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Author Topic: My thoughts - Voon Loom  (Read 128 times)


My thoughts - Voon Loom
« on: April 12, 2006, 11:23:07 am »
* A neat new book stands before your eyes and as you open it in a tidy fasion you can plainly read*

As a young lad Voon grew up in a large town called pranzis the capital of Dregar, he was the younger of two boys . From a very early age he saw he was nothing like his brother or his father really , not really enjopying getting into conflicts . So as his brother trained hard and learned off our father , Voon was always left sitting at the side watching and dreaming for things to be different . On many occasions my brother and I sparred but of course I always came off worse for ware ,
and what would I get for my troubles , well a look of shame from my father . I know my brother didnt enjoy putting me through all this , but there was just no way around it as our father was hard on us both .

After suffering ten years of shame , and my father constantly looking down at me , I decided I had .... had enough .

So I started to plan how to get away from this life and make a better one for myself .... where people would respect me for who I was .
One dark night in the heat of summer I climbed out of bed and with my father quill i wrote a few words on a parchment to my brother ,      "Boon , i cant stay here anymore , I hope one day we might cross paths again ... but for now my place is else where".

I quietly sneaked down stairs whilst my family were asleep , I took some bread and milk out of the larder to last me few days and some money out of my fathers jacket pocket .

I had no regreats for leaving everything behind me and as morning came upon me fast I found my self boarding a ship in a place I had never seen before ...
For many days .... Weeks even ,  I had no contact with anybody , my food was running low and I had no idea where I was ... untill one morning I wandered in to a small settlement and collapsed , I later found out it was a Temple .

I can't really say how long I was out for but when I awoke there where three halfings stood around the bed I was laying on , telling me to "relax and try not to speak lad".
As I sat up slowly one passed me some bread , cheese and water . I slowly start to nibble into it quite weary of these people . I remember only a little of what happened in these first few days , I was weak from the lack off food and water .

As I grew in strength and confidence , once again I started to ask questions .
Where was I? was the first thing I need answering and a small bearded fellow told me I was being looked after in a small part of stone in a temple ... a temple devoted to our deep mother "beryl" .

For many years after I earnt respect and my keep from the people who lived around , I did this in many different ways ... but mainly buy cleaning .
All this time I was learning the ways of Beryl and I had realised I had found my place in this dangerous world . As I came to the age of 16 I realised I wanted to become a cleric and devote my life to Beryl ... in hope to repay all that she had done for me .

As time passed and rumours of someone called Sinthar travel through out the town , my freinds and the people who lived around me started to put up a deffence , we built barackades , put guards at the main entrance and generally everyone was on edge .
A couple of days went by and as the town grew with anxiety .... it was to happen that night ,
they were just to much for us .
Allthough we were prepared , they hit us hard in the middle of the night . In the heat of it all an old gnome came an got me and few others mainly women and children . He told us to keep quiet and quickly follow him .
We entered a small , dark passage from the store room of the temple and walk for what seemed to be hours ...

As we got to the end of the passageway morning was upon us and we found ourselves in a nearby forest , I knew from the screams in the middle of the night that we were the only survivors .
We slowly made our way to a nearby town to find shelter and refuge , when I knew everyone one was safely in side the town and in the warmth of an Inn , I knew it was time , time to follow my path .... to find my family and get retribution for what happened in the middle of the night , when many at the temple where slaughtered .


RE: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 11:36:57 am »
After a few long days and nights of prayer beryl answered me and brought me standing infront of something I had never seen before , as i stood there astonished it spoke to me .
A large dragon had summond me here to help in anyway that i could in a ancient feud which had been going on for many centuries .
At first I swore it was just a dream  and I would wake in a inn somewhere , probally not even remembering it .
But here is where they story starts.
Of course I didnt wake up in a cosey little inn room I found myself wandering a place I had never seen before a small Town called Hlint.
For a few days I wondered the street of this town getting to know my my way around , even gathering enough courage to talk to some of the locals .

*a few lines have been left as if he has taken a break from writting it*

Now where was I , yes that was it the locals they seem pleasent enough even decent enough to pay me for a few odd jobs . I guess I will have to get to work soon and do some of the tasks they have asked me to do .


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2006, 03:40:49 am »
Over the last few days ive been busy helping more of the locals , for doing odd jobs they have been paying me well enought to live .  Most of the time i have my meals in a nice little inn in Hlint called the wild seirge . This very day after i had finished my lunch i made my way to the door and to my suprise i saw a large poster pined to the door .

