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Author Topic: Reports of Mistone's High Druid  (Read 124 times)


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Reports of Mistone's High Druid
« on: February 06, 2005, 08:40:00 pm »
To the Hierophant, Archdruid of Layonara,  
I have been recently elevated, by nature’s call and Legoidia’s words, to the post of High Druid of Mistone.  It is of course my duty and honor to care for this land and organize my fellow druids in this essential task.  I also feel strongly that communicating across the longitudes and latitudes of our ranks is crucial to coordinate our struggle to continually renew Nature’s balance.  This is why I write this report, which I intend to submit to you on a regular basis.  
The last time I spoke with Raven, High Druid of the Wolfswood, she impressed upon me the need to draw your attention to the west.  I believe you are, or should be aware of the location of the T’oleflor fortress on the Serpent Isles, south of Mistone and near the Dragon Isles.  The bridge across the chasm now grows.  When we last visited I saw five remaining bridges.  As we gazed at them we were granted a vision, images on the last three unconnected islands.  The first vision was Milara’s scorpion.  The second was a spider, which I assume represents the Drow menace.  The third was an image of bloodstains and skulls impailed on a tall post, which brought up thoughts of Sinthar Bloodstone.  In my mind these visions were signs of the challenges to be met, and in what order, to reach across to the T’oleflor fortress and hopefully re-establish their influence in our world.  There are T’oleflor runes in the Bone Hill area, also reproduced on the islands across the Serpent Isles chasm, which have yet to be translated.  Raven suggested consulting you on their meaning.  I’m sure we are of like-mind, that the issues pertaining to the T’oleflor are of utmost importance to our shared agenda.  Raven and I jointly ask for your council on these matters.  
Milara’s giants are also on the move in Rilara, establishing defenses and strongholds along the Delwin River.  Milara means to make a move soon, as indicated by the aforementioned visions.  I believe we should understand the long term effects and act accordingly.  I suspect this move is also associated with the moving cobra constellation, which amazingly moved in the sky and struck out at the lone star surrounded by the void.  Surely you witnessed this as well.  While we observed it, and as trusted friends connected with their gods for guidance, a vision of an ancient gold dragon appeared before us.  This clearly adds another level of calculations to our future endeavors.  With your unending wisdom and deep natural lore, the druids of the west look to you for guidance in these tumultuous times.  
On a positive note, I have been successful, I think, in guarding the secret of the path to the Grove of Awakening.  To my knowledge, none have even attempted to discern its whereabouts.  However, the natural wisdom of both Pleanarius and myself, has discerned some threat to the lands of Mistone on the horizon.  This threat has possibly already been presented to us.  For not too long ago did I witness Eon, who drew our attention and vanished, as if he was telling us he is ready to come out of hiding.  This is of course quite troubling.  What is more troubling is that his timing seems impeccable, for Katia’s chosen has fallen and her next chosen has not blossomed.  I believe I know who it will be.  But every candidate must be protected so the blossoming may unfold naturally and without interruption.  Although I know far less than you on these matters, this interruption and further usurpation of Katia seems like something Eon would attempt.  
One last issue I feel compelled to bring to your attention concerns a friend of mine and a potential threat to nature’s balance.  Serenity Taragon, a priestess of Lucinda, told me of the Scrolls of Mephiziel, or some such thing, and of this person’s daughter, Kallia, who somehow seemed to have a raw connection to nature.  Perhaps you have heard this story and have dismissed it as I have.  However, Serenity proceeded to call upon the power of some object, touch the earth, and summoned the spirit of the land at Corax Lake.  It appeared in the form of the most powerful and primal sort of earth being.  The spirit then spoke to her and answered her questions, seemingly under her control or influence.  The object she used was a scroll, I think, and her connection to some entity within which she called “stone” seems to be a the core of its immense power.  She also used it once previously to make the secret and sacred cloud of stoneholding in the city of Port Hampshire.  
As you read this you are likely as troubled as I was witnessing it, and continue to be.  Such an item mimics the powers of druids far beyond my abilities.  For it to be in the possession of one untrained in the intricacies of serving Nature’s balance is potentially quite dangerous.  I trust Serenity’s intentions and care deeply for her.  However, she is emotionally wild and often erratic.  She told me that she used this item in the High Forest, and did not consult the druids of that area.  She does not understand the havoc such an action can wreak upon our tenuous harmony.  As you know, to coordinate the work of many druids in the service of nurturing the delicate balance of order and disorder is a challenging task in itself.  But when an individual can insert her or himself into this order and rearrange it seemingly on a whim, such efforts become near impossible.  After she performed the action at Corax Lake, the grass, shrubs and trees were sparked with an accelerated growth.  She called this “enhancing nature” and “enhancing harmony.”  All my effort to convince her that nature and harmony need no enhancement fell on deaf ears.  I am still in the process of curtailing this growth so that the seeds may still sprout to reach the sun, the birds may still find their beetles, the reptiles may still find their eggs, and the rest of nature’s cycles will continue to unfold.  
I believe that none other than you should be in possession of such an item, if it should exist at all.  Or, at the very least, that your council should be primary in any consideration about what must be done with it.  I told her this and pleaded with her to visit you for your council.  She was recalcitrant and after many attempts to convince her she agreed but demanded that you meet her in Arabel.  I will await your directive on this issue, but assume that you will want to handle it personally.  
Expect another report soon.  For now I remain your trusted comrade and fellow servant of Nature’s glory.  

