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Author Topic: For Duty and Deity  (Read 886 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #60 on: September 03, 2009, 12:34:23 am »
*Attached to the journal in simple yet elegant Caligraphy *

Conducts of Virtue
- Conviction
- Humility
- Sacrifice
- Honorable Combat
- Restraint

The path away from our Leader can begin from a position of good as well as evil. Remember that young Lance  
~Linus Swordshiner

1.- Truth, honor, and loyalty are your highest calling. Never deviate from these principles, even if it should mean your death.

2.- Never question Toran, nor his priesthood. Your loyalty to your God will be put to the test in a time of trial. Remain steadfast and loyal during that time and all shall be achieved.

3.- Aid those that you can, and neither ask nor expect reward. Your valor and honor will bring glory to Toran's name.

4.- Do not suffer evil, hatred, or corruption, for these are the greatest sins of mortals. Battle against these sins and those who commit them, but be mindful that there is no shame in retreat, especially to preserve your life and the lives of other innocents around you.

5.- Your word is your bond. Keep your word, even should it bring you to death's gate. The faithful of Toran must honor their word and trust in their valor and their God to aid them in keeping their promises. There is no honor in a vow that calls for the death or dishonor of innocents, and such promises may be freely broken.

6.- All life is sacred. Rapine, pillaging, and other crimes of war are strictly forbidden to those in Toran's service. Killing should be an act of last resort.

7.- Honor your enemies, regardless of their race, even in defeat. Make no demands of others. A knight of Toran should be proud and self sufficient. There is no shame in accepting offers of help, but a Paladin in Toran's service should NEVER REDUCE HIMSELF TO BEGGARY OR DESPERATE PLEAS.

8.- Unless specifically directed by Toran or his priests, do not enter another god's temple except in times of extreme duress. Even when desperate, you may only enter temples of gods sympathetic to Toran.

9.- Remain virtuous and honorable in all ways. Do not participate in anything that would require you to compromise your Code. These are the laws of the Paladin, and those who would treat them lightly are not worthy of the title.

He is calling, I shall Answer!!!!

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #61 on: October 06, 2009, 11:09:08 am »
Toran be praised .- The knight in search of balance, year one.

*The journal lays open on the desk, the sounds of steps thru the empty house echoes all over the place as the fugure of the knight is seen moving things from one side to another, Shinny the cat observes as he lays lazily over the place*

A year has passed so fast, I can still see feel her presence here, Why do I linger here?  The situation got tense, Sweet and bitter at the same time, I've seen her a few times in this year, she and him.. At least she is healthy. All smiling, happy in a way of speaking that should be enough isn't it?

I've started to clean the house, so many memories, So many joys and pains, I've found a lot of things around and I don't know what to think.

She left here all the things that I tought it would had some importance for her, The dress, the gem with her name, The books i bought her, I wonder if she even still would have that lock of hair I gave to her.

Am I really surprised of this? Is this really unexpected?

When he was lost for us the first time, she left my side for two months, I remember that , I looked for her, and no word for her presence, I saw her near the temple of Folian, I ran for her and tried to hug her, to confort her, and she simply said she was not ready, and shunned my presence.

Then the pasiveness. She stayed home .. She took care of my son, but was she really her? her spirit was lost, no joy, we ventured out a few times, but not as much as I could wished . I would have wished to have her at my side at the time of war. I needed her so much, and yet my heart was in pleace knowing that she'll be safe at home. That I'll keep her safe of the war.

I've just given her frustrations with my continual persue of my duty, and I fail to see that, would she simply stopped loved me? No.. It can't be as that I see her look, but.. still I don't know.

He came back from the death, and a month before... She jumped into his arms. What in toran's name should i think.

And then he came back, and she started to get out, am I really surprised She and him are togehter by now..

I must shun this feelings, I must persue my duties,

The most important here is that she is happy..

Lance Stargazer, Strong in Toran's faith.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2009, 04:33:14 pm »
Toran be praised .- The knight in search of Balance, year two.

*The journal lays over a table over the inn of Audira, the room empty as the night start to fall *

For Toran's sake that this are rough times, My continual persue of duties seemst to have give me a rest since the war, What this means, the calm before the storm?

I've finally recived word for the contractors on Leringard, Our Castle ... No, my castle will be finally built, yet I don't see the idea of it now, I bought that place for us, To allow her to live her faith freely as well as do mine. Argos is doing fine, She seems to have stuck with Milady Zira , this has been keeping me wondering on him and myself, I just pray things work well for him. I am not intervening anymore in his life. he has to face his own tests .. And he is one of my own.

Ell keeps coming to me, She is asking me about things she has never done, the stance the proper use of the armor, I don't get it, I've seen something in her , she has given up on me.

She no longer even bothers with the blessings, I should be happy upon it I guess, yet Its not the blessing what matters here, well It matters to my Lord at to me of course, She just gave up. She said she used to do that, because she loved me and was her natural way to show that love. I must pray for diligence, And understanding, This is the way Toran wants the things to happen, so I have to follow, he'll provide  

That look on her eyes, Is lost . I guess that is what pains me .. I tought....

On other issues, I have spoken to Master Michaelis and Milady Daniella, I am worried about his health, As Milady Daniella is, I can see my own words mirrored on Master Michaelis, "You are the future of the church" I can't help but to smile at this means that the vision instiled on me still is true. I've asked Master Michaelis to send a priest towards "The hand" To serve there as healer in the efforts agains the giants. I've told them about the results of the war and the cultists. Master Michaelis knew part ot the story at least, and she knows the importance of the events there.

On other things, I was invited to a reception by The Kyomoto Family when my meeting with them ended , It was a lovely reception, they asked me to be the personal guard for her bautiful daughter, Milady Yuki, of course due the urgency of the call and the importance of that family, there is no way I could refuse that invitation.

The night was lovely, and the lady was nice enough to keep me entretained with her intresting conversation, she is a smart lady, Very well versed in diverse aspects of the life of Huangjin, Measuring her, I know she knows more than she shows, she knows over politics, and its not easy to decieve as one of her status would be expected. I don't know about all this, she was respcetful to me and keep the ettiquete and the respect, but there was something on her eyes that might confuse my toughts. Her family insisted in me to spend the night with them.

I refused, of course I explained to them that even if I was honored to be in such high regard by said family, I've things to do back in my duties. They haven't missed a chance to invite me to do them a visit each time I reach to Huangjin, I've tought by now that they want to marry their daughter, I can see the social movement tough. yet ...

I wonder is this what he wants for me?  May I find a new wife ?

Lance Stargazer , Knight and servant or the will of Toran.. Still in search of HIS balance.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #63 on: November 22, 2009, 03:47:07 pm »
Toran Be praised - The knight in search of Balance , year Three.

I am Toran's migthy hand and as that I should stand Disciplined and strong , even when things does not seems to have sense,

I am finding it again , the long lost balance and understanding is slowly coming back. I've started to move the rest of the things back into the Stargazer's Castle, my castle, The place is still a bit empty, With only Keira around to keep the place om one piece, but soo that will change.