It read " Have you seen this man  , Voon Loom if so please get in contact " signed Booom.

As shock set in i started to think , should i meet this man . Well after all he was looking for me so i made for the post marster vale to send a letter to this chap to arrange a meeting .
As i sat by a campfire just out side Hlint Loooking up at the stars , a young fellow walked up . He had got my letter and came to meet me , a little hesitently I introduced myself .
At this point I saw a small tear run down his face and he told me his name was Boon Loom.
I was stunned , I couldnt even talk for a while .
Was it ?
Was he my brother I had left in pranzis ten years ago?
As i got to my feet I pulled him towards me and gave him a cuddle , and started to rabble on .
Is it you ?
As we I started to talk i explained why i had left in the middle of night , I told him what ive been up to for so many years .
This was the happiest moment of my life , I had finaly found my brother .

After talking for a day and night We made a pact never to leave each others side again , and we would help each other in the tasks and ordeals that lay infront of us both .


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 03:31:40 pm »
So what have i been up to since I last wrote here .
  * pauses for a few moment *
Well i guess quite a bit really . Me and my brother have traveled a bit together catching up on old times and enjoying each other company .
We have been to many new places which are each quite beutiful in there own right .
One place we have been to , Valask where we stopped off in the arena to test our skills out .
I decided to challange Boon to a round in the arena thinking of old times . What a mistake i even called on my faithful freind , but we still ended up with some serious wounds .
I learnt much about myself that day , where my skills lie and how best to use them to my advantage .
After our trip to the arena I decided to head to the freelancer tavern to have a drink , well of course it took some time to get there . And of course i got lost in point harbour trying to find the place . After ordering my real drinking since I had been here it was rather nice to just sit and relax for a while with no real worries .
I even got talking to a nice man called Kharl , who i later that day brought two gold rings off . A fine end to a great day really ....


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2006, 04:52:16 pm »
Well i have learnt something really important today  
Let me start from the begining , Me and my brother and a few others had decided to take a trip to rhilar . I really needed to deliver to a farmer that way , but for some reason we took a boat to the Dragon isle .
At first i was a little worried as i though Dragon might live all around , but as we set forth in to the un know all we cam across was large trees and mushrooms . Of course these freaks of nature wouldnt let us past without a fight and there was no chance we were going to turn back .
We found ourself stumbling apon a cave which we decided to take a look inside , after taking a look about inside we decided to make our way back to rest up a little .
This is where thing got rather bad .
After resting just out side the cave we got ambushed , well not so much ambushed it was like these trees were looking for us . They came at a us in there droves , and from all direction .
Most of us stood our ground and gave as good these tree where giving out , but theres always one Dulan decided to run .
"Makes a note to himself "  Cleric of toran running
We did rather well to survive really .
After I had tended to our wounds we decided head back to the ship , it wasnt going to bad till we came to the gate.
There stood infront of the gate we need to pass through where a large group of tree just staring at us . As we stood and talked about how to get past them we didnt notice more trees and rather narsty thing were sarounding us .

Out of nowhere a a female Druid appeared looking rather angry .
She told us that we were on sacred ground  and she didnt really like the fact that we had killed many of nature creatures .
Of course i tried to explain that we were only defending ourself , but that didnt really cut it with her .
Dont ask me what came over me but i had the urge  to tell her she looked good when she was angry .
That was it with one swift swipe of her blade i lay on the ground bleeding and next she went for my brother ....

All i remember after that is staggering to my feet with a narsty taste of herbs in my mouth which i spat out straight away .
There once again stood the druid infront of me , this time i didnt really say much .
Lost for words really .

After gaining my strenght back , the druid let us go for some reason .i later foundout that she had only done this beacause the other people we were with had agreed to help her gather a yellow plant to make up for what we had done .
Well I had lost enough blood for one day so i decided that this was the best course of action .
As the group explained that we would need natures help to find and retreave from some near by fens .
I started to think maybe there was a druid about that might be able to aid us . As everyone else headed for the fens that was close by , me and Boon decided to head toward the wolfs wood to try and find some help .
As me and my bro stumbled apon a small outpost guarded by ranger , we politly asked if they new of a druid close by that might be able to help us. He swiftly pointed us in the direction of a young lady call Raven , who had made her home in an old tree .
Well we managed to get her to agree to help us on one condition  ,
Me and my brother had to look for a hurt bear and heal it , if we done this she would help us retreave the plant that we needed .

