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Author Topic: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris  (Read 486 times)


My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« on: March 02, 2007, 07:43:28 pm »
Since I set out four years ago with Sir Jorim its felt like I have not had a moment of rest. Between doing chores for Sir Jorim, like cleaning his armour, cleaning his saddle, taking care of his mount, studying about rofirein, learning to weild my heavy blade, weapon drills, cooking, cleaning, more study, oh and I cant forget the endless trekking across most of Mistone at Jorims beck and will.

Now finally after my four years in service as a squire I have been released by Sir Jorim to travel alone for a while to demonstrate that I can carry out the duties and responsibilities that Jorim has worked so hard to teach me over the last few years. If I can prove myself to him, to the Knights of the Wyrm and to Rofirein that I am capable of this then I can apply to be interred into that famous order.

Thus I set my feet on the path and pray each day that I can do what is expected of me. I don't want to let Sir Jorim down and most of all I don't want to let myself down. Also my parents, who believed so much in me that they let me go with the Knight.

So I guess now its up to me. Sir Jorim taught me a lot about the blade I carried and he explained that there is no other blade a Kngith would rather carry than the one that represents the heavy claws of the Great golden Dragon Rofirein. It is in his honour that they carry such a blade. It is not just a symbol of the knights but it represents the heavy burden of authority the Knights bear as well as being a powerful tool to deter those who would seek to go against the law. Sometimes when diplomacy fails or peoples wills falter it requires powerful symbols to restore order. The heavy blades carried by the Knights of the Wyrm is one of those symbols and one of those deterrants from disruptive behaviour. Although Sir Jorim did also explain to me they are very handy when evil threatens good people.

Thus I honour my blade, perhaps more than Sir Jorim intended but perhaps its just that I saw deeper into the reasons why we carry this type of blade as opposed to others including my mentor. I will master it and it will become my symbol. Through it I will bring order to those without it, defende those who cannot defend themselves and hopefully in some small way bring about restoring peace to those people without it.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 04:13:52 pm »
And so my journeys begin to gather momentum. The armourer in Port Hempstead finally completed my very own suit of plate armour. A heavy suit that should stand me in good steed for a little while anyhow. The armourer explained that being made of reinforced copper it would be prone to damage and that later down the track when I have more funds I could seek out master craftsmen to fashion a bronze or even iron plated armour.

I met my first dark elf yesterday. I had been told stories by Sir Jorim about them and I must admit I was a bit frightened at first. She did not threaten me however and even seemed afraid herself that I can stumbled across her in the forest near Hlint. We sort of regarded each other hesitantly at first and she could see I was ready to draw my blade at a moments notice. It was her that indicated she meant no harm. As it turns out she is a druid, I think her name was Yvalee or something like that. I found it hard to understand her thick accent. She did offer me safe passage through the forest ensuring that no animals brought me to harm. I actually think she was more concerned I would harm the animals more than anything else. After that she led me into the swamps where I could obtain an essance I was searching for. But she would only allow me to take one source of essence which was fine because thats all I needed. After that we parted ways, me to head to Fort Last and she drifted away into the forest once more.

Later that day I met yet another druid, this young man had a touch of wildness about him that the dark elf did not seem to evoke. Although he was well spoken and polite I sensed at times some of his idle comments make be begin to think that beneath the surface there was much left unanswered about his true beliefs. His name was Urhuk I think, I haven't really been that good with names today. We travelled for a short time together until I found I had other things to take care of and he parted from me near the forest near Hlint. Ironically the same one the other druid I had met earlier had entered. I wonder if its a druid haven or meeting place perhaps.

Today I was purchasing myself a fine cloak and met a man called Eghaas. A soflty spoken man who went about fully cloaked and hooded. He seemed harmless enough and tried to explain to myself and Sheridan who also showed up that he was a sorcerer. He tried to explain the difference between mages and sorcerers and different forms of magic, the weave and that sort of stuff. I have picked up bits and pieces here and there over the last few years as squire to Sir Jorim but I must admit as friendly as he was the intimate details of magic really don't mean anything to me. I tried to be polite but with Sheridan pushing me to show her the swamp I had been in the day prior I sort of rushed Eghaas. In the end it worked out as Eghaas decided to travel with us to Hlint anyway. He was pleasant company and someone I feel that in future could be a genuine friend. Sheridan is a bit the same, she is rough around the edges and sometimes a bit uncouth but she makes me laugh, she has no hidden agendas and she is as you see her. I like that in people. I spent some time later running through weapons drills with her. Her skills come easily to her it seems and she like I pick things up relatively quickly. I think we'll get along just fine.

I called into the temple of Rofirein in Fort Vehl as well and heard that Sir Jorim had been sent to Haven City with Protector Gratham so I left word that I had called in and a small donation as well.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 03:19:57 pm »
I stumbled across a woman in distress in Port Hempstead yesterday. A group of people had gathered to watch one of the guards throw a dark elf from the city that had been threatening to take people as slaves. This woman came up to them and asked or help to find her missing sons. She was most distraught but we heard what had happened, myself and a number of other concerned people decided to see what we could do to help her. The young men had taken some goods to Hlint but never arrived at their destination.

