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Author Topic: Silool's Journal  (Read 121 times)


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    Silool's Journal
    « on: October 18, 2005, 02:50:00 pm »
    Thursday, 13th October 2005
    I thought this jouney would never end! Our ship arrived in Leilon today after making the long journey from Xantril.  We stopped in several ports along the way, but I have little memory of them, as I was locked in the hold most of the time.  Captain Korahad has confined me to quarters for the rest of the journey; it is for my own good he says.  Apparently I was causing a bit of a "stir" on the ship and some of the sailors began to quarrel over me. My only "crime" in this, as I see it, was to offer a few compliments and words of comfort to men who have clearly not seen home or women in some time.  They speak an interesting tongue, the like of which I have never heard.  Despite my "captivity" the Captian has been very kind to me, delivering my meals personally and even taking them with me.  I think he feels guilty for keeping me here and wishes to show his appology.  Truth be told, he seems as homesick as the rest of the crew though he would never dare show it.  Last night, he fell asleep in my arms and I saw a smile cross his face as sleep finally overtook him.  Xeen, bless and keep these lonely, miserable people who live their lives so far from comfort and home.


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      RE: Silool's Journal
      « Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
      Friday, 14th October 2005
      At last, we've reached our destination.  I've little mind for geography, but this place is a welcome sight! I had expected a more impressive port rather than this quiet town on the North of an island called "Mistone."  It must be a large island, for it took us several days to circumnavigate it (I greatly enjoy using these new "nautical" terms). I was allowed to walk the deck as the first boat of refugees pulled-away and can barely contain my excitement to be off this ship.  I am in desperate need of a bath and perhaps, a spa and mud treatment.  I was told to make for a place called "The Arms" which offers fine food, comfortable lodging and best of all, hot baths!  I can't wait.

      I fear I will never see the inside of the Arms! The Inn was closed upon our arrival, so the other refugees and I sat outside making small-talk with the hope that the owner would pity us and open his doors.  We are all weary from the journey, but restless and excited to begin our lives anew here.  Unfortunately, luck was not with us.  The town Constable, a gruff and unyielding fellow whose name elludes me, turned us away from the city for having no coin.  Some of the others said they would make for an inland town called "Hlint" where there is work and I will follow them, having no choice.  I want to tell the others of Xeen, but it seems wrong to preach "pleasure" to such tired and filthy folk.  What a miserable bunch we must appear, clothed in rags with only filth and fleas to call our own!  Inspite of it all, I know my goddess has not abandoned me; this is merely a test to make me appreciate the comforts that surely await us in Hlint.

      Still Later...
      I now sit in a place called the "Wild Surge" Inn (far less exciting than the name would suggest).  I have had a much-needed bath and a very kind woman named Doria lent me one of her older dresses.  The town is small and rather rustic, but the rumors are true; there is work to be had here.  The people are good-natured, but simple and I find myself longing to return to Leilon.  In fact, I have heard rumors of a party tonight at "The Arms" and would love to attend, but what to wear?  I must seek out a tailor in order to make myself look presentable, but first, a well-needed nap!

      I awoke to the smell of horses and barley wafting through my window.  Doria kindly offered me some porridge and cheese and I must have seemed as a starved swine to her for I consumed it all without stopping!  How can I ever repay her kindness?  After lunch, I walked about the town and met a cruious pair: a Man named "Pyyrus" and his friend "Teddy" (I believe his name is something like "Tedulus", but he said I could call him the former).  Pyyrus is something of a tailor and he worked tirelessly to sew me a simply fabulous dress for the party tonight.  Teddy stood nearby, like a faithful friend and offered constructive criticism. I was pleased to hear that Pyyrus has some reverence for Xeen and might be convinced to follow her! Could this be my first convert? Oops, my dress is nearly finished, so I must hurry if I am to catch the last mule-train to Leilos.

      Blast! I missed the Mule-train but it's just as well, as I have no money and the smell of mule makes me ill. I managed to earn a few coins offering massages to those few passers by who would accept them (mostly adventurers).  One woman, a blue-dressed beauty named "Angela" was so kind to me that I refused to accept payment for her massage.  Although Hlint is DREADFULLY boring, I must admit that the people here are exceptional.