Respect and unity,  
Rhizome, High Druid of Mistone  


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RE: Reports of Mistone's High Druid
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 06:51:00 pm »
Rhizome speaks with conviction to the Healer of Aerdin in the Ranger’s Vale grove.  “Here is my second report,” he says as he hands over a few sheets of grainy paper with full leaves and flowers visible at the edges.  “I’ve already sent off the first copy to the Hierophant.  Please file this one for me, just like last time, and make sure that only those who have established themselves as Nature’s defenders have access to it.”  
The Healer takes the few sheets and nods at Rhizome with a smile.  “No problem Rhizome,” he says with a confident and capable tone.  
“Thank you much,” Rhizome responds, “and now I’m off to look into the poaching you suspect in the south.”  
“Good journey Rhizome.”  
“Trod with balance,” Rhizome responds and disappears into the southern growth.  
*If you are a “Defender of Nature” and access the letter at Aerdin’s Grove in Ranger’s Vale, this is what you read.*  [/i]

Comrade Hierophant,  
This report will contain an update, short yet crucial, and a request for a meeting.  I’ll get right to the report.  
Last week, while Amelia and I were walking through the High Forest, we were visited by one of the seven sisters.  We later discerned, with help from Plenarius and Brisbane, that she was the Striker of Fear, an awe inspiring woman who I know very little about.  
She said she was delivering a message and then proceeded to warn us of what comes.  She spoke of the impending Red Moon and how her sisters are watching the way it is unfolding.  But so too are many others, she told us.  She then turned the conversation to our primary concern and warned us that the forest is not safe.  Interestingly, she specified that the wolves are not safe either.  
She then directed us to speak to Shifter, a fool who plays many games, she called him.  This one he is playing, she said, is dangerous, and this time it plays with nature.  He plays with nature, just like long ago in the Swamp of Lost Souls.  I’ve of course heard about the ritual which took place there during the previous Red Moon, and that its unsuccessful completion led to the current condition of that mysterious swamp.  What I didn’t know is that there was once a forest there, a forest which was as lush and private as the Great Forest.  According to the Striker of Fear, what this swamp is now will be magnified if Shifter fails at whatever he is attempting during the upcoming Red Moon.  
As she left, she said something quite curious and seemingly crucial to understanding our struggle.  She said, “Take care of your forest here,” and then with a hint of frustration, “First the centaurs.  Then perhaps nature itself.”  The meaning eluded me at the time, but what was to come shed a bit more light on it.  
Plenarius and Brisbane met us in the High Forest.  It seems that the voice of Katia herself whispered in Plenarius’ ear.  Her voice told Plenarius that “Lucinda has spoken to us,” with an emphasis on the “us.”  This had us wrapped up in discussion for some time.  Katia’s voice also told Plenarius to “Seek the Master of the Forest.”  This is why Plenarius and Brisbane sought me out.  However, I don’t believe that I am the Master of the Forest Katia’s voice spoke about.  I may be the High Druid of Mistone, but I am no master.  And even if I was a master, I would be the master of the Sielwood and High forests.  The only forest which would qualify as “the” forest, I believe, is the Great Forest.  It seems to me, then, that you are the one we should seek, or at the very least you will be able to direct us appropriately.  
The most shocking event of all happened after our discussion as we were leaving the forest.  A tree, not far in front of us, seemed to implode with some curse of dehydration.  It was sucked of all its sap and the leaves had fallen.  We did everything we could to revive it, but it was beyond even our collective efforts.  We meditated and prayed near it for some time.  Eventually the anonymous murmur of the forest spoke through me and told us what the greatest threat to the High Forest is:  “time and disappearance.”  I suspect that every place in Layonara will have its own fears.  
Something more specific was revealed when our collective question about who drained the tree was communicated into the forests diffuse spirit.  Through me the forest answered:  “Centaurs Death.”  So twice were centaurs mentioned, by two important voices, and in two important contexts.  Plenarius suggested that the centaurs have some connection with the T’oleflor, that they were some of the creatures trained by the ancient creators.  I’m inclined to agree.  As far as understanding what Centaurs Death means, it could be that the death of a centaur caused the draining or that some entity with that name or designation was behind it.  Of course I have many questions which I won’t trouble you with here.  
You can see, I’m sure, that between this and the previous report there are many crucial events in play and unfolding which your eminent wisdom and knowledge will surely help clarify.  I therefore request a meeting with you at your earliest convenience.  I hope that Nature’s defenders of the West will accompany me and will gain insight and wisdom from the journey and the meeting.  I will meet you wherever you designate, from Mistone to the Great Forest, and at any time you specify.  
I’ll await your response with patience and struggle for Nature’s balance as always.  
Flow in Nature’s rhythms,  