We set off on the overland road seeking information from people as we passed them by. In Fort Last Mage Dalton confirmed that the men had passed that way so we continued onwards. By the time we reached the outskirts of Hlint the party had all rushed ahead into the small palisade surrounded town. For some reason I lingered on the road and was rewarded with finding what I thought was evidence of a scuffle and tracks leading away from the road towards the goblin lair. Fearing the worst I quickly ran into Hlint to get help in properly identifying the tracks.

The party returned with me and sure enough the tracks lead upto the goblin lair entrance where sadly we found the first of the missing young men. His body broken and battered and left in the sun outside the lairs entrance. Fearing the worst for the other young man we determined to enter the lair and see if we could find him.

We battled our way through the viscious creatures who came at us with sword, teeth and nails. There were a number of viscious battles before we heard a man cry out and get fainter as the goblins carried him deeper into their caves. We had almost caught up to them when I was knocked out in a fight. When I came to the party was ready to move into a chamber where the goblins had decided to make their final stand.

We stepped into the area to face off with the goblins. They had Galron hostage and we lined up opposite ech other. Various threats and counter threats were made and Zergon a magic user with our group circled behind the goblins holding Galron while invisible to try and gain an advantage.

While the party negotiated I found that I was quite angry. That these goblins who have no regard for law or peace blatantly abduct and kill innnocents and here we were offering them bribes to release their prisoner. So I told them that they should pay compensation for their actions to the mother of the man they killed. Of course they laughed at me, the idea did seem a little silly but I felt that if they had to pay compensation each time they did something like that then they might think twice about doing it in future. The result was never going to be positive which just reinforced to me what Sir Jorim had told me over the last few years.
That there are both men and monsters in this world that have no regard for law, no regard for peoples common rights and its these that we must always strive to either bring to order or to drive away from those who would live in peace and propserity.

A battle ensued when we managed to wrest Galron away from his captors. The creatures had no intentions of letting us leave safely and harrased us all the way out of the cave system. I vowed to return and tend to the problem of their harrassment of passers by on the road but for now had to be content with rescuing Galron.

We helped Galron take his brother back to his mother who was obviously distraught. As some small means of compensation I made sure that the mother had some gold to help get her by until she could get over the worst of her grief. I hope it was enough.

If nothing else I leant a great deal from the mission. It clarified for me all that Sir Jorim had been telling me and it enabled me to fine tune some of the blade skills that Sheridan had showed me. Everything seems to be coming together.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 04:32:20 pm »
The world is suffering and the darkened skies constantly full of dark clouds is making most peoples moods dark bitter. I met several people yesterday in the tavern in Fort Wayfare after a man came in who had been attacked by gnolls and whose horse had fled into the forest. After hearing the tale I naturally agreed to aid the man for without his horse his very livelihood would suffer greatly. It was a spur of the moment decision but I could not have done anything else under the circumstances but offer too help. Sir Jorim taught me that all too well. As a knight of the Wyrm he must endeavour to aid those who do not have the means to aid themselves. So naturally I offered to help, as did many others who were present in the tavern.

It seemed to me that not all had fallen into the more common aspect of not caring about anyone but themselves. Unfortunately I changed my mind soon after when it was evident that some of those who volunteered only did so out of potential financial gain from the poor mans situation. I was suprised at one of those who came. A woman whose brazen clothes that left nothing to the imagination and her sharp tongue set her aside as a troublemaker. While I was willing to try to work with her to aid the man it wasn't long before she split from the group taking a few other like minded members with her. I must admit things went a lot smoothly after that except for one incident when the silent dwarf Gard who stayed with us decided to try and eliminate all the ogres on Mistone by himself.

Once I got him away from the ogres and we continued we helped a few people along the way and finally were led to the satyrs in the mountains west of Fort Wayfare. Here one of the satyrs had found the horse but would not return it untill we found his bow. This was very frustrating as not only did the other group arrive as well but the satyrs people harrassed us the entire time. If it wasnt the comments from the other group trying to bait us to some sort of action, the mean and spiteful words directed to one of group Sala by the sharp tongued temptress, then it was the arrows or axes of the satyrs we had to deal with.

I went back and confronted the Satyr about this dangerous and not very funny game of his but he was enjoying himself too much. We searched futiley while the other group turned to arguing amongst themselves it seemed until I remembered a lesson that Sir Jorim ahd once given me about problem solving. If you can't find a way forward then return to the beginning and begin anew. So thats what I did. I returned to the forests edge and low and behold found the bow in the hollowed out section in the base of one of the mighty trees. Without hesitation I returned it to the Satyr in order to end his silly little game and prevent anymore bloodshed.

Thank fully he kept his word and brought me the horse. By then Gard and Sala had found me and together we left the others in the forest.

Upon returning the horse I must admit it was with some small satisfaction that for our honesty the man gave myself, gard and Sala a little bonus that the others did not receive. It just shows that being mean and nasty just doesn't pay.