I've opened the door of my home as house of the order, Richard Watchman is my first inquiline, I am waiting for Aarcus to show as well, I am a bit disapointed on Aarcus aproach, I don't see as if he were real proud of the teachings I've passed to him, I guess I might have given too much importance to the task of my master,  maybe I am expecting too much of him, he seems to be dedicated but sometimes he seems to lost the objective of the task. I need to keep working on his discipline. At least I hope that the new sword is helping him to dominate the style, he seems to be doing it quite well.

I've seen Milady Jillian of late, she has been working for the fellowship it seems taking the craft of tinkering. She has given me more molds that what i know what to do with them. But better to have them than not, She is disciplined and loyal, I've heard form her voice that milady Daniella's house was attacked, So she asked me autorization for staying here in the meantime the place is cleared.  how could I deny that, Of course I am not putting her with Richard in the common room. The guest room was prepared for her, That would be the same Miss Daniella would have done for one of my protegees.

I am feelins strange lately, Something inside of my head had started to pull me forward. a kind of premonition, an omen, I don't know how to call it, But it is still there, Pulling strong. I feel as if one test is finally coming.

*he looks at a bag that he's holding on his hands * We've set our diferences apart, he said he'll be put himself out of the hook, Something about trust, how can someone test trust as that , We spoke and As I said since the start I have nothing against him, my soul is clear on this regard and he's my friend.. is he? maybe not a closer one, but we've battled long enough together. Its time for giving peace to this.

*he put the bag over a small table and start to fill it with gems and other tools* Its painful to see, that she still loves me, I don't know how to manage this, I see in her eyes the love, yet the pain, She is getting away from me for a reason, I would no wonder what would that be, But now i understand that most of the things she said at start were said in anger or she changed her opinion.  I don't know what to do on this regard. Other than pray. Its just that when I look into her eyes, I feel lost. My muse .. no... its no longer my muse, It should not be ... yet, why are you still trying Lance ? What will await you at the end of the road? Peace?  Balance? ... Silence is the answer to this now. I must fill the silence with HIS voice.

The only thing that is certain as the light of the day ... Is that I still love her as the first time I met her.

I've finally got over with the Kyomotto family issue, I told them that i am not what they were looking for, I am not a man to be used to gain social position,  am just a knight trying to do what its needed for.

I humble myself into the idea of being special, I am choosen to be HIS knight, but i should not show pride...

*he closes his eyes and slips into a deep dream .. leaving the journal entry unfinished , getting a restful night *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #64 on: December 21, 2009, 06:51:44 pm »
Toran be praised - The Call that came at least.

*The knight clad in blue and gold is sit amoung the troops taking a breath of a patrol, the sun hiding in the horizon send its last rays to the wall, filling the enviroment with peace, one of the most things the people in Hilm  valorates more than gold.

Leaning over near the fire, the iron rations are shares and a bit out of place as the camp is filled with Ale, the man dressed in a well tailored but simple silk tunic drinks some grape juice , his gestures serene as he enjopys of the moment sharing with the troops. *

From Lance Stargazer's Quill and Pen :

I've called to assist the Hilm protectorate by Master Alexander himself, It feels strange to be back here, after this five years in official mission, Not the best memories, the war agains the giants left me marked and the scar is not likely to heal soon, I did what i had to do, I won't regret and in my lord I shall embrace to keep the pain inside me, There are still a lot to do in this realms.

It seems that my services had made Master Alexander and his men of trust to look for me as a trusty ally, I could not be more honored with this call, It was nice to see the people I trust here as well, This of course is a lesson, Another one my good lord has sent me, One can find where your allies are even when you don't know, he won't never leave me alone, on Him i can fully trust, He and duty, is that all i got now.

She came to the summon as well, My promises made to her are still up, This is part of what is burning inside of my soul, and that should not be go out, Ir should be quenched and contained, I could not do other than feeling well to see her.

Amoung the numbers I come, Xaltotun, that man is strange, but he has proven trustworty, I don't know why he is so kind towards me, yet he has offered his sincere friendship and has trusted my judgement. I could not do other thing than honor his help and friendship.

My Guild Brother Caerwyn, always taciturn and figthing his own demons, But with everything aside, a man in whom i fully trust, even with our diferences, he has changed from when i met him, and his joy has been killed, I cannot help to wonder if that would be my fate without Toran, he reminds me of my own life, What would have become of me if  I become Lance Dragonbane? Another reason to be thankful to Toran.

Marcus Kendall, came as well, And here is where irony comes, Marcus, my friend, the portayer of redemtion, Redemtion  that has made me suffer alongside all this year and how is that he shares the name of the one I need to help, to redeem per se. It is this just another Omen?

Tenton , Another ally of worthy note, A priest of Vorax, honorable and trustworthy, we have ventured a few times, but the bond is innegable. We both fight for Justice and honor. Always good to have someone as that.

Haartwarden Argali True axe, Confident and ally, The trust in Dwarven lass embodied, the blood we have shed together along all this years has made a good blend, I could not count the times she has saved my life, nor the times her help has been worty for the success of my missions. But alongside Truth and sincere friendship

And Ell. . What can i say of her, Once we done she held my hand and gave me her support, I feel bad for her being there. Since now my words had fallen as an iron press on me, I told her once that with her i would go to the pits and back, and now it seems that our destiny is there.

I am worried for Master Alexander, Hilm is strong, but it needs the strong leadership he has mantainded since the war with blood, And his state is not helping him, To see him as that and how we saw Master Michaelis, The old guard is standing but ... What would happen when the times comes for us to stand. Milady Daniella seems to have been chosen, she always has been chosen, I have been by now an advisor, her issues with the shinning hand order and the problems with the Corathites. Well. She does deserve to that burden to be taken from her, I pray for her everyday.

By now I have my own problems here, I need to keep myself true and focused, there is a hard deed at hand..

Oh how i wish Master Quantum were here now, The words of Master Alexander does not seem to be hopeful, facing an old enemy of the faith, This is nothing like Admun Raa, this is a real dread lich, one that had to be confined and coldn't be destroyed. Oh Toran .. Send your light to my heart

**The night finally falls covering in darkness the lands, but not the hearts of this men, used to face demons and the worse nightmares that the mankind have phantomed ever *

Lance Stargazer

Toran be praised .- The
« Reply #65 on: June 15, 2015, 01:14:17 pm »

Toran be praised .- The portrait

*The knight stands in his bedroom, in front the only portait that decorates his room, ornated in a golden frame, in a careful done canvas with exquisite detail is it there, the young elf lady attaired in the elegant light grey dress, smiling, almost as if smiling at him, he has been there standing the gaze of the portait for hours now, it was a long day, one filled with hard tasks that the knight is not used to do, to be an acual father, the echoes of the laughs he had in the last few hours was still roaming in his head, making his mind to travel back to the moment where he had to charge to poofy the dragon in his wooden personification of a small wood carven knight for the amusement of the little girl. That nigth as he stands there observing the portrait as many times in the past, secluded in the sancticity of his room, the night had something strange on it, something magical, somethic eeric, something just out of the ordinary, the cold air of the Northern mistonean city of Leringard, did not help the mood of the enviroment.

