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Author Topic: Grog's Bashin Storees  (Read 72 times)

Dark Jester

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Grog's Bashin Storees
« on: September 21, 2005, 12:00:00 pm »
**Recorded for Grog in his own words by a Scribe in Hlint

Hum.. Grog lern lots wen come bak to Hlint Towns. Dat Blood guys still be much trubels. Grog meet much old frends, an much new frends. Grog sees Enzo an Rhiz, dems do perty gud. Der be giants in towns now. Dems big, bash perty gud. Der funny cat men too now. Grog not know lots bout dems.

Grog be Gard fer Hlint towns now. Grog helps gards bash Goblins dat try bash towns. Grog bash orcs too. Grog gets gud at bashin, lern lots bout bash wif skyth. Lots say skyth be fer farmin. Dems not see skyth bash ogres.. bash dems gud. Lots say Grog not carees skyth in towns, but dems not know Grog be gard. Dat captins let Grog hold skyth fer help gards towns.

Grog tries dig rocks fer make armors.. Not too gud fer start.. Grog gets more gud tho. Grog gud fer makes coppur stuffs now. mabees try dat bronz soon. Grog finds sum shiny gems wen digs rocks.. Wun be roobee, wun be emralds. Grog sell dems.. Get much much golds. Grog not knows why dems so gud.. peoples like dems tho. Grog gunna dig more of dems rocks.. mabees get gud nuff fer makes iron armors sum day.

Wun day, sum say Grog come helps bash Ogres an dig irons. Grog say Ok den. Wez go an bash dems up gud. Dems all gets bashed! Grog start digs irons, but more of dems ogres come.. Dems bash Grogs dum cow.. Grog gots caree all dat irons back by selfs.. Dum cows.. Now knows run wen ogres bash dems.. Grog gots new dum cow now.. Not so dum. It bash goblins sum times. Its Ok cow.

Grog not members lots else... Mabees members more sum time.

Grog tell more storees nex times. Bye byes.


Dark Jester

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RE: Grog's Bashin Storees
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
Ooo! Grog members most portent parts! Dat Blood guys come to Hlint towns! Hims Genral bashed Grog in roads... Grog heer hims name is E-On. Hims not even gots wepins... Hims jus look at Grog an Grog ded... Dats gud bashin... Grog try lerns all bout bashin so hims not can do dat nex times.. Grog bash hims gud nex times..

Hlint towns want makes Groop fer tell others wut go bash an wen... Grog think dat gud. Dems spose to be smarts, know much of Blood guys. Dems say 'Go Bash dis' an wez go bash it... mabees bash Blood gud. Grog dunno who be in its.. Dems spose to vote an pik bests. grog say Ok den. Grog follow who dems say. Mabees wez all bash Blood guy gud an not need gards no more. Grog go bak an farm den.

Grog tell more storees nex times. Bye byes.


Dark Jester

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RE: Grog's Bashin Storees
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
Hum. Lots hapin Grog after last gets storees put on papers.

Grog gots gud luks! Grog finded two of dems emralds. Peoples pay big golds fer dems. Grog sells an gets big golds! Grog buys gud bashin skyth! Grog bash much stuffs wif skyth. Grog helps much peoples. Grog takes mail fer sum. Grog bash stuff dat other wants bashed. Grog gets big golds fer bash dat stuffs.

Grog heer dat Kai gots room fer sell in hims home. Grog not can find home fer self, so Grog buy rooms dat Kai sell. Rooms be gud. Grog puts in dummy fer trane wif skyth. Grog trane lots. Grog bash dummy lots.. Others in home not der lots so Grog not wakes dem up.

Grog gets perty gud at makes wepins an armors. Grog makes bronz stuffs perty gud now. Tries make sum irons stuff, but not so gud at dat yet. Grog gets perty gud wif woods too. Grog makes much arrows dat be gud at bashin stuffs. Grog not use dems lots tho.. Grog think skyth be more gud at bash den arrows.

Grog lerns sum taktiks. Sum peoples gud at taktiks. Sum not be so gud. Dems not use taktiks an dems gets bashed. Or dems get all others bashed. Not so gud. Grog think dat let dems get ded be gud thing. Mabee dems lern taktiks den. Wun times, sum not use taktiks an Grog left dems. Dems say Grog not nice, but Grog not wants get ded cuz dems too dum fer use taktiks. If dems want be dum, den dems can be ded by selfs. Grog likes help peoples, but not wen dems too dum fer helps an not listins wen Grog say use gud taktiks.

Dat all Grog think. Grog tells more nex times.

