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Author Topic: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris  (Read 487 times)


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2007, 03:32:34 am »
Under the Sea! Next time someone comes and asks me to journey under the sea I might just have to decline' especially if they are determined to renege on their contract at the end after peoples lives were lost.

On thing I could not help chuckling about even though Muir and I are on reasonable terms is how from the start Muir was spouting her importance in the eyes of Mist and all that propaganda she always comes out with. We must appease Mist, we must be nice to Mist etc etc. I know it's beneath me but I could hardly resist pointing out to her that if Mist was unhappy with anyone, it was with her since that great shark that emerged from one of the wrecks took a chunk out of her first. Mind you most likely she will claim it as a sign of being challenged by Mist, it makes sense in a chaotic sort of a way.
I think when it comes down to it I prefer to trust in a strong shield and a trusty blade. I have faith that Rofirein will look upon me but what I do in life determines my future and I don't think Rofirein's interested in the day to day details of my life. Those are mine to deal with. As long as my heart is true and I see the bigger picture of bringing law and order to people so that they can enjoy the basic rights that any individual should be entitled too then I am doing my duty.  

I prefer to put my trust in the here and now, in my actions and deeds and in physical forces rather than some airy fairy goddess that you have equal chance one minute to the next of either being eaten by a shark or  blessed with some divine inheritance.

Sometimes its hard to follow Rofirein. As an example after the argument with the crooked man who contracted us to go under the sea with him, Mardini. Hardragh, Muirs, something or other made a flippant remark about Vorax that inflamed my dwarven brothers. I had to intervene before they went toe to toe on the docks right before the temple of Rofirein. I could not believe it. I made sure they took it to the arena when it was obvious they could not sort out their differences peaceably. What followed after was a complete debacle. So much so that I don't even want to put it in writing here. Needless to say I walked out of there thoroughly disgusted in everyone who took part. I am going to have to have a very serious talking to my dwarven allies about the entire incident.

One piece of good news however I received notice that I have been recalled to the temple after the initiations into the Knights. I pray its good news, I need it after the last week that I have had!


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2007, 11:35:40 pm »
My first few weeks as a full knight have been exceptionally busy. Apart from inspections and drills and paperwork I have finally been given leave to step forth from the temple and continue the Knights mission. Several missions have already come forward which have required my attention and been completed with excellent results.

I have taken to exploring Dreger more in order to determine for myself the extend of the lawlessness which has plagued the lands since the wars against Blood. What I have found has appalled me, the chaotic humanoids have spread across many regions of the lands, people are plagued by attacks from these on a regular basis and it is getting more and more dangerous to travel anywhere.

I will need to catch up with Section Commander Jennara and discuss the issues with her in depth as well as discuss the method of collecting monies for the new cathedral to be built on Corsain. The interest this is generating is starting to build and we need to coordinate the collection of funds.

My primary goal for the moment is to be diligent in my duties and aid the Section Commander as much as possible in her mission.

On a personal note Unit Captain Gabbrielle has offered me a room at her house which I am seriously considering taking up. I know Ark is too much of a free spirit to try and pin down and I guess thats part of what I love about him. In many ways I dont think I am ready for any sort of emotional commitment eather. I have my work and he likes to play and as long as we are happy having our little rendezvous every now and then its pretty harmless. He is sweet and generous and a complete rascal but I think its his puppy dog nature that I like the most.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2007, 03:48:43 am »
Work, Work, Work... My duties require me to be everywhere at once it sometimes seems. Whether it be quelling the bandits of the Falls forest, leading adventurers to deal with the raging bugbear hordes of bear island, chasing phantom hatred inciting poster people, rescuing trapped people from the red Light Caverns, investigating dragon attacks on Fort Vehl, dealing with lizardman hordes for the Captain of Hlint, dealing with gnollish hordes for the Lord of Haven and on, and on.