For a moment the knight percieved a movement over the corner of his eye, as he turns around a small white cat had made some boxes to fall, not a big problem, just some more work for the next day, he returned his sight at the portait again, the lady painted there seemed to smile a bit more, it was surely his imagination , he keeps pondering in meditation the knight mind was filled in thoughts old and new, good and bad, watching the portrait usually help him on dificult days, he liked to speak to her, her beloived painted there as in the years past,  as if speaking with it and tell it his problems would give some peace, some tranquility , the noise was heard again this time to his back, with a small smile the man turned around expecting to see the white cat again, he was surprised  just to see nothing, his only reflection on the mirror on the other side of the room. he took his time to searching for the little cat in hopes to catch where the little menace had hidden, yet the cat was sleeping comfty over his bed without any trace of recent activity, he just sighed and moved towards the bed, taking the cat in his arms moving towards the entrace of the room and let it out of it, as he opened the door the dark corners of the Stargazer's castle greet him with a solemn silent hymn, is then when he heard the laughter, after dropping the cat on the floor he turns quickly looking for the origin of the laugher, but only the portait greeted with the very vivid smile, her eyes on him as always and never again at the same time.


As he return his gaze to close the door, he saw the old lady walking slowly towards him, something diferent on her as she aproaches in a slow but steady pace, Lance smiled a bit as seeing Keira moving that way, but before he could leave the room, she gestures him to stop as she was walking towards him, Lance waited as the figure of Keira comes near him, with a smile* -Master Lance, * the woman would bow at her * - Keira, what are you doing over here?, you should be resting,- *Lance said to her with some concern but with a bright smile as he looks down at her * - Don't worry any more for it Master Lance, The sickness is past, I'll be fine now *she said with a radiant smile, looking up at him* Its finally time for me to rest, I'll miss you *the woman would reach for her cheek as the confused knight gazed upon her, as the realization finally reaches his mind he looks at her shaking his head* No, that can be true Keira, how can you say that when I am looking at you right here, right now, *she smiles at her with that caring look putting her hand on his cheek* Don't worry Master Lance its only the natural way of things. you will not miss me too much, and you'll see me soon enough at this rate master. *The words of the woman pierced thru the mind and heart of the knight as he observed how she started to walk away of him, the light of a lightning stroking in the sky filled the room making the knight to turn again towards his bed , as he returned his sight towards the hall the woman had gone, he gathered his wits and closing the door behind him returning his sight to the empty room, the solitude whispered in a soft and gentle breath a tune of sadness on his ear, as he walked back towards the center of the room, posing his sight on the portait, he smiled a bit towards the smiling image in the canvas, and almost appeared as if the painting smiled him back, he closed his eyes and shakes his head when the voice made him turn back in a quick reaction towards the door,

-Who's her , Lance? -

The small girl asked with an air of inocence looking from Lance to the portrait, The young Myla had entered his room, probably being awoke by the words of the convalecient and delusional Keira and him, the girl walked and stood beside him carring her arms as if hugging herself looking towards the portait in awe , Lance looked down at her , how could he explain it ? to a little girl.

- She's a friend of mine, Myla, a very good friend of mine , She is milady Iellwen,

Said in a calm voice towards the girl, The girl made a big O with her mouth as the couple turned his sight to the inquisitive gaze of the portait , Lance kneel beside her and smiled at the little girl* - What is it Myla? can't sleep ? - *The girl shakes her head no * - Lance what are we going to do without her? - She asked with a hint of sadness on her voice - *The knigth looked at her, with an encouraging smile,* Don't worry about her, Myla, Keira will be fine, If our lord decides to take her of our side to be on his glory with him, its not a lose, She deserves rest, If not he'll return her to our side , and we'll be enjoying her food soon enough, all we can do now my little one is to pray , In praying we have to find solace dear one, I know that the options does not seems as good as we would like to hear, but you have to have faith, alright? *The girl smiled a bit sadly* She said you would say that, she said I have to take care of you when she's gone, I don't want her to be gone, Lance

* Lance put both of his hand on her little shoulders* Neither I Myla, neither I, but its not in our hands now, *the girl look up at the knight and nods firmly * You won't let her go, right? you'll do your best ? *she asked finally* [COLOR=#0000ffyes , my dear , I'll do my best [/COLOR]*he said firmly , the girl nodded at him and steped back a bit glancing at the picture again, Bye Miss Friend of Lance, -the girl waved to the picture and then look at Lance *

I am going with Jillian, *and then the girl stomped out of the room ,the knight stood and sighs a bit, asking to no one in particular * Why is so hard of late ? *he looked at the picture as if expecting an answer, Only silence came from the painted lips of the canvas with her intense sight still posed on him*

- Its not hard always ? you should carry that as a burden no, ? - *Lance turned around to his back listening to the new voice, as the young boy attaired in a blue turncoat over an initiate tunic was smirking towards him, The young Argos was standing there as it was more than 20 years ago, * What is it father? surprised? - Lance unable to speak at that moment just looked at the boy standing on the corner of the room with a smirk * Argos.. you... - Can't be here? What are you going to do Lance? What is wrong with your mind, Don't you learn? Are you going to spoil her as you did with me?

*The now teen Argos attaired in the classic Stargazer blue and gold armor started to walk towards him* You did a great job dad, and for my cause your life got destroyed, what do you want to do now? Why with her? Will you love her more than me? Will you scheme to let her alone as well ? Tell me?

- You don't know what you are speaking here, you are not even here * Lance said frowning a bit to the now grown man attaired on a dark plates and long hair, The man smirked at him* You don't have any more burdens to lay on her, right father? you put all those on me, I carry it on my very name, *smirks*, or she will be your Mylanna Dragonbane, you can't deny it have some ring on it. Looking at the brigther side, you dont have a mother for her to lose *With a final smirk he said* - Or maybe you have ? -*Lance frowned at the man that only remotely would look as his son and instintively reached to where his sword would have been, unfortunately the sword was not there that night* -Maybe there is hope for her if you keep yourself away from her as you did with me.  

*Another lighthning stroke over the room and the figure of the young man disappeared from sight, without noticing before Lance found himself in the room alone again as a singular laughter was starting to spin all around the place, the voices of the thousand people start to laugh in his head. and the world start to spin around.... *he opened his eyes and found himself standing still on the middle of his room, his eyes widen as he get used to the scarce ligth produced by the candelabra, the constant sound of the rain over the roof was the most prominent sound of the night, just the far bark of a dog break the sounds of the calm rainy night , the knight took a deep breath as he looked over the door of his room and his bed, the small cat still sleeping over it, when he turned his sight towards where the portrait wall..

