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Author Topic: nakaruru's misadventures  (Read 199 times)


nakaruru's misadventures
« on: July 13, 2008, 11:10:44 pm »
This journal will the chronicle of naka's adventures or misadventures as she travels the roads of layonara.

Given her life as a thief and understanding the nasty consequences of leaving notes left to be found that were never mean to be read, this is mostly going to be going on in her head.

Though, given the nature of what she does and is, Anyone who can read this may feel free to add to it in regards to what she does. Job opportunities, quietly contacting her with information, contact's notes to her etc.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 11:15:09 pm »
Vehl isnt as bad as i thought it would be. At least here if you slip a a guard a few coins he looks the other way.

Been quietly making the rounds as i go, checking the alleys, the fastest routes to get around, eyeing prospective places that might have some juicy tidbits.

Figure i will keep my head down for now and just look around.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 11:20:53 pm »
Hempstead...bah...all the guards are bloody goody two shoes. Just watching them and how they operate...seems teh Rofis have more influence down here than in Vehl. Actually...thats rather funny.

The cities pretty clean too...too clean. Im betting theres some nice dirty alleys taht might warrant looking into.

At least the locals have more coin on em. Easy marks too. Hire a few kids to make a ruckus on a busy street and you can clean out a few pockets and be gone in the crowd before they even notice. And the guards are too busy trying to break things done and gone.

The harbors a pretty decent place though...especially at night. All the color seems to come out of the woodwork.

Had to break some drunk sailors nose cause he wanted to get too cozy with me. Relieved him of a bit of what coin he had left for his troubles too.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 11:24:53 pm »
I decided to start letting the people who need to know that im in town now. Seems my best place to dropa few coins and leave some hints is gonna be at the scamps.

Ive bought enough liquor there now and left nice enough tips that the bartender has made a few off kilter remarks and head nods to point ot certain patrons for me.

Things are starting to look up.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 11:33:07 pm »
ahh..back in vehl.

Heard there are a few jobs worth looking into happening up here. Hopefully they will pan out.

Lots of ships going in and out more than ever now..probably from all the damage done to mariners. Lots of opportunity for a little larceny.

I think its time to see if the local guilds need a couple of extra hands...


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 11:38:16 pm »
Nothing like rolling a few drunks for coins.

They wont remember a thing when they wake up. Serves them right for getting  so drunk and touchy feely.

Nothing like drunk sailors who can barely stand with some fresh coin in their pockets.

Made a few discreet inquiries in the harpy. Seemed it was the place to go after all. The most notable of the taverns by the docks.

They know im here at to wait and see.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2008, 11:46:04 pm »
Alot of adventurers around here.

Most of them are pretty sensitive...get their feelings hurt too easily. Idiots.

Still...i should be a bit nicer i suppose...makes it easier to hire muscle. Found one at least...some nature boy named elgon. Hes nice enough, a bit thick skulled, but hes strong. And he likes to fight..good for me. *laughs to herself...good for him to i suppose.

His girlfiends pretty uppity...i can tell she doesnt trust me, or like me much. Jaelle i think her name was. Ill have to watch myself around her. She looks the type that would prefer i be locked up in the stocks than talking to her boy toy.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2008, 11:55:24 pm »
Cant believe i actually did a job for the local guard. Oh me some insight into the needs of this podunk fort. I guess the local guards arent too well equipped or are just idiots who dont take care of their gear. Had to do some shopping for the guard lieutenant.  The place is patrolled well enough, but I think i can use that to my advantage.

Nice houses though...close to the walls...high enough to get me over the wall when i leave.

Hmm...been watching ones been in or out for days...shilled out a few coins to get a name...rufus coldfinger...sounds ominous. My source looked like he was gonna die on the spot for even saying the name...some magicer or something. Could be some nice stuff in there.

Have to be careful if i do though...magicers tend to leave nasty surprises. Oh well...nothing ventured nothing gained. ;)

Time to do a littel scouting and make some inquiries.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2008, 02:24:56 pm »
Made contact with an odd fellow.

He was covered in as many scars as I seem to have...and he seemed pretty adamant about my not seeking out the local thieves guild.

The way he was sounding...I swear he sounds like a drama queen...all show and no backbone. Reminds me of that witch i used to...well..she was all dramatic and such. Popping in with a flourish, and disappearing into shadows. Next time he does that, maybe i should toss a firebomb into the his darkness..that would be a big surprise for him. Ruin his trick. That would be a laugh.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2008, 04:12:28 pm »
Made a few new contacts and been hired for a few more jobs.

That stupid windbag alwasy seems to be where i am. Accusing me and threatening me. Seems i have my own personal stalker now...

I may have to do something about her. Maybe get her locked up in the local stockade...Framing her to get her out of my hair would not be too hard.

At the very least it would keep her out of my hair for awhile.

Hmm...she wants a pickpocket..i think i might give her one. One shes not ready for.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2008, 09:05:52 pm »

saw my 'friend' today. Standing near a sweet mark...I also spotted another pick near her.

I made sure my fellow thief new which mark was mine and which was his. Mine was so wrapped up in her shopping she didnt even notice...A small bump, quick excuse me and i was off while she was window shopping.

Decided to cut thru a few alleys to get to teh scamp..saw my fellow thief...seems he got nicked by something..He was retching his guts out on all over the pavement. Seems he got more than he bargained for.

Ah well...thought about robbing him...He looked so pathetic i just let him be. Hes gonna need any coin he got today to pay the healers.


Re: nakaruru's misadventures
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2008, 09:10:55 pm »
I think this job working for that monk is gonna pay off well. He just wants me gather a few pelts, and some nuts and stuff. In return hes gonna pay me quite nicely.

Just need to be a bit wary...all the panther pelts he wants...Saw some druid snooping thru the forest near where the area the panthers frequent. No sense picking a fight with one of them...probably get the trees to attack me or trap me in some vines. No sense walking into mess..Ill find some other place ot lay my traps.

I got some one eyed fella named balz to give me hand trapping. He seems  decent enough fella. Hes pretty handy with that sword of his too..Be good to play nice with him. May as well make friends with him. Hes good fora laugh or two.