Truly the world is slowly going mad. We need more of us to drag it back from the brink of absolute despair. Now with the talk of dragons unsettling people there is another worry. Although Captain Gabbrielle did tell me there was. She admitted that Umbra Tarradon Duvall had once conferred to her that there were good dragons once again in the world. they were being nurtutred and raised in secret. I dont know how he knew but it was one of the last things he confided in Gabrielle before moving to Corsain. I pray and hope its true. We are going to need allies if it comes down to the dragonkind wanting this world back.

I do what I can, as i can. Every day I gather move and more true, everything I can for the new hope for the rofireinites in Corsain. Its all I can do for now, that and be a presence for law and order.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2007, 09:48:50 am »
Constantly I find my faith challenged, the troubles seem so great, they pile up before me and I have to wade through them. Somehow I have to keep finding the strength to battle on, to push forward and still believe that what I am doing can make a difference in the world. Threats grow from every angle, I am constantly sent out on missions, my sword has become known now and often I am asked to aid in missions; some mundane, others with high danger.

Everywhere I go I try to leave some marker, some small sign that someone who believes in Rofirein has made a difference to someones lives, that someone cares, that there is still hope. Sometimes I feel so alone in this.

People keep asking me if I am a Paladin. A noble knight who is steeped in the lore and wisdom of the great Dragon. I tell them no, I am not. I do not see the world through those eyes. I see chaos and I see fear amongst the common people in the world and I feel anger that they cannot live in peace. That they cannot trust that they will be given fair treatment, that someone cares for them too. I would bring law and order to people at the point of a sword if necessary. I can't see a paladin doing that. I dont strive for the greater good for I find that an impossible ideal to accomplish, but for balance, balance so that proper law and order can be established.

I fell in battle to undead the other day, it was the first time I had tasted defeat in such a dramatic way. I was asked to aid a priest trying to eliminate the undead that dwelt there. I knew the undead to be a menace to those travelling near the mountains so I agreed. At first it was easy, like cutting through butter. But then the cursed undead mummies surrounded us, there must have been at least a score of them, under so many we were both dragged down. As they piled on top of us, their claws and teeth rending at us I felt fear upon me like I had never felt before. My last remnant of memory was a shearing sensation upon my soul. Its a memory I shall not forget easily.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2007, 07:47:14 pm »
I read back over some of my entries and I see a recurrant theme. One that becomes stronger and stronger the more time I spend wandering the world. My skills with the blade is becoming more well known, I feel I have served the principles of the Dragon well, I uphold the duties of a person in my position, a Knight of the Wyrm and yet still, still I find I struggle to make a difference.

I hear people say behind my back 'let her fight but don't talk to her all she cares about is law and order' it angers me and I know at this point in time that is my greatest weakness. I am passionate in my service to the Great Dragon and I AM NOT A PALADIN! I have said that till I am blue in the face and yet still people call me that. I do not strive for the GREATER GOOD! I believe that is an impossible ambition. I strive for BALANCE! When balance is achieved then the principles of order adjudicated by laws can be established.

I was asked the other day by a Druid why I fight against creatures like orcs and giants or gnolls when they have an equal right to live as anyone else.. I responded by telling them that those creatures are chaotic in nature, they do not care for human endeavours, it is those creatures that prey on human settlements, travellers, families and farms. I do not go into the mountains to destroy peaceful tribes, I deal with the ones that have shown a propensity for destruction, a tendency to war against law and order.

I have said it before, and i will say it again. I will bring LAW and ORDER to these regions so that common farmers, families, travellers and so on can feel safe knowing that their lives and livelihoods are protected and I will do it by the blade if necessary! Balance will be achieved when the non human tribes, bandits, evil faiths and warped individuals are brought to heel and shown that there is nothing else but adherance to the law and establishment of order through proportional justice.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2007, 05:15:18 am »
I saw Lucas again the other day after a long absence, he explained that he had been in Vanavar researching things for the Aragenites. What, he did not say, but his powers have grown and I found as we travelled together that at times when the blood was thickest it seemed he was enjoying himself, something that I did not consider until later on.

He has changed since last we travelled together I hope that he does not become so distant that he cannot connect with common human thought. I might have a word to him next time I see him.

