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Author Topic: Journal of Bo Fletcher  (Read 85 times)


Journal of Bo Fletcher
« on: July 20, 2005, 06:05:00 pm »
*Finds a nice shaded area under the branches of a very large oak next to a small lake and sits on the soft grass*

*Rummages through the pack for some parchment and a quill and cheap ink. *

Well, I have arrived on the continent of Mistone. The folks here are very friendly. I have found the ‘force’ that was calling me. It was the dragon. The reason for my calling was to fight the war against Sinthar Bloodstone “Blood.”

The dragon told me the history and the current status. “Sinthar was a young Human General. He did not believe in the cause of any Dragon but instead saw the Dragons as the ones who brought all the death and destruction to the world. With that belief he formed his own army in the hopes of forcing both Dragon sides to surrender. As time wore on he became very good with magic and battle tactics and it is rumored he never lost a battle.”

“Sinthar has been on the World, since his banishment, for just over twenty-four years now and he has destroyed nearly all of the Dragons that were still alive. His forces now control all but two continents and two islands. He grows stronger by the day. Rumors spread of his generals beginning to run their own agendas, however it is thought that he still has heavy control over all of them.”

So I gladly accept this charge and commit to the cause of defeating “Blood”.

*Slightly raises head to catch the light breeze across the face*

Now to Rodlin. Since I have arrived to Mistone, I have met some of Rodlin’s companions. However, I have not seen Rodlin. I know from our childhood that if he doesn’t want to be found, then he won’t be.

I know he is around. I have noticed things that just didn’t seem right. I have found items on my path that were placed there, seemingly to aid my effort. So, Rodlin is watching me, I can accept that. But why does he stay hidden from me?

*Puts away the writing supplies and stare across the lake contemplating his purpose*


RE: Journal of Bo Fletcher
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 02:43:00 pm »
*Sits back against a tree and digs out a book that has lodged itself at the bottom of his pack* has been awhile since my last entry. I have done many taskings from people around the small towns of Mistone. They are most appreciative and have given some nice items to aid in my adventuring.

I have traveled with the companions of Rodlin, but have yet seen Rodlin. I have sent word to my parents to see if they have heard anything from him. The reply was a simple, “No.” I get the impression that they are not pleased with him not joining up with me. Through his companions, Kavil, Esimon, Timothy, and Riley, I have received things from Rodlin and I have sent things to him. But still, we have not met face-to-face. I think that he intently separates himself from me so I will not rely on him. That I need to find my own way. It makes sense to me. So, until I have proven myself in his eyes, we will remain separated and communications will be through our mutual acquaintances.

My talents and skills are slowly growing. I have seen much of the land on my own and some through the travels with Rodlin’s group. If I keep venturing with this diverse, well-trained and experienced party, my skills will surely grow rapidly. They have seen and experienced a lot in this world. I have a lot to learn from them.

*Can’t help to think more about Rodlin*

Rodlin and I were so close, though. How can he avoid me for so long? I know he watches me from the shadows, but not talk to me. Is he wanting too? Does he get the urge to just step out and welcome me; congratulate me for being selected by the Great Dragon?

*Closes his journal and stares across the forest floor thinking about the brother that he didn’t have*


RE: Journal of Bo Fletcher
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 12:41:00 pm »
*While Bo finishes up a group of undead creatures in the forest, he notices an arrow delivering a deadly blow to one of the creatures*

*He quickly looks in the direction that the arrow originated and sees nothing*

*Bo goes over to the body and looks at the arrow…he notices an ‘R’ in carved in the shaft*

Ah…Rodlin, you are there.

*then smiles and takes the sentiment as a sign of approval for the path that was chosen*