I am finding that I am truly enjoying my journeys and finding my way about Mistone. I have already made many friends and acquintances and look forward to more. My skills with the blade are improving and I am finding now that the practice weapon I have been using is becoming battered and marred. Its once keen edge worn to the point that even my whetstone won't bring it to a nice clean edge. I almost have enough funds to purchase a new one so I shall keep my eyes open.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2007, 03:42:52 pm »
I was asked to settle a dispute between two merchants today for some reason. They had formed a partnership a few years ago but one was stealing money from the business so the other had demanded he leave. Alas the other man felt that he was due compensation being a partner and they were arguying loudly in the street of Haven city.
I approached them and asked their concerns to have them both yammering at me about the whole problem. I think because they saw the emblem on my shield being that of Rofirein they thought I could solve their dispute. I tried to tell them that I was but a squire but they were too busy yelling at each other to listen. So I asked them to show me their business. It was a small building that housed a number of women of various ages working hard at mending and making clothing.

I carefully watched the men as they entered the building, one called Holis greeted most of the staff by name and stopped briefly every now and then to talk tot hem while the other man, Golnim seemed impatient and indifferent. He was in fact the one who had been stealing gold from the business. The problem was they they both wanted to keep the business.

I was a bit shocked when we got outside and they asked me what my decision was. I tried again to tell them I was but a squire but they demanded an answer from me. I thought about it for a while and said to Holis that he should keep the business. I felt that he had the best chance to tend tot he staff and see that the business would survive and prosper. Holis turned to Grolnim to gloat however I had not finished. I then told him that he should pay Grolnim one third of the worth of the business in true or monetary credits. This put both of them on the spot and reluctantly Holis agreed to the exchange. Grolnim seemed pleased as I dont think he was really interested in the business and I imagine that it had been quite a bit of money he had gleaned from the business over time, more than Holis realised so the offer of a third of the business's worth seemed like a good result for him too.

Afterwards I was thinking about it and wondered that merely the symbol of Rofirein could have such power. That one who carries the shield of the Golden Dragon even one as young and inexperienced as I could be looked to with confidence and belief that they can with clarity and wisdom make such judgements. With some trepidition I came to realise then that not only is my sword a symbol as Sir Jorim had told me but truly it was the symbol of rofirein, of all that he stood for as well as those who follow him that is what is the greatest power. I was truly humbled and moved on having realised that I am part of something greater and that I have grave responsibilities that I must bear when I stand behind this symbol. I always did like a challenge....


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 04:32:14 pm »
Its a shame that many peole these days have lost so much confidence in themselves that those who are unscrupulous can cash in on such feelings. I talk about Postmaster Vale, a man who seems to be desperately lonely and yet everyone knows him and has helped him out over the years and so when it came time that he needed more help there was no shortage of hands. How such a man with such respect in the community could feel so out of touch and so alone is a shame. To the point where he was willing to go to any length to please the first woman that batted an eyelid at him. Poor man he was truly duped. I pray that he does not fall so far into despondency that he cannot escape.

In terms of my own training it goes well. I met with a dwarven priest yesterday called Gamron and the strange halfling Dogboy was there as well. We were heading off to deal with some bandits near Fort Vehl when a giant of a I guess appeared. At first we werent sure whether he was friend or foe but as it turns out Gamron new him and sowe all set off together. I must say I was very pleased with how I went. My skills with the blade have excelled and the training sessions with Sheridan have really paid off. I was barely touched as I weaved my way through the bandits, the undead and the noxious ogres. The others on the other hand suffered many wounds and injuries. Luckily I had a eady store of potions for G'ork needed numerous ones after evey batle it seemed. I can say I walked away my head held high.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 06:54:05 am »
My mission assured by Tagnar I gathered to me companions that I ahve found to be reliable in the past and together we delved into the caverns of the so called Red Light Goblins. It seems over the years that constant attacks from adventurers in retaliation for attacks by the goblins has honed their skills in combat to levels above any other ordinary clan of goblins.

We held firm and most of the time I took the brunt of the creatures attack holding them back with my shield and deft movements of my blade while my companions struck with distance weapons and Yvale in cheetah form snapped at their throats.

All in all we did well until we came to some sort of staging area for the goblins deep in the caverns. Here we came across a clan warlock whose magic slew he halfling Dogboy who was with us. Stunned it took us a moment before we finally took them down. Alas there was nothing we could do for the cheeky halfling.  Also unlucky for us was that the Overlord must have heard us coming and had fled even deeper into the caverns. We progressed as far as we could but to no avail so we beat a hasty retreat and once outside vowed to return once more to avenge Dogboy and also try to capture the overlord as Tagnar requested.

All in all I was pleased with my progress and feel that my skills with the blade saw me do very well. Few creatures got past my guard.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2007, 05:29:23 am »
At last I feel that the path I have chosen to follow in my life is one that Rofirein deems appropriate. I remember Sir Jorim telling me one day that we each serve in our own way and that through service and attention to our duties and diligence in our adherance to the faith we will see the way that Rofirein asks us to each follow.

I saw a glimpse of my future the other day when I joined others who had gathered to investigate reports of a 'Dragon' terrorising farmers near Fort Vehl. Knowing some of the farmers personally having come from the district of course I volunteered to help. I was suprised to see so many people there and soon discovered that like any crisis some were genuine and others were simply opportunists.