Those I trust most are my dwarven allies of Vorax, Hilda, Jacrum, Kuguar and Grohin. While the language barrier proves to be a problem I am endeavouring to get my tongue around it with their help.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2007, 08:10:34 pm »
My skills go from strength to strength. If I am not drilling with my blade then I am out in the field carrying the message of the Dragon to those who would rail against law and order and to bring hope to those who would live in a world of peace and harmony established through laws and order. It is an endless task sometimes I feel but one I will not shirk.

I was so excited the other day, Ark, bless his wayward heart, presented me with a gift. A gleaming suit of armour he had commissioned to be made months before and was finally ready. It was magnificent and when I compared it to my old set, I finally saw the toll that my life had exacted upon it. I was glad in a way, I do not sit the Mistone Barracks idly waiting to be sent on some mission, I get out there, I want the entire world to know what Rofirein stands for, what he wants for them. I know it wont happen overnight but eventually I hope people will rally to the cause and see the benefits of a strong and consistant force for law and order in the world.

I have been doing some research and have discovered that the history of the Knights has been troubled and turbulant. There have been people however who believed in them and what they could achieve. I hold these poeple as my mentors. Sir Drais immediately springs to mind. A champion for Rofirein, his original allies and friends were the first to be called to be Knights of the Wyrm and their deeds and stories are legendary within the order. After reading about them I feel proud to serve the Knights.  

I have tried several times to ask my superiors for more direction, more support in certain endeavours. I am sure High Justicier Reus is tired of me, so too Sir Breten Parth on receiving my missives. I will not apologise for my passion and strength in wanting to carry forth the name of Rofirein and the power common people can be given over chaos and those who would prey upon them. Children should be allowed to grow up in innocence and not have it torn from them when their families farms, houses or villages are attacked by bandits or raiders or worse, slavers. People have a right to live and grow in peace and harmony with each other. To that end it is imperative that laws and order be brought to bare.

My blade and my shield are my symbols, the people will see them and they will see the Strength and protection the Great Dragon offers.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2007, 09:47:20 pm »
Trouble. Thats the only word for it. I am in deep deep deep trouble. I pray that Rofirein see's my plight and can give me some glimmer of a way out of this mess.

Alandric, the man I denounced as in league with Chanda the Corathite found me the other day and begged a moment of time to explain to me his case. I regret now that I gave him the time and didn't just arrest him and take him to the authorities.

What he has told me has chilled me to my core. Some time ago when on a mission with the high ranked Lucindite as well as others and before I first became aware of who Chanda really was, I fell in battle. Before my comrades came aid me Chanda and Daralith with Alandric watching took some of my blood and samples of the hair. I was none the wiser and in no position to argue against it. Alandric revealed this to me and his sense of regret in being part of that incident.  Alandric has told me that in his goal to become a renowed physician he tried to cut corners to seek remedies by observing those who had no ethical considerations in experimenting on people.

While I disagree vehemently with his methods I could see why he had done it, sometimes these things can be found quicker if you are prepared to act without rules and guidelines. My argument is for what purpose. A few more people might be saved but at what cost to our humanity. I did not like what I was hearing from him in trying to justify his case but what I heard next was shattering.

He had witnessed Chanda use the blood samples she had collected from others in henious experiments and revealed to me that her intention for my own blood was to create a replica of myself that would be the complete antithesis of everything I believe in. He had already seen it done to some degree with others. The procedure was not perfect, far from it, but the potential was there.

When he finished explaining all this to me begged for me to give him more time to find a cure for the disease that afflicted his body and in return he would aid me in recovering that which was taken from me. Then once that is achieved he would gladly go with me into custody.

Never have I anguished over such a decision before. In the end I made him swear that he would fulfil his pledge to come with me to the authorities once his diseases was cleansed and once he had retrieved my blood and hari from the evil Chanda.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2007, 04:48:39 am »
I have put the call out for more to join the faith. To call those who ever considered entering into active service for the great Dragon but never had the guts to do it. I have challenged them now to come forth.