As we didnt really now where we were heading it took us a few hours of walking about before we stumbled apon the bear we were after . I could tell it was badly hurt from a trap , rather angry and viscouse to , but still i got a little too close .
Normally i would of stood my ground and defended myself , but i showed great restain and even after it had bitten me i didnt fight back . After a few minuets the bear tired , and stoped for long enough for my brother to tend to its wounds .
We had done what was needed patched the bear up so it would live , so we set off back to Raven to get her help .
On arriving back at the druids tree , what lied infront of a white stag , a rather aggressive one too  .
Well what happened next just wasnt our fault as it attack my brother he naturky out of instincts deffended himself and with a swift more he layed this stag to rest .

How stupid was we .
Very of course , as we entered Ravens house she didnt look please , she had heard the cries of the stag . All that good work we had done , healing the bear , it was all for nothing . I could see she was getting ready to do something , but she didnt why ?
All she asked was us to leave .

We had failed in are  task , a simple task to retreave a flower and we couldnt even manage that . As we set off bound for the dragon isles once more to try and explain what hade hapened to the female druid .
As soon as we got off the boat we could see that she was very happy , it got rather worse when she got a letter from Raven explaining why she didnt help us get the yellow flower .
I really cant unstand how we got out alive . After the druid stood before us and mumbled a curse upon me and boon * All of nature will  be after you both" .
So we live for now  , but for how long .                                



Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2006, 09:12:15 am »
Well just a quick few  notes today im afraid .
I meet up with many adventures today to investigate the strange reportings of these so called squid-men in the haven mines .
As we spoke to the Local lord in Haven castle he offered us each a nice little bounty of 500 gold pieces if , we managed to put a stop to there activities .
Of course i couldnt pass up the opertunity to make a few extra gold coins so i agreed to help with his problem .
Most of the way down went allright And as we reached the bottom of the mines the leader of them stinking ogers told us more about , these strange creatures that have over run the mines .
After a fierce battle with many of these brain washers , many of our party was badly injured .
Me , Dulan and anouther cleric healed as many as we could for our journey back out which went relitivly unscaved .


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2006, 11:23:31 am »
As I was sat on a bench in hlint with my brother , many gather a little anxios and most bored .
As the group got Larger , we all decided to take a walk to leilon and catch a boat to somewhere new .
there were a few new faces in the group which i traveled with this  day ,
"jotes down a few names to remind himself".
Two pritty young ladies , Ash Willow and Rhynn .
Erh!  Hoffu the two headed dragon slayer and Allgo .
And a few others aswell.
As we stood on the dock and ask the ships captain to take us somewhere new we ended up in a place called Hurm .
Not a very large town really with no real shops or anything , but i remember over hearing someone say that was the centre of the slave trade . As we wandered out of the gates and into the unknown we came across a band of pirates ready to try and kill us and plunder our bodies of anything valuable .
Today wasnt going to be there lucky day , it was a hard though battle but we prevailed .

After wandering for a few hour we finally made it a small lake with a house up on the hill , Miss Ash pointed to the house and Ozy lived there . Whos Ozy , cant ever remember meeting anyone who goes by that name .
We sat and talked for a while and finally come to the conclusion that our best option was to head towards the desert .
I remember thinking to myself , " Excellent Nice and warm " .

As we started to walk through the desert we came acrose many different beasts , the ones that will most stick in my mind are the HUGE scorpions , as they moved towards us my brother and allgo ran towards then . For a moment they were lost i couldnt even see them , they were somewhere beneath these huge creatures . As i ran in and help my bro and Alllgo out , it was wonderful to see my brother in action .
We finally made it of the first part of the desert and we found a nice little cove to rest up and prepear , after talking for a few moment we pushed on . After dealing with snakes and many ants we bumped into anouther young adventure , I believe his name was Jareg , the two young ladies in our group obviously new the man , because they invite him to join us .

With a new memeber in our group we moved on , Jareg was sort of leading now as we didnt really now where we were going. I found myself following the group as we entred a cave . It was a nice break from the heat of the sun to be honest , the long dark passage ways seemed to go for ages . Till we finally made it to an opening in to a large room , as we walked in there were the most stinking giants i have ever seen in one room . We manage to handle them Ok though , infact we didnt have any real casualties. After venturing all around these cavern we made our way out and back into the desert and we eventually reach a city called Saudria .