After the farmers had made their presentation the party fell to bickering over who would get the most reward so I set off with some of the group to begin the search. Whether it was the thought that we might find something before them the rest of the party quickly joined us.

I find it intriguing that the Mistite priestess Muir something or other and her body guard the barbarian woman Karim who I regard as a formidable battle companion but who lacks any common sense which is in fact a dangerous combination, can actually do anything while scowling and arguing. Never have I met such a ill tempered and bitter woman as Muir. The fact that she constantly tries to goad me into drawing against her I find is simple proof of her instability and insecurity in herself. I mean...why a priestess of Mist who is obviously high up in the faith since she has a bodyguard assigned to her constantly, tries to pick a fight with a lowly squire such as myself simply boggles the mind. I can only assume that somehow she feels vindicated in whatever vapid thoughts go through her mind that she is furthering her cause. While sometimes I cannot bite my tongue at her barbs at least I know self restraint. Sir Jorim would often tell me of times when people would try me, seek to test my faith and my resolve and do so without mercy. I begin to see now what he is referring to and have made up my mind to not let myself be drawn into anything I would later regret.

The one thing I was proud of during the mission to seek the dragon was when the odd mage Alandric launched a ball of fire into a corridor and managed to arose the interest in us of a number of powerful creatures. A fierce battle erupted and many of my comrades fell around me one by one until there were only a few remaining. When it was done I looked about me at the senseless slaughter the creatures had carried out on my companions and marvelled at the fact that I had survived. Truly the wings of the Great Gold had enveloped me and kept me safe. Alas for the High protector Serissa and the noble paladin Geldar and others like them things were not so kind.

After we returned to Fort Vehl finally successful in our mission I was suprised once again as the Mistite Muir agreed to hand over the coin we had found to the farmers. To say I was shocked is an understatement and for a few moments I felt guilty that I had thought ill of her. Then she opened her mouth again and I wasnt guilty anymore. At least the farmers had a good result.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2007, 10:12:58 am »
Recently I retrieved from the bottom of my trusty backpack a scrap of parchment on which Sir Jorim had made me scribe the oath that the knights swear when they are granted the honour of becoming a knight of the Wyrm. Its a passage that I have in anticipation memorized so that its burnt into my brain in a way that only I can understand.

I see much of what Sir Jorim has taught me, what I have learnt from other knights when out traveling Mistone and we spend the evening camped around the fire telling stories of missions and discussing goals and acclamations. What I miss most is the camaraderie of likeminded people who live the type of life I yearn to be a part of.

I have made new friends now and others who would be traveling companions, this is in my own time to test and develop my skills and what I have learnt before I come back to announce my intention to become a knight of the wyrm.

I have discovered much traveling alone or with new companions that do not think or feel the same way as I do. Its disconcerting how many people do not think they way I do or do not hold to the same principles that I do. I am learning to come to terms with that in some way especially when I travel to some dangerous location with the intention of restoring order to the place. Many will join me purely for the joy of felling a foe or laying claim to the riches they had previously stolen from others. Its a vicious cycle and one which is perpetuated by the current dark nature of the world.

I dont know if I can ever make a difference, if I can ever change peoples minds, if I can ever bring order to the world as Rofirein asks us to do for the benefit of all..not just a few. But I will continue to try, I will do my part and I will do so forcefully if necessary. Sir Jorim saw his role as a keeper of the peace, a keeper of the law. I see it more than that. What good is the law if someone does not actively bring it to bear on those who would revile it. My sword will be the Dragons claw that tears those who would defile law and order , that would prey upon the weak and innocent of this world and they will break upon my shield and their remains spread to the four corners of the compass!

To date I have been finding my way, finding my feet, working hard to establish my place. I feel more confident now. I still have a lot to learn however as I discovered the other day. Joining a group hoping to aid the lord of Haven city we delved deep into the gnollish caverns. Apparently they had overcome and enslaved the ogres who used to live there.We fought hard and bravely. I was proud to say that the dragons wings truly kept me safe as I stood toe to toe with Knight of the Wyrm Unit Captain Gabrielle, my new friend Eghaas and other companions. We fought our way to the bottom and dealt a mortal blow to the gnolls. Alas brave Sallaron fell there and with the gnolls returning we were forced to flee leaving him there. Later he returned to us to our amazement and shortly after we discovered why. A drow had restored his life and demanded a boon from him. I felt that that was a reasonable request but I discovered to my surprise that many in the group reviled the drow and became angry and hostile towards her. The deep bitterness surprised me and when I questioned it Captain Gabrielle and Eghaas both rebuked me. I have only ever met two drow before and they were both amicable so I was truly surprised. I looked upon the drow with new eyes and by the end of the encounter had a glimpse of their treacherous and conniving ways. Suitably chastened I followed the group back to the surface where the captain explained a little to me about the ways of the drow. I had heard many stories but in reality my experiences had been limited and brief. I had nothing to offer in exchange but my apologies and word to be careful in any dealings with drow and in their case act with caution and reserve before trust.

