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Author Topic: Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)  (Read 63 times)


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Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)
« on: July 01, 2005, 08:55:00 pm »
The sun was blinding, this day, almost as if to punish me for my wretched kin.

The situation became so dire that I had no other choice but to summon a globe of darkness for protection. I was able to rest and escape for a time....The sunlight was not so penetrating within the saftey of the deep forest. How I wish that the 7th House was able to show me how to change my form...Alas, I know not of their whereabouts. My twisted kin have cheated me again.

I am unsure of the sense of humour of the surface dwellers...there is no consisentcy. I observe the most jovial of dwarves, yet turn to see a paranoid halfing....or perhaps a half-halfing? Either way, the tiny man did not appreciate my joke, although, I realized the risk of such a thing.

A man was telling others of shades and the shadows, i summoned darkness to enhance his tiny acquaintance was unimpressed, holding a knife to my achilles heel. He wanted me to tell the others of my trick, but I wish not to put such prejudice on myself. I reasoned that if I left, it would be far more pleasant for this small surface man. Paranoid little one.....

Such a joke (if only done ocasionally) in the forests where the 7th House once dwelled, would have recieved much laughter. In renoucing our twisted culture and accepting nature (some might say Katia) as our governing deity, we developed many pleasant traits. Our sick nature was driven out as a goblin settlement near a town.  


I have met a few unjudging types, even a surface cousin. I am amazed at the quality of people within the lands here. Many still do not accept me, and I have accepted this fate. I will continue to learn what I can of the surface, and hope to one day be so immersed that i forget my heritage.

Two drow have crossed my path, both of seemingly decent character. I must be careful, and always be mindful of how they may gain from any situation. Thus is the creed of the drow, personal gain exceedes all diginity.

I now where a helmet in town, so as not to disturb or rile up the locals. They live relatively peaceful and balanced lives. Nature smiles upon them.


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RE: Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2005, 08:48:00 am »

I am overjoyed, this day. I have learned to change my shape into that of the forest creatures. While I have become more resistant to the sun's effect, it still exhausts me. Becoming one of nature's dwellers helps me to counter the great globe of fire in the sky, and remain more inconspicious to the locals. I'll often trail behind a companion of mine, so to appear as his familiar. I am excited to partake in the birthright of the 7th House, the betrayer of the underdark. I should like to learn more of this shape shifting....


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RE: Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2005, 11:05:00 pm »

I have entertained many this day with stories of my past, all listened reverantly. I have made many new friends, I believe they feel a measure of pity. I do not require pity, only friendship. Now more have come to understand my unlikeness to the drow.

The day's events also held several displays of human courtship (and the process thereof). Quite a confusing practise, I must say. Two couples (perhaps one true couple, and one-to-be?) ventured with us as we hunted those creatures who blight the forest and upset nature. I have learned much.

My meager shifting skills have proven useful to escape danger, and the power of the sun. I aspire to reach new levels of shape changing, that I might become more powerful and please my dead kin of the 7th House. May your spirits all become one with the forest, my friends.


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RE: Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2005, 08:58:00 am »
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Who can I trust? I have not met a surfacer who had betrayed my trust, including drow (whereas in the underdark, you may trust no one). I will not judge them as I have been judged, even if it means putting my life in my hands. A vile race? Yes. But the surface is made of drow refugees and outcasts, perhaps more than I thought refute their ancient ways.

I must not be overly trusting, for I am sure many still hunt me.

**Next Entry**

I have crossed paths with an ancient story teller several times. The Bloodwar is his favourite topic, as it is what he tells of most. Though I question his credibility, the stories are always interesting...yet twisted. His stories are of unheard evil, and the battles that no one sees. Many listen. Also, I cannot understand how an elf may dwell on the lower planes. Perhaps I should ask...I have heard he is a demon prince, or at least half. How can this be if tries to stop the evil of Blood? These are not mere challengings of a young drow, but legitimate questions. I know he often thinks otherwise, hehe.

Regarding the blood war, I will do what I can when I am strong enough. My soul will not be the coin of some foul demon! Alas, if I attack without strength I will be. All who threaten nature will meet the wrath of Ayreon of the 7th House!  

Perhaps I have offended these creatures now, and they will chase me. I care not Let all hear that I am an enemy of the evil of lower planes. Perhaps more drow will hunt me, as the being who controls a particular bloodwell also has an army of drow at his fingertips (According to our storyteller friend, of course). I care not. He who crosses me, crosses nature's rebuke.


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RE: Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2005, 09:25:00 am »
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I believe I have met a vampire, how delightful! Although unnatural (and hence should be destroyed, whether by myself or someone else), the thrill of discovering such things on the surface for the first time is uncanny.

I am still not sure yet, so I should hold any action.


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RE: Pensieve of a Misfit (Ayreon's Journal)
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2005, 02:35:00 pm »

I have decided to document the details of the 7th house, for my own purposes, and in the event that they may be read when I am long gone. I have told this story to my friends:

The surface... Drow are indoctrinated from childhood to despise it. They feel their deities will grant them special favor as they desecrate the land above; a much welcomed advantage in lightless Underdark. Every gain must be utilized to ensure your own survival. In the Underdark you could be killed for no more than your title.