He was surprised by the sight, upon turning he found the very face of the woman he loved, the very hazel eyes watching him scarce inches away from his face, The image of the portrait had escaped the canvas, the dress only joining the canvas on the lower part, as her body extended out of it towards him to almost touch him. Her other time smiling lips showed a cold smirk, and watching him with her penetrating gaze, Lance became silent for the moment, unable to move or even speak.  The elven lady, extended her arm and touch the knight's cheek, with her gloved hand, givinga soft caress.

 - What is it Lance sir? Aren't you happy to see me? -

The lady asked in the same voice he ever heard, The same voice he will ever remember, his eyes possed into hers as the touch in his cheek lingered - Ell - *he said slowly*

- Yes Lance sir, Its me, * the lady removed her hand of his cheek * It has been too many nigths and the day I speak to you , you are not going to say anything? Eight years now Lance Sir, Its unbelivable how fast time pass. *The lady smile turn into a soft laught that made the knight, smile with a mixure of feelings * Why I am still here Lance sir? - ,* she asked with genuine curiosity  

* The knight with calm voice answered* - You know the answer to that, you know why you are there , and why you have been there all this years. -

- Oh Lance Sir, don't be naive, please, you have your Toran to stand for you, Don't do this to yourself anymore, What are you going to do when your Keira is gone? you know she'll leave you soon, What would be of that girl? -

- You have a lot to live now Lance Sir, to still Living in a past that is no longer on your hands. It did not worked as we expected and you know it, Look at your household , just look at it. -

*The elven maiden aproached to the still shocked knight and whispered to his ear * - After all .. you are only other of the things I have to let go....

*The Knight opened his eyes as he sat on his bed, all covered in sweat , in the middle of the night, the figure of a very sick Keira, with Myla at her side were there looking at him with worried looks, instinctively the man turned to the far wall looking at the canvas, as the lady there returned the same look with her mysterious smile, alwyas there for him.- The pale light of the moons left the trio in the room speaking in the middle of the confusion *


Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #66 on: July 12, 2010, 10:45:01 pm »
Toran be praised : The aftermath  

*The knight is seen kneeling in front of the fountain, the lights of the moons reflecting over the shrine giving the enviroment an Eeric feeling, the calm expression of the knight as he opens his eyes, and takes a deep breath , the old recovered Journal at his feet, it was a gift that was never claimed, maybe the message on it, maybe just a token of gratitude, no matter he had the journal and that is what mattered, he smiles as he passes the pages full of joys and sadness finally setting on the last page written *

From Lance's Stargazer's quill and Pen :

Dear Journal, how many time has passed since you and I were here, together, Reading you i almost don't recognoze myself, I am not but a shadow of what I used to be, and yet I feel as the path opening to me and all the posibilities that this deeds has made, the burden is still on my soul, and the joys become scarcer and scarcer,

I've given a rank into the Hilm Protectorate, I am the captain of the Company of the Star of Hilm , under direct supervision of Master Alexander Fortain, I must say this brave men made me proud to be part of this army, each one of them has the determination that forms the elite warriors of the world. And the task requiered just that, I must say that I had the best help I could have gotten, and just what I needed, all my friends that helped me and joinied their strenght into fullfilling the deed , Almost 20 years with those Riddles and finally are solved, I must thank to all of them, without them this could have not been done.

It has a big prices tought the end of this mission, as We lost Trenton on the way, his bravery will be missed, and his friendship as well, At this rate I'll see you soon in the holy grounds my friend and toghether we'll fight alingside again as the old times, Save me a grape juice on the holy combat grounds. yet I plan to stay here some more decades.  

Other of the burdens I carry , is the knowledge that Mechidil will be free again, yet the soul of a repent man could not be allowed to pay for the sins of another, Marcus Steadfast has returned to his light , Toran be praised, how you guide your knight all this years to this soul, for years you gave me the hints and you got me on the right track. And with your strenght we were successful .

Its almost ironic tought that it was Love who saved Marcus in the end, Just maybe another test. I don't know, now I question your wisdom, I understand why you choosed Daniella for that grave task, You needed conviction and to teach her to be nearer to you, I feel that she and I are closer than ever, Maybe even we'll stop arguing from time to time, yet i would not give that much hopes.

Jillian Stuart, She has finally became a Full Beacon into the Shinning hand order, I am proud of her military achivements, She has made Miss Daniella even proud of that even if she's no longer under her mentorship, I've set my mind straight on her, *a long blot of ink here*  I see her looks and i can't but feel bad over it, I am not good for her, she's a wonderful woman that deserves to be happy, and after years of thinking I've decided to not harm her since i could never be what she needs me to be.  If she had arrived maybe 30 years before. But Toran has set this for a reason, maybe a test for her. She's still quite near of me since Mylanna loves her, she has been there on the times i've not being able to be. Guess I could never reward her enough for that.

*Another blot of ink here*  Ell  was there with me all this years of tests, and I simply don't understand it, She .. is dying,. And part of me if dying with her, As other part died the day she left me, She has been around all this years and She confuses me, badly, What a knight can do with this ? I know i still love her, and yet she has implied that she loves me, Its just ankward, She's a taken woman, I must remember that. I must remember that and keep that on my mind, Guard your heart Lance. No matter how much you love her.. *the sentense is left open after some spaces its written *

I don't want her to die.

On the brighter side of my Life .. well there is Myla that is growing more and with each day she becomes more beautiful and big, and in a way more a headache for her age, she's becoming quite Artistic oriented tough. And she has a wonderful voice that has a great potential if it is well trained. I love her and she fills my days with joy and light.  

*the knight closes the journal and stands looking at the fountain , as he salutes to the soldiers on vigilance of the fountain , and walks towards the castle, holding the beloved diary on his hands *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #67 on: February 12, 2011, 10:50:24 pm »
Toran be praised : Stardust and renewal.

From Lance's Stargazer's quill and pen .-

*The cold night find the knight standing on the middle of the study, his finger tapping the desk almost armoniously in a rhytm that marks an old Kartherian song , the candle shedding ligth over the room as the man looks at the book on his desk *

And so the cycle closes and start again, How strange are the things and how is that Toran set the tests on our path, I've not been able to foresee the turn of the events as they have transpired, and have decided to not even question things.

How that start?  The night on Krashin was cold and the stars bright when it happened , the largest stardust comet i've seen on my life appeared and crossed the sky, The feeling of it was too stong to resist, the gale of wind over our heads. There are things that happened that I still don't understand. . . Magic. . just incomprensible as that.  Wonders or woes ?  depending on the point of view.

It was for first time that this "lady" Sophia was approaching to me, speaking with candied voice for first time ever, yet the poison of her tongue was still seen over her intent.  