I have found to that in my circle of companions I have a strange assortment. Sheridan, the tom boyish warrioress who to my way of thinking enjoys life without abandon. She takes home a new man every time I see her it seems and her tongue can be sharp and dirty. But she brooks no argument and enjoys life and I like her a lot. Then there is Arkolio, not overly handsome but his charming way of presenting himself  makes him intriguing I guess. I must admit to having had thoughts of my own about him but for now they will remain hidden. I have heard too many stories of his conquests for now and I dont want to be seen as one of those, but he is intriguing. Then there is Alandric, a nice enough I guess. He can be charming as well but there is something odd about him, something I cant place my finger on. Its almost like there is something cold or creepy about him but he has given me no reason to doubt his intentions so for now he remains another who I would travel with. Mind you I am very wary when the dwarf Gard is with him. Gards silent, brooding often violent manner unnerves me somewhat. I have seen him bring a giant down with a single blow and walk onwards as if nothing had occurred. A hard soul has that one and I will remain wary of him for some time to come. How they came to be companions I do not know but I suspect there is something more there that I am not yet aware of.

Then there is Eghaas, truthful, dependable, reserved and seemingly shy. I have heard that many elves are like this and I do like his presence. Out of all my companions he seems to be a voice of reason where turmoil exists. Alas he wishes to bring reason and place his life in danger in negotiation before he will resort to violence. While I respect him for that I feel that he may be a bit disillusioned. The way society is a present a firmer hand is required in many ways to establish order.

Others come and go and I will write about them as they cross my path but for now. I focus once more on my skill with the blade, my outlook on life and my preparation for the initiations.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 11:10:34 pm »
I returned home today for the first time since Sir Jorim let me loose in Mistone to try and find my way before I return for the tests to become a knight in every sense. Nothing has given me such a profound look into how I have changed than this visit.

As I walked into the town it was as if people who I had known for my whole life didnt know me. My own friends looked at me suspiciously until they saw that it was me. People were hesitant to approach me at first. I mean..had I changed that much. My father explained to me later that te people were afraid, especially to see a warrior dressed in heavy armour carrying a large blade walking into the town. Immediately they feared the worst. The world is a dark place now and people live in fear.

It was as he had said but the next day after I spent the evening with my parents a strange thing occured. Peolpe from the village came to the farm, one by one or in pairs. They had heard that I was back, that I served Rofirein, and they remembered what it was like when the power of Rofirein gave them solace in their lives and made them feel safe. I felt pity for them that once they enjoyed living in a land when peace and harmony was brought about by honest guards, regular visits by priests of Rofirein and a strong belief in the law of the land. Now..with bandits more and more plaguing the farmers, creatures of the forests and all sorts of villianry occuring. Fort Vehl authorities care not. The rich fat merchants want the farmers lands for themselves. They no longer have anyone they can turn too. The law of Blackford castle is dictated through the authorities of nearby Fort Vehl. The Rofireinites are tied up trying to help those who come to the temple since the authorities demean and harrass them and any followers in town at every step. The Knights are spread thin across Mistone and beyond, the temple guards hard pressed protecting the priests and laypeople who go about the town to help those in need. it is a desperate situation.

These people who I had grown up with came to me to solve their small disputes, which to them in their lives were important. In shame I couldnot deny them even though i felt that it was not my position to do so. yet they came to be with such hope in their eyes that I could not turn them away. So I answered their questions and cases as fairly and evenly as I could and they for the most part went away pleased. I tried to call upon everything that Sir Jorim had told me about being fair, even handed, impartial and responsible. To say my parents were proud of me is an understatement.

For me it set my resolve. The world needed to be a better place. The church of Rofirein had to be the beacon it once was for hope for all the people of the world like those in my village. The oppressed, the downtrodden, the victimised.  My blade would win that back...somehow!


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2007, 12:43:34 am »
The time is coming. I find myself close to being ready to finally apply for entry into the Knights. To elevate my status above that of squire to Sir Jorim. My skills with the heavy blade weilded by the knights is already better than many I have sparred with in the past. It sits well in my hand and my mind can focus on its message; its presence to those who view me weilding it.

I see the look of expectation upon peoples faces as I walk through a place. The heavy blade in the form of the Dragons Claws weilded by the Knights, the shield with its highly recognised compass symbol held firmly on my arm. These are symbols of law and order that common people recognise, symbols that many secretly in their hearts would see more often.

I bring law and order, if that has to be by steel then so be it. The bandit groups in the Gloom woods have felt my ire. I will continue to restore order to that place by sword if necessary, until they finally abandon their claim on the land.

I begin to feel the power of my role, people seek me out to travel with them knowing the protection my presence affords them, the worth of my skills with the blade, the worth of my principles of balance and justice. Already my journeys have afforded me the ability to make sizable donations to the temple in Fort Vehl. Thus what was stolen from others is returned to good use amongst the poor citizens of Fort Vehl and in the advancement of law..and the provision of order.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 01:46:58 am »
And so my prowess grows. I can see how the feeling of driving back forces of chaos, of bringing peace to a region, even if it is short lived can be such a high. I must admit my blade has been engaged in pacifying rogue bandit groups, in defending those threatened by forces of chaos and in bringing order to places constantly in fear of attacks from giants.