We sat and talked for a while and decided to split the bounty from our travels here , after making a reasonable deposit in the bank we made our way to pranzis where such a long time ago i used to live . A few memories came to me on arrivel in pranzis , many that i just wanted to forget .
Well , i best leave it there for now as i have pressing matter to attend to .....



Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2006, 02:59:36 pm »
Quite a story to tell today .
Well after sailing to port hampshire , I bunped into a few people that i knew and a few that i didnt .
After introducing myself to these a small Halfling came outr of the inn , in a bad state .
He was jabbering on about pies and how he would be introuble if they werent delived for the party in two hours .
As soon as he mentioned Pies Berri was up for helping the halfling straight away , as did most of the other so i decided to help this little chap out .
We asked the little fella to slow down and start from the begining .
After hearing that the two cooks , hadnt turn up with fifty pies which had allready been paid for , we realised that something was up .
So we went to look into it .
On arriving at rather large wizards tower where these two cooks were ment to be living and where they ment to be baking the pie , I decided to knock on the door . But nobody answered the door , as many of the party walked off in search of the  couple of wizards . Me and geddrin stood at the door waiting for an answer.
*chuckles toh imself* .
As geddrin peaked inside the door i started to learn over him and by accident i must of nudge him inside .
Well they wouldnt of left the door open if they didnt want visitors . I decided to wait out side for a few moments till i heard the barmy dwarfe roar . This is when i followed  Geddrin inside .
As I found myself inside the tower , i was too late really Geddrin and his pet muddy had allready taken care of these flying books that had came at him .
As the rest of the group entered a few moment latter more book , table , chairs well basicly anything in the tower . Started to attack us it was a hard though battle , which many wre injured really badly in . After we had healed up we took a look about , after been attack by these possesed thing on a number of occasions we finally came across one of these Cooks .
At first we found he was dead there lying on the floor , but as more of us entred he slowly woke up . He must of fainted or something ....

As the gentleman came too he explained that his golem had gone rampage and that the flying stuff started to occur at the same time as the golum went wild . As a group we decided to challenge this beast to see if it would put a stop to these strange circumstances . We found him lurking down in the kitchen where the gentleman had lock him . Indeed this was a rather scary experiance , i have never seen a large golom made of pies before .
As i called on my own freind to help in these troubled times , but he wasnt having any sucess .
I cant remember really whos idea it was , and i deffently didnt really help , way to busy trying to tend to wounds really . But someone chucked water over it which help a lot , it made it easier to hit him .

*sighs to himself* After a long hard battle , I found myself stairing a Berri lying on the ground , he must of taken a rather big blow from the pie beast .

I slowly kneeled beside him and clenched my hands together mustering all the strengh i had left to try help him . As i touched  his chest he start to rise from the ground , that was a close call indeed .
In all the comotion we had realise that the gentlemans wife was hiding in the corner , she slowly came out once it was safe . And thanks us all for helping .

*pause for a moment to talk to boon* " Bro let me finish , i wont be long ..."

As we were about to leave to go break the bad news to the halfing , about there being no Pies , the young lady asked us to help her . Shwe wanted us to go back to hamp with a large amount of gold that she was later going to give us to by the fifty pies for the party . And in exchange she cook us the best meal we had ever had .
After heading to the bakery in Hampshire we droped the pies of for the party and returned for our dinner , which i must add was amazing .

Well i guess thats the end of my notes today , my Brother is waiting for me so il leave it there for now.


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2006, 04:15:05 am »
On arriving in point harbour with Kesa , we decided to go for a drink in the freelancers tavern .
Kesa didnt stay for to long before she retired to find somewhere to sleep . As i said good bye and returned to my drink i started talk to a few others ,
Pig *note to himself*   Who was serving the drink behind the bar
Quill *note to himself*  Who i found out is a Saphire of her perfection
Starr  *note to himself*  Who I found out is a penelope of her perfection just like me .

As we all got talking to eachother whilst having a drink Quill surgested we went a Tour of rhilar , to see if we could find any gems . Our first stop was the bear island , which went really well and we mange to find some feldspar and garnets there .
After our trip to bear island we slowly walked toward farmer parts land , where we were all ambush by scarcrows which had taken the life of some poor wander soul , Pig ran into them straight away and he got rather terrified of them and hide somewhere .
But me and Quill managed to polish them off quite easly .
Of course we had to go check and see if Farmer part was allright , and when we started talking to him he said that he had heard the comotion but he hide away as not to get involved .