      Even Later . . .
      Ah, Leilos; how I missed you!  This is a marvelous place and I am lucky to have made it here!  On the road, I met two elves, Dalinier and "El" who were wonderful company.  I love to hear them speaking in Elven! I was among the first to arrive at "The Arms" and the Constable actually winked as he passed me this time; What a difference a bath and change of clothing make! I was greeted by the Innkeep; a handsome man named "Quin."  He's off getting me some wine now (on the House!?) I am seated near the door and am greeting all of the new arrivals. Who is this handsome man coming through the door?  I believe I heard someone call him "Remiel".  Mental note: Talk to him! Truly, this is THE place to be on Mistone!  There are many others here as well, too many to name, and curse it, where is that wine?  It looks as if Quinn is getting swamped at the bar.

      Xeen please tell me i did NOT see Orcs in here! Oh Dear, something has happened in the kitchen . . .I see smoke and Quin does not look happy.  Ouch!  Something just bit me!  Some sort beetle? Disgusting!  I am SO up on this table now!  Maybe Remmy will save me .. or Quinn!  That would be nice.



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        RE: Silool's Journal
        « Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 03:05:00 pm »
        Saturday, 15th October, 2005
        Something wonderful happened last night (or was it early morning?  All this wine is confusing my judgement)!  I met another Priestess of Xeen and we had the best time!  Her name is "Paula" and I am complete awestruck by her!  She is everything I dreamed a Priestess of Xeen would be and we are already fast friends.  She confirmed the rumors I've heard of a Xeenite temple in Karthy and has agreed to sponsor me for entry into the order of Priestesses!  I cannot believe my good fortune.  She has such beautiful hair, smells of fresh-cut lilacs and her touch is warm and inviting. I stayed with her in her room at the Arms, which is fortunate, because we were so drunk we could barely get up the stairs.  It was truly a magical night, inspite of the few low-points, namely the beetles attack, the fire and Quinn's being murdered by a monster named "Dougal Pococurante." Then there was "Ozy" .. . no; I won't even go there.  Why ruin the memory of such a wonderful night?  

        Anyway, Quin was raised from the dead, amazingly, and even offered to discuss the possibility of my working at the "Arms."  Unfortunately, his partner Kali had some
        reservations about that; honestly, I don't think she cares for me!  Oh, I do hope they will hire me!  I would love to live and work there.  There is so much to do!  We will need matching dresses, kali and I, and "The Arms" is definitely lacking in a color theme.  A dress code would be nice as well.  "Leather" just isn't going to cut it!  So much work, so little time!


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          RE: Silool's Journal
          « Reply #3 on: October 20, 2005, 01:21:00 am »
          Sunday, 16th October, 2005
          I met an absolute dear today named "Curtis Orcutt."  Together we traveled to Fort Hope and made he gave me copies of a wonderful collection of maps he has accumulated.  Hopefully, It will keep me from getting lost. He appears to petitioning to enter a guild of some sort.  I'll have to look into that.

          I returned to "The Arms" later in the day, but it appears to be closed throughout the week.  Pitty.  I bumped into Paula on the way back, but something was troubling her.  I must find out what it is!  It's just not like her to become so upset.

          Monday, 17th October, 2005
          Back in Hlint.  I awoke expecting just another boring day, when something unexpected happened; I felt a series of warm kisses on my neck - it was Paula!  She sought me out and invited me to travel with her, saying we could talk of Xeen and my induction into the Priesthood!  How I love my Paula!  I presented her with an outfit I'd made her and it fit her perfectly.  Meeting-up with a friend of hers named "Ne'er" something-or-other, we headed-up toward Leilon, stopping at a majestic waterfall on the way.  Together, the three of us enjoyed ourselves in the warm waters of the falls, until Ne'er had to leave.  Though it was difficult to resist, I resisted temptation and saved myself for my entry into the priesthood.  

          Quin visited me while we were worshiping in the falls, but his face was long and I knew something was wrong.  He regretted to inform me that the Arms would not hire me.  I expected as much, but it was painful to hear nonetheless.  He seems so sad and stern at time!  I must find a way to cheer him up.  Regardless, I will continue to be a patron of the Arms and will help them all I can.

          After Quin and Ne'er departed, Paula and I had a wonderful time together, lounging in eachother's arms among the flowers on the river bank by the falls.  She told me that I seem to know everything I need to know in order to join the Priesthood, which surprised me.  I also learned that many of the rumors I have heard about Xeen were wrong.  We do not have sacrifices and we have few formalized rituals and rites.  Since Paula grew-up in the temple in Karthy, I begged her to tell me everything she knows.

