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Author Topic: Blackvein's Journal  (Read 81 times)


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Blackvein's Journal
« on: March 22, 2007, 11:27:20 pm »
With each rise from my recuperative meditation, I inform my lord Sulterio of the last days deed so he will remember my voice when I'm truly in need.  And then to the forms I go.  

As I had once carried coal ore each day for the monastaries foundries, now I practice my forms.  It is the routine I have become accustomed to.  Fist against bone as I lay to rest the dead bones of the dark.  It is not so different from the coal as it gives me time to harden.  My arms and legs are lean and sculped as I hone my muscles for deadly grace of never ending battles.  Their will be no weakness in this mind nor body when the times comes.

But ho, how I had not known what the light would be like.  Surely it is a flaming ball of pitch devised to burn the skin and ruin ones mind.  I hate it's restless eye upon me so I keep myself to the crypts and caves near Vehl when I rest.  I feels closer to the core to be here in the dark.

Always vigilant, I practice and wait for word from my masters and any new orders they might have.

Gusset Blackvein

Original Character Submission here:


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Re: Blackvein's Journal
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 01:34:00 pm »
Taking time to jaunt my thoughts down when I have been so busy of late.  I hadn't guessed at the differences I would find on the surface.  To climb on the tops of hills, to see green forests or to ride a boat is both odd and fearsome.  I would rather be in the deeps but my training has done well to bring calm in these situations.

I have made contact with many surface dwellers doing tasks quickly to get knowledge of the area and bring a few truth to my pockets.  But the top-side dwarves here, oh how they make my skin crawl just to put up with them.  I travelled ever so briefly with Grena, Dalan and Beli.  Always yelling for Vorax and some such nonsense. *shudders as he writes*.  Even the one named Beli talked to me of Vorax and being a brother.  I kept my mask on for I doubted we'd be seein' eye to eye when they got a look a my grey skin.  *mutters to himself* Those three were powerful but I shall find a way to undermine their effort.

I still give quick word to Sulterio with each day's rising, and continue the forms.  My hands are stronger now, I am sure.  I have discarded any thoughts of my kama's now.  And too, my reflexes even better.  The bones of awakened skeletons that were once good practice shatter beneath my open palms.  I look now for more dark chambers to practice my craft and strengthen the mind.  Many creatures are strong here so I use others

The laws here require you some badge to use the poison tables and gem stands.  I have one now and as I delve deep in these lands, may I find riches to catch the order's eye.

Everyone has their uses it seems...

//I am looking for some guidance on what should be done to become an iniate to the Brotherhood and to find some contact with others of Sulterio or our temple on the topside.  I had wished to learn poison making as part of my development thread because it seemed a part of Sulterio's way but just now found out that the poison extractor is a mace... so that path will be difficult.


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Re: Blackvein's Journal
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2007, 03:03:22 am »
Sulterio does not speak to me but instead I speak each day to him.  For in my day's meditations,my will has lead me to believe it is soon time to search out my master's.

With my own will power, I can close wounds upon my body.  Such wonderous acts could only be through my determination.  Oh, I have learned a great deal and studied closely those around me.  Beli Tenker, that foul sun-lubbin' dwarf.  Krystalien, an elf all dressed in red like some nymph.  Cideous, a fair spirited gnome.  And others.  I watch in earnest as they swing, kick, roll and fight.  For in watching, I might learn the ways of their masters and improve our order.

I have searched now the caves of many lands foreign to me for some way back to my people or to find ones in common prayer to our lord Sulterio.  My tasks will not end for I will find them, I will.

Yes, I toil for nothing worthwhile is easily acquired.

//As Gusset Blackvein matures, he'd like to become a member of the Adamantine Brotherhood. He is a LE Duegar and has remained consistent with his original character submission.  I've read everything I can find on the brotherhood which isn't very much but seek to answer questions on level requirements, feats, skills, pros/cons.  Gusset is now 8th and I hope I have not made any errors in his selection.


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Re: Blackvein's Journal
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2007, 03:07:32 am »
I watch those about me carefully and note everything to memory for it may be of use later.  Such as the human monk Slain Tulrar.  His punch is effective enough to stun many but his legs are weak and don't keep him limber enough to be effective.  I learn from him still but little it seems.

This day I rose with word's to Sulterio and went about my training in the dark woods north of dark town of Vehl.  Training went well even against the zombie hordes and an errant troll from the wet lands near there.  I have done well but there is much to this land to learn.  

To aid me, I've added an enchantment purchased from a local sorcerer to electrify my gloves.  Now I seek an amulet to protect me in battle and from the rain of magic arrows from the mercanaries nearby.  Maybe my note in the market hall will bring to me what I desire.  I also did some minor labor for a law watcher named Kit and for it, I have a helm that coats me like a tree's thick covering.

I train mostly now and try to make contacts where I may.  I do as many jobs as I can talk others into doing for me.  It is difficult on the surface with so many of the lesser dwarves wandering about.  They do not know me in truth for I stay covered but still my blood boils despite my best training.