Several decades ago, before Klaterin’s supposed destruction, the seventh House of Klaterin sought the favor of Vierdri'ira and Baraeon Ca'Duz, and prepared to raid a small, isolated, village of sun elves. A score of choice warriors were summoned for the raid, and they ascended through the labyrinth of the Underdark.

Guided by clerics of Baraeon Ca’duz, the raid was conducted in the dark, the group moving swiftly and quietly through the night. Nothing could prepare them for what was ahead...

Upon reaching the sun elf village, clerics began chanting evil mantras to release the most evil of magic upon their surface kin. The elves of the sun, both powerful and knowledgeable in many schools of magic, fought in full force. Though there were not many in number, the battle felt near-epic. It was as if this was the final war of the age.

While drow hold the upper hand over most creatures in darkness, many elves of the sun were able to shift their forms into nocturnal creatures...and few became ferocious beasts.

The battle waged on, and the drow began to slow. The feeling of helplessness ensued, and it was as if they were battling the entire natural world of the surface. Many of the drow raiders perished, and the group fled to the Underdark. A few clerics and warriors were all that remained. They helplessly thought,

"What was this power?"

The remaining drow fearfully reported to their Patriarch, knowing he would be most unimpressed. Surely they would be put to death...

But this was not so. Throughout the cleric's account of the battle, Patriarch Shezb'rn Axvaernzyyl's eyes were gleaming. Could this power be harvested to smite the enemies of his House? All clerics were ordered to bring more information of this practice to their Patriarch.

Spirits were summoned and libraries were searched. The power to command nature would be theirs! The name of such mages was revealed by the summoning of an ancient demon. These disciples of nature were known as the druids. Thieves were sent to the surface to collect more information, stealing books and ancient manuscripts, mostly written in Elven. The patriarch collected what they had, and isolated himself for months at a time.

Shezb'rn Axvaernzyyl learned much within his isolated chambers, the druidic sect dominated his thoughts. For months he progressed extremely slowly, his skill often seemed to be lessening. Although the basics came easily, everything else was an immense struggle, more difficult than anything he had ever learned. Why? He soon learned the answer…

In order to truly pursue druidism, he decided he must give himself to nature, or Katia as some might say. The Lord of Spiders must hold no reverence in his heart. Driven by the drow pursuit of power, he did just that.
You might question such an act, especially in the fact that his power flows from the Lord of Spiders. The only answer is that the quest for power will distort one's mind, and common sense...

Weeks prior to the Patriarch's acceptance of Katia, however, the aforementioned demon was summoned by the Patriarch of one of Klaterin’s other Houses. So, even though he didn’t know it, Shezb'rn’s research and exploits had been observed and were now know to his enemies.

Tolerating no treachery by one of his own followers, the Lord of Spiders, as well as the Mother of Darkness, in a rarely seen display of unity, placed the members of the seventh house outside of Dark Elf society, making them outcasts, and free to be hunted down.
As a reward for the destruction of the seventh House, Klaterin would prosper.

All of the other prominent Houses summoned their armies. The 7th House must be destroyed.

Meanwhile the Patriarch of the seventh House started to become more familiar with the arts of druidism, he needed only to leave his wretched home and go dwell in a more balanced manifestation of Katia, the surface. But what of the other clerics below him in rank? Surely they would see his betrayal and kill him to satisfy the Lord of Spiders, enhancing their own position in the process. He reasoned that they must be dealt with, their nature threatening nature's balance. A summons was put forth for all clerics of the seventh house to meet within the House’s Hall of Spiders. None left the hall.

For days now the House armies of Klaterin were stirring, and preparing for attack. In quiet meditation, Shezb'rn sensed this.
Now was his chance. He reasoned that he would leave with whoever would follow him, and begin anew under the guidance of Katia. Following suit, several Dark Elves left with the Patriarch as they would rather stay alive than die with honor. Many others stayed in the Underdark though, hoping to join other houses. Fear guided the decisions of both camps.

Shezb'rn taught those who followed him the ways of the druid, creating a new hierarchy within the House. Those who were particularly enlightened in druidic ways were permitted to become Shifters, and held the title High Shifter. Shezb'rn was known as Grand Shifter of the seventh House, the title of their House being kept as a reminder of their wretched past in the lightless underworld.

However, the hunt for the members of the seventh House continues, despite the rumored destruction of Klaterin. Supposedly, only a handful of House members remain, scattered across Layonara, mostly living in their animal forms to stay hidden from those that hunt them as ultimate sacrifice to the god of revenge.

Interesting to some scholars is that the Dark Elves’ thirst for power, or "the upper hand" led to the conversion of the seventh House. In renouncing their vengeful deities, Katia allowed her power to course through their veins. Scholars state the very nature of these Dark Elves changed, as they are now remarkably different from the rest of their secluded kin. Perhaps this a way to liberate more of the Accursed? Or is it just an elaborate ploy…