          Tuesday, 18th October, 2005
          Bored stiff in Hlint again, as usual!  Luckily, I joined an expedition let by a man named "Mith" which included my friend Sabel.  Azaria and a friend of hers named "Glenn"
          joined for Troll hunting!  It was exciting, if disgusting work.  Trolls are so noxious!
          I'm just going to burn my dress!  No amount of laundering will wash away the memory of those warty, oily, mindless brutes touching MY dress!

          Wednesday, 19th October, 2005
          Something incredible happened today; for the first time, I felt the touch of Xeen!  I actually felt her touch.  I took Paula's advice and gave-up trying to "focus" and just let myself go and tried to "experience" my goddess.  It worked!  Paula is so wise!  Unfortunately, I didn't see her today so I couldn't give her the good news.  I can't wait to travel to Karthy to meet the other Priestesses, but in a strange way it seems less necessary now.  I have felt the presence of Xeen and I know that she accepts me and my service.  The touch of the divine cannot easily be expressed in words.  It's just a feeling.  I am all aglo!  I bathed today and donned my new induction robes for the first time.  I didn't want to wear them until I visited the Temple, but today I don't care; Xeen has shown me her favor and I want the whole world to know!


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            Re: Silool's Journal
            « Reply #4 on: May 08, 2006, 01:29:35 am »
            Saturday, 7th May 2006
            Dear Diary, I'm afraid I have neglected you!  So much has happened I couldn't possibly recap it all, but I will sum up:

            01) After being evicted from several homes several times (first Haven, then Harmony Grove) I finally have a house in Krandor!  Glenn was good enough to buy it for me!  He's such a dear!  He and I are officially living together now and I have taken to furnishing it.  I may have over done it, but it is quite lavish and comfortable now.

            02) I was finally invited to join the Crimson Shield!  I'm so excited to be a new member.  All of my closest friends are there: Curtis, Addison, Sir Riley, Bob Copper Head, Esimion ..the list goes on and on!  We have a new leader now named "Rawkwin" and he has me busy selling rings about Hlint and working with Curtis to make scrolls for scribing practice. He has also nominated me for a special task, but I cannot write about it here.

            03) I'm a full-fledged Priestess of Xeen now.  I am serving my fellow adventurers as a full-fledged healer and doing quite well now, I think.  Fortunately, the Shield is very good to me and I am working very hard not to let them down.

            Well, that's all for now.  Our ship is due to arrive in Karthy tomorrow.  More about that later!


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              Re: Silool's Journal
              « Reply #5 on: May 08, 2006, 01:39:44 am »
              Dear Diary,

              Today I am in Karthy on a special mission for the Shield.  I have asked the sisters to allow me to care for all of the sailors who come to the temple and have spent my time-off carousing in the taverns of Karthy. And what a temple it is!  It has been completely remodeled  and is simply marvey with the new bar, bedrooms, feast hall and bath!  

              I have been trying to loosen the tongues of the sailors with my own special brand of Xeenite Wine, asking them their ship's cargos and destination. I hope to find the source of M-'s arms shipments and after some preliminary findings, I am convinced that the Karty docks are being used to move more than wine and Rilaran foodstuffs! I have also put out the word that I am looking to meet someone capable of moving large quantities of goods through Karthy with minimal questions asked by the Port Authority.  

              I have yet to meet my contact from F-, but once I do, I shall endeavor to work with them to unravel this mystery.  Xeen grant us successs on this, my first true mission!


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                Re: Silool's Journal
                « Reply #6 on: June 01, 2006, 02:23:47 am »
                Dear Diary,

                I have spent weeks in Karthy with no sign from my contact!  I was near despair when a curious parcel arrived by falcon.  The Addressee is listed only as "The Pearl" and the letter did, in fact, contain a small, black pearl. Whomeveer he is, he has style!  I wonder if he's cute? He's terribly mysterious, regardless!  How very exciting; certainly worth the wait!

                Focus Silool! So I can only assume this "Pearl" fellow is my contact and according to his note,  I am supposed to speak with The "Family of Roldem" to see if I can win ships and sailors as well as another ally against the Unsavory leaders of Karthy. As I understand it, there is some bad blood between the two factions so my task is made easier.  I can only hope the Black Pearl truly IS my contact and that our opposition hasn't gotten wind of our plans and is playing us one against one another; how terribly embarassing that would be!  Stop!  Mustn't think that way.  Time to buy a new dress, take a rose-water bath and meet this "Family of Roldem" to see what can be done.  I expect it will be great fun.


