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Author Topic: Kashia's tale  (Read 167 times)


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Kashia's tale
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:39:00 am »
The spiced chicken came in with a few more cans of delicious ale and wine. Kashia dropped a few gold coins down the innkeeper's extended hand, he smiled and bowed slightly before walking back to his discussion as he pocketed the gold. The dwarf grabbed a wing with his dagger and munched it like a wolf over a deer. She continued her tale as she poured up more for both.
  "Hlint was, as a resident said, a buzzing hive of wasps. And I unfortunately came just as Mistone was getting attacked by dark elves, also called drows." The dwarf raised an eyebrow, burped and waved his dagger around like a sword, "'ave fighted with one of those, 'xcellent fighters yet evil to the very bone!" he said with a nod, Kashia continued. "I have yet to have seen one at that time, so I put it to the side as a rumor. But back to Hlint, I hadn't even had a good sleep before someone came and told me the truth about the city; wererats in the sewers, undeads in the graveyard, goblins, merchants and orc camps just outside the city.. it seemed odd, that such a huge city wouldn't do a thing to such an immediate threat. But it just seemed like no one cared. But, the 'wasps' were adventures, like myself and Hlint was indeed a buzzing hive of just adventures. Adventures from here and there, racesĀ I've never seen before, friendly orcs, ogres and goblins, even an old lady seems to walk around, thinking she's still young. One of them said something about a dragon, but I thought he had just smoked some bad plant.."
  The dwarf had just lit his pipe as she said that and she tried to hide a smile as he looked up at her with a "Hm?"


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RE: Kashia's tale
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 07:18:00 am »
A smirk came to Kashia's face and leaned back on the chair, she put her feet up on the table and scooted the wine out of the way. "Ah, adventuring wasn't really adventuring. It eventually grew boring to just go out and kill everything hostile after you have tried reasoning with it. It was mostly sitting around town like a lot of people did, cause everyone knew that something bad always would happened and it almost always was around Hlint. Kinda the center of problems, as you would say. But I met some fine people and these two I just thought of were probably some of those I remember the most. Maybe because they gave me a few powerful items but also for their company.

Triba, a little halfling girl but with the power to make up for the little, knew awfully lot about everything and nothing and we began discussing.. well, probably not discussing, we talked about.. she talked about weapons, the story of the rapier and the differences amongst the people and tribes out there. It was really interesting and if the other girl didn't look so bored, I would probably have pulled her to the inn and just talk, like we do here." The dwarf puffed happily on his pipe with his big axe in his lap and concentrated on her tale or at least pretented to. "The other girl, Serenity, was in touch with powers so mysterious and powerful that I just stopped and had to reattach my chin as it dropped every time I saw her juggling with these powers. We went to the iron mine, an ogre infested place in the middle of a city far from here, and she called forth the prettiest being I have ever seen. With wings so beautiful, fast and agile moves and a sword that could cut through rock as if it was butter. The ogres weren't too happy about it and throw themselves forth in a suicidal rage to stop the intruders. I was invinsible and so were the others so all they could go on was this divine being, which made short work of them. And when she decided to vanish back to her holy plane, she just summoned forth another mechanical looking being. She called him.. Zap, I believe and he could shoot magical spells like an insane gnome in the middle of a harem of pretty looking girls.. if you catch my meaning." She winked to the dwarf who didn't seem to catch it, she shrugged and continued her tale.

"We got to the iron deposit and back again where she made me a weapon and an armor in the name of Lucinda. It was the finest craftmanship I have seen and helped me in my adventures. The armor was made of scale mail and with such skill and precision that I was able to cast spells even in combat and ignore a creatures strike against my arm and the weapon just went fast and cunningly around and struck everything that came into it's way. It was beautiful, that it was."


