess he must have chatted with them about revealing his whereabouts. So i am heading deeper into the passes. My next stop is Ulgrids fortress. Maybe I will have better luck there.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #136 on: October 25, 2007, 12:26:25 am »
I write this as Mr Quantum lies asleep from exhaustion...

I am guarding my beloved friend Sonyas body while he sleeps. Mr Quantum has had her encased in a glass coffin which keeps her body inviolate by time and age. He even made a mural using greenstone and rubies of Sonya with her sword...and another person I cannot make out.

I can still see the stake in her chest. Her body has been cleaned..but i still see the stains of blood around her wound. O.o

Mr Quantum...its like he has gone mad from grief and exhaustion. He keeps hearing and seeing vampires in the shadows when there are none. He has no concept of time, not knowing if its nite or day. He just sits there guarding her coffin.

I dont know what to do. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #137 on: October 25, 2007, 09:31:50 pm »
These last few days have been trying for me.

Mr Quantum has his moments of lucidity where we talk of many things. Of Sonyas life, of her training and why she chose to follow Mr Q's path. He talked to me of how he became an undead slayer..and eventually the shining hand.

And then there are his moments of madness. Where he calls his staff, and starts attacking shadows and demons that arent there...

He talks in his sleep of things that i cannot understand. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he screams, sometimes he laughs, sometimes he thrashes about in a fit....I am at a loss on how to help him. :(

I think he finally has been able to sleep a little since i arrived. Before he had no one, so he alone stood the long vigil over poor Sonya. Never sleeping, eating only small bits of food that miss Anna left him until i arrived. Now at least he sleeps for a few hours knowing that I am watching over sonyas body and protecting it from the the creatures who he believes wish to reclaim it. >:/

He tells me to rest, but it is difficult. I am afraid he is going to do something rash. That I will wake up and find him dead or sorely injured from wounds he inflicted on himself. My sleep is not restful, and it is short. :(  

I wake and he is kneeling in front of Sonyas glass coffin. So we start each day over and over again. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #138 on: October 25, 2007, 10:23:44 pm »
I sit here watching over Mr Quantum. He seems at peace finally and for that i am happy. :)

It is his first peaceful rest since i arrived here. I dont know what happened to him and right now, im not sure i care. I am just happy he is sleeping peacefully for once. :)

He woke me up out of my restless sleep again, attacking shadows and screaming. My sword lit up with fire unconciously as I jumped up thinking we were under attack! Then my mind cleared and I realized it was the same madness once again affecting Mr Quantum. O.o

I watched as he battled. Though, this one fit seemed to be talking longer than the others I had seen him endure. Then there was a flash of light...Im not sure where it came from...and then the strangest thing. I watched as he started talking to something or someone...Probably another creature that he sees when the fits take him. I watched him closely...and he walked over to Sonyas coffin as I had seen him do a hundred times over since I arrived here. But this was different...instead o falling to his knees in exhaustion like he had done before, crying for Toran to aid his daughter...He opened the glass case and removed the stake from Sonyas breast! :o

I just stood there transfixed while all this was happening...I saw Sonyas body  glimmer and then fade away as he removed the stake...she was free. I wanted to call out to MR Quantum but I couldnt move, I couldnt speak.  :o

I saw him collapse before the empty case, and then I was free. As I ran to his body and lay his head in my lap as I had done so many times before...I saw his body...He was beaten and bruised as if from a long arduous fight. The kind  of wounds that I had tended to on dad a few times when he came home from a tough journey sometimes. :o

I have tended his to his wounds, moistened his lips with water and covered him so that he doesnt get cold.

Now...Im just waiting for him to wake up. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #139 on: October 26, 2007, 12:52:43 am »
We are back at the bashers. Its been a long few weeks. I am completely knackered. :p

Dad was so happy when he saw us both. He gave me a huge hug and I could barely breathe. Mr Quantum just about turned purple he couldnt breath! We went into the back room nad told him the entire tale. :)

It seems when I was watching Mr Quantum during that last wasnt a fit at all. According to Mr Quantum he was beset by shades trying to take him and Sonya. He defeated them all and he was visited by an avatar of Toran or something, that it had watched over SOnya her entire life. He said it was a dog of all things. Im not sure what to make of that. Anyways, it seems Mr Quantums faith and devotion were rewarded and Toran accepted Sonyas soul to him. That the stake he had left in Sonyas breast was the stake of the innocent, the stake of Brenuth. Im gonna have to get him to tell me the entire story on that. Well..when he released the stake from her breast he released her soul and it was taken to Toran. :o  8)

It was a full 2 days before Mr Quantum recovered from his ordeal. He woke up and the grief that was so deeply etched in his face was gone. It was then that he related to me what I had happened to him. He was sad that his daughter was gone, but happy that she was at peace with Toran. His faith was reaffirmed and stronger than ever now. :D

Once i fetched him some decent clothes from the town, we made our way back. The trip wasnt too bad as we were able to take a more normal route thru the mountains. He step was light and he laughed again. I havent heard him laugh in so long. It was like birds singing in the trees in spring, when everything is fresh and renewed and full of life. ;)