I don't remember much about how that happened, I am not even able to describe what happened. what i felt, I felt sorrow,.  and anger. . I felt love and weakness, and at the same time I felt strong and daring, As if i was the luckiest man of the world. Ell was there with the group, and anger was in my heart as I saw her there, when this elven lady was doing what i've done all my life, protecting her and procuring her,   At the same time Haartwarden was taking care of me, all the trip, and .. That.. . elf. . .  speaking of. ..  Designing .... pink .... full  .... plates *written as if still fighting the urge of it *

I don't know what got me that night,  but i spoke to her, I told her i wanted in my life even if I had to share her, I cursed myself for doing that,  I came to my senses some days after that, It was that..  feeling of weakness that i spoke before, And still  .. It brought something good.  

Miracles happen, no matter how odd they happen, those are the things we have not to question. .  

She has returend to me.  My Ell has returned to me. We spoke , and now i am able to watch over her, as I should have always been,  That trip to the peaks and the shadow of death creeping over her, worried me a lot, and yet it was not my call, so many times i was tempted and so many times i had to resist. Now It turned that her and Trouble were no longer together, And .. she came back to me.   I am still a bit confusing on things. .

Things are hard to understand. .

I only can say . . . .

Miracles happen..    

Lance Stargazer, knight in service of Toran.

// Thank you Nimrod for such excelent quest.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #68 on: May 10, 2011, 04:20:43 am »
Toran be praised :  "The dream of the knight"

**The day was clear on the castle as the rays of the sun started to caress the walls of the Hilm castle, The marble white and bright and the birds flying around, making a wonderful day to stand .

There he was the knight in blue and gold, smiling after his matutine round, running always in the morning to keep oneself in the top form, and here he was standing in front of that place , that had brought both joy and shame to him, The path was not easy to reach there,  and here it was Redeemer's rise in all is simple majesty, A small fountain to the naked eye, but full of blessings by the great leader, this has been one of his favorite spots, the place was filled with peace, During mornings it was enjoyable, the popularity of the fountain had just raised and more and more people came to see it,  It was good for the faith , Alongside his participation in Daniella's test, he could feel the faith on the world strengthening*

- Busy there , brother  ? , Am not interrupting ? - The female voice rang at his back , turning slowly he saw there standing no other than Daniella Stormhaven, which came to greet him with a small smile, Lance smiling at her back , nodded as he approached to her.

- We haven't lost the custom of the old days it seems milady,- he answered the greeting in a friendly way .

- The arguments will come brother, but no, The morning exercises is what got us in form , aren't they - She answered

- Indeed and allow us to catch up, isn't it?  . he answered to the retort. She smiled at him back as he answered that-, then he keep speaking.- We have to enjoy the time of peace we have right now. We'll get to our disagreements later.

- Daniella Looked at him, with a concerned look , then says - Perhaps , perhaps not, you know. after all this time, and with all what we have passed thru, We have always been on diferent sides of the balance, even with us being on the same boat so to speak, Don't you find this funny?

*Lance looked at her , nodding slowly* Indeed.  But that is how we are milady , there is no use in dwell on that, the important about all this is that at the end of the day we are in good terms , isn't it? you know i consider you a friend and ally, even if we disagree, that is what we are . isn't it?

*Daniella returned the look to him, and nodded slowly*  Who knows brother?, perhaps all this fights over the last years , perhaps is for a greater good, Perhaps the day will come when we all leave thsi diferences already to work as a perfect team, thinking as the other, *she says with a smile*  I know that sounds as something unreal . i know*

**Lance smiles at that perplexed, perhaps a bit amused *  I hardly doubt that Milady , But it would be good indeed.  I've stood for you more times than you think, but thinking like you . well please don't be offended but world has to be on the verge of destruction for it to happen

**Daniella shakes his head at that*  Perhaps you are right, but yes it would be good. *then smiling with a knowing smile* Or perhaps...

*The sentence was broken by loud sound, suddenly the knight opened his eyes as the sound of the crashing rocks hit another tower of the castle, looking around he sees his Ell on reaverie there at their room at the castle, attaired in a silk gown, for a moment looking at her the knight could forget the dream, and the reality he was living, the moment didn't last long, as he stood and walked over the window, looking at the horizon he could see the pillars of smoke, the enemy was coming closer to the castle, and for a moment he felt desperate, he in fact felt desperate more often that he would like to admit, or show.  A dream, all was a dream, it was funny how life had turned and that conversation was his own concience speaking to him.

The war was wearing him, and yet, he had to keep up, lots of lives were resting on his shoulders now, It was the time Toran had prepared him for a life time , it was not the time to be weak, he slowly reached for a small blue rock on his desk, the magical device was there to help the comunications, he felt the warm of the stone on his bare hand, his eyes returned to the window, slowly he observed the preparations of the wall , the shifts on the drills, and a bit more far, the light that shined at nigth, the beacon of hope that "Redeemer's Rise" was given to the fort, looking again at his hand he observed the stone with intrest, and hessitation, he pressed the stone against his hand and slowly uttered a small command word on it.  but he stopped in the middle, the stone ready to send the message.

The lone star shinning on the night sky eternal and Shiny, the Toran's light that so many times had guided him was there for him again... at that moment. . it was time to pray . ....

At the same time, some miles in the south, a very similar stone glow in Fort of Last hope . . .

// Daniella's remarks on this entry are just made on Lance's concience, its not expected or intended to force emote upon her or anyone else. It was just the way Lance's concience put some odd factors on his life.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #69 on: May 12, 2011, 03:35:19 am »
Toran be praised .- "Dragonbane"

How is that the subject had returned to his life, the knight was unable to know, or even understand, the war had changed him, it would never be the same, it was late for thinking on this things though, the battle was already engaged and the armies on his next door, the lives of his men were at stake and yet he was unable to remove those thoughts during all this months.

He looked to his bed on his war tent, the place was prepared with the maps of the battle field, and the diferent areas in the diferent flanks, as well as lots of letters yet to send.

The journal open with the word "Dragonbane" in red letters written by himself several minutes ago, his last name, how things would have changed if he had taken it as it was adviced.  Was his pride stronger than his needs , or perhaps something else,  was he affraid of turning in what he was suppoesed to be, a tool of revenge, a weapon to pierce the heart of his own blood.  His father final objective .. was his last name the tool for it?

It would have been diferent,  Lance , his own name was a weapon to pierce the heart of his own blood and flesh, that was what his fahter wanted for him  to grew a soldier loyal to Morhold to strike Roldem into the very heart, a Roldemian destroying Roldhem , such irony , such poetic justice on his father's head .

Now.  with Murhold as part of the axis on the enemies, and the dragon as symbol of his enemies,  Dragonbane would be such morale boosting but what he had to pay for it, Would he be the same man ever again. Lance Dragonbane, The very sound of the name made him shiver for a moment.

He looked over his shoulder as he hears someone comming, with a fast and natural movement he closed the book and look over the incomming prescence .

Walking tired Iellwen presented herself into the tent, with a tired and loving look she approached to the knight slipping something into his belt, as he lean down to lay a single kiss on her cheek .