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RE: Reports of Mistone's High Druid
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2005, 02:48:00 pm »
*The writing on this letter is considerably more messy than the previous, seeming to indicate a hurried state.  The grass woven page is torn at one corner.*
  Comrade Hierophant,
  There is more trouble afoot in the West.  Eon has returned.  *something illegible*  This in itself is troubling.
  Formians attacked Vale.  Putrid smoke came from the holes they emerged from.  The smoke smelt similar to that which I smelled once before in the Dark Forest where Eon was digging for something.  I think I remember he was looking for a piece of his wand.  A friend of mine, whose name I protect in confidence at this time, stole at least part of the item and delivered it to him in hopes that such an action would serve the long term interests on nature.
  We followed the progression of formian eruptions and found Eon only a bit north of Vale.  Suspecting Eon's intentions with Katia, we rushed back to Vale to defend Her temple there.  We succeeded at first, driving away Eon's golem minions.  As he vanished, like he often does, he said simply, "I've seen enough."  I felt sure at the time that he was testing us.
  We talked to the healer.  *the writing gets shaky now as well as seeiming a bit sloppy*  She said Eon had not been seen for some time in the area.  And last he was seen he was moving away from Vale.  She also suggested that Eon is not as powerful as he seems.  I think his power comes in his ability to manipulate and motivate others.  He is subtle, complex and cunningly devious.  Its in that where his true power lies.
  As mentioned earlier, Eon seemed to be testing us.  I made the mistake of thinking the test had concluded.  I sent for Ozy to ask him about Eon's intentions.  Ozy mentioned something about a book and then fled mysteriously.  We asked around for the book.  This is where we failed.  After racing back to defend Katia's sanctuary from Eon, we left it undefended.  Eon, the opportunist that he is, of course returned and sacked her holy place.  We found a huge puddle of blood, which we assume was from the healer.  But no body, which suggests she is still alive, I hope.  He destroyed the holy pool and the concecrated statue.
  The fact that the healer's body was not found is perhaps indicative of his plans.  I'm not sure, but I suspect he may be kidnapping and doing some vile business with Katia's blossoms or perhaps Her clergy.  That's of course wild speculation.  Still, I will of course inform Plenarius about all this as soon as possible.
  The Striker of Fear showed up soon after.  She surely experienced the disturbance.  We told her what happened and she investigated the temple and the last spot where we saw Eon appeared.  Then she whispered one word, "Sister..." and quickly ordered us to Blackford to report to the Queen and Highstar.  We of course made haste to the castle, only to find the doors locked.  We must gain admittance and an audience soon.
  In other news, perhaps you have heard the news that the attempt to stop Milara's ritual at that tainted Swamp was unsuccessful.  This is also grave.  The Swamp there has grown even more twisted, I suspect.  That's based on what the Striker of Fear warned us would happen if things went poorly.  But the extent of the effects of this event are currently unknown, though I suspect them to be vast in scope and vastly negative in nature.  I wish there was something I could have done.
  Also, my nighmares worsen.  Now instead of just seeing one or two trees explode in drained anguish, I see a whole land laid to waste.  It is as if I am in the future, surrounded by a wasteland of scorched earth and shredded nature.  There are only a few trees left now.  And as my dreaming eye focuses on one of them, as though I turn to it for hope and support, it implodes into dust and ash.  In my dream I feel its pain.  Each time it becomes more overwhelming.  In my waking thoughts I fear what will happen in my mind, body and spirit when the last tree impodes.  And I wonder how I can stop it from happening.
  There is much to ponder comrade, more now than ever before.  And we have not the knowledge necessary to ponder these questions.  Please aid nature's defenders of the west in any way you can.
  With love in unity,