Alas as my sword arm tires still more arise from the dust of defeat to take the place of those who fell before them. It is a constant cycle and one which I swear I shall not end the fight against.

I find myself sought more and more to join groups who need protection from enemies who would seek to bring them undone or to do harm against those who cannot defend themselves. Is this what it means to become a knight? To live in the manner that Rofirein dictates? To restore law and order so that the common people can dwell in peace and prosperity under the protection of the law? If so then it is a task that I feel I am well suited to.

Some say I am overconfident and that will be my undoing. I do not believe so. I come from humble beginnings, the daughter of a farmer near Fort Vehl. My parents held high principles and my father always talks of the days before the war in Prantz when the Rofireinite priest and other servants of the temple were welcomed into the towns and cities around the world. The depth of the belief that these followers of the Great Gold advocated law on the behalf of those who could not act to protect themselves. That every man woman and child had the right to certain basic principles of law that the Rofireinites upheld to the letter.

This is the life I would choose for myself. To serve in the Knights. To be a visible symbol to people that the concept of law and order has not been lost to them. That there is someone to champion their rights.

And if words are not enough then i will have no hesitation to use force to establish law and order wherever it is required of me. This I swear.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2007, 04:05:14 am »
It is done. Finally I feel I have reached the stage when I have both the mental understanding and the skill to apply for initiation into the Knights. I met with Sir Jorim and he has agreed to sponsor my application. I have submitted my request and now I must wait to hear if my case can be heard.

I have found that as my skills have developed so has my maturity. I understand the responsibility if the position I hold in the eyes of many of those I pass every day. Those who want someone to make their life a little easier. To give them security in knowing that laws are there to protect them and that there are those who will defend those laws. This is what Sir Jorim meant when he said to me years ago that in defending the laws as accepted under the common law we are the advocates of the common people. Those who are most at risk from being exploited or dominated and not given the very rights the Rofireinites demand that they are entitled too.

Sir Jorim told me I should be able to stand proud. My Shield and my sword a symbol to people everywhere who see it that they are entitled to rights and that there are those willing to fight to defend those rights. They should also serve as a symbol to those who would seek to ignore those rights and laws that their days are numbered. That soon the law will come for them. The symbol of Rofirein should invoke fear in those who would seek anything other than a lawful society.

Thus with those thoughts in mind I await the answer to my application to the Knights.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2007, 07:32:43 pm »
I begin my preparations. I went to visit my parents at their small farm and orchard. Things were going well. The extra coin I brought to them my father would not accept. So I gave it to mother who I knew would talk father around to using it when he got over his pride. Once again will I was at the farm many of the locals came to visit me. They ask for me to solve their little disputes or to offer encouraging words. I see no harm in it. Rare is the time these days that priests or representatives from the temple of Rofirein get out to these smaller villages. A fact I hope to try and change one day.

My regular donations will help but I also feel that if I can finally become a full knight and work hard to rise through the ranks then I can start to make my presence felt. My goal is to command my own division of Knights and actively engage in our mission. To provide safety for the priests and laypeople to travel to places that desperately need to touch of law and order. To take down those who oppose law. And to root out those who serve chaos. That is my goal and my mission.

It will not be easy. Of that I am sure. But I know the brotherhood that exists between the knights and I know how many of them chaff under the lack of direction and leadership from the Golden Voice. Perhaps it would be better if he finally passed. Perhaps a new Voice will rise to bring power back to the church, or perhaps the Golden Voice will recover and truly find his voice and provide the leadership the church desperately needs.

I am sure I will gather allies as I go. I know that Unit Captain Gabrielle will support me and guide me as well as Sir Jorim. Also Alandric who while a bit odd and aggressive at times seems to really know his arcane law. Arkolio, while his loyalties are questionable at times and his romantic pursuits are well documented I can't help but feel some connection to him, or is it attraction. I am not quite sure yet. Sheridan, when I can drag her out of the taverns or away from her many men will be a valuable ally in battle. She seems to fear nothing. Eghaas also, the kind hearted voice of reason who also has knowledge of the arcane. All these and others I am sure will aid me in my cause. I will make a difference. One way or another, by word or by force if necessary. Sometimes the sword is required to be used to establish law and order rather than just standing for the protection of law and order.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2007, 05:32:05 am »
I have to write of this. I felt a whole spread of emotions today and ended up so much I did not know before that I cannot even begin to write down everything I learnt, felt or thought.

It all started when I just went to tell Eldarwen about the man we arrested the other day. She had been a part of it at the start but was drawn away by other duties. I felt foolish not being aware of the rank she holds within the Lucindite faith until someone told me. No wonder she gets called away to other duties all the time.

She was talking with several others whom I did not recognise and I did not want to disturb her but she called me over. I was glad she did. I learnt that I have much to learn. There was a woman there who professed to have lost her faith in Rofirein, Mylindra. There was much debate on the nature of the worship of Rofirein and of carrying out of the law, in what manner and to what end. Much of the training, coaching and lessons I had received in the faith were tested and pulled every which way by the discussion that was waged.