- My lady - the knigth spoke softly to her removing with a fast movement his hand off the journal to lay it to rest on her waist  .

- My heart desire - she answered as she finished to put the things on his belt - Some rations for you . The man smiled at her and and for once his problems disappeared , the woman looked at him with an eyebrow arched * Are you alright ?  you seem tense .

*Lance looked at her down, he was about to speak to her, but how that could be fair, he had tried to speak of this with her, but now it was too late for it, for once he felt a sting on his heart as he smiled at her and moved to kiss her again *  I'll be alright my princess. *half hugging her he started to guide her towards the table *  I am glad you came,  i am hungry, and we have to get ready for the next campaign.

**Ell gave him that knowing look, she know him too well, and even if Lance did not lie to her, something was on his mind and heart, but was perhaps not the moment,  still her stern gaze went to him to met his gaze  * Lance.  What is it? - She asked on the most polite voice she could gather  -

**Lance looked down at her for a moment * I will tell you once i know what to tell you Ell, for now I like to enjoy a meal with you, I've missed you

*The woman still not convinced gave her a stubborn look at him , but she had seen her cut of stress on the battle field , and right now the idea of a meal and company seemed way more pleasurable  - Perhaps - *she said finally with a smile *

**Lance and Ell sat on the table, enjoying each other company was one of the small good things they had during the war, they were learning of their past mistakes, slowly working thru their diferences and this time staying together, speaking yet somehow, the knight knew this subject won't come out again, and somehoiw he knew he'll have time to deal with it , with a loving look he observed to his companion, that elf that was serious, and with scholarly personality that somehow was able to gain his heart , he felt happy *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #70 on: May 13, 2011, 08:40:21 am »
Toran be praised :  The long awaited redemption

**Fort Miritrix had been the scenario for the meting, the fated meting to happen finally, Lance and Ell had just found again the way into their relationship, and this was a major event for the Stargazer's family reunion,  finally their lost son will come to speak with them, and not just that, he was bringing company, Ell had found him wandering on the streets of Miritrix and they had exchanged several greetings and agreed for the boy to met with them to introduce them to his girlfriend  *

**Lance was nervous as they sat on the table awaiting, Ell slipped her hand under the table to his knee to stop it from being moving, with a smile he answered to her and let his knee to stop, slipping his hand under the table to reach for her hand , the food was going to be not that bad as well , a big venison leg for the four of them, time was ticking and then the couple appeared on the door to the stairs up,  slowly they approached and Argos being him pulled the chair for his lady, under the approval of Lance's look towards his son manners,  the girl was wearing a long dress, confortable for the weather in white with blue motives, Lance smiles a bit at the detail, his son at least worried for trying to make a good impresion, same thing Argos mother noticed as well, Rory turned out to be an agreable lady, with modest manners and gentle beheavior*

*The morning transpired speaking as the good old times, so much time to catch up, and speaking of things that should have been spoken years ago , near ten years had passed since they had sit together, near ten years happened since they expeled him of their lives, Things change, for good at times , Once the breakfast was done, Rory excused herself , leaving the Stargazer family to speak, they traveled over the coast of the Lake in Miritrix . At the end of the evening the three of them were melt in a hug , leaving their diferences to be gone in the river.  *

*Slowly the Stargazer's family start to get together again *

// Events happened way before the war.

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #71 on: May 20, 2011, 06:11:37 pm »
Toran be praised .- The time draws near another page, another war.

**The last month was stressful for the knight, the war and everything that it carries, but for once at last , the end of this one he had his family, Myla was there as well. and as the preparations for the evacuation of the civils had started he could finally take a moment on his office to think, his fingertips over the paper , he then took the quill to keep writting  *

To my Dear princess :

Its that time again were the world comes too closer to an end, I know , I know, i've been perhaps saying this for too many times, and that perhaps This won't be the last war we'll see.  Still I am here writting the letter again. I feel that is the right thing to do, and nothing that is written here is not said to you in person.

I once heard a term called , the song of the warrior, its a long story, but preety common, and i must say that it applies here, I am drawn to this conflicts, no matter how much i try, someone has to step up and well .. do what i do  I know this at times is hard for you, You my dear wife, an observer of how the world changes , how is that we fall in love with each other, I don't really care, the important is that it happened. And that in that you are the most wonderful event that has happened to me. Thank you for being my wife.

I want you to understand that my position here is going to be a high risk one, I know you know it, but I want to ask you to take care of our family if by the sunset of the battle you walk out and i don't, War is a terrible thing, And Myla would need someone to be there for her, I promise to do the same , so stop looking at this letter with that stare please. I know what you are thinking,  That I am writting this words again, perhaps, that I've written this in the past, true too,  But i'd rather writte them over again and hope for you to tease me tomorrow about it. Cause it would mean that we are there and that we lived over another war. I'd love to hear your teasing on this one.  And yet if its not the case, I've told you before the demise.

Finally not much i can say other than . I love you, I will and always love you.

Yours ever, in his holy light .

Lance Stargazer.

**the moment draws near as he folded the letter and placed the wax oil over it with his signet ring, he stood and move to place the letter delicately over Ell's dresser on their room, he then smiled and hearing the voices outside he closed his eyes on a small prayer as he goes out to greet his wife,

Always fair on his eyes, he gave her an appreciative look, taking her hand , the couple was left alone to enjoy the dinner and the nigth together *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #72 on: July 10, 2011, 06:50:25 pm »
Toran be praised  . - Grandfather

**Lance still looks perplexed at the note held by Ell, sent by the very hand of his son, detailing with words the birth of his grandsons. he was taken of all words he smiles at her then knowing that is a great news for her too,  she is a woman after all, despite her serious nature, the motherly side of her always have came to play in the past, a demon that they both had fought, the fact that they would never have a son by their flesh and blood, a demon they have beaten, but still linger on the deep of their souls.

The knight was happy though, Even with the war still on their door, he looked at his bride with new eyes, she was shinning of happiness on the news, Two little Stargazers to be held and care for when they have some time to do it. Definitely good news amoung the chaos.