My goal, to bring new blood into the orders, to strengthen and replenish our numbers for the war thats coming. I see a war against chaos and a war against despair brewing on the horizon. We will be ready for it.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2007, 08:30:08 pm »


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2007, 05:55:08 pm »
A captive, never in my live have I been a captive and yet I found myself held against my will. Suprisingly I felt no fear, no concern for my own life. Instead I felt anger, anger that this could happen to someone, anyone, in this world, I was angry that such people existed as to extoll misery on their fellow human beings. Surely this is what Rofirein abhors and urges us to fight against. It reminds me of a story I heard from Captain Gabrielle a long time ago. I didn't understand it fully at the time but I think during my term of captivity I came to realise its truth.

The story she told me came apparantly from the Umbra of the Knights of the Worm, Unit Captain Tarradon Duvall a man who had done so much for the faith of Rofirein and was a driving force for the good faction amongst the faithful.

It was a story of when our beloved Rofirein would walk in human form upon the world, a form he found appealing. His travel took him to a village where all its inhabitants had been murdered by the enemy, the agents of Pyrtechon. It was here he wept for the people and his tears touched his white garments. In his pain at what had occured he raised them once more to life and bestowed upon their leader his garment without realising the power his tears had infused into it. These people became his chosen and it was from the last of these people that the first of the faith began from.

Those who were raised to live by laws that saw them live in peace and harmony left the world of man except for one who saw the faith flourish.

I have seen villages where people live in peace with each other, they look after each other and their rules both written and un written are known by all. They are happy.  Then comes those of chaos who stalk these people, sow discord and disharmony and destroy them and what they had achieved.

In captivity I came to realise my enemy.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2007, 02:33:46 am »
I have started to call in some favours and organise for my impending trip to the city of Arnax on Belinara. I must admit to some trepidition about what we are about to embark on. Already I have approached several allies whom I can trust in to join me. There are some others I am considering asking and who could be potentially beneficial for what we are trying to achieve. One of those people is Alandric. I know I can only suffer his arrogance and gloating in small doses but I know also that he holds me to ransom through that which the Corathites hold that belongs to me. He swears to me he no longer is affiliated with them and I pray that is true..and this mission those previous contacts he once held may come in useful in avoiding certain troubles while we investigte in Arnax. I really don't want anything to do with him but on the other hand can I afford to not take a useful tool?  I try to consider what Rofirein would have me do in this instance and I come up blank. I really dont know. Eldarwen once told me a story of some of the sacrifices Rofirein has made in the past even for some of the evil gods and I wodner if he will see what I am doing as something akin to that. I pray that it is so.

For now I plan and prepare and call upon allies to get ready for this journey. I will ask Ark but I think things between us are becoming strained. He is away for long periods at a time or I am away. And I find he flirts and carries on even in front of my face now...I think I always knew it was but a fleeting fancy and Ark could never be tied down. I guess i should be happy we have had the last few years together..and yet we were not truly together. maybe thats why it lasted so long we placed no restraints on each other and left each other free to pursue our own lives. I think the gap has finally grown too distant. We have become friends with an occassional romantic crusade, but nothing more than that.

But now its time to focus on work, I have approval from High Justicer Gareth Lemont. I have the funds, I have the people, I have most of the equipment prepared. My biggest problem is what do I do with the dragon if I do manage to find it...or even worse what about those who took it...


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2007, 08:00:07 pm »
Our most hated enemy, the Great Dragon Fisterion has called for people to attend him to hear his words. While this does not sit well with me and the meeting has been called for by those who are our most ancient and bitterest rivals I will go.

I know in the past that others who served Rofirein have met with and indeed formed an alliance with this terrible beast through necessity. It is this reason and this reason only that I go with others to hear his words.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2007, 10:57:08 pm »
So much has happened in such short time..Its hard to know where to start. Things are moving in the world it seems of late. Things of great importance which I feel I am merely part of the periphery of.