I fear that I made myself look a fool in the eyes of some of those there. Mylindra may have been right to say I was just a silly little girl. Certainly some of my comments were childish I am ashamed to admit. But she made me made at first and I got defensive. When I am like that I can be a bit...testy. Sir Jorim told me that was my weakness. I guess I will learn with maturity.

The epiphany of the entire encounter was when Eldarwen revealed that she had met and been judged by Rofirein. Both Mylindra and I were stunned at that revelation and wanted to know more. I look upon her in such a new light and can understand why she holds the position she does. I felt so inadequate but I just could not draw myself away.

Then after they had left one remained who turned out to be Unit Captain Jennara and Heart of the Dragon. I must admit I almost fainted for I had not recognised her and acted like such a dolt in front of everyone.

She was wonderful however, and understanding. She explained to me a bit more about her goals and listened as I told her of mine. Ever more now am I eager to become a Knight like her and serve the Great Gold.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2007, 12:41:15 am »
Life goes on they say. I spent time with Ark again. These casual affairs will be all they ever be I think. He is nice and sweet but I know he is the sort of guy that gets bored easily. I realise I am just probably a passing fancy and yet I cannot help it. I guess I am like a moth to the flame. Perhaps its his sense of roguishness that attracts me to him, his sense of freedom or having no restraints. Something I could not nor ever would, I dont think embrace.

So I enjoy what I have now for however long it lasts. I place no obligations on him and he asks none from me. In time that may change and I think then will be when I know for sure he has moved on. A this stage I think its more a physical attraction more than anything and I dont think it would work beyond that.

In other parts of my life I still await the letter from Sir Breten Parth to tell me to attend the initiations. I pray that it comes soon. I saw Captain Jennara again the other day and once again was awed by her humble and quiet confidence. She exudes command and direction without so much as talking above a whisper.

I read the notices also in the temple about the changes in Prantz. I wonder, if I pass the initiations if I will be posted to Fort Vehl or sent to the new Cathedral and chapter to be built on Corsain island. I am glad there is finally a resolution in prantz and that General Broegar has finally given authority of the law over to the Rofireinites as is right and proper.

I think he will find that people will accept him more readily since he has done that and people know that the Rofireinites are handling the laws now in Prantz.  This is an important development in the life of the Rofireinites.

There is a new direction now and new focus that can lead us forward.

Meanwhile I have not been idle, there is a threat building in the Brech mountains with some creatures that appear most frightening. Some companions and I managed to trap one of the creatures in a deep cavern but were forced to withdraw when more of the creatures arrived.

Luckily we discovered an ally in a strange creature that obviously could not speka our language. We worked out from it that the best way to destroy the creatures was with sunlight and heal spells. We have yet to test this theory out and hope to gather strong allies soon to engage the creatures.

I reported the matter to High Justicier Reus at the temple in Fort Vehl and to Unit Captain Jennara and will continue to keep them updated.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2007, 07:36:13 pm »
I feel as if I have been gutted. Am I really that naive? Mylindra said I was and I denied it. Now...I find that perhaps she may have been right. For the first time in ages I doubt my ability to make decisions.

Alandric, how could I have been so blind. It makes a kind of twisted sense now. He openly said he stood with that woman, Chanda. The woman that Eldarwen says is a Corathite. Corathite! I can't believe it. It is always whispered about that they are in our midsts, working their evil ways but I never believed I would find one, and one so close. To think I even considered... I cant think of that now. I need to think of my future course of action.

The others there were just as shocked as I was to hear the revelation about the woman Chanda from Eldarwen. It was not hard to put two and two together and work out that Alandric and the dark elf Daralith were with her. That was made plainly obvious throughout the mission. The parts I was there for anyway.

I cant believe I was the only one willing to go forward and aid the people without thought of reward and I was the first to fall. I saw Eldarwen struggling with several massive leeches and rushed to aid her. Perhaps she thought I was fully capable of handling them alone. Of that I am not sure. But I remember hearing a shout for help and she rushed off leaving the giant creatures alone with me. The last thing I remember was the giant lampreys jagged teeth as one of the massive creatures latched onto my arm having torn my shield from my grasp. I dont remember anything after that until I came too, near the docks where Eldarwen had called me back to life. I remember seeing the man Rain there as well. I dont remember who else was there.

Now I have a quandary. Do I reveal Alandric to the authorities in fort Vehl or just report about Chanda and Daralith and confront Alandric about it seperately?  He has aided me and never been untoward to me before.
Although I have said it before that there was something just not quite right about him. I need to listen to my gut instincts more and stop trying to over analyse things. No, what I must do is report the entire incident to the authorities. If he is in league with Chanda and Corath then he must be brought to justice.

But I must be careful. I am but a lowly squire and if I were to go missing who would even care. I imagine that the corathites would have no compunction in making me disappear. I must consider my move, and when ready move swiftly and ensure I have suitable support.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2007, 07:30:53 pm »
At last, the fated document has arrived. I have been invited to attend the initiations into the Knights of the Wyrm. Suddenly I seem nervous but strangely confident. I believe in what the Knights stand for, I believe in what they are trying to do. I see the results in Prantz as a positive result even if it means the Prantz chapter of the Knights has to move to Corsain. I am doing my best to raise funds for the new temple and giving every time I can.