Hilm stood proudly after the battles , The enemy withdrawing back to Kuhl, There will be then the retaliation. The war will be taken back to their territory. Lance smiled at Iellwen as she returned to the room, holding her hand the couple walked towards the "Redeemer's Rise" to spend the evening there *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #73 on: April 03, 2012, 10:23:35 am »
Toran be praised .- About politic and worse things

**Lance sits on his studio looking to the small silver chain on his hand, the memento he had from his mother long ago, the letter not finished yet, or better said not started, he pull the quill away not feelinng the stomach to write on the moment, he has to be strong, he has to support a heavy burden, not only for himself, but for the whole kingdom, and the worse was still about to come*

*His thoights were filled with ideas, memories and strategies, always has been the tactician, shaking his head, he still dreamed the day where he could live in peace working the land with his wife beside him, sadly that would be life for someone else, he'll do what is needed ,because its needed, Toran has set the path for him and he will gladly follow to make the world better, even if at this moment he couldn't help for what the hard choices that will come in the future *

*Things were not all bad after all, he can count himself a proud grandfather of five, The last one came with surprise, The young Lislette Iellwen, Argos gave him such surprise, and the name had more meaning that a simple name, it meant that his son wanted to close the gap that was formed with the mother, those events years ago he still feel some times, but he loves the woman, She had been his love always, And Argos naming his daughter as the writter of the Quartus Toranis and the name of his own wife, speaks volumes of intention.*

*Things with Ell are a bit hard to explain at the moment, there is love of course, but she doens't trust him at some point, and well why would she had to do it?. Everyone can make mistakes, he was certain that he would never do anything dishonorable, nor with his sister in faith not with anyone, It hurt deep, but they are working together on this and he understand that she is hurt as well, The whole situatuion with Daniella was weird over the years. Cursed be the day when Miss Tegan spoke of that dress over the campfire*

*Now that the war is in tense calm, the troops have started to move back to their territories, not sure about the wise movement of this tactic, but alas Its perhaps good time to not tense the relationships beetwen the allies, Khul we need to retake evntually, but after the information we got, we need to secure our frontiers first, and stop the comunication beetwen Nessar and them.*

*His mind were busy mostly for the actual situation, he looked again to his silver pendant, simple but linked, as his older life used to be, He had to be there for the execution of one of the man that once served over him, he always believed on Redemption, his own heart yelled at him "Give the man another chance", but the sins the man commited and his own choices left him for what is to be done, The man's heart belonged to Toran, and Lance respected his choice, and his devotion, he simply couldn't see the greater picture, and same as him the man had flaws that didn't allowed him to see beyond what he was told, not by him nor Toran, by some unknown shadow that will await to strike again, perhaps claiming more lives as this man actions had done already. And he had to be there on the execution, he has to lead by example, Its an old Tilmarean advice  he heard from Linus : "A man who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is." And he had lived with this on all his life. He stood in front of the man and looked at his eyes, he prayed with him before the execution, helping with the final rites, The man still considered Lance a betrayer to Toran's principles, and he has pity of his soul.

The head was cut in one single hit, Lance being there in first row gave the order, showing strength of will, but in deep of his eyes the burden of his actions. To kill your own brother for duty, Is there any worse burden than that? And yet it had to be done. And this was by far not over, more choices to come .. and worse.  more actions to  come ....

*Lance looked again at the white sheet of paper, and gave in for a moment taking the piece of paper with one hand and crushing it, then he threw it away, finally punching the big mirror he had closer, the sound of the crashing made a couple of maids to arrive, the man looked at them with hard look, and then closed his eyes , calming himself yet his features of being angry didn't disappared, he looked at the maids and ordered to clean the mess, then he'll move away towards the healer tent, he needed to someone to see his hand of course ... and now that was there to speak with his Ell. *

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #74 on: May 02, 2012, 08:09:45 pm »
*The knight smile a bit , just for a birt as he places the pauldron on his office, *

A small package addressed to Commander Lance Stargazer is delivered to him. It contains a small, neatly folded parchment and a worn bronze pauldron. It is scared with deep scratches and nicks, and dented in some places as well. And despite all this, the ankh that has been graved into it is still clearly visible. The pauldron has been cleaned but not polished, and some dust from the travel has settled into the corners. [/COLOR]
  With great patience and precision, a prayer has been engraved into the pauldron most likely over the time of a few weeks.


  The letter reads:

Dear Commander Lance Stargazer

  You taught me how to forge armor and work with metal. This is a pauldron I made for my very first own armor, and it has seen a lot of action since. Time and combat being what they are, I recently needed to replace my pauldrons. I want you to have my right swordarm pauldron. You taught me how to use my arm, mind and heart in craftsmanship, combat and life, and for that I am eternally grateful. Please keep the pauldron as a reminder of the time when we were younger, learning and training to be who we are today. A reminder of brighter, more hopeful days where today's devotion and focus roots deeply.

  Be HIS Light,
  ~Paladin William Leox

Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #75 on: October 30, 2012, 02:14:07 pm »
For Duty and Deity... And yet another war.

*The knight seems to be resting abit , a newer but worn old diary on his side that has seen plenty of reading of late, as his own journal lays open into the desk*

Its consumated it seems, This war has brought way more casualities that the lives of men on the field on both sides, its been somehow somber when all this turned into a political game. Its been kind of rough and I know that My sister feels betrayed, and yet I was doing what we thought better for the plot we designed first, this was one of the hardest things that I've ever done, No matter on this, we "won" which only means that much more people could have died if we had not won this war, Hilm stays idle on the fact that Now the choice had to be on Siphe's side, I'd can only pray for the best.

The young Raelyn has returned to Llast, she didn't said goodbye, her soul was perhaps not ready for the call on the lines, but what we work for if not for saving the inocence of souls on that?  Not every people is called for the same endurement, and she is blessed in the power of the Great Leader, may she find her way on the way the great leader sees better.

This bring me great pain to hear that Marinus is nowhere to be seen or known, I had great hopes for that man, I do hope to hear from him soon, I pray every day for his safety, and for the return to the beloved arms of his brothers.

Mari seems to be doing well and Hector as stubborn as always seems to have gotten some respect amoung the ranks of the Garra. It seems to be well going for them, they make me proud.

And yet there is Will, as troubled as always he had returned to us apparently not fitting well on Siphe's eyes, i really don't know what to do with the confidences he gave me, it make me think something that Siphe "wanted" to see, and not just the reality, he has returned and that is the positive about it, we have start to chat, its true that if one wants to help someone, one has to know that one, the man has dedication or stubborness my dear Ell would say, and his strong points its the conviction he has on the tasks he perfoms. He has stayed here to help to clean the remanents of the war. And Khul still looms over the west.

Things with Ell are well, as always she is been around near the places where i travel, and I do try to put some time for her too, things was hard on that trip we did before the war the trip to Tau'ren, we found another proverbial book of discern. WE have solved our diferences somehow. I guess that stuborness we both have is part of the charm. I love to see her along the areas where i am, she has been.

She has somehow under a lot of pressure after the war, but she is a resourseful woman, It still amazes me the way he handled that cult cell that was in Hilm, working undercover, she had made some good ties with the Aeredinites of the area, and the general healers on Hilm, her actions were worth my liege admiration, and yet I was not quite happy about the other task that she was needed to perform.

For now we need to keep moving, The new sun arises, time to lick wounds and to get ready for the next bout.


Lance Stargazer

Re: For Duty and Deity
« Reply #76 on: January 28, 2013, 02:14:49 pm »
For Duty and Deity ... Family, Statecraft, diplomacy and duty.