It began with the meeting with the emissaries of the enemy Pyrtechon, then slaying of a poisoned green dragon, the defence of the dragon Snowtooth and killing of those responsible for trying to capture him. Then the meeting with Milara, the journey to an ancient Rofirein temple, a journey to Arnax, a betrayal at the hands of one I knew, the attempted reclaimation of a fallen dragon. So many things, so little time.

All that I know I have forwarded onto the church authorities and to my superiors as well.  

Currently in my care I have the following items:

A tooth from the slain corrupted green dragon, claimed when defending Snowtooth.

The film that covered the dragons eyes and some of the residue found on its skin at the time.

Also I have a vial of the poison use in the corruption of these mighty creatures.

I have been told to take them to the Aza'ttans, but told to do so with extreme caution.

Which path do I take from here, who can I trust? I don't know truly. Hopefully Rofirein may show me the way.

I have fought now at Warlord Varka's side, an honour in itself. I tried my dwarven language skills on him which cause no end of amusement amongst my friends. Hilda, Jacrum, Varka, Grohin they all found it quite funny. Still I persist, with Hilda's help and my brother Jacrum whenever I can tie him down to one spot or when he is mining. Thats always a good time.

So much to do, always so much to do!


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2007, 12:11:05 am »
*A figure dressed in heavy, well worn but carefully tended full plate slipped carefully from atop her powerful black stallion. A helmet adorned with representations of dragon wings under one arm, a sheathed blade of large proportions the hilt carefully constructed in the style of the Knights of the Wyrm. She adjusted the dark blue cloak so that her sword hilt was exposed, a habit formed of a many battles and much training.

Slowly she looked around the area, a hundred paces to her left sat a small but neat farmhouse, the light from inside twinking from its several windows in the late dusk while smoke drifted lazily from the small stone chimney at its southern face. The area around her was littered with farming implements, the family cart, a water cart as well, but all was in its place, neat and orderly. To her left stood a large willow tree, one of several that graced the edges of a small brook which chattered its way past where she stood.

Still a young woman Sasha regarded the tree and the stream through eyes that had seen much in her short life. Her mood was melancholy, she had been doing her best to do what she felt was important but it never seemed enough and the feeling that she was alone seemed to be very great at the moment. So she had come back home to visit her parents, to stand where it all began when Sir Jorim had taken her under his wing and into his care as a squire.

She needed to remember where she began, the idealistic thoughts she had had. Why was she doing this? Why did she persist?

As she stood there remembering the past she let tears flow down her cheeks as she released the frustration and sadness that she had held in check for the last few years. Things still clouded her life, the Corathite priestess still held a lock of her hair and a vial of her blood, Alandric had duped her for the few years he had know her, and Ark...well they had drifted apart in the last year as Ark became more and more distant, there was no future there for her, they were friends now more than anything.

She wondered too about what it was that the church expected from her and ultimately whether she was acting how Rofirein expected her to act.

Sure footsteps and a deep but gentle voice interrupted her musings as her father walked up behind her. Hression, her horse, snorted once then returned to munching on the sweet grass near the waters edge. Hurriedly she dried her eyes before turning to meet her father.

"This might help," he smiled and handed her a freshly pressed handkerchief which she took with a twisted half sad, half pleased smile. Then it dissolved and she was a young girl again crying on her fathers shoulder, letting out all the pent up pain and hurt while he held her in his arms patting her comfortingly on her back.

"Rough few months Sasha?" he finally asked after several moments. Words were mumbled into his shoulder and he laughed softly. Arm still around her shoulder he led her towards the house.

"Come on girl all you need is a nice hot bath and some of your mothers home made soup."


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2008, 06:56:59 pm »
Much has come to me of late, pieces of information like parts of a puzzle float around in my head. I received a letter from Storold which indicates he is feeling the same and wants to talk with me. So far I have not been able to find him...but I continue to seek him out. There are things that need to be solved.