We carried on to the Serth Fens where we found a cave , we decided to go in there on the off chance we would find some more Gems *rubbong his hands together* .
As we explored the tunnels under the swamps we came across rather a large band of orcs , they must of been here for some time with nobody bothering them beacause there was so many of them . They were lurking in groups of ten or fithteen and they were very well equiped with rather well made axes with a narsty coating of acid on them which ripped through our armour with easy .
We fought hard and well as a group , finally culling this band of Orcs .
*pauses for a few moment to think*
Now where was I , ow yes we looked around the caves in search of Gem , but we werent in luck there was none to be found anywhere .
When we arrived back at the castle outside the fens we decided to call it a day , it had been a long trip and i was rather tires as was the others .
It was a good trip in all I meet a few more berylites and nobody died on our adventure .


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2006, 05:39:09 pm »
For some time i havent wrote in my journal not really because ive had nothing to say , but as i just havent had time to do so .
Everywhere i go and everywhere i been , it allways seems to lead me down one path .
So what have i been up to over these last months , striving to become , striving to find .
Taking time to finally tune my hand to cut the finest of gems . Its taken rather a lot of time and effort but now it starting to pay , with a steady hand and a sharpened chisel im Cuting gems . With a lot more practise and time il be able to use them for something worth while , such as a fine ring for my collect , Maybe in time ....

Well i hear my work calling me once again


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 04:01:21 am »
For months now ive been saving hard , trying to save trues to put right something that has been long forgotten ... ever since i left Stone so many years ago on that dark horrific night ive been dreaming of putting things right . Why should we have to pray to Her Perfection in a dark dingy cave , no light for our gems to sparkle in as the lie by "Her" statue ... It's damp and not worthy of Her .

Ive spoke to Emerald Quillwem on a few occasion about this matter annd he feels the same way as i do , it cant be tolerated anymore .. with quillwem help soon we should have enough trues to be able to start work on a grand , fine temple to grace Her Perfection

*smiles slightly as he starts to think*
One with great shanderliers hanging from the cieling , made of the finest diamonds so the light is reflected all around the room .
A temple we can be proud of .
*nods slightly as he puts his quill away in small bag and wanders off*


Re: My thoughts - Voon Loom
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2007, 04:11:46 am »
**Voon sits down on a small log looking at a small cave that lies directly infront of him and lets of a deep sighs , slowly resting his face on his arms still looking directly at the cave entrance . As he slowly moves his head he catches the sight of a tall statue standing beside the entrance , he tries to perk up a little and starts to stand slowly making his way inside.
       Voon moves steadly in to the tunnel walking towards a light at then end , noding and greeting a few as he walks voon finally come to a large chamber . As voon looked around  his face started to brighten up , people kneelling around the room and bustling about there buisness . Voon steadly move towards one lady in particular , the same lady he meet and greet on the same day every week . As Voon moved closer she smile warmly at him and greeted him in her usual fasion , pausing for a moment voon slowly reached for a small delicate bag , embrodered with the finest silk and made with the softest malars .
Reaching inside voon slowly started to take singley rapped items as he started to untie the secure leather staps binding them he slowly unfolding the fine silk cloth to reveal , a well polished singular ring inside . As it sits there in the parm of his hand the little light from inside the cave catches the diamond set into the gold ring itself . Voon steadly holds his hand out for the lady to take a inspect he continues to hand the young lady  a few more items wrapped in exactly the same manner .
With a smile on Voon's face he nods once to the young lady in agreement , she slowly walks away for a few moments and place the fine rings away safly and return with a bright smile on her face .
      Voon begins to turn his back on the young lady and walks over to the otherside of the chamber , infront of him lies a statue of Her Perfection , as he kneels infront of and starts to take three well polished gems out of bag .
The first is deep red in colour as he places it on the left hand side of the statue base he whispers softly a few words in prayer about himself . Then slowly once again reaching it to his bag and on the right hand side of the base he places a bright greenish coloured gem , once again he softly whisper a few words in prayer this time Quillwem .
Finally in the centre of the base Voon place a opaque coloured gem and once again a few words of prayer he whisper for Darkglow .
With his hands knit together he bows his head slightly reciting a few words for no one else but himself to hear , as people move around in the background voon continue to whisper to himself quiet fixed on what hes doing and saying .

As voon starts to walk towards where he had entered he smiled and looking into the sky pausing for a breath moment to take in the air before continuing outside and back onto the road he came from *