*The knight in blue and gold  reads the note , was recieved this morning confirming that the gossip of something nefarious was happening in Nessar, as if that is something new, the traitors Nessarians always with the Corrupter behind them to sow chaos in the world, under the guise of a respectable goverment *

*Now he seemed amused a bit at the contents of this particular note, coming from near the temple where he lived on his younger years, speaks of people hoping him to do his best and not in the best way to put it, he was used to it, If only were that easy*

*The whole thing with the birthing of his "niece" now, This crowns the failure of the plan to get the people together, to erase the diferences perhaps in some generations, well it could always been worse he thought, He certainly don't expect that his sister stay in there, but of course that is her call, and he knows what influence a son or daughter can have on one life, specially on a life of duty, on this regards he needs only to wait and see, this was a failed plan yes, but there are other plans that he can still put to work, he can't help but to smile and shake his head as the proverbial time bomb that the situation had become, with Khul growing up their defenses to the west he had more concerns than the current state of affairs, Siphe after all its on his portfolio as well, and he mayneed as many allies as Hilm could get, the armies of the world slowly had retreated, abandoning the cause, Rael is a strong force still, strong enough to not care about 10,000 soldiers stationed on foreign lands to prevent him to do this, he had to include this raelian in the activities of the kingdom, he needed to keep an eye on them*

*And yes, last but not least , the child, Daniella finally had a child, a daughter none the less, he looked upon the open package on his table, inside two letters, some vials of water for the Toranite blessing of the name of the child, mostly as a gift to the girl, and finally two fine silken clothes for her as well, he made them during the nights, spending time back in the weaving of the fabrics as he used to do to recover his center , to keep things humble, as he always have tried to be*

*This girl he felt sorry for, she was not guilty of the situation and yet she was doomed to carry a heavy burden, to be the heiress of a state that is being pulled apart by the greed of men, no child deserve such burden, still he was going to do all in his power to help her in any way he can, it was his "niece" after all, yet politics always in the way, Of course Siphe won't allow much interference, and he won't press the matter as well, he has been called self-righteous for many people who believes they understand him, he won't push more than he is able, Hilm is in danger, and that was enough to worry , as to try to help more than the other allowed him to help, Empathy comes to his mind.*

*He looked at the door, the healer had arrived , he closed the package and deliver it personally to the woman in charge to deliver the package to Siphe principality, probably he won't see her in long time, her duty was to stay beside Daniella for helping her, and she would do it glaldly*

*Finally he smelled that well known perfume, he smiled a bit as he saw the femenine figure of his wife walking over the main court of the castle, attaired on that blue and gold dress he liked so much, she walked with secure stride , and a humble step, carrying herself with elegance, she looked up at his window, flashing a simple yet full of meaning smile , a brief smile, then she kept going carrying all those books back to the building that serves to hold the healers, he stood there  watching her for the whole way she walked , he closed his journal, and walk away, locking his office as she does, the sun was already painting the horizon ready to dissapear for the day, he had indeed a heavy burden on his shoulders, but for now It was time for his wife, for this night he'll see about her needs, about her well being, Hilm and Siphe will have him back in the morning. .. yes. . as every morning*

Lance Stargazer

For Duty and Deity .- Pride
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2013, 10:55:46 am »

For Duty and Deity .- Pride and diplomacy

*Lance smiles a bit amused perhaps, the letter arrived after too much time, his thoughts were lost on the subject, and the political arena he is into now, how to deal with someone who doesn't trust the help, he look down towards the small stone that may of course help him to get in contact with his sister in faith, but he discards the thoughts inmediately, as his eyes return to the letter, his eyes reading it fast, twice for that intent, he folds the paper in half and returns it to the envelope where it arrived, looked at the remains of the Siphe crest seal wax that was destroyed so the letter could be opened *

- Well.. they are a perfect match in pride at least -

*he mutters to himself, as he let the letter down, to be placed into the safety box on his room, he had a lot to think about, how to crack the nut when the man doesn't trust him enough to open, Spies. the very thought make his stomach turn over, he had not been insinuated such thing ever, nor his mind ever considered it as an option, he really hate politics at times, as he thinks that, he looked upon the bed on the room, the elf laying down there, the Aragenite that decided to be his wife, laying down there,  he couldn't help to think on that part of the letter again when seeing her, to remember the task that was going to be imposed on her, make his stomach turns around again, he took the thoughts away this time *

*Slowly walking towards the balcony, dresseed in his sleeping tunic, he steped to see the exercises of the night, the watches, the long yell from the guard as they call "Clear" for the morning patrol, he looked towards the south, then to the north towards the forest of the Horn Kingdom, he is still awaiting the reply from Maran, somehow the letter brought the information he needed, and glad that he replied since now he knew the next step to go, and how to help their mistrusted neighbours of the south, The person he needed had been hard to be located in the past, that small halfling druid if she was still the one in charge of the land, she may be helpful she may not. alas he'll help .*

**He smiled a bit narrowing his eyes , as the first sun rays appear on the horizon, he stood there, enjoying the sight for a moment, then shaking his head start to head back to bed, Ell would worry if she found that he was not able to sleep, the less he needs is to give more worries to the people he cares about, the world keep moving anyway, and the pieces were in place*


Lance Stargazer

For duty and deity  ...
« Reply #78 on: August 06, 2014, 03:20:14 pm »

For duty and deity  ... Eaornath D’lisk,

*The couple of travelers arrived at the small village, the glum feeling could still be felt in the air, the death and sorrow felt could not be washed from the inhabitants who still had just had no other thing to do to keep going with their lives, of every thing that had changed on him, this never had been, the feeling of impotence on how the enemy had once again threw dispair into the lives of inocents, he had heard once to one of his many rivals that there is no such thing as an inocent, and despite this, this people had no guilt or deserved what happened to them here, Hilm gave him a purpose, something bigger than his life where he could help people to reach for some of Toran's grace, but at times he missed to be able to do the small work, the real work, the politics .. that was his burden. *

*He moved into the field, he and his wife walking side by side, with traveling clothes, the long and sturdy cloaks hidding their true selves, to avoid suspicion... even if this people weren't as suspicious of any new strangers in town, hard and cautious faces recieved them during their stay. *

*As they walked they saw the remains of a house that was previously burnt, the new dig graves being blessed by the priest to prevent the bodies to raise again, the sorrow of many sons, daughters of Hilm lost to the senseless massacre, and the distrust... It all hurt on his heart as if it were his own loss, but the face of the man remain unfazed*

*They did not found an inn, it wouldn't be the first time they had to camp in the wild, it was no problem at all for them*

*The stay was as expected, after a couple of days and the proper visit to the temple, the couple left the town back towards Hilm, He didn't mentioned his rank or name, not even to the priest in the temple, there was no need to bring more trouble to this people, he had work to do, rebuilding work awaited, His visit served to oversee the damage, and to help him plan the rebuild effort, Lance Stargazer won't stay idle upon this people, Hilm people, his people suffering this way. The plans already drawn on his head....

... On the following days from arriving to Hilm, preparations were made, and materials prepared with engineers and builders dispatched towards the small village*