Recently I aided Commander Jennara in locating and protecting a deposit of museum treasures from Prantz. It seems they related to dragonography. I made sure the Commander got all the paperwork we could find before we sealed the place once more and went to inform the temple authorities in Fort Vehl. The Commander was going to head back there as soon as possible. I however was posted to other duties.

There seems to be some sort of link to an ancient Rofireinite kingdom that the Commander and I, along with others travelled to some time ago that is related to the current activities of the dragon stealing cultists. I dont have enough information as yet to make the connection, and where does Milara and his goals fit into all this...and Fisterion...all the players are coming to bear and I fear we might be the meat in the sandwich, as my father used to say.

Sure enough if those dragons able to go to war against the corrupted dragons do so the results could be disastrous for people. I know that Rofirein has always stood forth as the guardian. Will he defend us if it comes to that..or will it be left to people such as Commander Jennara, the Holy Voice, and other heirarchy?  I know I will stand to protect the people and to protect law and order before chaos in whatever capacity I am called upon to do so.

For now I continue my training, continue my service to the Church and to the Knights as is my duty.  I have really focused on learning dwarven over the last few months and I feel I have come along way of late. Once I got my tongue around the rr's and k's its becoming easier. I might just suprise Jacrum next time I see him.

Arks been around a bit more lately, he still has moments where he sits staring into space as if he is deep in thought about things. But when I ask he shrugs me off in that annoying way of his and wont talk about anything but himself. I told him the other day that my father told me I should find a nice man and get married, raise some kids and the like. I have never seen Ark go so pale so quickly. I guess that tells me I could never expect that from him, but then I have always known that. I just dont know how to tell Ark; not that I have met anyone else, my work is too great at present to settle down. Maybe after the problems with the dragons are sorted out...maye then.. time will tell.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2008, 09:16:17 pm »
I have just filed another report at the temple. I am hoping the bits and pieces of information I am supplying dont just end up in a pile on someones desk. Sooner or later they need to start taking this seriously. I know the Commander does its just hard meeting up with her. We each have our duties and they seem to more often or not have us being sent to different regions.

I have however spoken to Argali for us to get together and exchange information. It seems she has been busy herself, the more information we can put together the closer we can get to looking for a solution. Besides it will give me a chance to further test my knowledge of dwarven. Argali and Hilda have been really helpful, Jacrum has too.

*Gently she picks up a small bottle filled with a dark swirling substance then places it down next to a large dragon tooth and another jar filled with a clear liquid and two skeins of a milky white substance.*

I still have yet to take these things to the Azattans in Audiria or the Aeridinite temple in North Point where the Commander told me to take them. It goes against the grain for me to do that since we don't get on well with the Azattans and why would they care about helping a rofireinite. But I guess sooner or later I am going to have to do it. I need to speak to Storold first.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2008, 04:17:13 am »
I finally met with Storold, alas the information at present seems to be heading in one direction with people I meet. I handed him copies of everything I had to date as I have done with others. The only person who seems even remotely interested in sharing any sort of information is Argali.

I worry that people are taking ownership of information rather than sharing it around. I strongly believe that if people began to share it around others will begin to see just how bad things are in the world in regard to the Dragon Stealers. Hence why I have finally made my decision.

It was while I was learning dwarven with Hilda and we got onto talking about the report I had received from my superiors at the temple. At first I believed they were admonishing me for not getting enough information and I felt terrible. All the pain and sacrifice we went through just to gain the information and insights that we did seemed to be worth nothing. But then I thought about it and could see that they were right to some degree. I had left a trail of unanswered questions. Not through want of trying mind you.

So I talked to Hilda about the plan to go to Phal and she read the letter to me from command and pointed out that they had not ordered me not to go to Phal. I got to thinking about this and one thing Sir Jorim always drummed into me was that if the orders were not specific you go by your gut instinct and do what needs to be done to protect the sanctity of the Knights and the Gold.

So..with that in mind I will investigate the unfinished leads...but after I return from Phal. Thats the most positive lead I have had to date. Since Commander Jennara has not yet got a working antidote I cannot seek out the dragon we sought last time and the other leads are almost certainly at a dead end for the moment.

