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Author Topic: Left behind  (Read 66 times)


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Left behind
« on: March 24, 2005, 05:44:00 am »
Nico ran her hand through her hair and sighed, looking up into the clouds as rain poured gently down in the little town of Hlint. She leaned onto the walls of the inn and bumped down in a small crater which was slowly getting filled by the rain. She wiped her face with the back of her hands, which just made her face even dirtier from the mud and then began to cry heavily yet with no sound. She shuddered and put her legs up to her chin and wrapped her legs around them. An adventure looked oddly at her as he was packing his ox, shrugged and walked along the road. She looked down the road to the small barracks, wishing that Serenity, Rhizome and Tarradon would appear with a wide smile as they talked about their adventures and teasing each other about the last great battle they were on. Nothing happened.. she hadn't seen those people in what seemed like decades. The only people she really cared about.. long gone and nowhere to be found.. the only thing she had from back then was Ozymandis who also seems to vanish for ages.. she sighed, wiped away her tears and looked up on the tower of the burnt out building. Not even Reggub is around anymore.. the little halfling with his liking for fire. She smiled as she wonder what he would do in the rain. She whispered a short prayer to Katia and then slowly tried to get up but her legs wouldn't let her.

"I'm.. lonely.." she mumbled to herself and fell into a dream, plagued by her fever.


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RE: Left behind
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 09:16:00 am »
Nico had decided to roam the land once again. Just travel to unknown places, to places she knew and to places she have fought at along side her friends. Katia had tried to comfort her the best she could do, but it did not help much. She loved the forest and knew that Katia was there for her but she did not find the comfort she needed. She was not too sure what would help her, if anything at all.. but she needed to get back to Hlint and help where she could.