I have not seen anymore of Alandric, I think after he was denounced he has gone into hiding or else left Mistone, so to with Chanda. Daralith however continues to show his face much to my chagrin. I have reported him to both the Port Hempstead authorities and the temple in Fort Vehl. Moreg didnt seem all that interested but then Moreg does not seem interested in anything unless there is some gain for him. Unfortunately Daralith only seems to make himself visible when it is deemed the most likely to annoy me. I think he is trying to lure me into a confrontation. I will not engage him unless he engages me first. Nor will I seek to arrest him until I have the full authority of the Knights of the Wyrm behind me. So at this stage I must try and bite my tongue at his foolish snide remarks.

I feel I am well and truly ready for the Knights. I have trained hard on my weapons skills until my blade has become an extension of my body. I try to evince the skills and qualities of the knights. I am ready.

I have several allies now too that I respect. Virtue who seems to be interested in pursuing an interest in Rofirein. I have encouraged that and tried to tell him about Rofirein. At this time he seems to be getting it, only time will tell. He has taken to carrying a shield with Rofirein's symbol on it which concerned me at first. Carrying such a symbol comes with certain reponsibilities. I will keep an eye on him however and try to ensure he upholds the good name of the Rofireinites symbol.

Lucas the Aragenite arcanist has recently come on the scene. Apparantly he is a friend of Virtues and a handy one at that. In some ways he reminds me of Alandric but Lucas does not have Alandrics youthful arrogance and seems more affable that what Alandric was. When I look back at it now Alandric was a bit obnoxious and false in his attitudes but Lucas seems quite nice.

My brothers in arms Jacrum and Gothim are another two who I really enjoy travelling with. They and the dwarven warrior woman Hilda. Their gruff no nonsense approach to things appeals to me. They have a job to do and they get on with it. I have to admire their dedication to their mining. I think given half the chance they would just keep mining until they died. In quelling any giant threat they are the ones I would choose to have at my side anyday.

Then there is Dogboy, the strange little halfing that has attached himself to me recently. A terrible cheek and well and truly a rogue in every sense I find him to be very amusing and he seems to know everyone.

Of Ark I just dont know. We spent some good times together but he disappears for months at a time without so much of a word then returns and expects me to have waited for him as if nothing had happened. I must say its a very casual relationship at this stage. I dont ever see it going anywhere but he is fun and well, he not all that bad of a lover. So I guess until something else comes along...we'll see. I am sure while he is away he is messing around but as we have not commited in any way to each other I guess for now I don't think about it.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2007, 07:26:33 pm »
People never cease to amaze me. In just a week I have had two confrontations with Muir the priestess of the Mistite temple in Leringard. The first was fiery until Muir threw me for six by saying that she had my best interests at heart in her questioning my relationship with Ark. I must admit I was flabbergasted and had no idea how to respond. At first I thought she was trying to manipulate me and my thoughts but I quickly realised she meant what she said.

Then just before I was to be called into the Temple to Rofirein in Fort Vehl Muir showed up again and wished me luck of all things. Once again she suprised me and as the ceremony was running a bit behind I ended up discussing the nature of chaos of all things with Muir and Unit Captain Jennara. What an odd world this place can be sometimes.

The intiations went well I think and now I have to wait while the Principium goes through my life and determines if I am acceptable in principle of becoming a Knight. I pray that it will be so.

I was honoured to have Captain Jennara the Heart of the Dragon stand with me as I underwent the trials. ONe man before me decided at the last minute he was not ready and withdraw. This left me a bit nervous that perhaps I was not ready either but having Captain Jennara there was comforting and I took strength from her quiet wisdom.

Captain Jennara! I should be saying Commander Jennara. Sir Breten Parth rewarded here with a new commission on the day. Section Commander Jennara for her efforts and continuous service to the code and tenants of the Knights of the Wyrm. I am proud to serve with her.

Now I wait, wait and see what will become of my tests.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2007, 03:39:18 am »
As I await the result of my initiations I have not been idle. I went with my brother Gothim, a mage of some skill Godim, a priestess Valaria into the dreaded realm of firesteep to extract adamantium for my new blade I have commissioned. The journey was full of danger and excitement and the battles challenged every inch of my skills.

I am proud to say we all returned unscathed, there were a few touch and go moments but we steadfastly refused to submit to the ferocious kobolds and finally won the day returning with a heady supply of cobalt and adamantium.

My skills improve on a daily basis and I am confident that I can envisage the qualities that make up a good Knight and follower of Rofirein. more and more I feel ready and able in myself to take this challenge. I dont know hwo to fail, I dont know how to give up. I will pursue my goal of bringing law and order to every place that I can in order to protect those basic rights every person is entitled too.

My next step, and I pray Rofirein looks favourably upon my application to the Knights, is to move forward and heighten the awareness of what Rofirein promises everyone and then to see that proportional justice is brought to all.  

A heady goal as someone named it and I have to agree the task is daunting in this day and age but someone has to stand forth and provide an example and I will do so by force if need be.