So in Hilda's words 'kala kur kur' its time to go.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2008, 06:00:39 am »
Finally I've taken leave to pursue the information I received about Phal. I was a little frightened by the prospect of travelling there but thankfully, having mentioned it to a few close comrades it now appears that we will all go together. I could not be happier. Everyone working together to try and crack this mystery and to bring these people to heel. if we dont manage to do so I fear that we may soon find ourselves in dire straights.

The only problem i have now is I was trying to contact Lady Thea through Angela. However Angela informs me they are not there which is of great concern. I shall ahve to try and contact Alliena or jacchri regarding that matter. It may be that they decided at the last minute to send them somewhere else.

I understand that my superiors may look at this action questionably however I stand firm in the knowledge that I was not ordered not to follow these leads and since I am on leave I am using my own time to pursue this. Thankfully I will have staunch and able comrades to share the journey with.

There is also reason now to actively seek out and bring Gork in for questioning on the counts of theft and also now murder. I shall have to try and locate him when he is in a kingdom that respects law and order and who will aid me in the arrest. In the same vein I have a few questions for Arkolio about the matter as well that I would be interested in seeing answered. im sure he wouldn't have anything to do with it but I swore I would investigate it for Brian.

On a final note my progress in learning the dwarven tongue is coming along. Jacrums been really busy so I have been plying Hilda and Argali to help me. Its finally starting to pay off.

The only other thing of note to date was recent trip to bring back some acolytes who thought they were too big for their own boots and were going to take on some pirates. The High protector Serissa and myself caught up to them and sent them back to the temple to continue their training. It was then the High proteector suggested we finalise the investigation. Since we had some allies there we all boarded some merchant ships chartered by the young initiates and set out to find the pirates. This was from Audiria.

The events that followed are concerning and worth following up. Our ships hull was breached by a massive sea lobster, this thing was almost as big as the ship itself. Then we were attacked by a number of vessels filled with pirates. These were no common pirates, they were well equipped and well organised and seemed to be in control of the creature somehow. We succeeded in capturing one of the vessels and finding some documentation on board before it sunk. The rest were driven off.

It seems they were ordered to sink merchant vessels travelling between Audiria and Belinara for some reason and to avoid confrontations with the Sederan navy. For what purpose we are not sure but there is more here than meets the eye and will require further investigation.


Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2008, 11:58:05 pm »
I picked up this journal yesterday and realised how far behind I am. Where does the time go! Mind you I dont think Ive stopped travelling long enough to sit down and write something for some time now.

To complete the entry I started on our trip to Phal would almost take another diary. Needless to say I am convinced that Phal resides in the hands of the Dragon Stealers. They have a so called pet Dragon which is called Bastion and is as corrupt as the other ones we have seen. The problem is that somehow the dragon stealers are able to control these ones. Something they do or use gives them control over them.

Further to this however was the follow up myself and others did regarding the pirates attacking Sederan merchant ships. This turned out to be a hair raising mission. We located the lair of the hired 'pirates' but as we prepared to lay seige to them a corrupt dragon swooped down from the skies and obliterated them. The remaining Sederan navy commanders called it a victory. I called it confusing. That is until a few days later I heard that Sedera had signed a trade deal with the Kuhl kingdom where Phal lies. In my heart I know that this so called trade deal is some sort of submission to the threat of a dragon attak on Sedera. Proving it however will take a lot more doing. The world has become fragmented, each ruler only interested in what happens within their own borders, no one wants to look outside that. If people don't start doing so the Dragon Stealers will topple each kingdom one by one until there won't be enough left to band together to withstand them.

For now I do what I can. I have requested an audience at Spellguard to look into the problem of how the dragons are being located by the Dragon Stealers, so far it has not been answered.

Something unexpected has happened however. High Justicier Reus and Sir Breten Parth summoned me to the temple in Fort Vehl to report personally on the details of my mission to Phal. I felt nervous as first because Captain Gabrielle was also in attendance. We spoke briefly together with the High justicier while waiting for Sir Breten to arrive. While we were doing so several young temple Guardian trainees broke protocal and entered the temple cutting into our conversation. The High Justicier was not impressed until he learnt why they had done so.

No one knows much about how or why the taint exists in the crypts in Vehl. Repeated attempts to sanctify the site over the years have all failed, and so the Rofireinites keep a close eye on it and keep the numbers of undead to a minimum.  The young Guardian trainees reported that while training in their they came under attack from much more powerful undead than any of them had ever seen in there and that the young acolytes they were protecting felt a dreadful presence there.

Being the senior officer present Captain Gabrielle ordered me to go and investigate the crypts while she mustered up some knights to follow after. The High Justicer promised to summon three or four serving clerics to join the knights.

As I left the temple with the Guardian trainees I noticed my friend Tori in the crowd. I called her over and after explaining what was happening she agreed immediately to come with me. All set we entered the crypts.

Tori explained to me that there was indeed some alteration to the taint within the crypts and also some other stuff I didnt really pay much attention to to be truthful. There were undead for sure, the common ones that inhabit the place but there were also other ones, larger, more powerful and carrying heavy weapons. It was a standard hunt and destroy mission. We located the pockets of undead and eliminated them cutting and blasting our way to the lower levels where Tori insisted she felt the emanations from.

There were several encounters where it was touch and go and only the combined resources of sword and divine power could overcome the undead.

Deeper and deeper we delved the more the undead tried to stop us as if driven by some as yet unseen force. Finally breaking through into the lair of the resurfacing horror we found another in its place. Somehow the resurfacing horror had been laid in stasis unable to rise and a new creature stood in the place. Tall and dark haired with pale white skin, the man, I call it that for it resembled one was setting up a number of oddly glowing devices.
Each one vibrated in a different tone than the one next to it and from these things the undead taint from the place was being augmented creating much more powerful undead as each new device was placed.

Tori pointed out to me briefly that the creature was a powerful vampire but I had little time to react as the creature swept towards us with lightning speed. As it did so it drew forth a large dark steeled blade and it was then I noted the heavy armour it wore, overlapping sections of cobalt and the huge shield. No symbols indentified it, no colours adorned it except for the dark blue steel of the armour, the black of the blade and the white of its skin.

The battle that followed tested my every skill with the blade, the creature attacked with the speed, ferocity and strength that only the undead can. Tori did what she could to keep me vertical during the battle but apart from that she had little that could affect the creature, and so it came down to steel verses steel. I dont remember much of the battle nor how long it raged for but when it was over the creature lay at my feet and in a final act Tori lay holy water then cleansing divine fire over its corpse to end it completely. it was only then the devices began to disintigrate and the resurfacing guardian begin to arise once more.

Returning through the dark corridors we encountered Sir Breten some knights and clerics all ready to aid. Tori and I must have looked a sorry sight as Sir Breten immediately ordered them to tend to us and help us from the crypts.

It was not till later that I learnt that Sir Bretens sweep of the crypts had confirmed that the threat was over. At the subsequent, delayed meeting about Phal I was shocked when Sir Breten announced that in light of my past and present actions in the service of Rofirein and the Knights of the Wyrm that he was promoting me to Unit Captain.

I spent that night with my family on the farm. My father actually had tears in his eyes when I told him, he was so proud of me, and my mother she sent some of the famr workers into the town to tell everyone to come out to th farm for an impromptu get together. I think just about the whole village were there, all my old friends, everyone. If ever I felt alone or lost in the world I always know I can come home.

The only uncomfortable part was when my father asked me when I was getting married. I couldnt tell him that Ark would never agree to anything like that or that while I held a deep affection for Ark I couldnt call it true love, nor that I knew that Ark could never be faithful. So I just smiled and waved my hand around a bit and just said I was still waiting for the right one or something to that effect. It was pretty uncomfortable but the rest of the night was great..and very humbling.

I have now returned to work in my new position, which fits like a comfortable gauntlet, with renewed vigour and a freshness I havent felt for some time.